Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I spend, therefore I am

At the invitation of the Republic's new Director of Technology, Ringovinda Systems and Ringovinda StarYards were to find suitable locations close to Republican territory so that the Republic won't need to have the merchandise shipped halfway through the galaxy, and she was to attempt to get Hosnian Prime a location for Ringovinda Systems. The Gyndine government, on one hand, was only seemingly interested in shipyards at this time. On the other hand, Hosnian Prime had undeveloped industrial land for surface facilities. Hosnian Prime had struggled to return to its former pre-Starkiller Base glory in almost every respect, except for just one thing. Shopping. Perhaps the Hosnian Prime authorities had hoped that some Republican industries would set up shop on Hosnian Prime alongside Star Tours and prove to be more reasonable in their demands towards Star Tours, which was also contacted by the Republic for similar reasons.

She was a little jealous of an individual named [member="Dunames Lopez"] and not simply because the latter could change forms, even though Dunames mostly refrained from doing it other than in an emergency. Charzon knew nothing about the usage of the Force but, for some reason, she felt Dunames was able to use the Force on some level, but was an untrained Force-user, or poorly-trained at best. Dunames was always at least a step or two ahead of Charzon for fashion, and not just because Star Tours operated the Lipstick Express to Lipsec, one of the big dark-sided fashion capitals. Coruscant was the other main fashion hub for dark-siders but Star Tours didn't emphasize fashion as much when marketing Coruscant inbound flights.

Before she would have her old Pullman-class light freighter replaced by a faster Neimoidian yacht, but otherwise still able to land on the same docking bays as the Pullmans, she would make sure that the proper decor is in place and that she has a proper wardrobe and the proper fashion accessories. And she must not forget that she has a meeting with the Hosnian Prime authorities, too.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Katagiri Ike"] [member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

Attention on some of the things here and there, this system was pretty at times and a wonder... Or at least compared to some of the places she had been as the petite atrisian stood in the bodysuit, white and silver covering nearly every inch of her with the exception of her face and for now her hands. Silver-white hair around her face and shoulders while she walked leaving the looks over all of the other things. "Pretty place." She said it while staying there for a few moment allowing her eyes to settle on the one who wanted to set up here. All of the harder work they had been doing a nice little plan as the newly appointed Director of Technology let her datapad on her forearm chime with a small security detail.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Hosnian Prime, home of the Fifth Avenue, one of the fashion capitals of the light-sided galaxy. Even though, de jure, it is independent, its population leans much more strongly towards the Republic than towards the One Sith. The Fifth Avenue contains thousands of fashion shops along its length and also in neighboring streets, selling cosmetics, clothing and fashion accessories for all budgets, and also for a wide variety of species. With Star Tours being contacted by the Republic much like her main ship supplier, Ringovinda StarYards, was, she wholeheartedly accepted to go to a meeting with the Hosnian Prime authorities to sort the whole dispute out, alongside Charzon.

Here it's a case of a trade dispute about landing rights for Star Tours, but such disputes often belie greater issues beneath them. From past meetings made by Star Tours staff on Hosnian Prime, what Dunames could glean was that, essentially, Hosnian Prime needed Star Tours a lot more than Star Tours needed Hosnian Prime. All that Star Tours wanted was a few landing slots, a few routes (Eriadu, Coruscant, one of Ringo Vinda or Nar Shaddaa, with previous market research indicating that Hosnian Prime was not favored by JanFathal residents to the extent it was even on Ringo Vinda). [member="Katagiri Ike"] would be in for quite a few surprises, especially since neither Katagiri nor Dunames have been on that planet. Who knows how much each of these three ladies would spend on Hosnian Prime, even when not accounting for the cost of two rooms at the Second-Best Western (without knowing where Katagiri slept)!

Dunames initiates the landing sequence on the Pullman of Teth and found that at the Lanever Villecham Starport, there was almost no one. No starship rental companies, not even a Republican garrison, just another Pullman that is, in most respects, similar to the Pullman of Teth, with about 20 in luxury yacht configuration. And perhaps another spacer, too. She could have the whole terminal to herself. It was that empty; the main apron could fit ten Maximum Battleships in a 5x2 grid (the Maximum Battleship that often appears in the rumor columns with respect to Star Tours is about ~400m wide or so).

[member="Katagiri Ike"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]

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