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Private Interview with The Empress

Once the Elysium was set up And finished construction and the first batch of biodroids for the Eternal Empire were produced Ty Sat down weighing his options. On one hand, he could continue to be a business partner and hired a gun for the empire and continue to work for the CIS or He could Work for the Eternal Empire and become more of a contract killer for the CIS and become a business partner for them. After a few days And a mounting of paperwork later, Ty made his choice and decided to have a meeting in the Elysium with the empress herself. Sitting On one side of the meeting table, The room was for the most part rather peaceful some might say tranquil a window gave an impressive view of the streets below, the room itself had paneled Onix walls with a small zen garden in the corner and audio of a flowing river could be heard in the room. what little trinkets were visible i the meeting room was a shadowbox on one wall with 3 sets of dog tags, an old pistol, and a ring, and a picture of a young man and woman in military fatigues smiling, lay face-up on Ty's side of the table.

A Small platter of herbal tea and pastry sat on the opposite end of the table where as on Ty's end was just a cup of herbal tea ty would be wearing a black button-up shirt and BDU bottoms, the ends of their legs tucked into Ty's boots which were shined by himself underneath his attire was the biosuit that helped him survive as well as eat and drink.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Elysium, Vengard, Kalidan
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Empyrean gland
Tag: Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
The Empress was still just a shadow of herself. She has found no joy or happiness since AMCO AMCO died at Dantooine. Tubrok was still unable to comfort her, as did Cal. She felt empty, soulless, there was only emptiness and pain, though she felt very little of the pain as she suppressed it. The emptiness remained. Ingrid still often forgot that the Sith Lord was already dead, so buried in her work so much, she ruled out everything that she had forgotten about the death of the beloved man. Sometimes she called Tower Vandiir to talk to Adrian, or she waited all night to get in touch with her husband, as they had done before.

When she worked, it didn’t occur to her, but after that, the reality was even more painful. She simply felt empty and dead, like an undead, crawling soullessly around the world, aimlessly. Everything dull around her since it happened she had been replaced by Kessia several times, but she had to come here now. Although she didn't see the point in why she should have done it. The red-haired woman didn’t want the upcoming coronation either, instead of two husbands only one will be present, the other can only get posthumous titles. It wasn't fair, he barely lived yet!

Walking through the building with her four bodyguards, whom she had received from Adrian, the Sith Lord insisted on a shape-shifting bodyguards for her. Ingrid agreed with this, mostly because of him, to make the man happy. At the moment, they disguised themselves as Wolfguards. The Empress arrived at the office, looking around instinctively, as her life used to depend on it. It's true, but she didn't care. She wouldn't have minded if she had died, she would have had a chance to find Adrian’s soul in the Netherworld.

As always, she wore a military uniform without insignia, with an EE symbol armband on it. Nothing revealed her grief and condition, even now she was perfectly able to control her body language, thoughts and feelings. No one could read anything from her, neither through the Force nor from her body language. And not long after, she was sitting opposite the man, in the man’s office.

”What do you want to talk to me about?” She asked in her usual cold, military voice.


Ty leaned forward Resting his Elbows on his desk and hands resting folded palm side down As he let out a sigh. "My lord, I understand what your going through Probably a little better than you might think. I've lost a loved one close to me and am the last of my people If you ever need someone to talk to even if it's just to vent My comms are always open. However, I know you're a busy woman But I have some matters to discuss with you."

Ty took a small stack of papers and slid them over to Ingrid "I've resigned From CIS and Hope to join your Eternal Empire fully Here not as a private contractor but as a contributing member to this empire. That's my History Before my death and my brief history with CIS including the Situation on
Pulling out a personal holodeck. "Also From my time working with you and determining your Psychic potential to send Telechenetic messages back I've been researching on my own time A MK2 to the Biosoldiers. Soldiers that can be commanded through a psychic link sticking with their psychic commanders because it's done with the mind and not with words our TBM technology would make it so complex maneuvers and orders could be thought and not spoken and your troopers would instantly begin pulling off said maneuver. however, Were still in the R&D process but should have a prototype soon. Theoretically, because they share a telepathic link with their commander any skills you know would be instantly passed down to them when the link is established." after explaining this with A visual aid He gestured to the Tea and Pastry in front of Ingrid "A little birdy said you enjoy those, are they to your linking? also I thought this might cheer you up." Ty passed Ingrid the lightsaber as well as a deed to a small section of the Crystal Caves. "other than the lightsaber I have shown you, The Sith Empire offered to compensate people with cabins however I chose to specifically ask for a small section of the crystal caves. the reason you won't find Much more crystal shards of your late husband is much of his soul was spread among these crystals here so I bought out that section and give you the deed as more or less the memorial area."
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Elysium, Vengard, Kalidan
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Empyrean gland
Tag: Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
Completely without emotion, like a machine, she looked at the man. She didn't need regret or pity, and no, he couldn't. Nor did she know until Voss how she would feel if that happened. Adrian wasn't the first to die that Ingrid loved. There was her first love, which she killed. Until Voss, she thought she could kill Adrian, or Tubrok, then she knew she wouldn't. Even until Adrian's death, she couldn't imagine what it would be like when the Force-bond was destroyed.

”I'm a soldier, Mr. Sibo, I'm used to the loss.”

She said in a completely emotionless voice. This was partly true, she “got used to it,” rather accepting it, because otherwise she couldn’t stand it with a sane mind. But she couldn't get used to what had happened to her husband. Not even after she left part of her own soul in the Netherworld to take care of the Sith Lord's soul. The shard of soul she had brought home from Adrian in exchange for her own gave her some consolation, but it still hurt and everything was empty.

”I’m glad to hear you would stay here with us instead of CIS. Would you settle in the Eternal Empire just as a businessman, or as a citizen?”

The man had been here for a while, so the woman assumed she understood that she was thinking about joining the army as well. Ingrid knew very well how much power she actually had, so she rightly assumed the man had no idea what she was actually capable of. Such a survey is felt, she did not feel. As an agent, the woman had been trained for such things before her dormant Force Sensitivity is awoken. Instinctively, she pushed all that away from herself. That is, the man surveyed Kessia and not her. Telepathically controlled soldiers? It was reminded too much of AMCO AMCO 's Karza’Arana.

”It sounds really interesting, but in the future, refrain from trying to find out something about me. On the one hand, if you do, I will know, and on the other hand, you have false information. Because you have my bodyguard data, not mine. As for the prototype, I’d love to see them as soon as they’re ready, Mr. Sibo.”

As for Dantooine, she knew that the fighting was still going on and it was impossible to know who would get the planet*. As much as she wished the crystals there contained pieces of Adrian's soul, there were no crystals. Everything shattered during the Force Scream, which even crumbled that place. Anyway, she felt it all in the Netherworld when she was there. The whole soul was there, just scattered to very many pieces.

”Even if the TSE keeps Dantooine, there is nothing there, not a single piece of soul left. But thank you for the gesture, along with the lightsaber, I appreciate it. ” her voice was still cold, military and emotionless.

As she took over the lightsaber, the crystal glowed in a steel-blue light, responding to Ingrid's closeness, just like the other piece she had and felt her husband in it. Two shards, she still had a lot to collect and to merge them to get him back…

*since we don’t get the results yet.

”I'm a soldier, Mr. Sibo, I'm used to the loss.”

Ty let a sigh leave his lips the feeling of the air flowing between his jawbones will never get easier to feel as he looked up from the table. Yes quite, But getting used to it never numbs the pain just the immediate feeling of loss. flipping the old photograph face down he couldn't help but let his mind wander to the days he was much like her current self the turmoil she must feel, sure as much as he likes to say he knows what she's going threw everyone's different and it's more insulting than anything to assume their anything like what you went threw.

You really blame her who in their right mind would trust you after what you did.

Shut up wraith

You survived while everyone you knew died how fair is that.

I didn't want this

oh then by all means take that gun in the shadowbox and blow that heartstone out your back you know you want to.


”I’m glad to hear you would stay here with us instead of CIS. Would you settle in the Eternal Empire just as a businessman, or as a citizen?”

Ty's attention was drawn away from his inner thoughts with Ingrids questions. not realizing His hand resting on his head like someone would a headache.

"With all due respect my lord I'll run my business in my spare time because I hate being lost in my thoughts here and would want nothing more than to be a citizen and mabie a military unit if you'll allow me." In truth, The less time Ty spends in this personal hell that made him the way he is the better for his dwindling mental state so doing what he knows best and joining a professional military would be in his best interest. "honestly ma'am Before my death I was a military police unit turned ad hawk army unit when the invasion that left me how I am now, Then becoming an assassin for hire before taking the reins of this company that brought me back. so I believe I'm qualified for a military though ill leave that decision up to you of course."

”It sounds really interesting, but in the future, refrain from trying to find out something about me. On the one hand, if you do, I will know, and on the other hand, you have false information. Because you have my bodyguard data, not mine. As for the prototype, I’d love to see them as soon as they’re ready, Mr. Sibo.”

Ty's eyes didn't even seem to widen in shock or surprise as he continued talking telepathically. "Right, that makes sense a Führerin such as yourself would have body doubles so as not to endanger yourself my apologies my lord, it won't happen again ." It was an expected or reasonable conclusion as he added a nod to her intrigue to see the finished product.

” Even if the TSE keeps Dantooine, there is nothing there, not a single piece of soul left. But thank you for the gesture, along with the lightsaber, I appreciate it. ”

This however Did make Ty's eyes widen before he nodded once before adding "Them my lord what I'm about to show you must never be spoken about due to it would most likely cause me to be hunted for what I am." peeling the suits lining carefully away from his hand as a strange ethereal black energy surrounds his hand as he reaches into the shadow. he spoke "this method is how I got the soul shard to make the saber for you as a gift from your late husband. they say there are two sides of this world the side we perceive as reality and the nether world or a other side of what could have been" pulling his hand out of the portal it disappeared. before he wrapped his hand back up. "I felt as if an explanation on how I obtained the shard was in an order being that I was no were near you when he died. however, due to my ability, I've acquired by the higher power who with hades corp brought me back I have the ability to do just that and more."

Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Elysium, Vengard, Kalidan
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Empyrean gland
Tag: Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
It became clear from the beginning what the man's position was. In fact, no further explanations would have been needed. She nodded at the man's words, and the bitter part could follow. “Before his death”; another person who died and returned. Because of Tacitus' death, she felt nothing because the Emperor had died before and returned. But Adrian was different, she loved him; no, no past tense, still loves and will, probably forever. It wasn’t just the Force-bond that was painful for her, it was all.

"All right, there will certainly be no problem joining the army. There will certainly be no problem with your abilities, as you are also a veteran and I don't think there will be no problem with psychological tests either."

She didn't say to reassure the man, this wasn’t her habit anyway. Ingrid used to be honest, even if it was very painful. Last but not least, she wasn’t in a state of emotion anyway to provide comfort to anyone. Received a telepathic response to the following. There was actually a need for Kessia, even from the time when she was a double agent in TSE. She had not used a backing until then, and after that it was necessary; her thirty-day trial shortly after the Emperor's disappearance, without Kessia, she would not have been able to perform the trial either, because the Empire would have collapsed.

~ I was not afraid of my safety. Rather, it serves the purpose of making sure I don’t waste too much time on certain matters. As long as my counterpart is there somewhere, at a parade, or at a not-so-important event, I can deal with other official matters. ~

She thought so, Ingrid was not a coward and always loved to fight in front, on the side of her men. Nodded at the man's words, she was always great at keeping secrets, kept too much, and that will never change. She raised an eyebrow at what Ty was doing, it was a completely different method than what she had done to get to Netherworld. She killed herself with her opponent to be able to do that. There, Ingrid used the bond between the two of them to find and feel the man's whole soul.

"You don't have to worry, your secret will be safe with me, I won't tell anyone. And I don’t want to abuse the power you have either. By the way, why did you decide to choose the Eternal Empire as the centre of your company and your home based on your words?" Changed the subject to the less painful.



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