Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion IDCARRATOS | GA Dominion of Carratos

Narrator of The Galactic Alliance

The path we embark on now, we embark upon in the name of the Light... and any who stand in our way will be purified.
- Chancellor Chandra


Dominated by urban landscapes, Carratos has been affectionately coined as the world of many fortunes –– if you have the means to take them.

With the power vacuum left behind by the One Sith, pirate lords have established themselves as local business persons as the planet’s new regime was forming. While the government in place moved to establish an economy, attempting to get trade going to and from the world –– pirates were all too happy to oblige –– commandeering many of the contracts for themselves in order to firmly root themselves in the planet’s legitimate foundation.

With the Alliance’s sights on bringing Carratos into the fold, they must be wary to uphold their standards. Inviting corruption into the shiny Core, and inevitably, the Senate, is a delicate pursuit. Before a decision is made, the Alliance’s citizens and resources are deployed to get a feel for the planet and how far from legitimate its current government is.

For everyone, Carratos remains alive with opportunity.


The business sect of Carratos is built from opportunists. Individuals (unaffectionately coined Pirates) who recognized gaps in the planet’s position, and made it a port for trade and dominating the Namadii Corridor. The Alliance’s Senators and business representatives are welcome to establish renewed, stronger contracts and relationships that appeal to the opportunists of Carratos.


Agents of the SIA have been tasked to submerge themselves in the network of trade and whispers and seek out further information about what might be in the containment that’s being auctioned on Ord Mirit. The agent’s discretion is paramount. Not all leads are hot leads; but sometimes it’s worth catching a chill just to understand what (or who) you’re not looking for.


Amidst shopping malls, restaurants, business centres, casinos, sits a school of ancient arts. It’s been a long time since class was in session, but the New Jedi Order has been invited to roam its halls and speak to the ancient headmaster

The Fallanassi are an ancient cult of Force users, mastering the art of projections and illusions. Those of the Order might do well to submerge themselves in the ancient teachings to appreciate the approach of pacifism without being defenceless.

While the school is no longer active, there’s a wing maintained to archiving and museuming the lessons in place where a headmaster can be spoken and interacted with; who’s all too happy to divulge information on the ancient art and answer any questions.


Carratos has disposed of several overarching governments in its existence. Between the Vong and the One Sith, the remains of fallen empires have been discarded on the moon orbiting the fallen planet.

Scavengers find themselves rifling through bountiful swathes of trash, remains, remnants, and artifacts discarded, all left to be forgotten. It’s rare that there’s something worth finding in the dumps, but not entirely unlikely. There can be history to find and learn from. Or maybe sell. Whatever.

Casinos, shops, restaurants, oh my! This city-born planet is full of life and mysteries sit in every corner. Tell us what stories there are to be found.




Viribus | OPEN



Drawing in a sharp, bolstering breath, Maijan shook her hands at her sides, clenching and unclenching her golden fists. As if the gesture would roll away the nerves she didn't know she had.

In truth, she'd never considered coming back. She hadn't been here since she was a teen and had never actually graduated –– too swept up in the promises of freebooting in her youth and starting her scoundrel life rather than the academic promises she'd been set for. But when the rumour mill started for The Alliance making their way back to the pirate planet...she had to find a way to be there. By some will unfelt until some blaring nostalgia struck her.

"I wunderr if she's still herre.." The fallanassi murmured, moreso to herself than her companion. She'd never spoke of her education, how she'd come into understanding illusions so wonderfully -- but it was all from here. The headmaster when Maijan had been growing up as..magnificent, powerful, unparalleled and eternally patient. She'd tried reaching out to the dropout several times as Maijan cruised through the stars, unburdened by responsibility. Despite the headmistress was more a mother to her than any parents she might have had once upon a time --She'd never answered..but she played the messages over sometimes.

Especially now, after being roped into begrudging service.
...and I wonder what she'd say about the bomb in my neck.

The ornate doorway was pretty well as Maijan remembered it. If she wanted to, she was confident she could reconstruct it in her mind for anyone else to see at any time. Once she reached the top steps, and just about to push her way in, nerves overwhelmed her and she grabbed Vir's hand, slipping into the folds of the White Current and concealing them both from sight. The first trick she'd learned -- turning invisible. Making an illusion of yourself.

"I'm uhh, not rready to be seen yet I guess."

On second thought, and after sheepish explanation, she materialized again and dropped the Zabrak's hand.

"It's sillee. She's probably dead."
Last edited:


LOCATION: Chofin Settlement, Carratos
OBJECTIVE: I - Buried Gold
ALLIES: Alliance Senators & Business Leaders


The landspeeder convoy came to a stop deep within the Picaroon Nape, the district of Chofin Settlement controlled by the ruling merchant pirates. Under protest, the close protection teams escorted the convoy stayed within the vehicles rather than establishing a cordon to secure the area. The blaster canons mounted on the exterior of the armoured speeders, typically pivoted back and forth as they scanned the area for hostiles, were set to standby mode.

Not that any of this made a difference to the locals, who dispersed and closed up shops the moment the vehicles arrived. They casually made their way to escape points and dumped stolen merchandise into fusion furnaces, all too familiar with how to avoid being caught up in raids by law enforcement.

Vice Chancellor Tithe was the first to disembark the convoy, making sure to move slowly and keep his hands away for his body - any movement perceived as going for a weapon would see him disintegrated where he stood by gunslingers who had taken up hidden overwatch positions.

After a moment of silent tension, a nearby blastdoor slid open, slipping red lighting out onto the now deserted street. A burly Advozse appeared at the door and up and down the narrow street. Satisfied that the coast was clear, the horned humanoid nodded to Tithe before disappearing back through the blastdoor.

That was the signal. “Sadly, not to most dubious business deal I've ever done,” Tithe said, largely to himself. He waved to the other landspeeders to unlock their doors and allow the Senators and business leaders within to disembark.

The SIA had established that if Carratos was to be brought into the Alliance, they needed the ruling pirate clans on side, with the Vice Chancellor and his esteemed colleagues here to make the deal. With many would be hesitant to ally themselves - or straight out bribe - these known criminals, the business of state and diplomacy was rarely as noble as everyone would like.

Grabbing a camtono of credits, Tithe led the way into the pirate den.



Location: Carratos, School of Illusionary Arts and Projections


I listened intently to my hosts as I continued to devour my breakfast. My plan for the day and the following days after involved visiting the ancient school; where the techniques of illusions and projections had been taught, now archived for anyone with the enthusiasm to rifle through the various tomes and handwritten texts. The night before, I met with two elderly women, scholars in their own right, to set a breakfast meeting at one of the local eateries to discuss the school, the archives, and what else I could possibly stumble upon. Upon knowing my association with the Jedi Order, they were eager to offer up any assistance to me; free of charge. However, I would pay their breakfast tab regardless.

he school is rather impressive," Dr. Folsom said in between bites. "Many historical stories, and some rumors, have always circulated around that school. I was but a wee lass myself when the school abruptly closed down the classes. I've spent my free time away from work trying to dig up the history and mystery of the school, but stonewalled all the time."

hat's because you are poor at playing the politics game," Dr. Ru chimed in after placing her beverage down. Shaking her head, she added quickly, "Don't give me that look Emily! You know I'm right. Hell, I'm always right." Turning her eyes to me she continued. "Emily here is a pest. Sorry dear, that is true. Anyway, Emily had been sending correspondences to the school's Headmaster begging and pleading to get a look see. Nothing! So she went over the Headmaster's head to the newly formed government and what happened, Emily?"

hey refused my requests for help based on some assumption that I might have told a little lie about a donation I might have or might not have given to the relief fund. And that I may have or may have not worked with one of the former pirate brigands to obtain what I was told a coffer from a dead family member. In my defense, I didn't know they were actually pirates and used me to gain entrance into a royal estate where they plundered everything. I mean everything! So, politics had nothing to do with this Francine, I was doomed from poor choices."

"And being to darn gullible. I mean seriously, how could you not tell they were pirates? I've seen the footage of the robbery via some associates in the justice department. G...U...L...L...I...B...L...E!"

"Oh shush! By the way, we're suppose to help this young man. Not talk about what appearances constitutes a pirate or why I'm sitting next to you after you stole my third husband."





R E D _ H O R N E T
Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea
He was already missing the beach, the only proper relief they had. That euphoric feeling, although it was temporary by the spice they enjoyed. No killing or doing dirty wetwork for a government he didn’t believe and didn’t care for, though he was surprised they were given that small luxury from their noble employers. Just peaceful, blissful ignorance. Paradise, but not everything gold would forever last.

Back to the grind, only this time their mission was again unusual from their earlier ones. Was this even appropriate to call as a mission? They were dispatched from their orders, as there were pirates and other elements of scum infesting Carratos. Too much of it that warring with these pirates would be devastating for the military to handle. It wasn’t a question of discipline and technology, but a question of numbers. Even if the pirates had inferior technology, there was no doubt they carried ludicrous weaponry that would be outlawed from use in the GADF. Add in collateral damage from property and regular civilians, and there would be backlash. Just enough to ruin a good image the public seemed buy.

If only the die hard activists that fought for public rights knew about him and Maijan. That probably would’ve been their one way ticket to freedom, or their heads imploded from the bomb in their necks.

“Who the hell is ‘she’, Mai?” the Zabrak inquired to his partner noticing that upon nearing this school that taught a whole different kind of philosophy of the Force, she was nervous. An old past? There was still some things he didn’t know about her, missing pieces to the overall puzzle of Mai.

“The hell is wrong with you? You’re not and calm as you always are. I don’t think our mission said anything about being here, yah?”

“‘sides, what is this place?”

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Objective 1:
Buried Gold
Location: Chofin Settlement, Carratos
Action: Following


Seto enjoyed the seedier parts of large cities, it brought an air of nostalgia back to Seto of the days of gambling and fun at the Sabacc table. So when it came to dealing with pirates that hold such a tight control of this planet’s economy, well Seto wished he was by himself with these types of people. But I guess I must make the best out of this situation. Seto breathed in deeply as he stepped outside of his land-speeder, his eyes scanned around the area and his smile slowly twisted into a grin. He enjoyed the mind games played during Sabacc, and the ruthlessness that sprouts from it all.

He made his way behind the Vice Chancellor, leading them to meet with the rest of the Pirate Leaders. The economy of crime syndicates more often was the case born from inadequacy of the larger institutions. If there was something not being provided by the Powers that be, it was a forgone conclusion that an unregulated market would spawn to fulfill what was missing. In Seto’s mind what made certain businesses legitimate and criminal boiled down to who was there first to establish the rules.
The issues comes when the larger organization demands the other to play by their rules. Seto was interested to see the kind of pushback they would have against joining the Alliance.

Can’t discount greed of course. Seto mused as he held up his data-slate, there were more things to consider when it came to a planetary economy of course, so the first step was acquiring more information. And the next step is to offer a deal. Seto had another deal to make later back in his Office after this deal with the enterprising pirates of Carratos. Like lining up rows of dominos, everything needs to be placed before you can tip the first one. The young Du Couteau heir had always been fond of bets and gambles, perhaps the simplest of these games had been the coin flip.

|| Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe ||

Location | Carratos
Tags | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Grand Moff Vel'alari

It had been over 4 Months since Sularen had
confronted the Senate over his Takeover of the Xa Fel Drive Yards which created tensions between Sularen and the Alliance as the Lord-Imperator of Byss struggled to deal with a Senate comprised of Fear-Mongering and Paranoid Senators who had suddenly turned against him , threatening Sularen's Position as Lord-Imperator and forcing him to backtrack on his plans for Resurgence. However Sularen was now back on the offensive having concluded a secret deal with the Voice of the Maw and launched a new initiative to get back on track and continue his plans for resurgence.

Already Sularen had successfully recruited Jasol Dorsain the Governor of Sanjin , Vinis Rimen an exiled Chandrillan Noble and already had the Secret Deep Core of Epoch at his grasps via Darth Solipsis who had planned to install a puppet government on the planet in which could easily be integrated into the Purist Bloc. And now with the Alliance integrating Carratos , a planet situated along the Namadii Corridor a golden opportunity had presented itself one in which could finally see Bilbringi under Grand Moff Vel'alari , another of Sularen's Allies , finally join the Alliance which could further increase the size of his Secretive Purist Bloc.

Thus , the Lord-Imperator headed for Carratos in order to convince either the Vice Chancellor Tithe or Chancellor Chandra to peacefully integrate the Bilbringi Imperial Remnant into Alliance territory and secure their support in recognizing Vel'alari as the Legitimate Ruler of Bilbringi. During his confrontation with the Senate , it was clear that most Senators in the Alliance viewed Vel'alari as some Warlord whether they knew her or not and Sularen had made a promise in which he'd ensure that Vel'alari's position as Ruler of Bilbringi would not be compromised during the Alliance integration of Byss by providing her with Political Support. Now was the time to fulfill that promise and hence why the Lord-Imperator was here.

The Relentless , soon jumped out of hyperspace arriving in orbit of Carratos. While primarily a Military Vessel it also served as Sularen's Flagship and was primarily utilized to transport the Lord-Imperator during Military and Diplomatic Missions. As the Ship anchored itself in orbit of Carratos , Sularen awaited the arrival of Grand Moff Vel'alari so that they could head towards the surface and meet with Vice-Chancellor Tithe who Politorate Agents had already confirmed as being already present on the surface of Carratos and as Sularen waited for Vel'alari he sent a message to Vice-Chair Tithe through his datapad in order to request a private meeting with the Vice Chancellor.


Vice-Chancellor Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

Recently it has come to my attention that the Galactic Alliance intends to integrate the Planet of Carratos located along the Namadii Corridor into the territory of the Galactic Alliance. During the Senate session regarding my actions on Xa Fel , Director M mentioned my ties to an Imperial Warlord who had partaken at the defense of Byss when the Eternal Empire launched it's colossal offensive against my planet harming the integrity of my people.

Unfortunately , during that Senate Session Chancellor Chandra prevented me from giving a proper explanation about my ties to this Warlord which is why i am writing this. The Warlord in question is named Vel'alari assuming you don't know her name by then.She is a Chiss Officer who fled the Unknown Regions during the time the Zweihander Union began to close in towards Chiss Space to establish an Imperial Remnant comprised Exiled CEDF and Core Imperial Officers. For sometime now i have been in contact with her and for a while now she has had intentions of joining the Alliance to legitimize herself and create a Safe Haven for Chiss Exiles and Imperial Officers who have refused to join the New Imperial Order.

Thus i wish to request a private meeting between you , me and Vel'alari to discuss how we can peacefully integrate Bilbringi into the Galactic Alliance without bloodshed as i expect that given Vel'alari's position as a Warlord she might not be well-received by the Alliance. The Reasoning for my involvement is due to my Corporation's Presence on Bilbringi as SularenCo jointly owns the Bilbringi Shipyards alongside Vel'alari's Imperial Remnant. I hope that during this meeting we can move forth to reach an agreement that will prevent any unnecessary conflict that Chancellor Chandra is most likely to begin.

From the Office of Lord-Imperator

Grand Moff Vel'alari

The time has come at last. As of now , the Galactic Alliance is in the process of integrating Carratos into their territory which will bring the Galactic Alliance at your doorstep. However given the Alliance's Negative portrayal of Imperials like you and i , it is imperative that we negotiate with the Alliance Leadership to ensure a peaceful integration of Bilbringi into the Senate and avoid an outright Alliance Invasion of Bilbringi to depose you , as to the Senate you are nothing more but some Warlord and lack legitimacy.

I have already arrived at Carratos onboard the Relentless and i await your arrival , Grand Moff. This is a golden opportunity for us , one in which can solidify and legitimize your rule over Bilbringi. If we are successful , then the Chances of a peaceful integration of Bilbringi into the Alliance will be high and we will be able to proceed with our plans accordingly without any interference.

From the Office of Lord-Imperator



Creuat Creuat

The mirialan walked side by side with the nautolon as the two made their way through the bustling streets of Carratos, heading to the Jedi temple. There was an air of hesitancy about her. Xashe knew little about the order who's ancient academy they were visiting and even less about her newly assigned master. She had seen the Alderaanian professor's paper, just as half the galaxy had. The light cast upon the New Jedi was not a good one. She had chosen to split from her family, devout Silver Jedi, because they had followed those who led them down a darker path. The writings of the professor had made her question if the New Jedi Order was doing the same.

Ultimately, though, the killing of acolytes was something she had come to terms with. The padawan had chosen to abandon all she had known for what she felt was right at the mere age of seventeen. Though she was on the cusp of adulthood, she acknowledged there was still a child in her she had yet to outgrow. Despite how frightening it was to leave her parents, her siblings, and home, she took the step nonetheless. Age was not a factor when it came to responsibility for actions and consequences for such.

As the two pair came upon the building, it seemed wholly out of place. Carved stone spirals sat next to ornate wooden doors, sticking out against the towers of iron that filled the rest of the neighborhood. Xashe looked to Rhis, hoping to break the silence.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She asked adoringly. The young girl had always appreciated history, even more so the kind that was palpable. "Is there... Is there something we're looking for, here, Master Fisto?"



He was skeptical of the Padawan due to her former affiliations with the Silver Jedi as the Nautolan couldn’t help but harbor resentment towards that particular sect of Jedi. An Order that did nothing for the greater good of the Galaxy, sitting comfortably in their seats as the Galaxy suffered from the grievances of the Sith. A darkness he and the few Jedi of his order fought, expecting nothing in return except when some judged him for his actions.

He did, however, give praise for her decision in leaving that Order and joining ranks with the New Jedi Order. Now it would be up to him to cleanse whatever poison she had learned from the Silver Jedi. The Galaxy was weak with those unwilling to fight against the Sith, preferring a path of pacifism to brave through the darkness. It wasn’t something to admire, only a fool would acknowledge it.

Was he harsh and carried a heavy hand? Yes, and he wasn’t ashamed of it. It was his responsibility to nurture Xashe into a the type of Jedi he believed that could do a great good for the Galaxy.

“Perhaps, I do admire its facade. Sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the other buildings we’ve seen.”

“Apparently, the Order believes there is something we can learn from this abandon school. A sect of Force-Users called the Fallanassi. From what I understand is that they teach a rather unique way of harnessing the Force, applying it in a pacifistic way,”
sneering at that last bit, believing those unwilling to pick up the sword when needed were weak.

“I believe we can learn something from here and apply it our way. I don’t believe there’s anything that’ll obstruct us from learning whatever knowledge this school has to offer.”



Viribus | OPEN



“Who the hell is ‘she’, Mai?”
“The hell is wrong with you? You’re not and calm as you always are. I don’t think our mission said anything about being here, yah?”

“‘sides, what is this place?”

She made an irritated noise at the back of her throat.

"No," She admitted. He was right, this had nothing to do with their original briefing. They were supposed to trace back routes and legitimacies through the affairs of pirates; they were perfect for it. Not this –– Not get nostalgic.

"She.." Her tone was tersed, mostly because she felt sappy and that was a far cry from her typical demeanour. "Is my forrmerrr headmystriss."

Walking through the doorway, she looked up at the ornate ceiling with a knowing grin. It took her a few seconds to appreciate it, but her stare wasn't to admire the intricacies of the stonework. It was to evaluate the trick behind it. The carvings weren't real, but they were beautiful. Someone was still here, playing with the current.

"I drropped out of this schyool once upon a time."

Walking backwards, she shrugged.

"You go to school anywhere?"


School of Illusions - Objective II
Tags - Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea Viribus

Months it has been. Studying the book handed to me by a sect of Fallanassi over in the Outer Rim. Since the Gulag plague, the sect of women who would have been more secluded, attempted to leave from their once place of worship, in hopes that the lack of people in the Outer Rim would reduce the chance of becoming infected. While they survived, it was barely so. When visiting, they barely had two dozen people left who practiced any form of the art there. The Galactic Alliance was seeking out these same people with there being a school long forgotten here. One in which I intended to explore. Maybe finding more to this gift I had with illusionary arts.

I was not fond of the pacifist ideas that they presented. Seeking to never have combat unless absolutely necessary. However, I saw many lessons that I could garner from such topics. While a Samurai of the Variese would seek to end their threat face to face, there was a temptation to use illusions, fear, and deception as a tool against foes that would be otherwise, unaware of such feats. To suddenly turn invisible within most if not all spectrums? A tool that is powerful indeed. Being able to not just perform that for yourself, but items as well? Even better. Creating things out of "Thin air" as it were when it was just hidden with a rather simple but unbreakable spell.

Standing within the temple, aloft in front of me a "torch" of technology ignited the way for me. While it was not pitch black within, it may be dark in some areas. Just a good idea to bring one in general honestly. Behind me, I could hear the speaking of individuals. People asking and talking to one another. As if this person was from here? Speaking of a former headmistress in which taught here. It got me for a moment. I wanted to learn more, but was unsure if they were with the Galactic Alliance. Using the skills I had slowly been learning over my time with the Jedi upon Jakku, as well as personal studies, I dove into the current.

Finding my body shifting into a shadow matching with the corner of the room. The light of technology found itself being shut off, while I faded into obscure shadows. Just listening and paying attention. Walking past the broken entrance and arches that led deeper within. The woman, an accent I was unfamiliar with spoke of the school here. Dropping out for personal reasons, and found a feeling of nostalgia by returning. Asking the Zabrak? Iridonian? if they attended school.

Earlier words of the man speaking of a mission, only made me rethink my position. Hiding from the Alliance? and the Jedi who could have come here? While I was no tomb raider, I still wished to seek out some answers. If she was a student here, then it would only make it even more easier. Opting to expose myself, I removed the shaded form from shadows. The light turning back on and pointed at them. While not in their faces, it was down towards the chest and abdomen that I aimed the beam of light. Not intending to blind them now am I?

"I hate to interrupt, but did you say you went here for schooling?"

Faith Organa, Senator from Alderaan
Objective 1: Buried Gold
Location: Chofin Settlement, Carratos
Action: Following
Tags: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Seto Du Couteau Seto Du Couteau |

Pirates. Faith could only remember one story about pirates they went after her mother, and her father saved her. So Pirates were not exactly seen as the most honorable of professions, if you could say it was a profession. It was a way of life though. That she knew for certain. So when it was explained to her that Carratos was ruled by Pirates her mind conjured all kinds of images of the swashbucklers from the old novels she read as a child.

What could she add to this meeting, feth she didn't know. She would lend her two cents for whatever that would amount to.

A deep breath and she heard the locks disengage that allowed them to leave and head to the meeting. She looked around at the others who had also decided to join this negotiation. What could they offer?

A last minute briefing on security, and what the expected objective was. Faith nodded and followed.


Location: Carratos
Objective: [BYOO] Pre-Emptive Negotiations
Post: 1

Vel'alari had quickly received the Lord Imperator's message due to the close proximity of Carratos to her holdings in Bilbringi. She had quickly made her way to the system aboard her flagship, a large Secutor-class Star Destroyer, flanked by a pair of Imperial II-class Star Destroyers serving as it's escorts. The trio of vessels came to a halt beside the Relentless, before Vel'alari contacted the Lord Imperator via the holocommunicator on the bridge on her ship.

"This is Grand Moff Vel'alari. I received your message, Lord Imperator. I'm surprised the Galactic Alliance have moved on Carratos so swiftly. Are you certain the Chancellor will be interested in negotiating with us? I have a lot riding on the success of these talks....", she stated bluntly. Though her military might was considerable, it was nothing in comparison to the size of the Galactic Alliance. If they still considered her nothing more than another warlord when they made their move on Bilbringi, she would not be able to hold out indefinitely. These talks had to succeed to ensure her efforts to secure her holdings had not been in vain.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

Creuat Creuat

The aloof tone was not lost on her. She cocked her head slightly, the old warring the new, internally. She had come to understand much of what she had accepted as utter truths were not so in the previous months. The New Jedi Order had been a prime exemplary, but Creuat Creuat took it one step further. Xashe was so reminded of Takui Takui , and the righteousness he had displayed before she had lost him on Xa Fel. Where before there was hesitancy, there was none this time.

The mirialan was tired of the scared little girl she had faced in the mirror. No longer would she stand aside as those she knew through their life on the line. Xashe had found her bravery once before, her ability to accept what she believed in, despite where she had come from. She would do it again.

"There is no ignorance, there is knowledge," She murmured, only half in response to the master's words.

Taking a step forward, she grasped the ornate door handle, pulling outwards. The wooden slab opened with a resounding creak. An arching stone tunnel laid before them, dark, save for a flicker at the end. She stepped in, waiting for her master.

"How did you, er, well." Dim light from the open door revealed a furrowing brow. "I guess, I mean to say, was the path you walk today always the one set for you? Were there ever in any doubts in your mind?"


R E D _ H O R N E T
Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea | Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest
"She.." "Is my forrmerrr headmystriss."
"I drropped out of this schyool once upon a time."

"You go to school anywhere?"

He couldn’t help but softly laugh. Her? In school? He never would’ve taken her as one to dedicate time of her life studying the ways of the Force, specifically illusions and becoming invisible to the naked eye. She wasn’t that type, even though she was telling the truth.

Then again, he had a similar life before living a life of crime and acting as an agent to the Alliance.

“Some time ago, yeah. Had to wear robes and do pointless meditation.”

Give her a clue before giving up the answer.

“I was a Jedi, a Silver Jedi. Not sure if you can call them Jedi though.”

People that did nothing, but lecture and sat with a false sense of pride weren’t consider that title to him. He left that position ages ago, all for many reasons that were similar in nature. He’d be criticized for how low he stooped from that path of “righteousness”, but it was better than living as a humble monk with their nose pointed upward. Even being a pawn was better...slightly better.

“Didn’t think you were one to be studious and all that, you never gave that impression. What made you leave?”

She’d have to hold that thought when someone walked in, a beam of light beaming at their body. A little blinding even when it wasn’t pointed at their face.

“Who are you? And how long have you been listening?” demanding an answer, sounding unwelcoming with how he said his words.

“I thought this place was abandoned.”



An interesting question she asked of him. One that was personal. Perhaps the question reflected on herself, too? She was young and inexperienced, not just as a Jedi but in life.

“Such a mature question to ask, Xashe. Others would inquire about learning lightsaber forms and other abilities in the Force, before asking something like that.” Following is Padawan after opening the door to a tunnel with a small light at the end. One’s path in life was full of uncertainties. A child would fantasize becoming one thing, only to be something else from that original idea. The path he walked on was always dynamic, upon becoming a Padawan and being knighted.

“I cannot give you a precise answer, Xashe, only a vague one. I believe no path is predetermined, for us although many believe otherwise that the Force have already predetermined our destiny. We simply make our depending on the decisions we make. Life is mysterious, even something so simple.”

“Take this tunnel, for example. We do not know where it’ll lead us, but it’s our choice to walk forward or retreat from it. As for me? Sometimes I have doubted the path I walk on when faced with situations I didn’t understand or challenged me, I’m sure you will under my tutelage. Hopefully that helps.”

The Nautolan, despite his warmongering tendencies, often had some wisdom to share. It was said a teacher learns from their student as their student learned from them. He didn’t think he would ever be fit as an excellent mentor, especially with her Xashe as his first student.

“What made you depart from the Silver Jedi, Xashe? Their unwillingness to step up to fight for the good of the Galaxy?”

He made it no secret in his mocking towards that sect of Jedi, didn’t bother in being subtle with it. As brave he was in combat, so was he in the thoughts he spoke openly.

“Come, lead the way.”



Viribus | Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest | OPEN



Maijan's golden eyes widened in surprise at the admission on alignment. A Silver Jedi? Something must have gone very wrong along the way. Viribus did little to resemble the serenity the Silvers boldly proclaimed. Serenity and complacency were a thin line that her companion quickly admitted.

She made a surprised noise at the roof of her mouth before giving way to a chuckle. "Rreally? I can't eemagine you –– well, I guess we have in commune."

“Didn’t think you were one to be studious and all that, you never gave that impression. What made you leave?”

"Joost that." She titled her chin in Vir's direction, giving him credence. "Not stoodious. It met some pirrates and their prromises of grratification werre much morre instant.

The headmistress and I left on bad terms."

"I hate to interrupt, but did you say you went here for schooling?"

Usually the current let her know there were others around long before they introduced themselves. Like waters coursing around a rock, it simply adjusted the ebb and flows to accommodate the density of humanity. This individual however, had been far more subtle and avoided detected.

A brow arched, and she squinted above the dim glow of the light to observe the speaker. The details that made the face.

"Long ago.

You know of The Currrent as well? Not bad. Who taught you?"

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Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder

Ghosts flashed across his hollow eyes as he stared into his reflection in the mirror. Voices gradually began to rise, at first as intangible cacophony, then they grew clearer, alive. They seized his mind, latched unto his soul, and reanimated perdition.

"You disgrace our name."
"You pretend to care so much about her...yet you can't help yourself but hurt her in your anger towards me."
....What...What have you done?
“ each other’s backs..That means you too, Dag.”
"You should've stayed on Ruusan, little brother."

Dagon cried out in pain, hands digging into his scalp, breaking free from the cold grip of purgatory. Fury stirred from within and he shattered the mirror with a force-enhanced punch, the wall behind it cracking. The familiar warmth of blood trickled down his fingers. His chest heaved as he struggled for air. With each breath taken, exhaustion began to take over the delirious rush. And through the weariness, so did submission.

He reluctantly found himself at the meditation chamber most often his master's second home. It took him a minute standing at the door with jaw tightened hesitating before he entered. Bruised lip, dried blood across the bridge of his nose, and a pallid mask for a face - not the most pleasant appearances for a padawan. Bandages webbed underneath his shirt, the ragged leather jacket concealing their actual quantity.

"We need to talk." Dagon said roughly, almost regretting it the next instant.



Asmundr's patience was as infinite as his sight. So many times he and Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze had traipsed around this nuanced undertone that lived with the boy. Each time the great viking considered they might be inching toward progress, he was shut out again. It was painful to see the burden the youth piled on himself; confusing responsibility with burden.
"We need to talk."

He could almost feel his Padawan withdrawing already, once again damning himself to the mires of his mind. A place where no new perspectives were lent.

The boy's pain was layered infinitely deeper than the violent markings of his skin. The wartorn flesh was incomparable to the eternal battle within. He could see it. All the snapped, dissatisfied and tarnished lattices and patterns of his mind had started out so cohesive; now tesselated.

"No," Asmundr began, unfolding his legs from his neutral meditation position and rolling his shoulders to emulate himself getting comfortable and making himself available. He blinked once –– ending the all-seeing flare of his fiery golden vision and returning to a soft amber to look upon Dagon. "You need to talk.

I..need to listen."

He gestured to the empty space all around, inviting the boy in.

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Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder

Dagon stood immobile for a brief moment, reticence still gnawing at him. Read like an open book. He felt the door behind drawing him away to a sweet escape but the Force gently pressed him forward. The padawan followed s invitation and with a silent groan of pain sat himself down before his master.

He bit the inside his mouth and his eyes tracked the impeccable floor looking for words. The tranquil silence of the meditation chamber drowning the tumultuous chaos in his mind; echoes of the past submerged into muffled whispers until they became mute. Peace. So foreign.

Dagon's blue eyes lifted to meet Asmundr's, their natural vividness lost to a morose veil. "I failed, Master." he began, then hesitated on which failure of them all he was referring to. The final moments between him and Ayana shrunk even further within, sealed so deep even he could find neither the will nor the reach to pull them up to the surface. Something else had to give.

"I...touched the dark side when I fought the Sith on the Prosperity. To save Kas- Knight Arden." he shut his eyes tight for a second, "I know I shouldn't have but...I felt like I had no other option."

He swallowed hard, then, "...felt like the Light wasn't enough." just like it did with my brother. "And I don't know if that won't happen again. I- there is an insidious voice in my head urging me to do it again. It's, uh...the voice of my father. One of the Sith Triumvirs of old. Haytham Kaze." the name brought a bitter taste in his mouth.

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