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I Will Burn You With My Righteous Fire!{Mandalorian Dominion of Contruum}

@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Mia Monroe"]

Eyes travelled to Mia, a quick scan confirming for her HUD what Moira knew, but then one was best properly paranoid. The former Mandalore - interesting times indeed. Moira had already run calculations on how long it would take 'Exarch' Kerrigan to leave her palace and join the Rebellion, given how unsuited she was for government and how the Rebellion liked to kill all the people she did.

Of course...if that were to happen Moira would have to restrain her desire to murder her. But then...arranging for her to death charge a Dark Master in the Fringe had its appeal...

Regardless, we shall move on with the plot, now that the obligatory line of this writers' characters all hating each other is out of the way, for this is a quality post.

"History is wrought with ironies," Moira said dryly. It was also rather ironic that back in the day the Republic fleet sent to Contruum had been commanded by then Admiral Kahoshi, now Emperor and obviously the regime's new friend, but then the truth could be spun and bent to what was needed to be seen as the truth. In the game of thrones, success was the only rule. "At the Mengistu Manufacturing Factory. Abandoned since the Purge, located in a 'no-go' area - sporadic purges by the militia to show they're keeping up with the government-required kill count."
Mia was uncertain whether she liked Moira Skaldi yet. The cyborgs cold and cynical view often left Mia with a bad taste in her mouth, but she was useful, perhaps given time, Mia could appreciate her. She did appreciate her irony comment at least, lips curling into a hidden smile. "Sporadic, huh?" Mia mused, the feeling that she was missing something still hanging over her.

"Thirty credits, says today is a good day for a purge." she said, turning her head towards Jorus. Because that was the sort of lucky day she felt like she was going to have.
@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Moira Skaldi"]
Kiyala emerged into room by announcement as an Ensign came up to Mia Monroe saluting her before saying "Ma'am an ally from the Witches has come." Without further ado, Kiyala would walk into the room trying to get an assessment of the situation. She nodded a @[member="Mia Monroe"] before casting a glance at @[member="Moira Skaldi"] as their seemed to be left over tension in the air but Kiyala wasn't here to play Dr. Phil.

"Hello, everyone I'm the new Clan Mother of The Nightsisters. I come with a few of my sisters and regretfully it's seems like our Allayan sisters did not think that your problems matter. I assure you that my sisters in the Nightsisters remember the kindness you shown in allowing us asylum." Kiyala offered her hand out toward Mia, Jorus and Moira.

/@[member="Mia Monroe"] /@[member="Jorus Merrill"] / @[member="Moira Skaldi"]
This was the second time Akio was making his way to Contruum. The first time he had been leading the Atrisian and Republic forces to take the planet, but his force had never arrived. Called away. And for that, the natives that had been desperately waiting for Republic support during their rebellion against the oligarchs that had seized control of the planet had been crushed handedly. Akio had no idea how many deaths the Republic's lack of support had cost Contruum, but he doubted they had any love for the Republic.

It took the Atrisian ships longer to reach the planet due to the distance and having to make a stop along the way, but Akio had decided to bring a guest along. For the Emperor this was the chance he had been waiting for, and there was no weapon in his arsenal he would not use to gain what he wanted.

The fleet arrived, star destroyers, heavy carriers, as well as every size of support ship ready to guard Contruum space should the Republic be unwise enough to launch their own offensive. Akio's staff communicated with the Mandalorians to set up their orbit, and when they got within range began to drop shuttles. They did not bring the same overwhelming numbers to the ground, but the Emperor's Own would lead in helping however they could. They would also be setting up temporary garrisons, guarded by Atrisian walkers, should the worst happen.

Akio doubted it would, but it was better to prepare anyway.

"You are expected at Ara'novor Station Your Majesty," his chief of staff reported.

"Very well, prepare my shuttle and ask our guest to meet me there." A few minutes later the shuttle was crossing the void of space toward Ara'novor station and the other Ithor leaders.
Preliat was...uncomfortable, to say the least. He was just aimlessly walking around, his scattergun on his back and his helmet hanging by his hand at his side. He truthfully had no idea what to do, and was aimlessly wandering around. The insurgency that the Republic backed unnerved him, not that his nerves weren't already on edge ever since the city incident during the Dark Harvest campaign. He still had nightmares. Now, it seemed like all the relaxation that he had been enjoying since then had been a waste, because he felt as though the entire galaxy was on edge because of this stupid planet.

He stopped and looked down at his feet, kicking up a small bit of dust in his boredom."Stupid the whole dang galaxy on edge. Coulda been a place with nice girls and nicer beaches, but this...crap hole. Don't care how historically important you are, you stupid planet, you still suck."Preliat said, glancing around. He felt odd, being so...armored and armed. He wanted to help, but with no direction and no real objective for himself, he found himself just wandering about. He hoped that someone would tell him what to do soon.

Except if it was a Sith, they gave him the heebie jeebies.

Ordo's kandosii-type dreadnought dropped from hyperspace over the planet Contruum and loomed as he evealuated the situation. Why and how the operation ended was beyond him but his records showed they had intended to make a strategic military base on this world.

He hit the comm to let [member="Aedan Miles"], Kabel Detta and [member="Nolan Detta"] they could drop in when ready. They would have to do a lot of clean up and fighting criminal groups that had sprung up as well as avoid the rumors of a wound in the force that had circulated the comm traffic but Ordo knew it could be done.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Arla Balor"] ummm... [member="Basaba Willamina"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] @Mandos.

Time Jump! [insert number of months, years, whatever]

Ripples could be felt and then in a flash the Ardarvia-Class Frigate dropped out of hyperspace and traversed the great vacuum of space as it sped towards Contruum, the world where ideals went to die. Where, perhaps more than anywhere else, the dark side of the Galaxy loomed large. Time and again this benighted planet had suffered blow after blow. A cosmic plaything that the fates just could not leave alone. Or, to be more precise, a plaything of the great powers.

The wreckage of battles long past floated in orbit, detritus of duels between sorcerers and empires, 'democratic interventions' to bring order. Siobhan Kerrigan stood upon the bridge of what was Firemane's new command ship, as well as the mobile home of her and [member="Tegaea Alcori"] when they were away from Kaeshana. The ship was not only a beauty to her, but also a sign that Firemane was growing and its interests were expanding. Before her lay a husk of a world, a gaping maw that claimed and swallowed you up.

"Contruum. Hard to think of a planet that got a worse end of the deal. Republic backed a terrorist insurgency against the plutocratic, fascist tyrants holding it in a death grip, then when things turned messy the Senate got cold feet and abandoned the rebels to get slaughtered. Years later it played host to Velok's holocron auction, Jedi came to capture him and get their property back - and wound up in a shooting match with an Ithor member," Siobhan spoke grimly, though the history was known to everyone.

Back then it had seemed like the Ithor Treaty would go to war against the Republic before the Feds blackmailed the chancellor into giving up the Shepherd - and almost everyone decided the Protectorate might be juicier. She left unsaid that back in the day she had been eager to join a coalition war against the Republic, when she was Exarch. "Then there was another Sith auction with a bodycount. Insurgency's still ongoing, but rebel factions spend at least as much time fighting each other as the president for life of the week."

"Its leaders sound a lot like some of our Star Queens," Kaida Taldir muttered more to herself than anyone else as she stepped forward to look upon the gloomy planet. War, they, say never changes. Nor do people. Just their clothes, weapons and means of transportation. She stood there poised and proud like an Eldorai should, clad in a suit of ultrachrome armour - thank you, Rebel Alliance raid on Styx - with her lightsabre on her hip and a sarix attached to her belt.

"I'll pretend I did not hear that. Surely a Captain of the Angelii will have nothing but utmost reverence for the past High Priestesses of Ashira and the Peerage," Siobhan responded sarcastically.

"You have only yourself to blame. Because of you human monkeighs compelling us to open up Kaeshana heretical and 'liberal' ideas are spreading! A new age of freedom is dawning, your Ladyship. Those with titles will not always hold power alone," Kaida spoke in a deadpan tone, uncaring of the fact that some of the Eldorai crew members and officers were shooting her disdainful looks.

"You better not come up with the idea that there should be 'elections' and that men should have the right to vote."

"There's thinking for yourself and there's just being foolish. So the Mandalorians want to try their hand. Could be advantageous for them if they have a more deft hand than the Republic. Or end up getting bogged down in a dirty war fighting a violent insurgency. Come to think of it, wasn't Skaldi involved in the first rebellion?"

Siobhan's eyes narrowed and her expression visibly darkened at the mention of the terminatrix. Last she had seen the machine it was during their time in the Rebel Alliance, for which Contruum had been a major recruiting. Plenty of trained insurgents eager for a way off the planet and a chance at revenge against the powers that be. "Yes, the Butcher of Contruum. queen liked to prattle on about it. Like she was proud of her 'handiwork'." There was clear disdain in her voice as she spoke before she made a gesture to one of the comms officers.

"Native insurgents aren't plucky rebels, but personally I'd hang the Contruum junta from lampposts. Planet's a hellhole. Have to see what the Mandalorians' plans for taking over control are though. Open a comms channel to Field Marshal Ordo. We're here to assist in the clean-up and setting up a strategic military base on the planet," her eyes travelled over to a holographic projection of the planet, its major locations, such as shipyards, factories and mines being highlighted.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Basaba moved as she stood in her armor and flicked her eyes around the area. The operation was halted for reasons she wasn't sure about and standing here now she was looking at Ordo while her rifle came up and ready. "What the hell happened here?" She wasn't certain, hell she wasn't certain of a few things but the hair on the back of her neck was raised ready for a fight. "This place feels wrong."
Walking over to her clan sister giving her a nod [member="Basaba Willamina"] . It was more her body that give away to something wasn't right. Sliding hand to her side to bring up her weapon. Looking back over the area not feeling nothing but then maybe there something that even her scanners wasn't picking up "Mother is there something I need to be aware of that Im not seeing.", keeping her focus upon the task at hand why they had been call here in the first place. Only that wasn't the easiest task with what was brewing on Serenno knowing that this was her family now but still feeling responsibly for the people of Sereno after her family was one of the Greater houses.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ember had a really stupid amount of history with Contruum. He'd trained Fabula Cavataio and Seydon of Arda here, fought and captured Anaya Fen, gone head to head with the junta. Contruum had been one rung on the descending ladder of his faith in the Republic and the Jedi Order -- a factor in his retirement. Now an Ash'amur-class dreadnought, with a few Haran'uliiks as escort, took up station over the planet, and Ember sipped from a flask in the captain's chair.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Basaba Willamina"] [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]

It was time for boot to hit the ground and some actual help for these people to be offered. It was strange but he had spent so much time in his life making landscapes look like this that the idea of trying to make up for what someone else had done was sobering. Ordo took a long drink from the flask he hadn't kept around for a long time and nodded at Basaba.

"This place has seen more than many places and from what I hear very recently somenut job sith trapped a bunch of other sith in an auction house just for his own amusment." Ordo said, "But knowing Sith he had something more at stake. Reports say the locals won't go near the place because of the feeling they get, but we can worry about that later first we need a prefab built, rebels locked down, and the local hierarchy to slap some sense into. If we can't get them to see sense we'll put someone in charge that does. I'll be in my quarters. See you dirtside in 20 minutes."

Ordo walked into his quarters and removed his gauntlets before heading into the refresher to wash his face and make up his mind about what to do about all this force mumbo jumbo.

He looked in the mirror over the wash basin and looked at a man he had thought long since dead staring back at him.

"What are you doing Murderer?" he said filling his hands with water and rubbing it into his face.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Basaba Willamina"] [member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Murderer? That was indeed an apt description. He had reveled in the killing when he was young. The clash of bone and sinew, but then they never tell you how the dead empty their bowels when they give up their last breath. Hard grey-green eyes stared at the scar covered man and closed wishing it had somehow been different that somehow he had been smarter or stronger. If only he had traded his spear for pruning shears or his sword for a plowshare when he could have. Now looking at the scarred man who had known nothing but war for the last ten years or more, he wondered if he could ever give back for the lives that had been taken. Could the price of the blood that had been shed on their blade ever truly be repaid. He had an answer.

"I'm here because when a farmer burns a field it's because he wants new growth, and when a smith beats steal it's because he wants it to become something more." The man said, "It's ok to move on and be what you have to be and let who you were become remade Jasper."

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always be what you've always been." The man said at last looking at the big Mando at the sink in the mirror.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

[member="Ember Rekali"]

The ruthless warmaster stood on the bridge of the Yuuzhan Vong ship at the head of a small fleet. The organic ships were not all that the fleet had once been but it was all that Shimmra had been able to take with him when the Horde turned to heretics. Shimmra had remained loyal for a brief time but after the Horde's leader failed to bring them to their former glory Shimmra and a few devout worshipers of the war gods left to find there own glory.

<<How long until we enter Mandalorian space?>> Shimmra asked his navigator.

<<2 hours Warmaster.>> the young vong replied.

<<Inform the fleet.>> Shimmra said calmly, <<These are the greatest warriors this galaxy can muster, let us test ourselves against them. A Promotion to who ever brings me the highest ranking Mandalorian's head on a amphistaff.>>
ON the ground interesting place to be for certain and this place needed help. Her green eyes scanned around her it looked and felt desolate. What had it looked like before, had it been beautiful, and the people. Their eyes told stories that were too sad for words, the looks made her feel compelled to help to do something. She offered her canteen of water, she knew it was clean.

The woman came forward she took it from her, and then spit on her boots. Was that custom? Or was that anger? Arla bit her lip nodded, and then headed toward where she had been told she could stow her gear. She kept looking back at them wishing she could change things but that would come in time.

Having found the room finally she sat on the edge of the bed, no one had ever reacted to her like that it was, unnerving.

Strider peered into [member="Arla Balor"] room, leaning against the door frame with worry on his face. This young warrior has had seen lots in her short life and no matter if you are made of stone or glass it only takes time before such wear and tear takes it toll. Strider above most knows this and can recognize the symptoms of ptsd from a mile away. They were of a warrior culture. War, battle, blood and guts were glorified but they were still sentient beings with souls and hearts. They were of a culture that based family above all, and not all family was of blood.

"How you holding up Arl'ika?" Strider would intrude with his low deep tone father like voice.
[member="Strider Garon"]

Arla looked to the door the voice was not unknown to her. She half smiled, "I guess. This place is sad the people need help but I don't know they want our help" she felt deep empathy for them. What more could she do to help. She stood up looking at Strider, "How are you?" She reminded herself that he had a reputation but in truth she had seen nothing that supported the gossip. She would not let that tarnish her friendship with him. What there was of if.
"For the most part they don't want our help, they would rather drink sand then accept water from our hands" Strider replied as he took a step through the doorway. "Its that whole idea of 'well they rescued us today what do they want from us tomorrow'"

The old man looked down upon his chronosync and realized that he had a operation to conduct soon. He looked up to the downed Arla and thought of an idea that could possible take some of the fustration out of her sails " I am off to go make friends with the local criminal elements. You up to kicking some doors down?"

[member="Arla Balor"]
[member="Strider Garon"]

Arla smiled, "Sounds like fun I never did like criminals, bad boys yes but not criminals" She walked towards him, "Lead the way" She was armed with an old DL44 Blaster, and very basic armor painted orange. She wondered if she shouldn't change its color to something else. Something to think about.

Arla did think about Strider's words what would they want from them tomorrow, she didn't think they'd want anything but who knew what could happen, she couldn't tell the future. And for once she was glad she couldn't.

Nisha Decrilla

Industrial District
Warehouse 42

The dingy office overlooked the busy warehouse below, frantic with activity as cargo was organised for different ships. Continuous disrupt and rebellion on Contruum as well as a distinct lack of powerful government made it the perfect place for a drop point. Her suppliers dropped their goods to her and she split them between her smugglers. Spice and wespons alike were unloaded, recounted and reorganised into smaller groups. Even food rations and medicine to be sold on the black market found its way onto the manifest. Hands clasped behind her back, Anaya watched with disinterest, her mind focused elsewhere as the Force rippled with disturbance.

The door clicked open, and Anaya turned an ear towards it, eyes still watching the floor below. "My Lady," The mercenary bowed "The Femme Fatal reports that a number of mandalorian ships have jumped into orbit, not to mention a few spotted on the ground."

"Frak!" she swung round "Get a message to our business partner, let her know I'm going to draw eyes away from here and I could do with her assistance."

She swept past him, feet carrying her down to the warehouse floor. Her aide snapped to her side as she touched down. "How long before we can get our shipment off the ground?"

"At least three hours."

"You have one. Mandalorian's are here. Contact the suppliers, tell them we will need to reconvene to select a new drop point. I'd like to keep myself out of a cell on Myrkr."

"Yes, M'ilady...M'ilady?" Anaya stopped her march to the door to look at her aide "Where are you going?"

"To cause a distraction. You have your orders."

She left the warehouse, tugging a hood over her head as she did and reaching out into the force searching for her adversaries without any subtlety.

[member="Moira Skaldi"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Arla Balor"]
People's Guard Station
District 29
[member="Anaya Fen"]

The first thing anyone who dared come close to the building would see was a woman hung from a lamppost, a placard slung around her neck proclaiming her to be a 'Social parasite'. Such was the justice meted out to wreckers and sloths. The sky was heavy with smog and rain soaked the streets of Contruum, turning blaster-ash to dark mud, over and over again. It intermingled with the blood of terrorists, soldiers and civilians, casualties of a dirty war that refused to be over and done with.

Contruum Lives was messily written over the wall, even as rain sheeted down it and blurred the defiant words that stood above a life-sized placard of the strongman of the hour, the caudillo who happened to have secured control over the junta at the moment, his visage staring off into some distant feature while children dressed in school uniforms to shiny for the planet were depicted gathering around him. The streets were deserted of civilians, curfew having been enacted as word of the Mandalorians' arrival spread, but nonetheless the soldiers were on edge. Heavy sandbags and e-web emplacements had been set up in front of the building, armed soldiers standing behind them. The People's Guard was the militia of Contruum, commonly recruited amongst lowlifes, oftentimes the same gangs they were supposed to fight. Poorly equipped and with corruption ripe, civilians feared them almost as much as the terrorists. A black van stopped at the building, prisoners, their faces obscured by hoods, being dragged out by black-uniformed goons.

Patriotic slogans were droned out of loudspeakers, then the anthem was played. 'Contruum, 'tis for thee...' as a truck came into view and drove down the street, bumping across bomb craters, scars left over from the great powers' hurly-bully during Velok's auction. The truck was the sort the Contruum army used, likewise its driver wore one of their uniforms and had ID. Supposedly it carried weapons and ammunition for them. As it came closer soldiers emerged from their defensive emplacements, bidding the driver to stop, weapons at the ready in case something off happened.

One soldier walked to the back and checked it. Eyes widened as he beheld the cargo, shouts were heard, then suddenly the truck began racing even as it was peppered with blasterfire and salvoes of red bolts being fired from e-web. Alarm sirens blared as the vehicle was riddled with rounds and the driver keeled over the wheel, then the vehicle crashed into the building, smashing its door. A powerful explosion echoed across the streets as the vehicle was set ablaze and engulfed in flames, a considerable amount of baradium being set off. Windows were shattered, a good chunk of wall caved in and badly burnt bodies flew through the air amidst the detonation.

Just another day on Contruum.

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