Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into the Fold at Last [Mandalorians Dominion of Alderaan]

Objective: Command Center
[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Muad Dib"]
[Post 14]

"I think Ember is still in orbit. I'm not entirely sure." Draco said quietly as the transport landed, the Ori'edee Shield Walker descending from the clouds on repulsorlift thrusters, slowing its descent from the ships in orbit with the planet. The Death Watch forces seemed to be retreating into the mines, which would make the landing zones safer, but no doubt there were tunnels leading off to other exits and entrances in the mountains. Most mines had emergency exits in case there was a collapse.

"I know, we are filling a necessary role, while keeping you off the front lines. Everyone has a job to do, but lets be honest, you don't need to pick up a rifle and go into combat." Draco didn't like the thought of that at all, the sound of the words made him shudder a little. "It will be alright love. Once the area is secure, I'll see about sending my men in with some probes as back up to start clearing the tunnels." The sooner this was over, the sooner his people could get back to bringing Alderaan under the protection of the Clans. Specifically his Clan. Supply lines needed to be established, people moved around, monitoring stations moved into place.

Draco's comlink buzzed, "Uh, sir. We picked up someone asking to speak to our leaders. Well, House Organa troopers picked him up. He's mando'ade though." Draco assumed it would be a Death Watch member, probably taken captive or surrendering, but with Death Watch one could never be to careful.

"Uh, alright, take him to the Shield Walker and I'll meet you there." the Mandalorian turned to Faith. "You want to come with me to interrogate this guy?"
[member="Muad Dib"]

Post 1
Location 15 meters away from the group surrounding the vod, at a higher terrain of the area, in a tower.

The mandalorian was with the group acting as sniper support, he was the one who spotted the sod, his scope aimed at the vod's head. Using his vision he knew there were more with him he could see the others waiting afar in the infrared spectrum , speaking into is comm of his helmet, " There are more men with him rally master, I suggest taking them in too." , the sniper aimed his weapon at the other vod not far from the group surrounding muad. "Or , I could take them out , and send them to manda. " , with this new information the officer spoke "My best sniper has spotted others that look like they are with you, I suggest you tell them to come to us with their hands held high before he shabing blows them to smithereens, and dont keep secrets like that from me again." , the group did not know who they were, but boy , were they lucky they had a keshian as a sniper, the brilliance of the mandalorians , and there ability of war. Bryanjar was hoping he could get som action, his trigger finger was very jerky , and wanted action, he took a deep breath , while keeping perfect aim on the targets , which seemed to be moving toward the mine. It was only thanks to his racial magnificence of his eyes, being able to see in ultra violet , infrared, and the more normal spectrums gave him the ability to see what most others could not. Spotting them was never more easier.
Location: Command Post
Post: 2
Dramatis Personnel: [member="Faith Organa"] [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"] [member="Draco Vereen"]

The Mad Knight paused as the officer spoke to him.
Bryanjar Aulfmaor said:
"My best sniper has spotted others that look like they are with you, I suggest you tell them to come to us with their hands held high before he shabing blows them to smithereens, and dont keep secrets like that from me again."
The officer looked at Muad Dib expecting the beskar'gam clad mandalorian to comply. Sagging shoulders, the Mad knight sighed loudly over the external speakers as he connected his communication system to his vode nearby.

"There is a sniper that has you covered. So Isis, put up a barrier, Harken wait until you are fired upon, then return fire for maximum death and destruction."

With a laugh muad straightened while activating the repulsors in his gauntlets to create a wave pulse pushing the soldiers back off balance, then he instantly reversed the polarity of the repulsors and pulled the handle of his straight sword straight into his gauntleted fist while the left pulled a bandolier of thermal detonators off of one of the guarding soldiers. His left hand palmed a thermal detonator, thumbing it active into a dead man's switch. Combined with the bandolier of explosives it would create a massive explosion if activated killing everyone within range either with the blast or shockwave that would shatter bones and explode internal organs. He twirled his sword as he slowly spun, his range finder seeking and finding the sniper in his roost by both back tracing the communication signal as well as filtering though an automated program that highlighted potential sniper positions. He laughed over his loud speakers.

"We can all go now mates, right here, right now. Im ready to die, I fear not the end of this mortal body. But are you ready to pay the ultimate price for your stupidity?"

The final remark was pointed at the officer who had grown pale at the threat. Again the Mad Knight chuckled as he slowly lowered his sword until it was pointed at the ground. Then he deactivated the thermal detonator and tossed the bandolier to the ground before lobbing the inactive grenade at the officer who gave a yelp that he couldn't quite hide. Smirking within his buy'ce Muad gave a salute to the sniper, a recognition for his skill, before turning back to the officer.

"I am in an uncharacteristically merciful mood. Take me to the man in charge or I will cease to be merciful. I will kill you, your squad mates, your friends, your family, your dog. I'm done playing this the politically correct way. One more time and WE will respond in kind to your actions mate."

The Mad Knight grinned as rage, anger, and hate swirled within as the madman within prepared to be released if pushed just one more time.
Objective: Command Center
Post 14
[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"]

Faith began looking for status updates on other locations over Alderaan, "It looks like [member="Jonathan Baliss"] could use some Alderaan troops at his location, can we spare some to aide him?" Faith looked for how military was spread out. She wasn't a tactician by any means but she knew whoever needed help should get it.

She then heard other information she turned to listen to the conversation Draco was having. They had captured someone excellent maybe they could get some additional answers. "Yes I would" Her world had known invaders she was about tired of invaders and how they tended to take what they wanted from Alderaan and give nothing in return except damage that they were left to fix, and losses of revenue that they could not spare.

She made a note she was going to draft legislation on Alderaan anyone coming would have to have a visitors permit, or a mining permit if that was their business. And if they had neither then they were subject to arrest.

She was not going to be a wall flower.
Objective: Don't Die
[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"]
[Post 15]

Draco and Faith were led from the transport by a black armored Mandalorian, bearing the Black Dragon of Clan Vereen. The warrior lead the pair until the standoff between Mandalorians was visible, one warrior clutching a bandoleer of Thermal Detonators. Instinctively the Mandalorian erected a barrier of shimmering Force energy between himself, Faith, and the warrior clutching the explosives.

He had a choice to make, but he recognized the warrior in the middle. Way back in the past, Muad Dib had trained Draco once or twice. He was even the man that introduced Draco to Smoke Demons a long time ago, and taught him the ritual for their summoning. Knowing that, Draco had no intentions of escalating the situation by locking the Mad Knight in a Protection Bubble.

"Yeah, I'm here." The voice bellowed across the small area, the large Mandalorian in black armor with yellow highlights standing in front of Faith. He regretted bringing her a long just a little, but she was a master negotiator and mediator. If anyone could deflate this situation it would be Faith. But she needed to be protected.

The shimmering energy protecting the Princess and her guardian remained, the pair of Royal Guards standing behind them. They were aware of the Mandalorian's capabilities and knew better than to interfere. "What is it you need Muad? I'd have been happy to chat without the threat of making a new crater, buddy." Draco was a lot more experienced than he had been all that time ago. He had suffered, fallen, struggled to regain himself, lost himself completely, and finally returned from the pits of the Dark Side. He was no where near the same man Muad had once trained.
Command Post

Post #3

Dramatis Personnel: @Faith Organa @Bryanjar Aulfmaor @Draco Vereen

The Mad Knight went from a swirling vortex of darkside energy and furious emotions to amused and even mirth as the madman within went to a light slumber. With a laugh he drove the sword into the ground and stepped forward, the soldier opening a path before him but still keeping their weapons trained on him. Reaching up he unfastened the buy'ce and hooked it to the netting at his belt. Shaggy hair was plastered to his forehead in sweat as a guge grin broke across his face combined with a barking laugh that echoed in the clearing. The glowing blue eyes met the impassive faceplate of Draco's as he paused some distance away from the couple.

"Now that is a voice I have not heard in quite some time. How are you ner vod?"

A momentary close of his eyes and Muad sent a telepathic message to Isis in the group in the treeline. All stand down. Eyes opened knowing the force user he had known in the past would have felt the message, if not it's words then it's intentions, through the force. With a smirk he looked to the lady at Draco's side and just behind him and gave a nimble curtsey learned on his homeworld of Adumar, where both life and death was surrounded by such flowery displays. Blue eyes flashed in genuine warmth as he straightened.

"We came upon a patrol of deathwatch to the west of here, three kicks, and after some ... specialized interrogation techniques ... we have discovered that there is more to the plan then was surmised. The Dar'manda purchased and subtly modified legal and legitimate freighters and cargo holders for this mission. The majority of the ships are at the afore mentioned three klicks west. That's where the miners are being held hostage. Also, there are a few units in the city preparing terrorist attacks. Probably against the populace. From what I was able to gleam it's for if things went to osik or as a goodbye parting gift. Either way I figured this information was vital to the planet's safety, security, and to the benefit of the alor meeting that was to be today."

The Mad Knight reached into a pouch at his waist and pulled out a solitary deathstick, absently tapping it against the beskar plate on his forearm as he spoke. He paid no attention to the rigor that had went into the soldiers' postures as he had reached for it. Placing it between his lips he breathed in as a small blue flame leapt to life igniting the end as he inhaled deeply. A blue cloud of smoke was expelled in a sigh of enjoyment as his eyes went back to the lady of regal bearing standing next to Draco. Absently his hand went to his forearm to send the specific location of the base three clicks away through a communication flash to Draco.

"Please excuse my manners M'lady. The name is Muad Dib, Mad Knight of Manda'yaim, and Alor of clan Farr."

A chuckle of amusement and blue smoke escaped his lips.
[member="Muad Dib"]
Location :Command center
Post: 2

"Ill be damned he's one of us . " , the events that had just took place were stunning, thank his ass that this crazy one was with them. He spoke into the local channel, "You , my vod, are nuts , I like the crazy type." , his aim would no longer be at the men, but instead providing covering fire. He scanned the area, hoping to come across unlucky enemies. Action was comming.
Command Post

[member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Draco Vereen"]

Post 15

"Muad Dib, welcome to Alderaan. I have not had the pleasure of your presence before nor do I know of your Clan." She tried to keep up with all the clans, a huge task for certain but she felt that to know those around her she needed to study them, so how had she missed this Clan Farr.

She watched with curiosity how he moved, and took note that he was smoking from the look in his eyes she would assume it was a drug of some kind. She didn't know if she should be surprised to find that Draco knew this man. She was uneasy, unsure that he was trustworthy.

The Royal Guard immediately tensed they too were unsure.

"Draco, you know this man?" Of course he did he called him by name so why was she asking him this question which seemed so obvious. She wanted to hear Draco say he was trustworthy.
Location: Command Center
Personage: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"]

He felt young again, which wasn't surprising given the body was barely twenty and genetically engineered to be damn near perfect. Old injuries and aches melted away, and the former Alor of House Mereel walked with a spring in his step. There were guards, at once point. But then he had thrown back the hood over his buc'ye and the mask staring from the front of it caused them to be more formal escorts. Time had came to dispense with pleasantries. Draco, along with [member="Arrbi Betna"] and [member="Anija Betna"], were a few of the true friends he had amongst the mando'ade left. They would understand. Needed them to, really. So he had came when he heard of the situation. Guards may or may not have radioed ahead, he hadn't ordered anyone. Just stared at them, an implacable wall of power, both in the Force and in his mind.

Really, he didn't know how to hide his presence, or anything. And the body he was in, and what the mysterious woman had done, seemed to have made him unbelievably strong... Add to that he was a walking reliquary of his people, what with the Mask and the armor with it's red and greys of his ancestors.... Everyone had seemed half terrified of the man, from his glittering armor and weapons, to the walk... The walk of a man that had been born and bred to war, and developed a taste for it, in a way. Not the bloody joy of the barbarian, not quite. But rather the dependence of the warrior-sage who knew he needed it to be at peace within. A curious and common affliction, the need for inner peace fostered by outer turmoil and their cyclic bond. For now, as he saw Muad and the others, he motioned the guards forward.

Removing the mask, it clamped to his belt, specifically onto the hilt of his sword, obscuring the hilt from sight, but not the mask. His armor was utterly different than it was before, ancient and heavy with legend rather than new and cutting edge. Height, weight... A Force presence... Nothing to identify him unless Draco connected the dots, or recognized the Shacklebolt and other weapons on him. Never the less, he waited at an easy ready, watching the group speak as his escorts came up, snapped smart salutes and then... Waited. Clear they had news, but also clear it was of, to them, not dire. Ijaat had been nothing but pleasant, and gave them only his clan name, saying a representative of House Mereel had come to call. The House supposedly wiped out in a Kyr'stad raid of Concord Dawn, along with their aging Alor and his orirami'kade guard.

Will you welcome me, old friend?


Well-Known Member
Location: Command Center

Personage: Draco Vereen | Faith Organa | Muad Dib | Bryanjar Aulfmaor| [member="Ijaat Mereel"]|
Post: 1

Telek walked into the command center, realising that it was already quite crowded as he did so. Seeing the dramatic entrance of another warrior, he just went and sat at a console and checked the Coordinates that the Mad knight had reported. "Sorry I'm late," he says "When can I go out?"
Location: Command Center
[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"] (Just loading up on My old teachers coming in. Next its gonna be Darrion Wraith and Carach) [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"] [member="CassiusOrdo"]
[Post 16]

Draco listened, and felt through the Force. Muad was always a bit harder to read than a normal person, but that's because he was a bit messed up in the head. He meant well, and he was a Mandalorian through and through, but one couldn't always place what that meant to Muad. "Yes, love. I know him. We trained together once or twice. But back then, Muad had a bit more experience than I did." Draco's left arm had a datapad integrated into it, very small, with the screen projected via hologram, but he checked the data and clicked a few buttons, forwarding it to a group of his men to get the word out. "We are vod, and Muad is a lot of things, but Death Watch isn't one of them. I've heard that he used to fight them with Clan Betna quite a bit."

"The head's up is much appreciated." Draco lowered the shimmering barrier between Muad and Faith, but he kept himself between them. He was protective, and while Muad was an ally, he was also unpredictable. As much as he trusted the Mad Knight, he didn't have any intention of putting Faith too close to an unpredictable man like Muad Dib. There were somethings he shouldn't be trusted with. To have his back in battle, every day of any week. To keep his wits around the mother of Draco's children, not under this blue sky.

"You can go any time Vod. I've forward the data around, just tap anyone wearing my Black Dragon and they can make sure you get a full copy of what Muad has given us. If you want there are some support drones aboard the shield walker." Good, there was someone going to check with their own eyes, though Draco didn't doubt that the Death Watch had plans. It was likely that they were escaping to those ships now, so it would be a race to see who got there first, and likely a fight once they got there over the ships. As far as the terrorist action in New Aldera, that Draco needed to look into more. Security wasn't exactly light, but he had pulled troops away from the city to support here.

House Organa soldiers and members of the Royal Military were already moving to support House Rist and House Syrush. With Death Watch on the move, those forces still needed to secure the mines and sweep them for traps. As for the miners being held hostage three klicks out, that was a much more delicate matter. Probably one, he and Muad would need to see to, perhaps getting some help from [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] and a few other Alderaanian combatants.

"Boss, there is a House Mereel ambassador here as well." One of the black armored warrior's spoke up. Ijaat's house had been sorely injured following Death Watch's attacks and assassination attempts. Draco had heard Ijaat made it out alive, but then he also hadn't seen hide nor hair of the old man since. Made him suspect that perhaps his House was keeping the old warrior's death to themselves.
Location: Command Post
Post: 3
Dramatis Personnel: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Cassius Ordo"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"] [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"] [member="Faith Organa"]

He chuckled again as he watched Draco step forward just a hair, to stay in front of Faith. A part of the Mad Knight filed the information away, Draco was protective of the woman and hence she was a weakness that could be used against the mando. But that part of Muad that did this wasn't malicious but rather attentive and realistic. Sometimes you needed to know what weaknesses others had to help keep an eye out for them and to offer assistance. Sometimes that knowledge was used to utterly destroy someone. Muad turned his back after looking a moment longer on the couple.

Retrieving his sword he cleaned it's length and slid it into it's sheath while reclaiming his other weapons from the reluctant soldiers. Head swiveled as he sensed another force user advancing and looked upon the new mando with curious blue eyes. Shrugging the last weapon on he winked at the officer who was still quite reluctant at surrendering the weapons back into Mua's custody, then headed back toward where the mandos were slowly gathering around the couple. Taking another deep drag on the deathstick he reached up and removed it to flick it away.

"Oya ner vode?"


Well-Known Member
Location: Command Center

Accomplices: Draco Vereen | Faith Organa | Muad Dib | Bryanjar Aulfmaor| Ijaat Mereel|
Post: 2

After gathering a few of the droids, and syncing his AR-alpha to the main system, as well as grabbing some of his non-standard kit, Cassisus headed out.

*A little later*

Upon arriving at the scene Cassius took out his sniper rifle, and used to scope in a on the Death Watch patrol at the bottom of the valley.
"Command this is Scout, over" He transmitted.
"Scout this is Command, over" Came the response.
I've deployed the droids and there is only a single death Watch patrol of three in the vicinity. How should I proceeded? Over

"Take out the squad, acknowledge when done. Over and out." Came the order.
*Boom* Cassius fired the first shot, quickly followed by two more. All headshots, all instant deaths. There had been no time to call for help.
"Command this is Scout, acknowledged. Awaiting new orders." He said into the com feed.

"Approach the mines with caution. Report what you see. Over." The response came within seconds.

After approaching the mine Cassius saw multiple mining machines filled with at least enough Beskar for a suit in each one. Cassius hit a button summoning one of the droids over, telling it to activate its camera, "Command this is scout, sending feed. Over" He said.

"Acknowledged Scout deploy the rest of the droids around the facility. Then return. Over." Replied the command post. After positioning the droids, as to get maximum coverage Cassius reboarded his speeder and returned to the base.
[member="Sabine Kurtass"] [member="Davon Karr"]

Brent and his Mando's fought hard, and with Sabine in the mix the Death Watch troops began to falter and pull back. There was no disorganized retreat, they were still Mando's, but they did cover each other and begin to fall back. Brent had picked up some Death Watch weapons from the battle and began to fire back at the retreating enemy along with his team. It looked like they were about to be alright when it went down hill.

Brent looked over at Sabine and saw her engage a Watch soldier, when she slashed her lightsaber across his chest plate, the armor held, and he lunged forward and planted a dagger in her side. "No!" Brent screamed as he tried to make his way towards her. Sabine threw up a force bubble and the other Mando went flying backwards and smashed into the tunnel wall with enough force to break bone. The Death Watch troopers, seeing the fiersome force user injured badly, re-energized their attacks and came back down the tunnels to face their enemies again.

They all engaged Sabine in a quick rush to try and bring her down. A hail of blaster bolts descended on her as Brent fired back at them trying to get them to duck for cover, but it was no use. The blaster bolts sped true to their target, but at the last instant Sabine batted them all back away at her attackers dropping several of them. That gave them enough pause and made them seek cover or be at the mercy of Sabine, she was injured, not dead.

Brent made his way to Sabine and saw that the knife the other Watch soldier had stabbed into her was still there, and she was trying her best to staunch the flow of blood. Brent covered her as she fell back with him, and then helped her along as his few remaining team members covered their retreat.

"I don't know if you're still receiving Davon, but we need help pretty bad. Sabine is hurt and there's only a handful of us left, get here fast if you can get here at all," Brent said into his comms as he helped Sabine into some cover and laid down suppresive fire using a discarded Death Watch heavy blaster rifle.

"That looks bad Sabine, I can cauterize the wound with a small medpack I have, but we need to get you out of here, Davon is on the way so hang tight," Brent told her, hoping the old Mando was close. Without Davon he didn't know how long they could hold out in the tunnels before they were killed. Especially with Sabine down and only a few other Mando's still fighting, Davon had little to no time at all.
Location: Command Center
Personage: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"]

Ijaat waited for a few brief moments, then turned and promptly walked forward. He had trained and armored both these pups, and though he was physically their younger now, and was rapidly changing, part of him fell into the old him. Resting a forearm on the brow of the Mask, he looked to Muad, then to Draco, then to Faith and sighed, shaking his head. It was as if every lesson he had pounded into that beskar skull of Draco's had quite literally leaked out his ears. But the way he stood next to Faith.... The protective air in his presence of her. Some would see it as a weakness, and in a way it was. But any sane man knew it was also an absurdly profound strength.

The look given to Muad was almost withering though. Good thing he had the helmet on. The anunciator clicked, distorting his voice to hide most of the change in inflection and cadence. But something was still off with the voice.

"Mad Knight my arse.... Get that damned thing out of your mouth boy, and behave. You know better than that. If there is fighting, we'll need you to be in on it, and those damn things won't help anything. Besides, can't abide the smell... That or I can shoot it out your lips and rattle your bucket a little to wake you up... And Draco, if she's yours, she will live. Only one things killed me yet, and it ain't here, so she's safe, brother. At ease."

Here he took off the helmet. The words. The rough humor. All of it was him. But the Face and sudden strong, if unfocused and wild Force Presence roiled out. It was calm, measured and even. Neither Light nor Dark in any measure, but a blend of both that could be best described as twilight really. It was Ijaat in the eyes, in the words... But something had changed, drastically. Even in his stance, there was a new relaxation. Death had claimed him and he had come through it to the real world. Nothing much would truly scare him now. What could?
Command Center

[member="Ijaat Mereel"] [member="Cassius Ordo"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Draco Vereen"]

Post 16

It was becoming quite the crowd here Faith looked from armor to faces, noting markings, noting colors, noting anything she could that would commit to memory these men standing now not far from her.

She smiled at she listened these were ner drahr's vod finally she was meeting them, even if it was under circumstances of driving death watch from her home. There were other communications being filtered to Faith. [member="Brent Warnel"] was in the mines with a group, Faith's communications officer was trying to find someone on site who could give better details of what was happening.

She looked at Muad and something told her he was familiar, something that said she had met him, was he on Atrisia that day? So long ago? But now the vod from House Mereel she was unfamiliar. She noticed how Draco stood protectively between her and them. Was that a lack of trust? Uncertainty? Should she signal her guards?

She stepped to Draco's right, "I'm Faith, welcome. Are you here to help with removing Death Watch?"
Location: Command Center
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Ijaat Mereel"] | [member="Muad Dib"]
[Post 17]

"Oya ner vod." Draco responded to the Mad Knight. On the battlefield, Muad was trustworthy to a fault. He could be counted on to have his vod's back and support his allies without fail. But, he was also an unhinged individual, something that gnawed at Draco's instinctive protectiveness over Faith. Muad was unpredictable and that left a hint of doubt in Draco's mind. He didn't think Muad would intentionally harm her, but he may or may not accidentally do so in some fit of madness or rage.

As Faith stepped to his right, Draco smiled from behind the mask, slipping his arm around her waist to support her without having to be out in front of her. She was perfectly safe for the moment. Death Watch were back in New Aldera and at their hidden landing site. "I think we need to do something about the possible attack on the capital. I doubt it will be very large, and with the Alor's in the field and commanding their clans they won't likely get any high profile targets. We just need to keep the damage to a minimum. Show the people we can keep a handle on this things." He made mental notes to step up security without trying to inconveince the populace. It would be hard, Security and Liberty often went hand in hand, more of one meant less of the other. Some concessions would have to be made one way or another, though he hoped he could step up passive scanning systems technology.

"Muad, if you don't mind I need to talk to the House Mereel ambassador. Could you put a team together and see about putting a stop to the terrorist attack on New Aldera. I think with the intel you gave us Sabine and Brent with some help might be able to handle the hostage crisis." There were a lot of things to see to, and not many eyes to see to them. The question was, which did Faith want him to do. Which did she feel comfortable helping with personally. He didn't want to risk her life, but she was probably the best hostage negotiator on the planet. "I think Faith and I might be able to try and resolve the hostage crisis together in a few moments. We will meet and strategize our plan of attack in just a moment."

Draco turned, and tugged Faith along gently to look at the man from House Mereel. "Thanks for coming vod. We've gotten to the point where we need all the help we can get. I didn't catch your name?"
As the speeder approached House Cortess lands, he put a call out to Lord Cortess. The Baron himself answered. "Damion, is your hunting trip.... Jonathan Baliss, what are you doing in my nephew's speeder? Where is Damion?!"

"Lord Cortess, Damion is currently waging an assault on my family home. I came to talk to you about a possibility of ending this without involving either of the houses we are vassals to." There was silence on the other end. "After all, the Order of the Righteous would love the excuse to go Sith hunting." He saw a smile creep over the Baron's face.

"I always liked you, Jonathan. Yes, let's talk." It was Jonathan's turn to smile now. Pieces fall into place. Let's hope the homefront goes well.
Location: Command center
Post: 5
Allies: mando'ade, Alderaan military and diplomats
Enemies: Deathwatch

Muad looked at [member="Ijaat Mereel"] , his head cocked to one side. Only one of the vode had ever spoke to the Mad Knight in such a way. The radio if the voice was distorted yet different. The stance was familiar yet seemed a simile if what he had once known. The force presence was baffling. And yet despite all the inconsistencies Muad Dib grinned before letting out a throat laugh, one hand patting the curved knife testing in its sheath at his hip. His left flicked the butt of the deathstick away. Looking to [member="Faith Organa"] he gave a death head's grin.

"Originally I came to the meeting as an alor, but fighting alongside my vode is always a welcome reprieve. Your highness."

With a chuckle and a nod of understanding to [member="Draco Vereen"] the man turned away to walk towards the perimeter. A loud distinct whistle came from his lips, a signal to the aliit waiting out of sight. A massive black tuk'ata leaped into sight to come bounding across the plain followed by ten armored mandos. The beast leapt the hastily erected barricade and paused, it's talons digging in and it's shrewd, glowing blue eyes looking over the makeshift base hungrily. The glow of intelligence burned in it's depths as it glared to the group in the center, sending the force users there. Throwing back it's head it released a blood curdling roar before leaping to the ground and slinking over to Muad to brush against his side before paving around the man as a sentry.

The mandos reached their alor's side and took a knee. Looking over them Muad nodded to each giving a reassuring word or a jab. Isis, the great wookiee Knight, stood as a sentry, her blood bond to the Mad Knight strengthened by their close proximity.

"Harken, send El over to give exact coordinates for the hostages. Let them know we have mandos there led by a woman named Sin. They can help with that aspect. Then head over and recruit a group of Alderaan soldiers for the excursion into the city. Between the Alderaan knowledge of the city's layout and it's people combined with the mando expertise of killing our enemy, hopefully we can keep collateral damage and loss of life to zero. Plus Goro and his two squads are already in the city. They may have already located or perhaps narrowed down the targets."

Looking at the great wookiee covered in black fur he chuckled and clapped a gauntleted hand across the armored chest. Turning he made his way back to the center as both El and Harken went to share their knowledge and plans. Isis stayed with the remaining seven mandos as they made their way to the perimeter to keep watch. Traycn, the tuk'ata, walked at Muad's side as the stopped and waited for the others to finish their conversations.
Location: Command Center
Personage: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"]

"Ijaat Akun. Ijaat Mereel. Ni cuyir kyr'yc be ner briik... I taught you how to use that damned hammer and anvil and fought with you more than I can ever count... I know I look different... I feel different... But it is me, and now is not the time to worry about it all. Now we need to worry about getting you cyar'ika safe. And your second home restored."

The stance shifted, and he reached behind him and pulled the hammers back full on the sonic shotgun, listening to it hum and buzz as it began to charge and ready, and his hand floated over the hilt of the sword hovering to the side of him. He was ready, with decades upon decades of war and now the Force itself as an Ally, he was more than ready for war. And now he spoke with those actions to let his former mentee and student know that he was with him and would be with him until the bitter end. Even when Selvaris had wracked him, Draco was there. So now he would be there for him. But he spoke words to Faith when he did open his mouth next.

"M'am, I have known Draco since he joined the mando'ade.... He stood by me through hells worse than any of the Nine the Corellians have imagined. If he has taken to you.... I will defend you as fiercely as he has me. You have my sword and my shield, my life and my honor. Not a thing will touch you or he. And I'm a stubborn bastard to kill. So tell me, where do we strike"

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