Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How Powerful Is Your Force User Really?

I think you are wrong [member="Darth Vitium"], lol. Why? Cause I can beat up [member="Reverance"] . He's a Lord and I'm an Acolyte!!! Of course truth be told, he would have to be asleep and I wold have to be sneaky...and then even that is cutting close. chance at all for this little Acolyte. "Small dogs stay on the porch and observe. Big dogs own the yard and teach."


Disney's Princess
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] Oh. Well, I might have been a total ass to you just before you left and stuff... But I'm sorry. Welcome back n' stuff. >.>
Isolda was originally a Darth Maul to apparatus.

After her knighthood she went straight into heavy background scenes work.

Her powers lay in manipulating the presentation of the future -- so while not a great duelist now, she would be a good palpatine for anakin.

It's not about winning fights for her. But converting.
[member="Darth Vitium"]

I agree....where some characters use brute strength to win fights, Xhex uses cunning, dexterity, and a lot of silly string. I'm just tired and have had way to much coffee today :)


Disney's Princess
[member="Darth Vitium"] No it's fine. You're all good. We all get a little complicated. The best part about CHAOS is that 90% of it is a wash. We'll forget about it tomorrow. Hope you're having fun. :D
I've RP'd Ordo since 1997 and I'm still lose fights when I rightfully should. Having grandiose ideas and high opinion of yourself doesn't make you great it makes you that guy people make fun of for being a creep.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Thurion Heavenshield said:
As for a comparison, I'd say he is about as skilled as Qui-Gon Jinn or Obi-Wan Kenobi.
hahahaah good one

tracyn sucks besides force enhancement and teras kasi sucks ass.


Disney's Princess
Reverance said:
[member="Ordo"] I agree, but that wasn't the question. It was about comparing to canon characters...not other fanon characters. Totally different ball park.
Or, same ball park. Nobody said we can't compare. S'all good. Everybodies got an opinion. I was just asking how strong people like to think their character's are. No worries here. Fire away people. :)


Disney's Princess
[member="Reverance"] Sure. I mean, I've never made any money off of any of my characters. Sooo. I kinda just assume they suck in comparason. Or public opinion. Or just because my writing is about as sophisticated as dryer lint. Which ever.

Large ball park. Sure. :p

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