Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interest check: The Sith Empire

I'm down for this. I can actually be me without everyone thinking I'm out to kill the Emperor. Even though I am.

Actually I guess it won't change that much aside from the fact I won't be pressured into doing what everyone wants all the time, and any backstabbing I do will be the norm.

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
[member="Warok the Defiler"]

I appreciate your words greatly, they were both respectful and at the same time they were things that needed to be stated and light shead on them. Having said that, I haven't read through that fight in a while and I think both of us can agree that we went a little power crazy. Why I said holding back though is because power wise in the force he has only really used three abilities. Sure he will bust out a little lightning or force distruction now and then, but they are sub par, unless he is under rage which has been two maybe three times. Any who, this character has practiced, studied and used Speed, Senses, and Shaping (fire an wind only) and those are his specializations. This is why I say he was holding back as they were mostly flashy and elaborate things he was testing (he made a bloody snake)

That is my reasoning.

Now having said all that I agree I do need to tone things down. Like Yoda, he fought all the time and was powerful, but he also reserved it most of the time. Now Sith don't reserve, but the lesson remains the same. Thank you for being honest with your thoughts.
[member="Galatea Raste"]

Good, I like your spunk.

Don't let me catch you back stabbing or I will slit open your throat and burn your body as an offering to the dark side....

Errrr I mean

Slap you in the wrist and firmly say NO.
[member="Rave Merrill"]

While a Dark Lord should be all powerful and able to do this alone I take out of Sidious book and agree allies are needed. Now that I posted this I see who is interested and we can work OOC to meet IC and form an Alliance to bring this to come.

Currently Sebastian is only a fighter so he needs to grow in the leadership and strategy side of things so this is not like a month away sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Make it man. I was thinking for a while that I would. Like others said, start it small. Work yourself into the limelight. See how many people join off the bat, then go at it with them, and no further intent of expansion. You will surprise yourself at how quickly you gain followers that way.

Besides, the Sith Empire is more commonly known than the OS. Newcomers will recognize the name faster and are more likely to join!
Lord Sebastian said:
The idea that a Dark Lord must be all powerful and unbeatable is rediculous and would not work well in an RP like this.
The Dark Lord has been defeated and killed before (once, maybe twice). The members of the One Sith voted to have him return after the deaths of Darth Junra and Darth Mierin, the former of whom killed the Dark Lord.

How are you a droid now?

Anyway, while I sort of understand that history (it confuses me a bit) I have actually never seen anyone use the dark lord. While I understand using an NPC dark lord, I still think it is dumb. Reason being is that every other major faction has a player in the seat of major leader. I understand how if people look at the Dark Lord from SWTOR they won't want a player with that kind of power. I just don't believe the Dark Lird has to be all powerful, actually it is better if they aren't. Some of the best dark lords and emperors were the ones that were powerful, but had a mission that they would do anything for which that made them appear unstoppable.

IF it ends up that my character becomes the Dark Lord of the Sith in the faction I am not going to promote him to god like or anything close to that. He will more be like a philosopher King Sith style who understands while infighting and things like that don't appear to benefit the Sith, when you take it away you get stagnet Sith.

Back to the One Sith Dark Lord, there are ways to kill the unkillable and I know there are a few people wanting to rise to that mantle so it is basically using his eventual replacement to our advantage.

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