Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Begging You

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Absolutely." He answered honestly.

In fact he would probably have to make it a regular thing, mostly because he'd seen the expression on Jamie's face and saw the look in her eye. The kiss helped too. He smirked at his girlfriend for a moment more and then slowly drew back to pick up another card.

It was a two.

That meant he had an eight, a three, and a two. Not very good cards at all.

"Okay." He placed the eight down in front of himself, his face impassive. "Go ahead."
Jamie looked at the card. A six. That gave her a two, a six, and a seven. Not what she was looking for. In her head she cursed, knowing that a seven was probably easy enough to beat.

"I see." She said with a small grin.

Perhaps after the third or fourth time she would be used to it, but until then the act would likely be both strange and ticklish. Though she imagined it would never cease to tickle her, unless of course Kurt shaved.

"Well then." The blonde placed her seven face down, the best card she had in her hand that was left, and hoped for the best. "You're going to be too drunk to do that soon enough."

That stuff was strong enough that when Kurt had poured a bit onto her body the fumes drifted to her nose and stung. How he was drinking it straight from the bottle she would never know.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"I doubt it." He told her with a smile. "Since I'll be winning."

Kurt gave her a wink, and then flipped his card.

The seven popped up as soon as Jamie flipped it, and a wide smile immediately pulled at his lips. His own card came down in front of himself, revealing the eight. A number that of course beat Jamie's. He smirked at her and then glanced towards the wine bottle. "I think you'll find it's quite the opposite, My lady."

He had the more alcoholic drink, but he planned on winning as much as possible.

Plus even if he did lose...his method of drinking was fun enough that he didn't mind.
The blonde scowled looking at the eight. For a long minute she sat there, staring at it, hoping to somehow turn the number into a two, or a three, or anything lower.

When it didn't she sighed. "Okay. Fine then."

Leaning back towards the table she grabbed the bottle of wine, shifted her attention to Kurt with the bottle in hand, a hint of blue looking at him with feigned scorn before tilting the glass back, taking two big sips from it.

She would save the removal of clothes for when the alcohol finally started to hit her. She wouldn't give Kurt the satisfaction this early, not when they were only on their second round. The wine was set carefully back down on the nightstand before her hand reached back towards the deck. "New card." When she drew the next one a wide smile begged to race across her face. It was all Jamie could do to withhold it as she looked at the bright red Ace.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt wasn't so lucky.

His next card was just a six. The Courier tried not to frown as he scooped up the card, but right now he was holding a two, a six, and a three. Inwardly he wanted to sigh, deciding that his hand wasn't good at all and that he would have to play a bit more strategically if he wanted to win in the long run.

So as Jamie put down her Card, Kurt put forward his own. "Flip."

As Jamie revealed her Ace, Kurt revealed his two. He made a face, realizing that he wouldn't have won no matter what, but deciding that it was likely worth the loss anyway. His head slowly shook and he looked up at Jamie, then down to her stomach. He gave her a shy, almost pleading smile.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of this." He said as he scooped up the bottle and repeated the process he had undertaken earlier, though this time he seemed to linger for a moment, pressing a kiss lower on her abdomen before drawing back. "Next card?"

He asked quietly, feeling the slight tingle in his extremities again.
Jamie picked up the next card and glanced down at it, a nine. Better than the other cards in her hand, but not quite as good as the prior Ace.

"Ready to drink again?" She asked him sweetly. "You're going to lose this game, Kurt Meyer."

The same card she picked up was set back down in front of her lap, face down, with nothing but confidence in her face.

"Hope that card was a ten or you're in for another shot."

A small devilish grin slowly drew across her lips, assured that Kurt would be finding himself tipsy much sooner than she. Not only was he slowly having to drink more often than Jamie, but his alcohol was far more potent than the wine she had. And although it didn't take nearly as much to put her over the edge of sobriety, the particular bottle Kurt had chosen to drink was a much stronger variety.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He smirked at her. "I don't think I'm actually losing, Honey."

After all he was getting to drink out of her belly button and every time he did he could tell that she was enjoying it as much as him, in a strange way at least. He smirked at his girlfriend and drew the next card from the top of the deck, smiling slightly as this time he had the ace.

"Now." He said as he set the card down, and then motioned for her to flip.

When she revealed her nine he gave her a wide smile. "I believe...."

Slowly he reached over to grab her wine bottle, offering it to her.

"That means I win." It was obvious that Kurt was getting just a little bit bolder. Two shots of the Tequila was already working away at his usually reserved personality. That stuff hit harder than one might imagine, even on a full stomach.
A glaring scowl soured the grin on her face as she snatched the bottle from Kurt's hand.

"We'll see about that."

She tipped back the bottle and took a much bigger sip than usual. "Tomorrow morning." Jamie added as she pulled the bottle away from her lips, swallowing the sweet liquid and setting the wine bottle back onto the nightstand. "It's going to be a long flight back for you." The alcohol he was drinking was anything but forgiving. If he wound up drinking enough of it, the hangover would be miserable.

"Next card." She reached out and pulled from the deck a ten, leaving her a two, a seven, and the ten. Obviously the ten was what she would play next.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt only drew an eight this time, but he still had the six and the three.

A small smile pulled at his lip as he put down the eight, his eyes settling on Jamie for a moment until she flipped her card. His smile quickly disappeared as he saw the ten, but his gaze flicking to the wide grin on her face that showed as soon as she saw that she had won. "Not so fast."

The trouble with this game was that Kurt didn't actually have a lot of clothes on, just four pieces really since he had elected not to wear socks after their fun in the shower.

"I'm not drinking again." Without hesitation Kurt pulled off his shirt, throwing it off the bed and placing down the three.

That bumped him up to eleven.
Jamie snickered in mockery as Kurt pulled off his shirt, defiant to taking another shot.

"Oh? But why not? Are you" She leaned in closer towards him. "Chicken?"

Her eyes wandered over his exposed chest, teeth biting into her lip before she sat back against the pillow that separated her from the headboard. "It's okay."

The bottle was picked back up, this time raised to eye level so the girl could get a look at how much she had drank. A quick swirl of the crimson liquid inside and she dipped her head back again for another sip. Thus far she had downed just under half the bottle. Rather soon she would be feeling the effects of that decision.

The next card she drew was unfortunately a five. A painfully average card. That left Jamie in a rather nasty spot. She could use the seven, but even that was hardly spectacular. Still, that was what she used. If need be she could add the five or the two, depending on what Kurt drew himself.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Unfortunately for Jamie, Kurt's luck was apparently rolling very strong. The two cards that he drew to replace his eight and three were a nine and a queen. That meant his hand now sat at a very comfortable, Six, Nine, and Ten. He couldn't help but smile slightly, glancing up at Jamie.

Perhaps it wasn't a very good poker face, but he couldn't help but feel incredibly joyful in that moment. "You know."

Kurt rolled his fingers over the top of his cards.

"I think I'll go easy on you this round." He plucked the ten from his hand and placed it in front of him. "Just because I love you."

The Courier smirked.

She wasn't the only one that could play mind games.
"You call that going easy?" The look on her face as they flipped their cards was dismay. "Fine."

Jamie eyed the cards in her hand, then looked at the two on the bed. With a sigh her hands set the cards she had been holding face down beside her, then reached up behind her back, unlatching the small hook to her bra and pulling down the shoulder straps, carefully pulling her left arm free, then through the right sleeve the article came, falling off the side, thus still keeping her shirt on.

Likely to the dismay of Kurt.

"There." She said, picking up her cards again and setting down the five to add to the seven, giving her a twelve. "Now you have to drink."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Mhmm...except." This was going to go downhill rather fast, but Kurt wanted to win this around especially.

A third Shot of Tequila wouldn't put him over the edge of course, but it would start to mess with his reasoning skills. If he took it he would probably just start taking his clothes off at any opportunity just to get at Jamie, and it was better to use it now as a strategic advantage than anything.

So, Kurt quickly undid his pants, and slowly, very slowly stripped them off. "I choose to raise the stakes."

His eyebrows waggled as he pulled off his jeans, throwing them onto the floor with his pants and putting down the six. He was still holding the nine, which in it of itself was a pretty great card, something he didn't quite yet want to throw away.

He was now sitting at a Sixteen, winning, but sitting in only his boxers.
A low growl came from her as she watched Kurt yet again force her to drink despite the removal of clothes.

In truth, she hadn't thought that was allowed, and why she hadn't done it the round before when she had the opportunity.

If nothing else she was hopefully running down the cards he had in his hand that were worth anything. The blonde looked at her hand, the sad and lonesome two that remained, and shook her head. It wasn't enough to beat Kurt's new hand regardless, and so she had to once again drink before reaching to refill the cards in her hand.

This time she pulled a King and Queen, nearly as ideal as it could possibly be!

"You're going down, this time."

Jamie set down the King as she felt a small tingle in her feet and fingertips, likely from the wine beginning to set in.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt smiled as he watched her down the drink, reaching over to pull out a King and a Jack.

The Courier almost bit his lip, though this time managed to keep a completely straight face. He had won the last few rounds, and Jamie would very likely start feeling the effects of all the wine that she had drunk. By now he was a bit behind on the drink, and that was a good thing. It meant he could now afford to lose a round or two. "Alright."

He said as he put down his King.

"Flip." The word was repeated again, and then the cards were revealed.

As soon as he saw Jamie's card he let out a laugh.

"Well I guess we both drink." He mused with a smile. "Unless..."
Did she want to waste the Queen on a single round? All she would have left again is the measly two. The likelihood of drawing two good cards like that again were small, and she would need at least something decent if she wanted to win the next few rounds. She sighed, shaking her head. For a moment she considered accusing him of cheating, counting cards, or some other trick he learned while back at home.

"Fine. But you don't get a belly button shot this time."

She stuck out her tongue and passed him the bottle as she took up her own.

"You have to drink straight out of the bottle."

Her next card was surprisingly a ten. Had she known, she would have used that Queen.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt stuck out his tongue. Apparently they were getting competitive now, and it meant no more belly button. The Courier made a note to try and negotiate that back into the game somehow, though if things continued he would likely be too drunk to actually do anything. He took a small sip from the bottle, less than what Jamie took from hers but that was probably fair considering the difference in alcohol content.

Oddly enough, the Tequila tasted far less sweet from the bottle.

Kurt eyed Jamie for a moment, but didn't say anything. "Okay, next card."

This time The Courier drew a five, though that still left him with a Queen, a nine, and now the five. The hand wasn't really a bad one, but he would've liked to have done better. For a moment he considered bringing out just the nine, but eventually he settled on setting down the Queen.

Better to win until she was too tipsy to play strategically.
Jamie set down her own Queen, waited for the flip, and nearly cursed him when she saw the opposing woman sitting on the card opposite her.

"No." She said firmly. "You're drinking this time!"

Her hand pulled free the ten she had just drawn and put the card down face up to show him, her defiant expression as she unbuttoned her shorts, lifted her rear and pulled them down. Freeing herself she dropped the clothing to the floor with her right foot and sat back up. "I'll use all three cards if I have to this time. You're losing this."

Though in all actuality, her three cards weren't enough to beat him, if he did use them all. But this was her defiant stand.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

For a moment he considered his options.

He liked having Jamie pants-less, that was always a good thing, but part of him debated whether he could have more. He still had the nine and five, which would bump him up to twenty four. The problem was that he had no clothes to take off. Rather he only had his boxers left and that meant he only had one article of clothing to take off. The Courier wasn't exactly sure what that meant, the rules he had made up hadn't really allowed for such a thing.

"Well." He said quietly, frowning. "You'll get your way."

Kurt scooped up the bottle and took another swig, this time biting his tongue as the sweetening burn rolled over his throat. "But."

He stopped mid-sentence for a moment as he drew another card, another five.

"We should talk about what happens when someone loses all their clothes." Kurt said as he placed the nine in front of himself. His toes were now tingling completely, and he was starting to feel like he had less control of himself. The temptation to pull Jamie a bit closer, especially now that she wasn't wearing pants, was quickly rising.
"Well." She said, reaching for the deck of cards once more, taking out a seven and a nine. "Isn't that when you lose?"

Jamie wasn't entirely sure how this particular game worked, as far as the removing of clothes part. She hadn't exactly participated in this type of game before, so it was all pretty new to her. It only made logical sense that when you had no clothes to take off you either had to drink, or you lost. There didn't seem to be much of another way to go about it.

Either that or the game just ended.

"There." Jamie followed up by putting the nine down in front of her, waiting to listen to what Kurt decided to make up as a rule to tell her when he lost all of his clothes. Inevitably he would be first, given that she still had her shirt, and underwear covered by said shirt, left to take off.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

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