Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into The Darkness {CIS | Knight's Obsidian}

Equipment: Operator Class Armor, Talisman, ACS-202 Vanquisher, Light Saber Yari, Shatory Reishūkaku, Mk1 Shadow Rifle
Tags: [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] [member="Zorok Rane"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"]

Despite the relentless nature of the insectiod like monster the fight came to an abrupt end just as it had started, perhaps the creatures realized they were not making progress against the easily over class group... or what ever was controlling them. They felt to unnatural to be mere beasts, herself unable to sense emotional or primal instincts that almost every animal had, combine with with the mystical nature of this maze and one could not help but assume the strange things were minions of something else. Such would explain the reason for their retreat now, a fail ambush being nothing but a waste of bodies at this point, an action any wise leader would make if in the same decision, but a sentient and possible smart opponent just made their venture into the labyrinth all the more deadly, who was to know what other traps lay ahead.

As the wave of creatures scuttled away Kurenai holstered her main weapon, though not before popping off a few shots with her side arm, the AP slug rounds ripping through each targets chitten plates with ease, 8 being added to her kill count as the expedition regrouped. "Nothing I can't regenerate from, so I'm fine", she replied to the Dominus Prime, during the fight a few of the top lunging insects getting in a luck hit, but the lacerations had already healed, her arm whipping away some of the drying blood still plastered across her face. It seem though that the group had picked up a few tag along, her eyes going towards [member="Azel Moran"], head cocking to the side a little, some new addition? strange but not unwelcome, as long as they were able to fight properly.

The other was some sort of scientist from what he was talking about, one that had followed after the entranced had closed, at least it showed that the maze was not altering itself since they were able to catch up, not that is really helped their current situation. She'd want to talk to him later, but for now short introduction were in order, her head turning back to Azel, "I am Knight Kurenai Yumi, former Dominus of the Pathfinders, as of now currently am still one, I run a tea shop, can blacksmith and could kill you in 500 different way in but 10 seconds... nice to make your acquaintance". While waiting for a response like [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"] her hand slipped into one of the many pouches lining her armor, pulling out a cigar, finger coming to light with pyrokenisis, setting the end to smolder.
The beast caged deep in the pit of his stomach stirred as he fought off the insectoid creatures, swiping them harmlessly away and capitalizing on the moment they fell to their backs to make quickest work of them. Their probiscus and sword-like appendages whipped and raked across armor, but ultimately did no damage of consequence. As a melee combatant, his armor was configured for slightly higher durability, and despite many overt suggestions from [member="Naedira Darcrath"] he maintained the use of his lightsaber over other weapon types.

The rancid stench of the dying creatures was not lost on him, however. He was largely protected from poisons and other airborne dangers, but he did not waste time on any of the filters while he still had breathable air. There was a tinge of regret in the back of his mind, growing with each kill.

He threw up a gesture, a sign that he had sustained no damage. It was all he could do to manage that much against the black, seductive whispers creeping through his mind. He closed his eyes slowly, then reopened them.

Alkor could feel the hatred boiling up, threatening to take hold and steer him in whatever direction the darkness bid. He exhaled slowly as [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] regarded him, and his gaze darted to shakily rest on the deceptively powerful [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] who he had just been tasked with defending. He bit back any response and simply nodded.

It was deep in him now, invective, virulent.

Kill them.

He looked around, seeking the source of the command. It sounded familiar and warm, and welcome in the midst of the chaos. It sounded simple, and it was an order he could easily understand.

But it wasn't Cardinal's order.

Was it?

Kill them all.
Wearing: Armor| Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Tags: [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Zorok Rane"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] [member="Azel Moran"] [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"]


Scherezade was nothing if not adaptive on the field of battle. As soon as [member="Alkor Centaris"] gave her the weak spot of critters, her knives immediately responded, now instead of chopping them up like vegetables on a cutting board, swimming from bottom to top after sliding beneath them. It made their moves slower; but much more efficient. Her lightsabers continued to swing from above though; they were not big enough for her to bother going to the ground for.

But then they began to fall from above. Scherezade opened her mouth and let a string of curse escape her lips, in various languages, some of the words harsh enough to make a sailor blush. She turned her lightsabers off and clipped them to her belt in a swift motion, freeing both hands to send telekinetic strikes at those who came from above. It was not enough to kill them, far from it; but it provided a protective umbrella over both herself and [member="Alkor Centaris"].

As [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] asked them if there were any injuries, Scherezade glanced at the person she was meant to be partnered with, and upon noting that he was fine, answered. "All good," she said.

A bit of dialogue and moments later, the group set off again, walking deeper and deeper into the maze. The spell she had cast earlier ensured she would easily see in the looming darkness, the shapes and swirls over the maze that she had not noticed while they were on the outside now popping up to her eyes. The place was daunting, gigantic, somewhat terrifying to some – but Scherezade felt almost drunk on its beauty.
We are unheard
We are unseen
We are your deepest fears, your wildest ambitions
We are Unknown
It now became painfully clear that this labrynth was born from darkness. Not an evil that could be so simply defeated by the blade, but a null void that drained the life and light from all that entered. The Dark Side of the Force began to drip from the walls of the labrynth. The walls began to shift and bend, as if the physical world was no longer a factor. Dark circles began to grow darker, making them noticable even in the mass of fog and darkness. These circles, these runes, radiated a force of the Dark Side.

The Knight's had dared enter their territory, their home.

The Unknown were powerful in the Dark Side, as they were manifestations in it's purest form. They could mask themselves in the Dark Side, to where they became nothing more than another subtle shift in the maze. Unheard, unseen, but they were here now. They encircled [member="Alkor Centaris"], whispering darkness into his ears.

Kill them, all of them. It is your duty.

You must protect your brother, protect Isley. Kill them.

They plucked thoughts from the surface of Alkor's thoughts and planted within him seeds of doubt. They were growing a murderer, one who could slaughter their enemies and leave their essence to be devoured. Just like the last group, this one too would fall. Would Alkor fall to their darkness? Would he resist?

[member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Azel Moran"] [member="Zorok Rane"] [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
Oh, he would.

Alkor had tasted so much blood in his lifetime, more or less were no longer of consequence. The darkness had become an inexorable part of his existence, even to the point where parts of his body and soul were directly linked to it. When it called, his distant blue eyes sought it. They roiled like a maelstrom at sea, and the pupils dilated until the blackness swallowed whole any color. He reached out as the shadows rose up to engulf him, seeking to take an unseen hand that stretched out for his own.

Whispy smoke evaporated around his fist as he clenched it tight, fully aware of his failure. It was heartbreak and malice, it was rage and elation. Bogan, in it's purest state, caressed him with its tempting touch. The Corruptor whispered secrets and promises in his ears as he looked out into the void that stretched around him into infinity, longing for what was lost.

What could never be regained.

The grip around his lightsaber tightened as they seeped in through the cracks that had all too willingly formed, in his mind and in his soul. The chains that kept the Demon locked away creaked, shivered, then shattered.

"Tell me, Brother," his voice snarled, only a fraction above a whisper. "Who seeks to do you harm?"

His infernal gaze swept across them now as they came back into focus. In the midst of all the chaos, would any of them recognize the new threat?

[member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Azel Moran"] [member="Zorok Rane"] [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"]
She sang in a low pitch still as they walked onward, pushing her magick before her. It carried the message to whatever was near, to Back off!

Darkness knows darkness. It is likeness. It cannot fall victim to itself. Only light is its opposite. Light will brighten and push into darkness' space, and dark can double over itself when the light meets an outside barrier. They are as enemies. Pom lived the darkness for all her life. She explored its life pulse, how it breathed, and now signaled them by means as simple as through communicating its will. Light definitely misunderstands darkness, while darkness fully understands itself.

Pom ended her incantation. Her jinn alerted her to what she already understands about darkness, the things it would do. But knowing darkness does not mean, one abandons free will to simply satiate its destructive lusts. Everyone here should be professional enough to master self control. In silence, the Nightsister turned her eyes to [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] and for a moment rendered him a firm look of warning, while the hair stood up on the back of her neck.

"You know what I hate? I don't know anything about any of you. I have been to your gatherings, and I end up just a shadow in the corner crevasse." It is customary galactic-wide that the outsider should not be the one making first introductions. "There is one thing I came to believe since coming to the Confederacy; its that no one lives by a code of all light, nor of all darkness. We each have enough of both aspects that bring us together now. Right now, we need to concentrate on our light, how it cannot be snuffed out, even when its surrounded by darkness such as this."

She turned around on her heels as she spoke, to watch their faces as they would hear her, to see if someone may be focused intently on listening to something different.

[member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Azel Moran"] [member="Zorok Rane"] [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"]
(EDITED: cause Pom and I posted around the same time)

Ek turned to the witch when she spoke, listening, a little surprised. It appears this new Knights Obsidian are more fractured than i thought if they know so little about eachother. Ek nodded. "I have introduced myself, and agree that knowing more would help us build trust and work together to get to the heart of this Labrynth and get out safely. Haven't had the chance and not sure we'll have a much better one."

Ek activated two of the small round ACS-301 Probe droids stored on his back: the Observer to give him an eye on the back of his head, literally since its video feed could be wired into the HUD in Ek's bionic eye, and the Protector, which activated its two meter Icon-class personal energy sheild in dual mode around Ek and itself, hovering roughly 30cm from Ek's head.

Ek looked up at Cardinal and shrugged, "Better safe than sorry." Ek tapped droid control nodule on his forearm a few times activating the thermal and radar scanners on the Observer as well as the Sonar Mapper. "...and this should give us a better idea of where we are and where we've been, and hopefully give us a head's up if anything nasty comes our way again." Ek glanced up from his arm to the group, though his attention was still half on the HUD in his golden eye. Everyone seemed on edge. So was Ek to be perfectly honest, but following protocols and setting up defenses and surveillence gave Ek purpose and pushed out unnecesary emotions. Fear could be a fuel for power in the Force, but only when chanelled and harnessed otherwise it could become a weakness and cloud judgment. Still, it gnawed at the back of his mind. He hoped that the equpment would not be so easily fooled by whatever Force mysticism created this place. Neither minds nor machines were infallable, but Ek hoped the strengths of one would overcome the weakness of the other. It often did, but who was to say in such a place.

[member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Eternal Avarice"]
Equipment: Operator Class Armor, Talisman, ACS-202 Vanquisher, Light Saber Yari, Shatory Reishūkaku, Mk1 Shadow Rifle
Tags: [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"]

The danger may have passed for now, but Kurenai's caution did not let up, eyes, ears, the force and what ever senses she had were kept open for even the slightest notion of danger but there was doubt. This enemy was different, shrouded in the dark, normal weapons would not work, nor would their own powers be of an advantage to them, you can' always fight fire with fire, less so in this scene where the very fabric of space seemed to ooze the dark side. It seemed that such a notion was shared as [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] spoke up after a short while about their light side inclinations, her idea being something she could agree on to some extent but such a statement was easily said then done.

"Your words have merit, but for some such an action may not be easily done", she herself had little experience with the light side of the force, from a young age being surrounded by the dark, all the wars and hardship further cementing her into that side. "Still it is worth a try, though how would you propose we go about it? stay close to each and and project our aura towards to form some sort of shield"? She doubted anyone he knew force light or the many other powers to challenge the darkness surrounding them, if so they had not made it known earlier before undertaking this expedition.
Wearing: Armor| Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Tags: [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Zorok Rane"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] [member="Azel Moran"] [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"]


Glowing green eyes narrowed as the walls of the labyrinth began to swell and bend. There was little that scared the Blood Hound these days, at least when it came to these things. Most of her fears were rooted in matters of socializing rather than fighting, and her years of torture within the Darkness had given her both a sense of familiarity and a healthy phobia of lightless places. As long as she could actually see though, she would remain fine, which left her with simply taking in the darkness that would easily make others uncomfortable, and finding a form of comfort in it.

Yet t was a dangerous comfort, she knew. How easy would it be to just take a step forward and let herself get lost within it. The Darkside that swelled felt almost like air to breathe for her, and she took that single step, a hand held up, wanting to touch it, to let it engulf her. When all else was lost, what else was left?

She did not know about the Unknown. To her, they were as unseen and unfelt as they wished to be. It was only the whisper of her defense-partner that broke the spell, as he asked… About his brother?

Scherezade looked at him, the confusion clear on her face. She could scent no brother that he had mentioned, no one within the group that was a blood relative of him. His personal history, she had not had the time to look into, to learn. Could it be away people sometimes referred to mission partners, then? No, it felt… Off.

It was the Dathomiri then who took her attention, speaking of things she hated. Why was that relevant now? Sure, Scherezade often had similar sentiments, but was this really the place to mention them out loud?

"You're all being weird," she said at last with a shrug, "but seeing as the spider-thingies aren't after us anymore, how about we move forward?"
[member="Ek Vilibro Griz"] has mentioned all the gadgets he had on his possession that could be of assistance to them within such a dark place. It made Pom feel better to have learned it. It’s just not her thing to do all those gadgets. Being newly off Dathomir, she is ignorant to all the tech. As a unit, they all have unique gifts. Learning what those gifts are about one another, will help them function better as one. “Excellent,” she said. “I am Pom Stych Tivé formerly of Dathomir.”

[member="Kurenai Yumi"] spoke next and Pom thought her idea a good one. “This place is darker than all of us combined. No matter how dark we each are, if at all, we are each of the Light in comparison to that which dwells here.” Pom did not know how to project Light specifically, but believing that her essence cannot possibly be as profound as the Darkness surrounding them, she did not need to dig down to discover something all that impossible. Pom raised her hands and pushed her aura outward.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"] did not seem to agree with the ideas voiced. “Just throwing this out there...I wonder if this is not a place to travel by physical means, but if maybe by mental or Astral means. Maybe this place is fear made manifest. It would be unbreechable physically. We might need to conquer it at its source on a mental level?”

[member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Zorok Rane"] [member="Azel Moran"]
I am a son of the Mountain.
[member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Kurenai Yumi"] | [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"] |
While the others spoke, Cardinal had turned his sunburnt eyes to the skies above. The clouds had ceased their movements. It was as if they looked down on the maze with such a pause that their own being had halted. He drew his lips into a thin frown before returning his gaze to the path before them. The void of the maze was created and perfected in the darkness, just as [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] had suggested. Her words held a good bit of truth, yet there seemed to be something more than darkness. Cardinal's hand pressed into the Obsidian material that surrounded them. It was cool to the touch, yet when he pulled his hand away it felt as if it had just heated his fingertips. This place was an enigma, nothing here made sense to the Sandali warrior.

He glanced back at those behind him, cutting his hand through the air, hoping to silence the group. "Be quiet." If it was true that this place was crafted from the Force in such a way that their spirits led them then they would need some measure of focus. However, for now they still knew little about this maze. "[member="Alkor Centaris"], take point while-." Cardinal had turned to Alkor, intent on delivering his command to the man. Alkor's eyes were as black as pitch, swallowing all light as their anger pierced through the maze's shadows.

"Alkor." The Dominus Prime raised his voice, calling attention to those who surrounded him. With a measured step forward, he drew his shortspear forward and held it out to his side. "Focus." His words practically came out as a hiss, warning the man against what was to come. "Do not let this take you, Focus! Draw yourself back to your center!"
The shades had shifted and his world twisted and churned. It felt like the drunken hazes he once cherished, the absence of worry or care that the Dark Side had slowly deprived him of in exchange for rising to new heights of power. He had learned that the darkness exacted a toll for everything it gave. He knew that, and yet he had never learned any other way to live. It was resignation, but it was also acceptance.

The voice of his brother, now Vicelord of the Confederacy slipped into his mind as easily as his own thoughts. Poison, perhaps, but the one man Alkor had come to consider closer than any other was the sole poison he drank without hesitation. The creeping darkness was his kindred spirit- it knew him perhaps as well as he knew himself. It knew the language to speak to the Corellian Exile.

"They have become very great threats," the half-Umbaran whispered, and he could see the silky-shadow of a ram skull with virulent red eyes orbiting around him. The darkness swam like a vast sea and parted, the faces of his allies appearing one after the other ahead of them. "See how even now they conspire against me? Against us?"

Do not let this take you!

Was not this his brother, the Vicelord's own kin? Were these not the words of the Dominus Prime, the man trusted to stand at Metus' side in war and peace? Alkor peered lethargically at [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] as he shook him. Focus!

"He hides things from me, Brother," the false Isley crooned, "he defies me in a way that he thinks I cannot see, but I know. I have learned, and it pains me." It sounded wounded, and Alkor ripped his gaze away from Cardinal to peer deeper into darkness. "He thinks I do not know why he brought you all to this place. But I know, Brother. I understand what lies herein. I know what he seeks to take, and how he will use it to gain power for himself."

Alkor strained. Isley had come to him in such a way before, but to turn entirely against family? What was the truth? What was a lie?

Draw yourself back to your center!

"Kill them all."

The Dark Jedi shook his head. "Kill them all," he repeated aloud. "Kill them- Isley, why? Cardinal is our Brother."

"You question me, Brother? Would I do such a thing without just cause?"

"I-" the words caught in his throat and died. He had learned that painful lesson on his own. Isley had but painted the way for him to follow, and time had led him along the path. No, Isley would not.


"You would confront Cardinal directly if you suspected him of deception," he spoke aloud, "and give him a fair chance to defend himself. You would not send me to kill him."

The Shriek that resounded was not simply in Alkor's own mind. It resonated the murky mist around them. He clutched his head. "Kill them," it snarled, "or I will kill them, and then I will kill you."

"Cardinal..." Alkor seethed. His one open eye moved to the Sandali man.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Pom Stych Tivé"], [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"], [member="Kurenai Yumi"], [member="Zorok Rane"], [member="Azel Moran"]
Equipment: Operator Class Armor, Talisman, ACS-202 Vanquisher, Light Saber Yari, Shatory Reishūkaku, Mk1 Shadow Rifle
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Alkor Centaris"]

​Her gaze shifted to the green eyed women at her less then subtle comment, "I'd beg to differ, and she does have a point in her words, but you are higher rank so I what ever you say, I'd just keep her advice in mind less this labyrinth separates us". "If such was to happen you may not be able to count of others for help, and vic versa", that being a big if, they still knew next to nothing about this strange place, would it try to play with their minds? pick them off one by one? or just try to stamp the intruders out with blunt force.

Her answer came sooner then expected as Cardinals voice was suddenly raised, attention being drawn towards [member="Alkor Centaris"] and their suddenly strange behavior. For a few tense moments Kurenai ready herself, expecting the man to turn on his fellow knights, only for them to enter into an augment with, someone, only able to hear one side of the conversation didn't help matters all that much. Her guard didn't drop, in fact it heightened once the deafening shriek resonated through out the maze, her eyes shifting towards the Dominus Prime, "can someone tell me what is going on here"?
"Scherezade, wait. I think treading carefully may be wiser. I'd like to get out of here quickly too, but we need to-" Ek stopped talking when he heard the others. Dominus Cardinal's comment drew Ek's attention in particular. Ek looked at Alkor. His face was strained and his eyes seemed as if he was looking through the group rather than at them. He heard him speaking to someone who wasn't there. Ek's instinct told him to move carefully. Alkor's eyes closed and he was struggling with something. The audible shriek startled and sent chills down Ek's spine. His hair stood on end. As soon as Alkor's eyes closed Ek moved his hands into a ready position closer to his lightsaber and Mk I, careful not to move threateningly. Ek tried to make eye contact with the others to guage their reactions.

Ek then turned his attention to Cardinal Ek waited for some sort of signal or cue from the Dominus Prime. This was exactly what Pom had cautioned about. The group could not afford to need to watch for enemies within their group and from outside. Ek was glad he had his protector and explorer droids deployed. Beads of cool sweat began to form on Ek's forhead. Ek hadn't realized he had been holding his breath until Alkor opened one of his eyes and spoke Cardinal's name.

[member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Eternal Avarice"]
Wearing: Armor| Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Tags: [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Zorok Rane"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] [member="Azel Moran"] [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"]


It wasn't until [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] raised his voice that Scherezade's attention snapped, her head turning to look at who had guarded that side of the group with her. It didn't take much before she connected the dots, and sighed. One of their people had been overtaken by whatever dark evil thing this maze had to throw at them.

She listened closely as [member="Alkor Centaris"] had the… Conversation. Perhaps, she supposed, she understood it all too well.

It wasn't too long ago that Scherezade herself had become entrapped in the Darkness; an alternate realm where time moved differently. She had been placed there because a Jedi had stabbed her heart with a lightsaber, and no one was certain whether she had died or nearly died in the process. But it had been torturous. And the way the Darkness spoke to her… She could easily glimpse from what she saw on Centaris' features, that it was not too different, even though she was quite certain that it was not the exact same type of Darkness that had attacked him.

"A combination of truth and lies," she said, loud enough so that the others could hear, "the labyrinth is in his mind-"

And then the shriek came. Scherezade froze momentarily in her spot. She had been stuck in the Darkness for years, though in the real world only a week had passed. She had then been hunted by it every time her body tried to sleep for months thereafter. And yet… Scherezade did not know how to make it go away.

"Mandragora, you know all the spirit mumbo jumbo," she half screamed as she pounced towards Centaris, "keep that thing away from him!"

As for Centaris himself… Scherezade had conjured an idea. His mind had to become entirely his own again. That could be done with convincing or… Violence. Violence was always better. Best send his mind into momentary shock so he could free himself of the clutches of the Darkness.

Scherezade was very glad that she had good breath that day. Because her way of shocking Centaris into maintaining his own mind? She simply ran to him and pressed a kiss against his lips.
The Sorceress nodded at [member="Kurenai Yumi"] for her support. She isn't their typical member, and she cannot say that her disturbing methodology hasn't clashed with other members before. In all honesty, she is who she is, and she does what she does, and she doesn't take votes on wether or not her ways or beliefs are approved.

‘And there it is.’ The reason for the feeling which made the hair on the back of her neck react. [member="Alkor Centaris"] verbally vomited up some pretty strange crap. He had already allowed the darkness to overtake his sanity, gone bonkers, fell off the deep end. ‘What a shame. Hope we can recover Alkor before someone kills him.’ He isn't too shabby looking. If only everyone here weren’t already damned, they might find a way to shake free of all this unforeseeable magick. But it appears all the entire party consists of Darksiders…wonder whose bright idea that was!

“This is what happens when darkness creeps into an already dark space. It intensifies itself.” She still believes a little spark of light would bring hope, and that could be all they really need.

All Pom knows how to do is to fight this dark magick with more dark magick. ‘Maybe the knights themselves are the lure it’s attracted to?’ She pondered if it could sense a droid. ‘Why didn’t we bring along the droids?’

The kiss, [member="Scherezade deWinter"] rendered Alkor, now that was what she was talking about, something good to cling to. It was simple! Pom shrugged. Thankfully its dark and she doesn't have to watch.

“Well mumbo-jumbo this!” Pom replied to Scherezade's blurb. The Sorceress immediately sent darkness to wrestle with its familiar. The bones she wore around her neck were direct ties to her past victims. They too had their own demons to which they were bound for eternity. Etherial groaning emitted from the bones as the Sorceress outstretched her hands toward the afflicted member, [member="Alkor Centaris"]. Tendrils of dark energy surged from her bone necklace and through her fingertips, creeping towards the man.

The beast which had a hold of him cried out in surprise as it found itself caught in a tug of war. Pomsty was not unprepared when it turned its ghostly form towards her and designated for itself a new target.

“Here kitty kitty,”
she beckoned. The KO may be within this thing's lair, but this lair is within her world now. Souls, demons, its her element, enslaving them is what she does best. She looked upward and sensed more gathering overhead. She bet that her hunger for control outweighs their’s! Pom shall manage them like a lion tamer in a circus act. They will belong to her!

She was suddenly surrounded by the dark beings. Her body lifted off the ground, clutched by the lot of these beasties. She would not give up until she won against them. They carried the Sorceress off and away from the rest of the KO.

Cardinal Vi'dreya
Zorok Rane Kurenai Yumi Azel Moran Ek Vilibro Griz
Nothing. No one.

He looked around for the faces of his allies, suddenly gone behind the all-consuming darkness that reached out from within his mind. The Not-Isley reeled, a high pitched wail that took Alkor entirely off his guard and at least assured the short term safety of those around him. He recognized the assault for what it was- his own affinity for the shadows opening doors for them.

Outside stimuli began to bleed in. The ephemeral blindness began to bleed away, and he could feel- he could feel- what was that he could feel? Something warm, flesh-like, foreign...


The world came back into view around him and [member="Scherezade deWinter"] was kissing him. He felt a tumult of things- anger, at himself for losing sight of his defenses. At the woman for touching him in such a way without his leave. Disgust. What do people see in this type of interaction?

He wasted no time wrenching free of the Blood Hound and taking her by both arms. "Find a better way," he shuddered as he visibly shook off the last vestiges of possession. "Stab me or something."

Alkor spat on the ground as he turned to gaze at the fog that had entrapped his thoughts. "I don't think we're getting any further than this," he murmured.
Wearing: Armor| Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Tags: [member="Alkor Centaris"]

Both arms taken, Scherezade was pulled away from [member="Alkor Centaris"]. She saw his shudder and her mind filed it aside, to be hurt by it later that night. To be reminded that her touch was unwanted, not by him and not by anyone else. The spitting to the ground only added further insult, but she bit her lip, her glowing green eyes narrowing as she looked at him be a butthole.

It was uncalled for. She had helped him, saved him from the possession by distracting him while everyone else had run around like headless chickens. By the color returning to his eyes and the taste in air, she was pretty sure that it had worked. "You can also say thank you for freeing me of the possession just before I started massacring my fellow Knights. That would totally work better than being the butthole you currently are," she said as she folded her arms across her chest.

Looking at the others again, Scherezade sighed. She was going to have to work around the Knights' hierarchy with this one.

"Pull us out," Scherezade spoke into her comm. Closing her eyes, she released her arms, one of the waving above the ground. The thick fog would keep the aircraft from being able to see them – but she could still signal to them if she could throw a large enough chunk of ground that would reach above the ground.

Pausing though, she looked to Centaris. Without wasting another breath, one of her knives slid into her hand and she aimed to stab him in the hollow of his stomach. Unless he decided to move away or do something else about it, her blade would stop millimeters from his kidneys, and the only danger he would be in would be bleeding out.

"Sending rocks above the fog so you get our location," she continued to speak as she did so, her free hand still working on removing a large enough chunk of the ground.
Pain blossomed in his gullet as the blade slid home. He felt it, too- positioned just right to cause pain, bleeding, all sorts of responses. The one he focused on was the one that brought him back to himself. "That's the way," he coughed in response to the sudden pressure.

"I did ask for it," he iterated after she went back to communicating with the outside world. "Everyone, fall back," he gestured, one hand finding the blade where it was sunken into his flesh. He gripped it tight in his palm, letting the metal bite into his meaty flesh, and slowly pried the weapon free. The sensation was as blissfully excruciating as he remembered.

His face contorted with pleasure as he managed to free the knife, and he held it out to its owner slick with his own blood. "Trust me," he told the woman, "you're dodging a bullet with me anyway."

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Wearing: Armor| Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Tags: [member="Alkor Centaris"]

He was going to remove the knife right there and then? Scherezade lofted a brow, but said nothing. If he wanted to bleed out, that was his business. But she'd more or less intended to leave the knife there until they were somewhere with proper medical equipment. Yes. Given the circumstances, she was completely okay with her knife remaining buried in his stomach for a several days or even more. And that he liked to sleep on his stomach and would not be able to until then.

"Get over yourself," she almost hissed at him as he told her she was dodging a bullet, "I did it to save you from the possession, not because I want your heart or your prick. You didn't have to get so disgustingly mean about it."

Focusing again, the sweat began to from at her forehead. Controlling the Earth elemental was still relatively new to her. Geonosis was a perfect place to practice and she did so almost every day, but this would be the first time she performed the feat to such an extent. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but it felt like an eternity before she could feel it; the Force, almost tangible, shaped like a gigantic cup that ran beneath the ground.

"Move," she growled at the people present. The cracks began to form on the ground, slowly at first and then faster and faster. It was not a clean cut, but she didn't care. All she needed was for it to just work. Finesse could come in the future. But if the people didn't move, they'd be launched into the sky right along with the giant piece of earth she was loosening up.

Moments later, and it did shoot up – big enough to pull a few chunks of wall with it, though the walls of the labyrinth still remained strong. Scherezade put as much as she could into catapulting it upwards, higher, above the fog. It had to get through. That was the only way to let them know where they were. Higher, higher… Would it be enough? She could not sense the fog through the Force, had no way of knowing.

Now there would be only waiting.

And staring at the sky to make sure that when it came down it wouldn't crash on their heads.

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