Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Xin Boa

Xin Boa


SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8m (just under 6ft)
WEIGHT: 80kg
FORCE SENSITIVE: Mild Force sensitivity (gets a bad feeling when something dangerous is around the corner)

  • I have a bad feeling about this: Good eyesight, pheromone sensing headtails, mild Force sensitivity and avoiding the law from a young age make Xin an excellent lookout.
  • Jack of all trades: A big of slicing, an able pilot, knows how to use a blaster.
  • Big Mouth: Doesn't always realise when to shut up.
  • What is a promise? Doesn't trust easily. Feels little loyalty to any cause or person.


Xin has a fairly lanky build. Like most of his kind he's broad across the shoulders with leg, powerful legs for swimming. He has inky black eyes and yellow-green skin. His headtails are always decorated and these change frequently with his mood. Simple metal bands are worn when he is feeling focused, determined or sad. Leather straps with markings to match his tattoos are common. Brighter decorations are seen when he is feeling more whimsical. His clothing is typical of spacers. Loose trousers with many pockets, heavy jackets. Often has his arms on show. His headtails, arms and chest are decorated with jet black tattoos making him easy to spot. Sometimes wears goggles to protect sensitive eyes in bright or dry conditions.


Xin Boa grew on on Glee Ansem to a pair of loving parents. He was an only child and didn't travel far from the underwater city they lived in. When the Clockwork Rebellion began the nautolans hoped that they would avoid attention by staying to the deeper oceans. They were wrong.

Xin was alone from a young age. He drifted, taking small jobs to travel with smugglers and convoys. Never feeling attached to any one place he found himself more at home with spacers. He learned to play cards and fly a shuttle before he learned to write basic.

Xin found himself deep in debt with the kind of people it wasn't good to be in debt with. He had built a reputation for keeping one step ahead of danger and this was out to good use by the crimelord Yulon Tan. Petty crime didn't entirely suit Xin, but he has the skillset and a lot of credits to pay off.

Unfortunately his luck ran out on a job when they were betrayed from the inside. Their radios were sabotaged and the nautolan was apprehended along with half a crew. He got a relatively short sentence based on his record and this led his crew to believe that he must have betrayed them.
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Xin as a child


Glee Anselm
Clockwork Rebellion

Xin felt the impact reverberate through his bones. Sound carried far better through the water than the air and the devastation being wrought upon Corellia ran through her seas in a series of shockwaves. Xin didn't blink his eyes open; he didn't blink. Awareness slowly returned to him and he kicked his legs to reorient himself. For half a second he wondered if he had imagined the sound. Just a waking dream. The second shockwave disavowed him of the notion.

Frozen with fear he hung in the middle of his chamber. The city they lived in was deep in the oceans. Several higher layers were pumped full of pressurised air, but most of the city was underwater. Their infants could not survive in the air and most of their communications: language, visual cues and pheromone exchange were more suited to being underwater. It wasn't just the noise. The sudden shock was so powerful it made him feel nauseated. Still it was something else that frayed Xin's fragile nerves.

The grown ups had been speaking in hushed tones around him. Mentions of 'droids’ searching the oceans. The whole community had become sombre and even Xin had become more quiet and introverted in the last week. Another time and his parents might have been thankful for some peace.

“Xin!” he heard his mother's cry a moment after the sound of the door to their abode sliding open. It roused him from his stupor and he swam quickly to open his own door. Their home was a number of spherical chambers connected by tubes to a residential district of the city. His mother was already coming towards him quickly.

“What was…”

“Don't worry, don't worry,” she hushed as she grabbed him and pulled him close. As reassuring as her presence was it was too easy to read his mother. As young as he was he could see the panic in her eyes, feel it though his head tails.

“We have to leave. Now.”

She wrapped her fingers around his wrist in a firm grip and started to swim for the door. He has to kick hard just to keep himself aligned with her. If he hadn't realised her panic before, he did now. The front door opened to frame his father. He was a broad and angular man. People always chose to comment on the fact that Xin had his father's colouring, but his mother's features.

His father said nothing to them. He just turned and started down the corridor. Everyone was out of their homes, an alarm was blaring now. As he was pulled along in his mother's wake he heard people calling out to each other.

“Depth charges!”

“The droids found us!”

“...evacuating from all bays…”

“They've breached the lower levels…”

“...sink the entire base…”

Xin noticed that the sudden noises had stopped. He was glad of that at least. Each had felt like having his insides struck with a hammer.

“Are we leaving?” He asked.

“Yes,” his father replied sternly.

“But Daggy and…”

“Don't worry about your toys now. No time.”

His point was accentuated by a sudden scream of tortured metal. The entire corridor shook, the waters swirling as they pressed on. There were people all around them now, swimming for the landing bays. The water was thick with their fear.

Another mighty crash. This time the pressure suddenly changed. Xin felt his ears prickling with pain. The tunnel wall suddenly crumpled in towards them, metal layers unfolding like petals. He felt mum’s grip tug him back sharply before she released him. Xin hit the far wall with a thud.

Shaking his headtails he pushed himself from the wall as his father swam back past him. He turned at the sound of his mother’s cry. A heavy girder had burst through the wall, its weight had her pinned against the floor.


His dad braced against the floor and wrapped his arms around it. Muscles bunched and strained as he heaved. She managed to wiggle a few inches before his strength gave. She cried out once more. A dark cloud seeped out from beneath the girder. She was bleeding.

Xin started to swim towards the but firm hands wrapped around his waist and pulled him back. He struggled against them frantically.

“Go!” he heard his mother plead. She had placed her hands on dad’s head.

“Not yet.” The words were perhaps the softest Xin had ever heard from his father. “Xin!” he called turning to face him. “We’ll catch up. I promise.”

“Promise?” Xin croaked.

Promise. Gersh, take him with you!”

Xin stopped struggling and was pulled away. He saw his father brace himself for another pull. Mum closed her eyes, her hands searching for something to grasp.


4th Correctional Facility, Bastion
Present Day

The wooden stylus made a rasping sound as it was drawn back and forth over the leather strap. It was slow work. In their shop classes they weren’t permitted to use long straps. The risk was they would use the length as a garrotte. They also weren’t permitted particularly sharp, metal tools for obvious reasons.

Xin smoothed the piece out and canted his head to one side, admiring his efforts with his wide, glassy eyes. With an approving nod he set down his tools and started to tie it to one of his headtails.

“Makin’ yourself a pretty princess?” growled the houk next to him menacingly.

“You’d think anything was pretty as long as you’ve been in here,” Xin retorted. A hush fell upon the shop. Enough that the silence attracted the attention of one of the guards.

A laugh like rockslide brought it to an end. Jope elbowed Xin hard enough to nearly knock him from his feet. “Not been that long squidy.”

Jope kept himself to himself. Everyone else kept Jope to himself by steering well clear. Except for Xin. For some reason the houk had taken a shine to him. That was quite useful given the young convicts predilection for mouthing off at the wrong time. Jope thought he was funny. And if Jope laughed, no one else tended to say otherwise.

“Gotta look good. My big day tomorrow,” Xin replied.

Jope gave him a sombre look. “Anyone coming to see you?” he asked. The houk pointed to the new braid and then to a tattoo on Xin’s arm. He could be a little simple like that. Xin just shrugged.

“Don’t think so,” Xin replied.

“Ah we’ll miss you.”

Xin smiled. It was a kind thing to say even if it wasn’t true.

“Good to see you Xin.” The gravely voice suddenly ruined a perfectly good start to a day. The doors slammed loudly behind him. Xin stood on the roadside outside of the institute, free from his first serious time inside.

The nautolan turned to see the a group of vagrants emerge from a large airspeeder. “You boys didn’t need to give me a lift,” Xin called out cheerily. He swung his bag of belongings over to his right hand, just in case.

“Oh we did. Yulon’s been thinking about who’s responsible for the last job going bad. Now normally you’re the first spot trouble. Got us out of a lot of tight pinches. But everyone remembers you being oddly quiet that day. And now here you are, out after just two years.”

Xin shook his head, tails decorated in simple leather straps shaking. “I wouldn’t do that Gualt. I promise I didn’t betray anyone. Radio’s weren’t working. They picked me up just two blocks away from the job and…”

“Now what was it you used to say all the time?” The broad chested human moved up until he was just inches away. “A promise is nothing but empty words ‘til you follow up on it? Get in the car Boa.”
They had actually put a bag over his head. Like an old fashioned gangster movie. Then they’d searched him for bugs in the back of the speeder. Time was a difficult thing to follow tressed up like this. Everyone was eerily silent. He hoped this wasn’t an execution. He’d seen them put a blaster bolt in the back of an informant’s head before. At least, he supposed, it would be quick and wouldn't hurt for long. Yulon had always liked him though. He would get to say his piece first.

The speeder came to a stop. Xin felt something tug at the back of his mind. If something was off the others didn’t seem to notice. He couldn’t sense any heightened emotions. Everyone seemed perfectly calm as the doors were opened.

He felt a tug on his upper arm and he was guided out of the back. Then he felt it. Sudden panic as everyone came to an abrupt stop.

“Who the feth are you?”

“Weapons down please. I don’t think you’re stupid enough to try anything are you? Have a good look around?”

Xin didn’t recognise the voice.

“You don’t know who you’re…”

“You work for Yulon Tan and that is Xin Boa I believe?”

“And…” Gault trailed off. He was just to Xin’s right, perhaps even close enough to strike. They hadn’t bound his hands. He got the feeling that this wasn’t his moment though.

“We’re taking him with us.”

“My stones you are.” Gault replied to the stranger. There was desperation in his voice.

“Not a choice.”

Xin heard weapons being primed all around him. “Not for us either. Can’t disappoint Yulon. We’ll all die here first.”

Xin had to shut his eyes tight as the bag was pulled from his head. He opened them slowly and adapted to the light. They were in a wide street. The four men who had picked him up had pistols raised.

A lot more men had a lot more weapons pointed back at them. Xin didn’t recognise the Nikto who stood before him, with the bag in his hand. It turned out he owned the voice who had been making demands.

“I have an option.” The Nikto turned said. No one pointed a weapon at him. This didn’t surprise Xin. He wouldn’t have wanted to point a weapon at him either. It seemed a decidedly dangerous thing to do. “Xin tried to escape. He admittedly to the betrayal and you had to shoot him.”

Xin became aware of a commotion in the distance. He peered around the speaker to see a nautolan dragged into the road. He couldn’t help but notice the matching tattoos. And the distinct lack of movement. Who the feth were these people?

Gaunt grunted. A gentle shove pushed Xin towards the nikto and Yulon’s men retreated for their speeder.

Xin gave a weak shrug and a smile. “Thanks?” As he was led away from the street he heard a blaster being discharged behind him.


Vagrant Fleet, Relgim Sector

Coming out of hyperspace drew Xin Boa from his sleep. Barely a word had been exchanged as he was led away. No one had put a bag over his head or bound his hands. That was perhaps a good sign. However, given the look of the people escorting him away it might not have been a necessary precaution.

He looked out of the window. He groaned.

“Ah, recognise the view?” chuckled a massive reptilian. He wasn’t a trandoshan. His muzzle was too long and he had a tail.

“Yeah,” Xin replied. He didn’t sound thrilled at the revelation. “Live here a few years back.”

The room seemed to be serve some kind of planning function. The screens were all blank but one, which showed a projection of the positions of the ships in the fleet. They seemed to have collected a few more since Xin had been here.

There were several people in seats around a central holoprojector. Constant movement in the shadows as they fidgeted. There was the angry nikto who had frightened even Yulon’s men and the huge reptilian. Xin had the sense that they were all waiting for someone. The doors slid open.

A tall duros in a black coat strode into the room. He came to stand a few feet from Xin and placed both hands on a console.

“Xin Boa.”

“That is my name. You didn’t need to send a shuttle by the way, an invitation to…”

“I have a job for you.”

Xin fell silent, looking embarrassed by his own mouth. He couldn’t think of the other nautolan who appeared to bear very similar tattoos. He wasn’t skilled enough that anyone should put that much effort into apprehending him.


“We have some friends. Some friends who think Yulon Tan is going to knock off one of their banks and seriously damage their digital ledgers. We would be in their good books if we prevented this. We would be in their really good books if Yulon was stopped permanently.”

“Oh,” Xin replied. Now it made sense.

“You don’t have to help us. It’s just that after today… well if they decide to tell Yulon the truth before or after we make our move. And if we don’t capture him.” The Duros shrugged innocently.

“Yeah, not sure I can escape a bounty that big,” Xin sighed.

“My name is Wesseq, you’ve met some of the team already.”

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