Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How to create a Force User?

I have ideas floating around my head and one of them was to create musketeer inspired jedi or rogue force user. But what i am getting hung up on is how strong in the force would such character be. I am looking at him to be Age 30ish, human. Now if he was a Jedi, he would for sure be at knight level and i would certainly have him specialized in Lightsaber form II since that fits the fencing style of rapier fighting for me. But how does one go through the rest of the force powers and gauge strength and weaknesses in each tree? Its far too tempting to say he is badass at a good chunk of it to the point where it really becomes unrealistic and Meta to just OP in PvP. hmmmmm
Each of my characters has strengths and weaknesses. Ra here really is not very good with using the Force itself. Only knows a few skills, but she is really good at them. She is a physical fighter and would rather have a throw down with her lightsabers or fists.

Jairdain is the other way around. Super strong in the Force and weak physical fighter.

My girls also have one or two powers they are really good at or well known for.

As a writer, I also prefer to start low and grow into the character. I started one of my characters at a Knight level and as I've written her, learned what skills she knows. If a situation comes up where that knowledge isn't there, then I actually write out a thread where that skill is learned.

Not sure if that helps, but it is the route that works for me.
Ryan said:
really becomes unrealistic and Meta to just OP in PvP. hmmmmm
One thing you can do is decide if your character has a preferred force power that he's very skilled at, and make him very good at it. Decide if he has any main abilities he's not proficient at or lacks the predisposition for.

When I made Riggs he was a knight level force user. Yet he focused almost singularly at telekinesis. This made him about a master at it at the cost of other fundamental force abilities due to his focus.

Most of the Dib lineage has either very little ability in telekinesis or no affinity for that force power which allowed the characters to develop other abilities to compensate. Hence pyrokinesis is much more powerful as is tutaminis.

Some choices can be character driven for plot, others for preference. What would your character most likely utilize and what would he chose not to train in becomes the question.
As someone that's written a character from day one all the way up to OP son of a dirty word I'm not allowed to say on chaos, typically the best thing to do is to get a small arsenal of skills/powers to start off with. And to think of it in terms of you either know them or you don't. Most of the pen and paper games, as well as the KotOR games, have various levels of the same ability (IE, Force Shock, Force Lightning Force Storm)

So if you're going for a Knight level Jedi, I'd recommend just getting the basics that you see the Jedi in the movies use. Mind Trick, Force Push, Force Leap, Precognition, ETC. Especially as a Jedi you also have the option to ignore most of the combat focused Force Powers, and instead focus on those buff/utility style force powers, which mostly have little to no bearing on PvP. But, that's just my humble $0.02.



Disney's Princess
[member="Ryan"] - A few things. Building for sandbox and Pvp. And, building for Character and building for Stats.

Private Sandbox: - For Pve, private threads, or just RPing with close friends. It doesn't matter. Be as strong and as god-like as you want. In a private thread or a personal storyline. You can be whatever you want to be. Blow Anakin Skywalker, Rey, or Kylo out of the water. Make the EU's Aboleth look like bathroom tissue. Whatever. Nobody cares. Anything goes as long as you and your writing buddies are having fun in your own little private thread.

PvP: - Second, however. Pvp. Here you got to have some give. In Pvp you can't go around playing God and smashing Padawans or Stormtroopers or Mandos like they're candy. Instead, you've to communicate with your partners about how to build a fun, balanced, and moderate theater. In Pvp, less is more.

Character Writing: - For character writing your thinking about people. Theater. Drama. Strengths of personalities. Lifestyles. Hardships and birthrights. Careers, life goals, hobbies, and passions. Everything that makes a real person, a real person. Build a person, give them dreams and goal, hardships, hatreds, and disadvantages. Soon. They will write themselves. Guided by the light you've given them.

Video Game Stats: - Building for stats means thinking about RP as a video game. Levels, XP, Hit Points, Attribute Modifers, and DnD cliche's. This is fine as long as you remember that writing fan fiction has none of these things. They are scaffolding and outlines for your character at best. At worst, you are just limiting yourself, your imagination, and the number of people who will care about your writing. So by all means. Think of your character as pure math if you must. But always remember that good theater never needed damage modifiers, meta builds, or legendary loot tables.

For more general info, see A New Jedi's Handbook Guide.
Thank you all for the advice. I am taking it all in like a sponge. This muse here will be my current attempt at a force user. Fingers crossed

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