Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interest check: The Sith Empire

I was only able to rea the first few since I am at lunch, but I'd like to get a reply off.

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

I understand your concern and I agree to what you are saying. This is a hard proposition and will require a lot more than I. Though look at the map the republic and silver Jedi appeal to the same and do great an now even the alliance. Though I agree if this is to work I must do something big. Not to reveal much, but I have talked to someone who wants to be the dark lord of one Sith. So if we can work on something maybe in my "rise" and creation it can be a war for the throne ending with the death of the dark lord and a split. Just thoughts so far.
[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Caius Flavian"] [member="Krest"] [member="sabrina"] [member="Darth Ayra"]

Wow that was a lot to read, probably will Reread it all a few times. Seriously guys, it makes me really happy I am getting so much response, ideas, advice and more!

So first I agree a Sith Empire is not made to last, but a few years on a board at best? Still drives the story. Smith are power hungry, prideful, greedy, and so on. I believe a lot of it lasts has to do with the council and dark lord. If the dark lot is weak, people will be more focused on killing him then serving. If the Dark Lord is more concerned with making only himself all mighty, it will fall. The dark lord I will make, Sebastian (his one Sith name) is more concerned with bringing back the power and glory to the Sith themselves. He is only concerned with his own power and glory so he can lead the Sith back. He dreams of war and fire and in that he will be a more active and present dark lord which is new for the Sith Empire (more like Revan)

OOC having that much power scares me that I will fail and so I will rely on my team and members out of character which is what you see in a lot of faction and it works. If this goes south, at least I tried. If this works it will provide the board with options and so much good story. Infighting will most definitely happen, but like the Empire of you are caught you are punished which controls it with fear. While OOC I really don't imagine people constantly trying to kill one another, I do foresee a lot of fights and mercy pity happening which does provide great story.

If I do this, I do it right and I hit hard. Sebastian has been training for this for a long time as he originally joined one Sith to bring them down as a Jedi, now he wants to restore the Sith to their glory and that means kill the Dark Lord NPC and that will take story an time to build as it won't be easy an even at his level he could not beat all the hands, voices and eyes alone.
Darth Ayra said:

If it's any consolidation, in the other RPG I transferred the character from, in that same exact situation, I probably would have won. (Game mechanics differentiate between there and Chaos)




Also, Sebastian, I'm not sure anybody is going to take someone who got beat by an Ewok seriously as a claimant to 'dark lord'
Hion the Herglic said:
Also, Sebastian, I'm not sure anybody is going to take someone who got beat by an Ewok seriously as a claimant to 'dark lord'

But Warok is pretty badass though.
Hion the Herglic said:
Also, Sebastian, I'm not sure anybody is going to take someone who got beat by an Ewok seriously as a claimant to 'dark lord'
No, but someone who killed an immortal Sith Lord with their fist at the battle for the Sith temple they will.


A, he downgraded himself to Knight so I was limiting him. B, and this is the main part, I was experimenting with a new charater fighting style and didn't even have a lightsaber. I welcome a challenge of you think he is up to it.

The idea that a Dark Lord must be all powerful and unbeatable is rediculous and would not work well in an RP like this. Darth Bane was easily beaten once and even lost his edge and became a wimp until he took his power and his right for himself and crushed those who stood in his way and sometimes, like in Revan's temple against his former master he only beat him by getting lucky.

A dark lord that is all powerful always has a great weakness. A dark lord who is merely a man that takes what he wants and fights for it even if he will die is the kind of dark lord that should be. Again, I welcome the challenge of you want to try again.

[member="Warok the Defiler"]

Then time to make it stick aye?
Lord Sebastian said:
A, he downgraded himself to Knight so I was limiting him.

Lord Sebastian said:
It was then that by all appearances the punch connected, but if the Ewok could feel through the gauntlets he would find nothing there, but air. The image of Vastatio vanished and reappeared 3 yards away with a techniche known as flash step. T

Lord Sebastian said:
Even if he missed he would use the chao of the vortex to release all the energy in and around his fist to create a powerful shockwave and fire blast he named, Force Slam. It's range was a food 10 meters in every direction.

Lord Sebastian said:
As the electricity left the macienes and drew more power from power cell below, he bagan to harness the power, layering it to his fists creating a sort of glove of his own made of condense fire and electricity. His arm began to pulse small, but clear waves of EMP as he once again rushed in.

Lord Sebastian said:
Speeding up the molecules to keep them burning he began to focus his energy to do shape the lava like substance and a head began to emerge. The head had fangs the size of the Ewoks arms along with a neck that just kept going as the lava beast rose to life. Vastatio was using Fire Shaping to make a lava-like snake.

[member="Warok the Defiler"]

Please can we not do an argument here when this isn't the point. As I said, I limited him and I stand by that after reading those. I also stated in my posts a respect for your character and his ability and in no way is it a shame to lose to him. If you want to go again I am more then willing, but if not please refrain from creating an arguement here.

If you have constructive thoughts or ideas in the topic at hand then I am more than willing to listen to those as well.
[member="Rave Merrill"]

You're back?!?!?! I missed seeing your wonderful creations in the board and award winning personality.... Ba hahahaha

But no seriously, it is good to see you and... You're so old...
[member="Lord Sebastian"]

Long story.

SO. You want to be the big dog and make the Sith Empire a thing. My advice? Build connections before you build a faction. Factions get killer momentum when a group of tight-knit people takes the reins and gives it their full attention, and then sticks with it. Practice doing that as a member of another faction. Get some time under your belt as a faction admin, even if it's somewhere smallish. Prepare yourself, prepare your crew, play the background game. People don't join on strength of concept. They join things that have critical mass and momentum. Also, pick your moment. All major factions die eventually. Wait until the One Sith are in serious decline, and spend that time making stories and connections.
My constructive thoughts are that it would be for the best if you reevaluated what you believe are limitations on your character's abilities. I understand wanting to use a bunch of really cool abilities, but - as I'm sure many would agree - it becomes a bit ridiculous when that character is tossing a dozen different niche powers around as if they were nothing.

I've been guilty of excessively overpowering my characters before. Rave loves to remind me of the times I accelerated things to rail guns speeds, with the excuse being that my character specialized in telekinesis and only used two other force powers in combat. I've leveled buildings with a Force Bellow as Hion.

It's an easier pill to swallow when the characters going Super Saiyan 15 have legitimate-ish reasoning behind it. I.E. they are specialized. That's why Ashin is considered a tank. That's why Carach is considered a mentalist. Heck, that's why Zaiden's got a claim to stealth master.

But when you decide your character does all the cool 'apex' things, well, it doesn't sit right with people.

That's why the saying "Jack of all trades, master of none." is a thing.

And if you want to use "well my character is 900000 years old so I should know all of these things," that's fine. Just know that people will likely continue to object because it feels unreasonable.

Anyhow, that's my two cents. Do with it as you will.


Well-Known Member
Hion the Herglic said:
Also, Sebastian, I'm not sure anybody is going to take someone who got beat by an Ewok seriously as a claimant to 'dark lord'
To be fair ewok did bring down Darth Sidius by killing 501, thus helping the rebel alliance turn the shields so lando could blow the death star.

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