Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into the Fold at Last [Mandalorians Dominion of Alderaan]

Objective: Command Center
Post 8
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"You aren't a pillar of society Draco right now you're a mandalorian preparing to marry an Alderaan Noble. There are things that you will endure, and things I will endure. Though I do have more practice than you do. " She reached for his hand.

"Everyone on Alderaan loves Alderaan as much as you love Mandalore, they do what they must to protect it. That's why nobles such as [member="Velos Rist"] is out there commanding Alderaan forces, why there is word that [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] is moving. Just because we don't wear armor doesn't mean we won't fight. We just don't always look like the fighting type, most see politicians. You can do this, you can be a mandalorian still and endure Alderaan society."

She withdrew her hand, "just as my husband you will have to go with me to do things, like visit nobles to show them what we are going to do for Alderaan, and those on Aldera who you know already hold you dear. Alderaan is no different."

She finished her breakfast, "I'll be ready to go when you are" She sipped her juice.
[member="Kur-gal Kwaad"]

And I thought I was blunt.

Khallesh went very quickly from that thought to her next one. It hadn't really made sense to her to bring the Slayer. Was this another attempt by the shaper to teach her a lesson? That conniving brudash. Was she supposed to watch the train wreck and gain some insight into how she appeared to the more forward thinking Yuuzhan Vong?

Watch she would. The prefect smiled. It was a very forced smile at this point. "Yes and no," he said, tilting his head from side to side. "We are mostly permitted to govern ourselves, but there have been compromises. We can carry out escalations, but not executions or sacrifices. They also insisted on checking each person before an escalation to ensure they were willing. They maintain that right but gave up on enforcing it after a month of talking to Yuuzhan Vong confused as to why they would not want to be escalated. They also tried to enforce some standards on how we were permitted to shape the environment. Master Shaper Tilth had an interesting conversation and drew attention to the modified crops they were seeding and the new cities they were rebuilding and highlighted the environmental consequences.

"They backtracked very quickly just to shut him up. They are...they are... Apologies we do not have a word for this. They are a diverse people. Their governments are constantly scared they will lose popularity with their people. It is a startling weakness."
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Velos Rist"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Dilios"] [member="Brent Warnel"]

As her droids closed on deathwatch, and she lost the first two ranks of them. They where now in range, it was there turn to fire back. They opened up the first salvo using a Droid Bold Rifle, as they opened fire the din could probably been heard in Alder city. She choose this weapon for her droids for that reason, as it made stealth easier. Also it could give the enemy a migraine after a while, unless they had something to protect there ears. It was so loud it was starting to affect her, so she ran away from own droids, just to get away from the noise they made. She got little bit away, and waited for them to enter the mine. Force only knew how much racket they make there, once inside a mine where the noise would vibrate of the walls. She waited outside in communication range, so she could still get a signal from them.

Fortunately the noise was a lot less on the outside of the mine, she kinda felt sorry for death watch troopers. As they probably could not even hear themselves think, with noise the droids where making.
The explanations and excuses tasted foul at first. Then they started prickling at the part of him that had split away during his tenure with the Parkeljni. Well, not split. It had always been the crack in his armor; the cancer lurking in a poorly grafted biot.

In the end, Kur-gal was listening to the Intendant whether he’d wanted to or not. Even more troubling was that the words didn’t trouble him as they should.

Should? His brow furrowed, and the orange of his eyes flickered in confusion. I should nothing.

“[Democracy,]” Kur-gal spoke when the native Vong fell quiet. “Their leaders focus too much on themselves because of [democracy]. But you have kept our ways. That is good.”

Kept some of the ways. Guilt was stronger than anger this time, stemming the flow of furious blood. You have no right.
If Slayers could blush, the Dragon would’ve flushed a bright crimson. The masters that had Crafted his kind all those centuries ago spared him the embarrassment.

In reflex, Kur-gal went to utter a prayer for the small mercy, and bit hard on his tongue.

You have no right.

“Do you…” his face screwed up in distaste as he searched for the proper expression. “Do you [enjoy] the cooperation?”

The Yuuzhan Vong didn’t have a word for joy, he realized.

Why don’t we?

Objective: Command Center
[Post 9]

[member="Faith Organa"]

Draco smiled as he stood up, and began making his way, Faith's hand still in his as he led her from the dining hall they had eaten breakfast in, "I'm sure there are a number of things I will have to get used to before everything is settled. I'm sure a few changes to my favor won't hurt though, like not having a squire follow me everywhere." He glanced back behind him to the young man and Royal guard following behind them, "And perhaps not having to have guards everywhere. I can be my own bodyguard." He was, after all, a warrior with a great deal of experience, both in leading troops and in fighting on his own.

He lead Faith towards a transport, it wasn't exactly military grade, but it was an armored transport. It would take them to the southern landing zone of the mining complex where hopefully they would be met by an Ori'edee Shield Walker to act as the mobile command center, and provide shelter for a MASH unit to set up and begin caring for wounded miners and Mandalorians alike. They had to be a little careful, as Death Watch was known to hide among Mandalorians to ambush their foes, like Jackals among Wolves.

"Once we get to the landing zone we can take better stock of the situation as it unfolds. We will be bringing a few groups of House Organa troops with us in repulsorlifts. I think its best House Organa is represented in combat as well as a supporting role." It helps continue the idea that House Organa holds the right to rule, not just because it has for a long time, but because it has the ability to and the capability to in peacetime and in wartime. Draco liked to think that once he and Faith were married he wouldn't have many responsibilities in peacetime, but when crisis struck he would come to the forefront where he belonged.
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Sabine Kurtass"] [member="Velos Rist"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Dilios"]
Enemies: Death Watch
Post: 2

The tunnel his team had used to advance this far was clear, and more reinforcements were pouring down into the Death Watch territory. As much as he wanted to push down further and dig them up by the roots, a call had come over the radio about a Alderaanian task force that was pinned down by Death Watch troops in a collpased tunnel and needed help. His unit was the nearest to them and so they were off towards the rescue of the more civilized folk.

The people of Alderaan were good people, and didn't deserve to have this nuisance that were these fake Mandalorians running around their planet. Nor did they deserve to die under tons of rock and stone because they might not be the best fighters in the galaxy. They didn't have to worry much longer, his team was only a couple hundred feet away, and the sound of blaster fire could be heard clearly.

The large cavern they ran into was packed with rubble, huge pieces of stone and rock lay all over, providing the perfect cover for his team. The Death Watch men that had the Alderaan forces pinned down didn't even have a guard set up watching the other tunnels, and they paid for it immensely. Nearly a dozen Watch fell to the precise shots of his men before they realized what was going on. Brent and his team came at the Death Watch from the east and south-east while the troops of Alderaan poured fire from their tunnel to the north. The Watch was pinned down then and started to turn their blasters on both Brent's forces and the Alderaanians, but on two fronts they were having trouble keeping their position. Men who were covered from his group left themselves exposed to the forces of Alderaan and vice versa, and once the Alderaanian troopers set up a heavy repeating blaster on a tripod and poured fire into the Death Watch position, it was over very quickly. The Watch retreated into a small side tunnel and pulled back no doubt further into the mines where they had a base setup.

Once the Death Watch had pulled out completely, he announced himself and his team moved towards the allied troops of Alderaan. The commander of the other group met him and shook Brent's hand saying, "I appreciate it Mandalorian, we were dead, no way around it," the other told him as he shook his head, "My men and I owe our lives to you and yours, that's a debt we won't forget."

Brent let go of the mans hand and nodded his approval, "We're here to help. Regardless of what people think of our warrior culture, we have our honor. I'll remember that debt that though trooper, if I see you when this is done, I'll expect at least a good dinner and drinks for free," Brent said as he clapped the other man on the shoulder with a laugh.

"The drink is yours Mando'a, I didn't catch your name, but mine is Landon Warnel."

Brent went suddenly, deadly serious. The other had a striking resemblance to his deceased brother, he had never met another Warnel, his father never mentioned anything of anyone else, the Clan was small, dead basically, and if there was another Warnel and they had never made themselves known to him or his brother was like a slap to the face. Thinking of that and his dead brother made a red veil come over his vision and he grabbed up the other man by his body armor and slammed him into the nearest cave wall.

"What game are you playing at here you di'kut, that's my family name," Brent told the man as the Alderaanian troops simultaneously brought their weapons to bear as the Mandalorians did the same.

"Hold your fire!"

"Ke'pare, until this areutii tells me what I need to hear," Brent told his troops.

"Listen, I'm not playing any games, whatever the coincidence is between our last names, its just that, coincidence."

Brent let the man go and stared hard at him, feeling like the other was hiding something. He had a gut feeling that something was still to be said, but before they could say anything else, Death Watch troops blew a hole in one of the walls of the cavern and poured through in great numbers. They quickly advanced into the cavern and blaster fire and slug rounds flew through the air. His Mando's advanced and returned fire quickly before the enemy could get too settled in while the Alderaanian forces hunkered down waiting for orders from their leader.

"That tunnel leads to a main cavern where you will find more Mando's that will help you," Brent told Landon pointing towards the tunnel he had come through to save them, "I suggest you use it and regroup with your forces before you get trapped down here again."

"We'll do that, I won't forget this debt Mando," he called out to him as Brent moved away and began engaging Death Watch forces alongside his men.

The Alderaanians began to retreat rapidly down the side tunnel Brent's team had used to save them until they dissapeared completely. He refocused his attention on the fighting at hand, but couldn't shake the feeling he had missed something with the encounter from the man.
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Velos Rist"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Dilios"] [member="Brent Warnel"]

The droids had now disappeared into mines, all she could hear was the echo of those infernal blasters. She then signalled for next company to go in reinforce them, with a wave her hand the shiny metal monster began there march towards the cave entrance. She then sent message to other mandalorian forces, My droids are in the mine, please give me updates. As I don't want my droids shooting you by accident, and I also could do with knowing if anyone requires air support. As she spoke the echo got fainter, her droids where pressing home on the deathwatch, or deathwatcher where destroying her droids.

She knew she would have to venture into the mine soon enough, to see who was winning. Though first thing was first, did anyone else need help.
Command Center
Post 9

"He's not really a squire he's an assistant, like Rebekah, he will make sure you are aware of official appointments, and deal with any correspondence, and all the other things you hate." She looked back and smiled at him he was a good young man, honored his family and was scared of failure. "Stop growling at him Draco he's doing his job." They walked along,

"The guards are here more for me than you. Since House Thul made an attempt to remove the family from the throne security has become tight, then add in everything from Vena, and security has now become a nightmare. So, I will tell Captain Lindsey that as long as you are in the palace or on Aldera or Alderaan you can fight your own battles, that only on official visits with me then you have to put up with them. Does that work?"

She smiled and walked towards the transport life on Alderaan was not always peaceful lately it had been one thing after another with rebuilding, and then trying to help the families returning.

"If we have to have Captain Lindsey, and the General order our forces into the area and assist with apprehending Death Watch. I will get in touch with Tia and have her send medics." This was one of those things they needed to be united on.

She found a seat, "the sooner the better. We should make everyone in the area aware we are coming on scene."

[member="Velos Rist"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Dilios"] [member="Brent Warnel"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Sabine Kurtass"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
Command Center
[Post 10]

[member="Faith Organa"]

Draco grinned at Faith as they walked to the transport, "I'm not growling at him, I'm growling at his existence. I suppose there isn't a difference to him, but there is a little to me. Its not that I don't like him personally, its that I don't like having anyone in his position around." He kept grinning mischievously. He just didn't want to feel so important, so unapproachable. He was so used to having vod approach him in the halls and sparking up conversation without agendas or schedules. Having the lower ranks feel like he was available to them. The Organa's weren't the most closed off, but they were more formal, more closed off than he was used to.

"It works for me, ner runi. You know I'm fairly easy to please." He liked to be able to wander around on his own, to have a bit more free reign around his new home than she probably knew. But, he was grateful for her compromise with him.

"I think I will make sure the area is clear and secure our position once we arrive. There could be some traps and obstacles that will need to be dealt with before you and Tia can set up a medcenter to take wounded. I'm not sure what the General will want, but I'm having a shield walker sent in from orbit for his use. It has a communications network and access to tactical satellites. Your Sister has a Guardian Defense Satellite in near space he can link it with." That should be enough for the General. He and a small group of his commandos would move through the area and make sure it was safe enough to host the princess.

Draco took his seat beside Faith, and got comfortable. It wasn't a long trip, but it would take them more than a few moments.
Command Center
Post 10
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Faith was a bit tense as she thought of Death Watch, she knew their methods had been instructed about them shortly after her marriage to D so that she understood, it came the same week she learned the term dar'manda. They could be ruthless.

They would be on site in a few moments she looked at Draco, "I know you're going to go up to the mines and be with [member="Ember Rekali"] and the group with him, but you will be careful, yes?" They would all becareful right.

Phrik a valuable commodity like beskar and there were only a few places to get it. She would have to ask her mother again to arrange for the mining passes it would at least give them some idea of was coming and going. All of the families who had mines, and when the off worlders who came to raid others came to dig. Some families let them, for a fee.

So yes...she needed to bring it up again.

The area that would be the command center came into view troops were already on site Faith looked up to where the mine was, how many were up there. "We should tell everyone to watch for others. They could have other groups, maybe this is the distraction." She hoped this was the only place, but in case they weren't in her mind Faith began to draft a message to all the nobles.
Command Center
[Post 11]
[member="Faith Organa"]

"No, I'm not going into the mines just yet. There are people in there, and people advancing on it. My abilities are better served out here, to help with the coordination of the mission." He smiled, but in truth he was a little relieved. He didn't want to leave Faith this close to combat, even if she was guarded and could take care of herself. It was a soft ache, one he knew she felt every time he went off into a different battle. But, as someone with moderate Battle Coordination capabilities, he could assist with the flow of battle from the command center better than he could in a single mine shaft.

The General would be grateful to have his orders relayed faster, and having his men on guard. Having a Telepath sitting next to him would make the General feel better about reaching his men, the mines were known to cause communication distortions. Draco was no master of the ability, but he had some skill with it, nothing on this scale however.

"The General will see to the progression of the battle, and we can trust my clansmen and your people. It will be alright ner runi. Together we can avert this crisis and go back to dealing with the future of Alderaan." The big Mandalorian smiled again. He could only help so much before he became exhausted, but he had a talisman in his satchel if he absolutely needed it, and given the difference in scale from what he was used to, he likely would.
Command Center
Post 11
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Faith looked up at the mountain, "Do we know how they got on Alderaan?" How did they get past the security forces? Faith was concerned if Death Watch could get on Alderaan where else could they get, places more vulnerable?

She nodded, "So how many forces are already converging on the mine, and do we know how many invaders we are looking at?" She called them invaders, for that had come to her home uninvited and were trying to steal something that they could have bargained for, paid for. That also made them thieves.

"Have we heard anything from anyone?" She had not seen an update on the movement of troops, the situation at the mine, and how the Alderaan Nobles were moving about. She had been around war for sometime, the number of encounters between the Republic and other factions looking to increase their presence and beliefs in the galaxy had given her a practice at patience, but it had never prepared her for how to handle the movement of troops.

"So teach me a little about tactics Draco" She looked over at him, there was always time to learn.
Command Center
[Post 12]
[member="Faith Organa"]

The Mandalorian glanced up the mountain as Faith watched it. "I'm not sure. I may need to up the security. I doubt it was stealth craft. Likely they used civilian ships to ferry their men to the planet. At least that is how I would have made it to the surface." Even the most secure planets had gaps in their security measures that could be exploited. Normally cargo vessels and imports were the easiest weaknesses. Not every customs officer was a hard line loyalist who gave one hundred percent effort all day every day.

"I'm not sure how many, but I know that Clan Vereen is putting ninety six towards securing the south landing zone with the Ori'edee shield walker. I think House Organa is matching that with the Royal Military." He wasn't sure about the rest. Who knew until everything was active and the situation was being monitored. Even then, they would be estimating for a while. The problem with fighting in mines, was the choke points and the high probability of grenades wrecking havoc on the troops inside, and the very structure of the mines themselves. Enough grenades could end an entire Mine Shaft.

"There has been some word, but not specifics. I'm going to be working on figuring all that out once we arrive." In truth it would take time to figure out what the other houses had at their disposal, or at least what they were responding with.

Faith, touched his arm, and asked Draco to teach her a little about tactics, which caused him to smile widely. "You wanna learn to command a battle like you command a room huh?" He smirked, the thought of the Alderaanian princess leading troops into battle was a funny thought, mostly because of how he knew her. "First and foremost, you have to know what you are fighting with, and what you are fighting against. This time we have a slight disadvantage. The Death Watch also have a terrain advantage, the tunnels being easily defended. We will need to be creative to minimize losses."
Command Center
Post 12
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"minimal loss of life Draco, I don't want anyone to die but I know it can happen." She gripped his arm, "please, if we can." Did death watch understand the word peace, she knew they did accepting it however that THAT was the issue.

They would be arriving any moment.

She looked at him intently, "Yes, when I walk into a room I know where I am going, what I am doing, what I will say for the most part, the one thing never known what does the other person on the other side of the room have to say, think, react...a battle is different. Isn't it? You don't know if what you are going to do will have the right affect, so how do you know your first move?"

Tactics 101, her first move in a negotiations, smile, and try to build a relationship with the one person on the otherside of the table.
Post: 10/35

She had no reply on intercom, this meant one of three things. The first of these was everyone was too busy to answer her hail, two they where in the mines now, three they where all dead. She decide she may as well join them, in whichever of the three it was. So she got up and moved into the mine, the noise was still reverberating from within. Though now not as much as before, it was not long before she caught with her noisy droids up. Though now they where less noisy, as they had started selective firing as they could no longer shoot on mass.

She went to her command droid, to get an update.
We have taken three tunnels, roger roger
They have three caverns at end of it, which they have fortified roger roger.
We have held up around the corner of each one, too many deletions when moving in roger roger.

They had entered a stalemate, she had choose one of them to help.
She then head off to nearest one, she was going to clear one cavern at time......
[member="Kur-gal Kwaad"]

"Their leaders are beholden to their system of wealth...their [economy]," Khallesh interjected. "They lead, but for the benefit of those with the wealth. Hidden leaders who whisper in the shadows." Khallesh did exceptionally well not to look towards any members of the religious caste as she spoke. After seeing Yuuzhan Vong who had turned completely native, Khallesh found the peaceful colony quite palatable. Although perhaps she was in a placid mood with the smell of the fresh food.

"[Enjoy]?" Welk mused. There was a curious expression in his eyes as he turned between the two fighters. "It is what it is. We live well, but it isn't always easy living under the infidels. They fight amongst themselves so often, as we did before in the Cremlevian War. Curious then, the possibility that Alderaan will change hands again..."

"Not again..." The portly warrior murmured. Khallesh briefly wondered how many of her kind had died in the cleansing.

"Or that this Galaxy might tear itself apart. Do we have the resources to travel to another again?" The Prefect asked of no one in particular.

She had moved to the first cavern, she got to droid commander of this section.
She asked the droid, How many are there?
The droid replied, Fifty combatants, roger roger.
That was too many for her to take out, they would press there attack, at same time she did.
She then gave him his order, When I shout attack, all units here, must rush them.
The droid gave his standard reply to the order, Roger Roger
She then looked deep and inwards, she pushed out her hand. Then imagined she was on cliff, and she getting ready to jump over it.
As she pulled her hand in, in her mind she had jumped off it. As it drew closer, so did the waves in her mind. AS her hand touched her chest, she passed through waves, and into the sea. She was now, cloaked in the force. She then moved into the cavern, she was started to look for a good point to begin her attack.
Command Center
[Post 13]
[member="Faith Organa"]

"Well, this situation is a little different. Moves have already been made, we are a couple steps behind the Death Watch forces, and so far, there hasn't been seriously active battlefield coordination." Draco shrugged. There would be some people at the landing zone that could give him and the approaching House Organa Commander proper information about the situation. Going into the mines with kill teams was probably the most difficult way to flush out the Death Watch forces, but also the only sure way to do so.

"If we knew the mined had been evacuated, I would pump methane into the parts the Death watch were hiding in and light a match. It would wreck the mine's integrity, but it would burn or crush the Death Watch inside." Draco sighed. That tactic wasn't available at the moment. Not only had the mines not been fully evacuated, but there was no telling how many hostages the Death Watch had taken with them. "But, that isn't what is happening. With the possibility of hostages and stranded miners, we can't do that. So, we have to go in and use small unit tactics."

Basically entering a labyrinth of mine tunnels with each corner and alcove possibly being a trap or ambush. "So, gun probes with kill squads is the best way to go in and clear it. Keep track of cleared tunnels, set motion detectors at each intersection, and monitor all movement of your own, flag tripped detectors as enemy movement unless you can say otherwise for certain." The big mandalorian sighed. It was going to be a long day, if not longer. They would be lucky to route them all out by the end of day.

"We are almost there. Once we arrive, give me and the boys a chance to clear the place before you leave the transport, okay ner runi." Draco kissed Faith's cheek gently, holding his helmet in his hands. He really wanted that revolver right about now, but his sword would have to do.
Objective 4
House Baliss grounds.

Jonathan sat on the balcony, watching the fields below. There was a few odd movements that worried him. A distress beacon had gone off on the outlying posts with Cortess lands, and now he could notice movment. He called up Damion to ask if he knew what was going on. Odd. It said he was in House Baliss lands. "Damion, what's going on? I just got a distress call from the border forts between our lands."

"So they got the signal off. a pity."

"So you're attacking."

"Yes. I'm tired of dealing with you. I'm tired of paying out to you for my profits. I'm sick of you!"

"Very well." Hanging up, he called his father. "Damion is attacking. I'm going to take the siege tunnel to get around his forces and have a word with his uncle."

"Why is he attacking?" his father asked. War on Alderaan was never something to be appreciated.

"He's trying to eliminate us. Aparently sick of us making any money from the Phrik trade.

He heard his father sigh. "Very well. Go. Your brother and I will defend here"

Smiling, he headed for the siege tunnel. All according to plan....
Post 12

Sabine was now cloaked in the force, and she moved into the cavern. She still crept silently, as they may still see her if light hit wrong way, or something else went wrong. She then got round the corner, the unit had dug themselves in, and it would take some clearing out. She had to step over a few of her droids, that had been deleted in there own words. She hid in corner of the cavern, and weighed up her options. Though if she did take this, then her droids would be able to begin pincer attack on the next strong point, or very least split there forces. After working out their positions, she needed to take down the two at the front with the heavy repeating blasters first. Then droids would be able to get into the cavern after that, it would be a free for all.
She paused and then got herself ready, the very second she let down her cloak whilst in the corner. She opened up with a stream of lighting at the two of them, as they quickly fired, she lite up her lightsaber fend off a hail blaster bolts, then she shouted ATTACK! her droids began to rush in the room, and soon pandemonium and that noise flood the area.

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