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How Powerful Is Your Force User Really?

I don't put that much stock in comparing my characters to canon chars. Well, it's a bit difficult for me. For one, I mainly know the movies and the occasional EU novel here and there. In the movies Force duels are mainly defined by lightsabre combat, with the occasional TK attack or burst of lightning thrown in. The only duels that are heavy on 'space magic' are the ones between Yoda and Dooku and then later the one between Yoda and Palpatine (and Palpy at most chucks around Senate pods).

Sio is awful at lightsabre combat. Practically any of the movie Jedi would kick her arse in a sabre duel. She's all about ridicuously brutal space magic...which would definitely be nerfed if she appeared in the movies (conversely if canon chars appeared on SWRP they'd be ridiculously wanked). Her use of TK is very videogamey to be honest. So it's difficult for me to judge.


Disney's Princess

Oh come on. If he want's to be a Padawan with Super Genie Fangs, let him. I know some RPJ's who just love to take a crack at that. Lol. Stay on topic. This isn't a flame thread. :p

/AND ninja'd by 3 posts. Gawsh. o_O''
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

I think Alask would be considered physically stronger than any Jedi or sith in the movies. But saber wise and force wise, there's no way he's even close to their skills. I think he has the potential to become really strong in both but not the best.

Many people think skills and stuff determine the winner but your emotions probably do the most. Alask is civilized and intelligent, most people with negative emotions aren't. So maybe that's a pro.
[member="Malachite Avachei"]

Those powers require concentration from the user to sustain it.

I'm sure they can break it quite easily -- like throwing a rock to your head. Force shoving your out of the way. Or simply someone throwing a saber at you.

One can't sustain draining and defending at the same time. It is a give and take.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
I feel as though characters should not be measured by their power, as no character has "power" by quantity, only by quality.

I don't see things concretely, nor do I see things abstractly. Everything to me is circumstance and happenstance. I want to explain what I think, but I really can't, and it's kind frustrating not to get it all out into words. Where some people see Silara as a written character who is defined by the threads she is written in and the feats she is performed, I see a living, breathing, organic person who exists in fiction and could die with the stroke of a pen. For some reason everyone sees real life as abstract after a certain point, but still see written word as concrete, two-dimensional. Everything to me is bigger than life, and at the same time less than important. Some people make choices in life because they're afraid of the outcome, but I guess I'm apathetic to consequences because I'm aware and accept the end result that every human is going to face in life - much is the same with my characters, and anything else I write.

Because I am willing and do write my characters as I feel would organically happen, I believe it makes them more than just a two-dimensional piece of writing and comprehensive amalgam of parts. I see every single unexplained space in her character, her life, and just know that it isn't just not written and thus a hole, it's an unexplained part of her life with the potential to be explored. She isn't set, she isn't planned out, things just happen. I can't say she's better than somebody, but I can't say she's worse. I can't say anyone is better or worse than anyone, because plainly those kinds of arguments are empty and pointless to me. I see two people, two characters if I want to retain what little sanity I have left, and I see a little bit more than what meets the eye.

What does this have to do with the question at large?

My answer to your question is: We don't know, and we shouldn't pretend to know. There isn't an answer, it's defined by how we live, breathe, write, and die. Nobody is better, nobody is worse, and yet at the same time we're a hopeless contradiction of constantly being different and unique.

I said "dodging contest"... Because that's all he can do. He can throw fire and jump around. Not like he'd go charging into somebody waving a glowstick around.


Disney's Princess
[member="Darth Vitium"]

How a 10 year old judges a character: Good Guy vs Bad Guy

How a 15 year old judges a character: Ninja Naruto Skillz

How a 20 year old judges a character: Well, it's a large number of complex physical, mental, and spiritual properties that I can only gauge properly in a lab

How a 25 year old judges a character: Do they have a lot of money?

How a 30 year old judges a character: Meh. Game of Thrones is pretty cool.

How a 35 year old judges a character: I miss Indiana Jones. Do you guys miss the good old days too? Let's drink tea before we're 40.

[member="Malachite Avachei"]
I'm going to explain this because it frustrates me to no end when people constantly assume that specialization is justification for presumptions of grandeur.

A padawan or apprentice that specializes in, say, telekinesis will still be no better at it than a master who does not. It also does not mean you are a master of that skill, or at the same skill level with it as a master. You are a padawan, and once you've learned enough for that level of skill to reach a Knight, you should be at Knight. If you are not, then clearly you are not at that point yet and should not progress your character with a disregard for your character's level of skill. Padawan, Knight, and Master are not measurements of power but of skill. A padawan is inherently less skilled than a Master in much the same way a student is inherently less knowledgeable than a professor. There are things you may excel at, but to excel is to be gifted. Genius is not of learned knowledge, it is the ability to learn.
I'm not usually one to compare my FU to canons. I'd rate DF... Just above average? He's a multi-generational Force User, training since incredibly early on. Akin to the age that the old Order took Jedi. I'd say he could give Kenobi a fight, at least.
I don't put a lot of stock into the canon characters, compared to character on here, because it's my honest opinion that most characters in fanon are more well developed than those written by Lucas or the numerous other writers in EU. If you look at time and commitment, think of people like Strider who have been developing their characters for 15+ years. In a fight between him and any canon non force user, and some canon force users, I would bet on him every time.

Characters in star wars have the nature of inconsistency. Between changing writers, the change in technology in their portrayal, they develop. We are in written format and I think that changes things, allows us to explore in ways that have not been done so entirely by Lucas et al. I stay out of EU reading but, when it comes to canon, I put a lot of stock into people's time and effort. And, in the grand scheme of things, I think we, as a group, put a lot more time into developing the fine nuances of our characters and I think that demands a sort of recognition that we portray in our characters abilities.

Is Rev stronger than canon force users? No idea, I'd have to writer against their writers to determine that. Because, in the end, that's how it works. The power of the character is displayed in the accomplishments and writing prowess of the writer. That's the significant difference between writing a book and writing collaboratively. The comparison of characters here and characters in the movies and novels is akin to apples and oranges.


Disney's Princess
HOLY KARK ITS [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] !!! I thought you died and went to college? :p

P.S. ooc we're still not talking are we? I'll just make this less awkward and avoid you now. *k bye* >.<''
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
I've always thought this way, really. I over-think things and make things complicated.

I understand that it's something most people with a relatively unusual IQ suffer from, mental disorders I mean. I think it's why I relate to Silara so well, also, as I write her with the same bits of mental issues I suffer from, to an extent.
It is hard to say how strong they are. I try to RP their powers realistically, so my chars usually specialize on a few powers they are really good at and the rest is pretty average. I do not believe mastery over 30+ advanced powers is possible, so my chars usually master about 5 or 6, depends on how much the powers supplement each other.

All in all, my FUs would probably get roflstomped by the majority of chars of the same rank because their "builds" are not effective.

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