Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Invasions: Require TLDRs

The title sums it up.

Invasions are long, stressful, and there's a lot to keep up with. Require a TLDR summary at the end of each post, that way everyone can keep up. Plus, it helps FOs give invasion summaries, and it may also help judges in the judging process.
In short, I see what you are getting at, but I don't see a need for it.

You will not be penalized for only reading posts that actively @mention you. Depending on your philosophy, invasion threads are really just a deck of private threads stacked on top of each other.

I'd say at best make a mention of it as a courtesy thing somewhere on the site, but definitely do not enforce this.
In short, I see what you are getting at, but I don't see a need for it.

You will not be penalized for only reading posts that actively @mention you. Depending on your philosophy, invasion threads are really just a deck of private threads stacked on top of each other.

I'd say at best make a mention of it as a courtesy thing somewhere on the site, but definitely do not enforce this.

Many posts can end up tagging you without it actually involving you.

And many posts are upwards of 10k words long. I personally cannot read such long posts because mine eyes start blurring sentences together with the fancy backgrounds around 2k. TL;DR certainly help.

Yet, that kinda goes against the idea of it being story driven. Why write something well if it's just gonna be summarized and often ignored? I'd just rather people stop writing such large posts or at least break it up between multiple posts so I can follow along. Purely selfish.

But I don't see a reason to require TL;DRs.
Require a TLDR summary at the end of each post, that way everyone can keep up.

This is straight up THE coldest invasion take I have ever seen. Which isn't to say there isn't some validity. Now for events abstract such as fleeting, or if you're writing say a large swathe of infantry, sure. But if you cannot decipher what a guy is doing from their post, then either DM them, or just read it again until you get it. Mandating this? It gameifies, and gets rid of the art that is invasions. It cheapens it.
TL;DR make summarizing optional but recommended for posts that are 1k words or more?

And maybe ask people to stop tagging people they aren't directly interacting with/in the immediate vicinity of?

Idk, seems like it would be too hard to enforce. Maybe somebody could make a guide to invasions or at least a list of advice for newer members who go in and get overwhelmed... ?
TL;DR make summarizing optional but recommended for posts that are 1k words or more?

And maybe ask people to stop tagging people they aren't directly interacting with/in the immediate vicinity of?

Idk, seems like it would be too hard to enforce. Maybe somebody could make a guide to invasions or at least a list of advice for newer members who go in and get overwhelmed... ?
This is a great compromise
I personally see no need for it. When you're tagged, you have the option to keep it read or unread until you are free to address it.

In hindsight, I curse myself cause I felt I had to read every post to keep up. Not the caae.

I'm on wine bottle #2....ignore me.
Factory Judge
Invasions are honestly, chaotic in it's nature. In a real conflict, a person on the ground won't know what is going on 80% of the time. Yes, while it would make it easier for us who are reading it in a format of post by post, I feel it's not necessary.

Requiring someone to make a TL;DR in of itself is kind of micro-managing the aspect of invasions. We want less rules to make it flow more easily considering the stress of performing invasions. Even more so if one is involved in multiple invasions at one time. (As it tends to happen very often around here when shit hits the fan.)

Novel idea, impractical in application, and would be helpful for a minority of people. (Looking towards the fleeters, and ground control conflicts with armies being controlled as NPCs) where conflicts such as commanding an army, is a niche attachment of the story. Not the main plot.
While I see and can understand where you are coming from, I have to agree with what many of the others who responded here before said. While summary posts can be a nicety for those who desire and/or are willing to incorporate them, to make them mandatory wouldn't be a positive. Like others have said, if you're involved in an invasion, there's nothing mandating that you have to read every post. It is your choice of whether you want to read into the rest of what's going on for your own enjoyment in doing so.

To tackle what you pointed with possibly making it easier for RPJs/Admins to judge and invasion, a TLDR at the end of each post isn't really going to have any effect. A staff member is going to read each to its entirety (often times multiple times) when rendering their judgment of such an event. If they didn't (at least in my eyes) it would be like a competition being determined simply on the highlights not the routine or choreography as a whole.

Feel more than free to ask whoever you're writing with/against to include one if you like, but definitely don't make such a thing mandatory. At the end of the day (and this is simply my opinion on the matter) making something like this mandatory is going to take a lot more away from the impact and enjoyment of an invasion, that it could ever add.

just my two cents here

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