Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In Wild Space: Are You A Pirate Or Survivor? [Open To All]

"Swimmers, not lifters, remember?"

Nej patted Xin on the back and climbed his way out of the wreck of the ship, duffelbag full of stolen goods in tow. The lady was right, until they knew how many, and whom they were up against, it'd be smart to regroup. Plus, being near a fuel source caused by unstable meeting to the ground wasn't his idea of a safe place. Xin however, had good ideas. Transceivers were good to have...Nej just didn't know where to get one, or one would be on this particular ship.

He followed the woman, egging on Xin's discomfort with the fact that a woman overpowered him. Normally that wouldn't have bothered Nej, but he'd be pretty embarrassed if a twig-like woman pushed open blast doors no problem when he tried to do it earlier. That's usually why Nej stuck to the 'don't try anything' approach.

[member="Xin Boa"] l [member="Jamie Pyne"]
Jamie listened to the two for a moment, half wondering just what their story was and why they were aboard. Unfortunately, there wasn't exactly time to sit down and have a pleasant conversation about everyone's history and backgrounds, at least not until they were in the clear, safe and away from the wreckage and potential pirates. Assuming it was actually pirates, and not something else that brought down the ship. The blonde still wasn't entirely sold on that story, but it was as good as any for the time being and all she had to go on. What to do now though was actually a very good question. She didn't have much of a plan aside from finding survivors and locating a source of clean water. The crash site was somewhere in the jungle and Jamie had no way of knowing which direction would take them to a settlement. Finding a way off of this planet would be a whole new set of troubles that would have to be dealt with later.

For now, getting out and away was priority one.

"Well, we can't stay here. If there are pirates, they'll likely kill us. Hiding won't help us much either, not outside in the heat. We'll need to find water, food, and higher ground. Maybe there is a city we can call for help from. I'm not familiar with this world enough to say for certain. If you can scrounge up a comlink on our way out take it, but I didn't see anything on my way in."

The blonde squeezed and stepped sideways through the opening in the blast doors she'd made, pausing once she reached the other side to answer Xin's question. "They were, yes. I opened them." It wasn't until she noticed the look of confusion on the Nautolan's face that she realized his surprise at her opening the door given her stature. "Oh, right." She smiled, stepping away from the doors to allow both Xin and Nej through. "Jedi." The girl pointed to herself as she spoke the word. "Not quite something I broadcast to the masses too often."

Lately it had been more of a danger than benefit. For some reason folks were always wanting her dead or sold for bounties or ransom.

[member="Xin Boa"] | [member="Nej Tane"] | [member="Reaper"]

The old revolver sang out twice as Eralam put some poor soul out of its misery. Judging by the amount of weaponry, the general lack of personal hygeine, and the unsightly tattoos, the poor fellow embedded on a meter long splinter of what had once been the hull had probably been a pirate. The shard of metal had pierced his abdomen, somehow missing anything vital, but nonetheless shredding his digestive tract. Sepsis had set in, and, judging by the smell, the pirate was beyond help. At least beyond any help he'd likely get out here.

As a rule, Eralam didn't like pirates, but he also didn't like needless suffering. Well earned suffering was one thing, but as far as the Shard was concerned, a few hours spitted on a stake was enough to make up for the fellow's sins. So he gave him grace and moved on.

The ship was, for the most part, empty. Empty of the living, at any rate. There were corpses everywhere. Dead crew, dead passengers, dead pirates. The ship had hit hard, and few had survived. The Shard was terrible at doing the whole Force mind magic thing, but even he could pick out the feel of the few survivors that were starting to cluster together. Judging by the general lack of violence, he assumed they were passengers. He might very well be wrong, but there was one way to tell.

As a rule, Eralam kept most of his Force aura tightly wrapped around himself. This was, mostly, a matter of pragmatism. Droids with Force presences threw people off, and his particular aura was one that most folks simply didn't have a frame of reference for. The Iron Knight was positively ancient by organic standards, and his mind was decidedly alien.​ It was old and implacable and decidedly vast.

It wasn't that he was particularly powerful. By modern standards, the Iron Knight was a piker. He was skilled with telekinesis and Absorb, and that was it. His mastery of those skills went to absurd levels, but he wasn't going to go about throwing lightning or casting illusions or convincing stormtroopers that he wasn't the droid they were looking for.

But the very name Shard implied that one was part of a greater whole. Eralam's mind, his spirit, whatever, had once been connected to a much, much larger formation, and that had a way of shaping a being. And so, when someone touched his mind, they didn't feel a single, small human. They felt something vast, ancient, utterly disconnected from organic concepts of light and dark. Imagine, if you will, that a mountain range had a mind, and that it had just poked yours to say hello.

In Eralam's experience, that had markedly different effects on beings, depending on their intent. To those who were in no great state of distress, it was odd, unsettling. To those who sought violence, it was a clear threat, one to be met with force. And to those in trouble, it was comforting. A rock could sink a ship, but it could also provide shelter in a storm.

The Shard unraveled his presence, and reached out to the survivors.

How these people would react as the Shard approached would tell him whether or not he should help them, kill them, or leave them be. Ought to be interesting either way.

[member="Jamie Pyne"] | [member="Xin Boa"] | [member="Nej Tane"] | [member="Reaper"]
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Zai didn't spot the survivor until she was right next to him. His head snapped up as a stab of fear shook through his body, but he broke into a wide smile as he recognised the face. "[member="Sky'ito Yumi"] ! Wow it really is a small universe after all. You have no idea how glad I am to see a friendly face". In truth he didn't know her very well, but he was preparing himself for everyone to be dead, and to see a fellow survivor sparked a small ember of hope in his chest.

She asked him if he was hurt and all the pain came rushing back. "Yeah, it hurts everywhere." He replied, wincing. "I think I'll be ok though." With a great deal of groaning and muttered curses he managed to get on his feet. The world pitched sideways as a wave of dizziness swept over his body. He crouched down, breathing deeply, until the episode passed. He was feeling sick, so he took deep breaths and took inventory to distract himself.

Most of his tools had made it. His overalls had secure pockets designed to hold items even when upside down. One had been ripped off, but Zai was relived to see it was only the pocket that held spare screws. He tapped the material underneath his left arm and heard a clink of metal. "Ahhhhh, good." Grabbing a small pen knife, he cut the overall's material and pulled out an EC-17 hold-out blaster he smuggled onto the ship. He looked disappointingly at his now wrecked garment but shrugged. Better to have a weapon. He unbuttoned the top of his tunic and tied it around his waist, leaving his upper body exposed with a grey t-shirt.

He turned to Sky'ito. "I guess it is time to move, we can try and get a radio beacon working. I've done it with less parts. All we need to do is search the wreckage and..." the words died on his lips as a memory of pirates killing passsengers returned. "... but we'd most likely also alert any pirate forces in the area" he continued. "Better to search for survivors or just head into the jungle". The pounding in his head had returned and he bit his tongue at the pain.

"You better take point, my head hurts and I can't think straight. I'll follow close. Don't worry about me falling behind." Two loud concussive blasts issued from somewhere within the ship. "And it looks like we better get moving immediately." He turned off the safety of his pistol and prepared himself to move out.
Barney cried out in pain as the electric clamp locked onto his broken arm, setting it straight. His back arched, and his teeth gnashed. Suffice to say, it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

As the mysterious soldier began to treat the wound further, Barney tried to work up a smile, stopping short of a pained, thin-lipped grin. "That feels better. A lot better." The Zeltron ran his free hand through his red hair, trying not to look at the bloody mess that was himself.

Barney found the strength to sit up, and wipe a few tears away from his eyes. He pondered the mysterious soldier's question, testing his legs. They seemed fine. "I can walk." His smile morphed into a pensive expression. "Walk where? Into the forest? Back to the ship?"

Barnabas looked both directions pointedly. "Neither of those options seem safe."

Struggling, Barney stood, cradling his splinted arm in the other. His green vest had been splattered with blood, ruining the material. He frowned, suddenly looking around him.

His backpack and it's contents was strewn about. Slicer equipment mixed with small tins of strange matter. Hurriedly, he began to stuff all of his gear back into his pack, and slung it over his good shoulder. Feeling a twinge of pain from his arm, he frowned to his savior.

"Should we go back, search for others?"

| [member="RC-1047"] |


A plan is only as good as those who see it through
"This is your choice, I'll do anything, I'll just have to protect you, I'm RC-1047, Codename: Casper." RC-1047 said to the Zeltron Boy.

"Neither of those options seem safe."

"Should we go back, search for others?"

"Walk where? Into the forest? Back to the ship?"

Those word's rang in his head, "Well, we could try to set up a shelter if needed, We can use part's from the ship to make a shelter and such and we can stay the night here if possible or find the other's and try to get help, But we don't know what's out there, There could be Sith's out there, But don't worry bout that, I'm trained to take em down." RC-1047 said.

RC-1047 hit a button on his wrist, "Bio-scan started." His helmet said as it scanned around the area looking for any lifeform's, "Multiple Lifeform's detected!" His Helmet said, "Hm, There seem's to be other Humanoid features around us, There heat signature's are easy to see." RC-1047 said.

[member="Barnabas Harou"]
[member="Eralam"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Jamie Pyne"]

The news didn't seem to bring Xin any great joy. Everywhere he went now he seemed to end up having a run in with disciples of the Force. Had there been a religious explosion since he'd been incarcerated? The first eighteen years of his life he'd gone without anyone swinging a lightsaber or calling on holy magic near him.

Stepping out into the light, Xin shielded his eyes with his hand until they could adjust. It seemed they'd crashed in a swamp. The vines wrapped around the hull and the fact that it was partially submerged hinted at how they had all survived. Presumably the inertial dampeners had kept working too.

In one quick motion he brought up the stolen carbine at the sound of two sharp cracks. Wasn't a blaster. Perhaps some components exploding. Maybe it was time to put some distance between themselves and the ship. He spotted a droid walking right for them. It carried what appeared to be archaic six-shooters.

It didn't seem likely that the pirates would have a droid. But if they did have a droid arming it so wouldn't surprise him. In his head he played out an imaginary conversation where pirates argued how to arm a stolen droid for battle. Buzzsaw hands, machetes and black-powder revolvers being the three competing choices.

Xin lowered the muzzle of his blaster. He didn't get the sense the droid meant them harm. Likely would have shot them by now or done anything other than walk straight towards them slowly. He turned to the Jedi and offered a shrug.
Now, cue the droid with the six-shooters...his day just kept getting better, and better, and weirder, and less of a chance of him not being eaten.

And a Jedi. Nej went pale at the Jedi. Jedi probably wouldn't approve of the bag full of stolen goods. But then again, who was gonna tell her about the duffel bag full of goodies? Not him, and not Xin. Maybe the droid would snitch. Nej rolled the blaster between his hands, and stepped away from the ship into the swamp. His good thievin' boots were getting muddy today.

He looked up at the Jedi. Pretty. Probably had a boyfriend. Or a lot of exes. He got that feeling from her for some reason.

Nej looked around the swamp, then back up at the trio of people he was going to be stuck with. He had no idea what to do now, but he put his hands on his hips and sighed.

"Well at least it's not a desert."

[member="Xin Boa"] l [member="Eralam"] l [member="Jamie Pyne"]
The blonde was notably startled by the sound of the two thunderous cracks that happened in rapid succession before silence enveloped the area once more. Her eyes peered around, at first discovering nothing, which prompted her to quickly escort herself and the others outside the hull of the downed vessel and into the murky, muddy swamp. That was when she noticed the rather large droid a distance away, yet felt an alien presence in the Force unlike anything she had ever sensed before. It gave her pause, causing some bit of confusion as to how in the galaxy a droid possessed the touch of the Force. It wasn't something that had ever been explained to her by Aela, nor the books she'd read.

If Nej was worried about Jamie's interest in his stolen goods, the droid had just done a fine job of stealing any attention she may have had away from it. Her curiosity was now well and focused on it as she trudged through the muck towards it, legs thoroughly slicked in filthy wet dirt now. "Hello?" She called out curiously towards it. If it was Force Sensitive, surely it understood Galactic Basic. Hopefully. Her hand remained cautiously away from her hip, and notably her hidden lightsaber in the off chance it was looking for Jedi for some reason.

"Were you on board the Tisza?"

[member="Nej Tane"] | [member="Xin Boa"] | [member="Eralam"]
"Barnabas," the Zeltron said, thumbing to himself. He could almost pretend he hadn't broken his arm, but the clamp still weighed heavily on him, and the pain, although dulled, was still there.

He listened as [member="RC-1047"] spoke, cocking his head to the side to hear better. The option seemed obvious to him. "Well, Cas, whatever happened to the ship to knock us down may still be happening." Barney racked his brain for details. He didn't remember much before waking in the forest. "And there are people in there that need our help. Well," he backtracked, shaking his head, "your help."

"I say we grab whoever we can quickly, and get the kark out."

Barney scanned what he could see of the ship with his eyes, frowning. He had thought he heard something. Some cry. Maybe he was wrong. "Yeah?"

It was a good thing [member="Zai Avery"] and [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] were so close.
Kyrel kept walking within the dense Jungle, both of his lightsabers dangled under his belt as he walked through the thick brush. He often had to move vines out of the way, and could even spot or hear wildlife of all kinds, from insects to reptiles. All the same, Kyrel was repulsed by it and the only thing carrying him thus far was the beacon in the survival kit. It was his only way of calling for help as he knew somehow that a First Order patrol would be within the sector to detect it.

He kept trudging through it, as far as he knew it was still daylight, and he preferred to get out well before dark, but if not then, then he would have to try throughout the night, but one question remained who else was here? He reached out with the Force and could feel several signatures, the more that he got through the thick brush of the jungle the more the signatures became closer. The problem was he couldn't tell if it was Dark or Light since the planet itself was a Force Nexus of its own. The Force clashed with itself every waking moment.

After hours of what seemed like an endless jungle, he slowly saw what came to view of several beings. What he assumed was a Droid, a Twi'lek, a Smuggler of some type or maybe even a thief, and then finally a young woman, she looked maybe 4 or 5 years younger then Kyrel, and all carried the Force within them save for the smuggler, and what he could tell carried light or neutral Force Signatures, one that interested him the most was the Droid. He had never encountered such a being and thought such a thing was impossible, but when it came to the Force he wasn't surprised by such things.

He slowly approached them, his saber out but the blade wasn't activated. His dark side aura was sent through the Force as he looked at them through the expressionless mask. He said through the icy tone of his enunciator. "I knew I wasn't the only one those fools shot down. Tell me where is a way off planet." He said as he activated his saber, the crimson blade coming to life with a snap hiss and held it to his side just in case things got ugly.

[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Xin Boa"] [member="Eralam"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai looked on with a bit of concern as [member="Zai Avery"], she knew the man suffered from violent past and would probably have some sort of condition, combined with a crash and possible fractures or other injuries things did not look so good, but id he said he was fine so be it, though past scars were always something to be careful of. "just don't push yourself to hard, rest up if you need to". It was clear he was not okay, but they needed to move soon, staying out in the open was not a good idea.

At the sight of Zai searching his pockets Sukai quickly felt around her suit, though sighed with comfort that all her belonging were present, she had searched in the direction of the scream without properly checking to make sure she was properly equipped. That would have been awkward when facing an enemy and not having any weapons, for the moment her light sabers, side arm, and binoculars as well as some other bits a peaces were secure.

"Going out into the jungle may not be a wise choice, neither of us have any survival equipment, and I do not want to end up as some wild beasts dinner". she borough her saber staff into had ready for any encounter, "I can still fight just find, stay close and behind me, we will go looking for other survivors, anyways you said you could make a beacon of some sort from the wreckage right"?

The sound of distance gun shots echoed around the site, it was very clear they were not alone, reaching out with the force she noted the presence of other force users, one dark two more neutral. "We need to move fast stick close and lean on me, I'm not leaving you behind, well go into the ship and find shelter, ill get you the parts you need and we will wait it out for the night". She pulled his arm over her shoulder and made of with a brief sprint towards the ship, coincidentally in the direction of an clone trooper and Zeltron.

/ [member="Barnabas Harou"] / [member="RC-1047"] /
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Zai was grateful for the woman's help. It had been a while since he had been mucking in the jungle and every sound from the wilderness made him jump. [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] took the lead, confident in her stride. He didn't know where she was going, but he had long ago learned to trust the instinct of a force user.

Every step caused a lance of pain through his head. The headache had grown worse and he had trouble thinking straight. Sky'ito was telling him something but the he only heard the words as a indistinct murmur. "What? Sorry I phased out there. Yeah I can get a beacon working, we'll just need a some sort of makeshift comms unit boosted with a large power source." Planning and building in his head always helped and the pain lessened somewhat.

It felt like he had been walking for hours, but it may have just been minutes. He'd drained his canteen and was severely dehydrated. The world tilted around him and he staggered to a halt. Leaning against a tree he addressed his companion. "Sky...I just need... a moment'" he panted. He felt horribly sick and had sharp cramps in his abdomen. He felt his gorge rise and felt a sudden urge to vomit. What little pride he had meant he couldn't hurl in front of Sky'ito, so he ran a short distance in the brush and was violently sick onto the bushes. After the horrible ordeal, he felt much better."Looks like it was simple food poisoning". He knew he shouldn't have trusted the ship meals.

Having composed himself, Zai stood straight and took in his surroundings. He froze. A short distance away, a young red-headed man stared agape at him. Next to him was an armour clad soldier, who already had his weapon drawn and pointed at Zai. Zai's first instinct was to reach for his blaster but he stopped his hand halfway, looking warily at the soldier. He raised his hands in surrender. "Don't shoot!" he shouted "I'm a survivor of the Tisza!"

He hoped that the pair were fellow survivors but if they were pirates, the best he could do was distract them while Sky'ito ambushed them.

[member="Barnabas Harou"] | [member="RC-1047"]


Drogh had been watching, using the smoke and fire alike to blind him self from others. Drogh was very skeptical about all of this, should he stay here? The more he watched the more he was convinced the pirates were going to attack. These people had given in to weakness and fear, rather then fleeing the area, they fester around each other, dead corpses walking. Drogh knew that none of them were going to run, but Drogh is not a herd animal, he prefers the isolation of the woods. The swamps surrounding them had a organic foul stench. Synthetic chemicals while awful to inhale were easy to get used to, the foul smell that mother nature had to offer was far more, disgusting. Drogh knew this, getting to a city was the most ideal situation, and while these lands are not forgiving nor kind, these cities if they still stand are not small, if the legends are to be true. Drogh looked behind him, one last glance at this eroded field of rotten fire and blasted steel. There in front of him was the embracing swamps that never end and the tall trees towering over. Very well.

Drogh ran forward, his hand hurt but he had not the patience for help, as soon as he got out of here the better, those behind could suffer and die, it mattered little. The swamps were host to great many vicious beasts, the Swamp Rancors are to be feared but can be avoided. Drogh was clueless to the other animals outside of the rancor, everything else was a mystery, a horrible mystery. Soon he found his feat slugging though the thick marsh, the smell rose up into his nose, behind the mask, it was like vomit had fermented in death. The scotching heat was beaten back some what by the cover of trees, but the mud was not cold, it had a uncomfortable heat to it, getting into his shoes and feat, Drogh feared he would be rotted away from within, this vile heat made Drogh feel filthy, more then usual. Yet Drogh would not die here, kill whom ever, what ever, it didn't matter. Do what ever you must, Drogh will not die here.


A plan is only as good as those who see it through
RC-1047 listened to him nodding at what he said before chuckling, "Don't worry, It's simple medical expertise that us Commando's were taught, all of us are Medical Certified though!" Casper said with a chuckle, "Well yeah let's get going, just to let you know, anyone that I see will have a gun pointed at them until I know there intention." RC-1047 said to the man he helped.

The Clone heard moving around the bushes, "Get down." Casper said to the man he helped as he stood up looking around with his DC-17m, The Clone had a bad feeling about this, "I'm just saying your going up against a Elite Commando, You won't be killing me easily." The Clone said boldly.

Well it was true, He was a trained Elite Commando he could easily hold himself in a fight or a battle, His Sensor's continued to keep telling him that there was someone around.

RC-1047 looked in the direction of the voice, he kept his hands on his DC-17M, His eye's narrowed to the sound of the voice, He saw him continuing to aim his gun at the unknown man.

"Survivor of the Tisza? Then we're fine." The Clone said slinging his DC-17m to his back, "Are you hurt or anything if so I can help." The Clone said with open arm's.

[member="Zai Avery"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
[member="Barnabas Harou"]

Nier breathed shakily, inhaled and exhaled, slowly evenly. His small hand twitched and everything flashed back. He'd stolen away on this ship, hiding himself away where no one would think to look. It was per the usual but this wasn't usual at all. He didn't know whether it was his bad luck or not, but the ship crashed. Went down. He remembered alarms. Loud, painful alarms.

Then deadly ringing silence.

His hand twitched again and then he forced his aching body up with a grimace. Zakuul. That's where they were headed and he wasn't particularly liking this stinky swampy area they'd crash landed in. The smell stuck to his nostrils and then he realized with disgust he was laying in a pile of mud. Leaves, soot, and dirt stuck to his muddied form. Nier took another two breaths and stood, only to stumble down to his hands and knees when a sharp twang of pain rocketed from his ankle.

The thing was, feelings always came first for him. Not the mushy, emotional kind, but the mental, spiritual kind through the Force and he realized someone was near if the sound of feet trudging through the swamp didn't give him away. The Miraluka looked up, head peeking above the grass, seemingly a simple blind boy to an ignorant person without the Force.

Jamie Pyne said:
"Were you on board the Tisza?"
"Aye. The liner comped me tickets when the original flight got canceled."

Well this was an interesting bunch. Since it seemed pretty clear that none of them meant him any harm, Eralam tucked his weapons back into their homes on his belt and reeled his Force presence back in. It took a bit of concentration to get the barriers back up, but he breathed a metaphorical sigh of relief once they were. Going without them was worse than being naked. Not that he knew much about what that was like.

That said, he didn't quite​ let go of the Force altogether. He kept the connection open, a little trickle of power flowing back into his mind. Surviving the crash, especially since he'd been looking for pirates to fight when the ship went down, had taken a lot of effort, and he'd expended more of his reserves than he liked. The Shard wasn't the most powerful Force user around, but he was immensely talented with Absorb, and since he didn't have to worry about things like spontaneous combustion, he could store a lot​ of energy. At almost any given point in time, one could count on the Iron Knight taking little bits and pieces of energy from the world around him. Since his stores were, well, not depleted, but certainly into the red, that intake was a little higher now, drawing thermal energy from the steaming hot jungle. The effect was something like a cool, refreshing breeze, only without the breeze part.

Say what you will about Eralam, but having a walking A/C along wasn't the worst thing in the world.

And then the Ren showed up, lightsaber in hand.

Kyrel Ren said:
Tell me where is a way off planet."
"Generally, up. Now put that thing away boy, we don't have time for that nonsense."

If the dark-sidey cyborg looking dude wanted a fight, he'd get one, but Eralam wasn't joking when he said there wasn't time. The ship might have crashed and the pirates might be dead, but there was no guarantee they didn't have friends. Furthermore, the organics would need things like food, shelter, and water. The Shard required none of those things, but he did want off this rock, and that meant keeping them alive and happy was in his best interest.

[member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Xin Boa"]
Nej screamed, and put on a brave face. That was after the girly scream. He didn't like Sith. He didn't like Jedi either. Or Republic police. Or Alliance police. Or police in general. Or dentists. At least, the ones with their fancy licenses.

Nej didn't like a lot of things except the Dragoons and money, really.

"Sith...Jedi...lightsaber! At- me! Put away!"

He pulled out a second blaster and pointed it at the Ren. Not that it would do much of a difference, really.

[member="Eralam"] l [member="Kyrel Ren"] l [member="Jamie Pyne"] l [member="Xin Boa"]
[member="Nej Tane"] [member="Eralam"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Jamie Pyne"]


He had been just about to suggest the Sith flap his arms really hard when the droid beat him to it. The droid also had more of a presence for requesting the lightsaber being deactivated, so it was probably all for the best. Though Xin vowed to be quicker off the mark next time.

Xin could be nervous, but even then he had more of a habit of shooting his mouth off and making things worse than running for his life. Or screaming. At least he didn't do that.

"We're not staying long. Pirates might come back to pick the bones. And if they had the balls to take a ship this'ly got some gunships handy." Xin had once seen a gunship used by a brutal dictatorship on a crowd. It had been decidedly messy.

"Gonna go look for a transceiver and some power packs. No good hiding out there if no one is coming. Nej?" Hopefully the others might go round up the other survivors. If the Jedi and Sith were going to kick off he wanted to be elsewhere. Red sabers meant sith as far as his limited understanding of warrior religions went.
Jamie turned halfway from [member="Eralam"] at the unexpected interruption, blue eyes settling on the armored man that in short order took up a lightsaber glistening in a crimson glow. The blonde scowled. In her eyes it was just as likely he was responsible for their ship being shot down than pirates. He could have been one of them, now finding himself stranded like the rest. She cursed, face scowling as he stood at a distance, hostile stance and all. Jamie knew that no Jedi would carry a blade of that color, nor would a peaceful person draw their weapon and make demands off the cuff like that. Still, of all those present, it was obvious she was the one in most immediate danger of this man. She was the only one aligned towards the light, though to her advantage it would be unlikely the man would know her for who she was in a place so overwhelmed by the Force. Unless she drew her weapon, or otherwise gave reason to suspect, she would hopefully appear as little more than a typical woman to the masked and armored man. Assuming Nej and Xin kept their mouths shut about her being a Jedi that is.

Gesturing for [member="Nej Tane"] to hush she turned back towards [member="Kyrel Ren"], "We don't have a means of getting off world. That was our ship." She pointed towards the very vessel they were standing next to in the muddy swamp. "Waiving that weapon around isn't going to get anyone closer to rescue." Hopefully he could be reasoned with. The woman wasn't quite in the best position to start a fight in the muck that surrounded them all. "We need to find anyone else whose still alive, a transceiver, food, water, and a place to take shelter, and a lightsaber isn't going to achieve any of that."

Jamie looked back to [member="Xin Boa"], "See what you can find. I'll start to look for water."

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