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Discussion How do you make money as a Jedi?


Disney's Princess
I'm curious enough post this but not to make a poll. That's where I'm at right now. :p


So let's say you're a Jedi. Today I'm curious where all your money comes from? Do you just:
  • Handwave it
  • Join an Order and fit them the bill
  • Live off personal funds, royalties, inheritances, or investments
  • Keep a side hustle or a second job
  • Marry rich
  • Conjure alchemical solids with the Force
  • Go tomb raiding and sell the loot on ebay
  • Mind trick every purchase
  • A mix of the above?

I'm of the opinion that 90% of all Jedi on this board are free loaders who either hand wave their money or just fit the bill to Jedi HQ without repercussions. But I might be wrong. :p
Simple, you go to the Netherworld cracked ruins of your home planet (thanks Tefka Tefka ) and pick out a now bankrupted company to rebuild, in between those dominions and training threads. Then you work said company (for the sake of argument we'll say its called Dorellia Cigital) into the background of your posts. You design a few flavor subs at Mass Produced levels and then use those to get into successively higher and higher tiers. Then you design some things that the Jedi need, and secure a Major Faction sponsorship from said Jedi Major Faction (here we'll say its the Platinum Jedi Order), and down the road get Jon drunk enough to where you get one from the Major Faction we'll say was known as the Cathar Outback in the day.

At this point, you're a Jedi leading a Tier 5 company, so you start making subsidiaries, and pretty soon you're writing a HoloNet company, a video game company, Holoflix, a defense subsidiary (because ain't no factory game like the starship game), and then you sub a bank because why the kark not? You're probably selling to multiple major and minor factions, and may have also turned a star destroyer into your own personal club house, complete with movie theater and swimming pool.

You then retire from the Jedi, hang up the lightsaber, and cruise around sipping Shirley Temples while occasionally subbing a video game or iPhone just to keep John Locke John Locke in business (because I'm sure he feels lonely with how quiet those Factory forums are).
Bake sale!


On a more serious note, I would think that belonging to an order they get a stipend. Which is fine if the Jedi are allocated tax revenue from the government or something.

Maybe some Jedi help people in exchange for modest compensation like lodging and food, but if a village offered money in exchange for some kind of service I don't think there's anything in the Jedi code that says they can't accept. Just don't make it a habit and start sponging off people, greed is another path to the dark side.

re: Personal income - I don't see why not if it's acquired legitimately.

Handwaving a bad it stealing if you're taking from a theif or mind tricking a crooked salesman? How about force telekinesis at the craps table?Again, not something that should become a habit. The temptation of easy money is a dangerous thing.

Side jobs are a possibility...working is a good thing, no? As long as you're meeting your responsibility as a Jedi Knight, I don't see why you can't collect a (live) bounty, win a podrace or even bake cupcakes.
Beyond Sor-Jan, this is something I often think about with my characters.

Boo has threads where he's podracing and/or swoop racing for money, aside from Plutonia Courier Services which was his cover for assassination human sanitation services while in the employ of the Primeval.

Zak DJs as a side hussle, which is where he gets his money (and how he came to appear in several random dominions)

Shoma is a crazy rich Atrisian.

Kory is my only Jedi that I don't have an explanation or answer to this question for, but I'd imagine she's not above mind tricking the bartender into believing that its Ladies Night and to leave the bottle.

Kaska Arden

black holes, solid ground

This actual whole question was what was behind creating Seniya. Basically what would a washed up, ex-Jedi do in order to pay the bills now that they weren't getting paramilitary funding and some serious religious tax breaks? Apparently become a down on her luck private detective/SIA contractor. Taking what the old GA NJO taught her and turning it to achieving quasi-financial stability.

Kaska on the other hand is totally freeloading. She might pick up the occasional freight run if it coincides with where she happens to be heading at the time, but is otherwise content to let the NJO pick up her general expenses.
Simple. Don’t be a species that needs physical food. :cool:

Basically just hitchhike around as an old pilgrim, accepting charity, foraging for plants to make tea and trade that, or sell it off. Tiland does have a small workshop that crafts and sells boutique tea blends running away in the background. But he doesn’t own a ship, makes his own clothes and supplies, and his only food is Force-infused tea. His expenses are basically zero. He has a few handfuls of credits with him usually, which he’s pretty quick to give away.
I'll note that one thing I enjoyed about writing Boo was incorporating his religious beliefs into the character and how the character would respond to money. Specifically the obligation to give charity. So I'd do a post where he'd do something to make money, such as a swoop race, but he believes himself to be obligated to tithe so then I'd have a follow on thread somewhere to showcase Boo giving half the money to stock a food pantry, give alms to the poor, or some other form of service.

That's because of how I adapted Sam's concept of the Primeval religion to the character, and is not a facet that I've thought to apply to my Jedi characters. This thread has made me question why I haven't done that with my other characters.

Sor-Jan will usually use donating to a charity as a tax write off and its rare that he does something without some financial motivation somewhere behind it.


Disney's Princess
Similar to Sor-Jan, just come into the company game later and take a bit of an LOA long enough for the Factory to switch away from the tier system so the company can be as big as desired.

Audren's OnlyFans doesn't count as "coming into the company game later" Sykes. You can't fool me.

btw how much do you make on those 9.99 monthly subscriptions anyway? For a friend.
On a more serious note, I would think that belonging to an order they get a stipend. Which is fine if the Jedi are allocated tax revenue from the government or something.

I've made jokes before on how poorly padawans get paid. I mean, how can Jerek be expected to support himself and a girlfriend on such slim wages? You know, fuel to cross half the galaxy isn't cheap, especially when your fighter only gets 5 lightyears to the gallon...

Okay, more seriously though, I'd expect this is the baseline. A stipend for all Jedi affiliated with the Silvers, NJO, or the various enclaves, and maybe they'd get a UBI through the Concord or Alliance if they're citizens. For independent Jedi, I would expect they could subsist on charity or consulting fees, if they don't podrace or bake cupcakes to raise money.

Or be like Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun and open up a tea shop. Then you know you won't be getting stiffed on the checks like you might for a bar or bazaar stall.
I hear the Judges pay well.

And by "well" I mean that any funds acquired in the execution of their duties will be maintained by the Judge in question to facilitate the continued fulfillment of their station, rather than being turned over to the Grand Marshal for redistribution. Cotan doesn't want to deal with that mess.
if they're watching anyways
Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor pays me even though I don't do anything

Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku is a simp but he kinda rich tho

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra buys me lunch every day

Auteme's lifestyle is pretty minimalistic; when she needs to travel she can usually secure a diplomatic pass of some kind, and she gets her meals at the Temple.

She's actually broke, but the bath water is on the way, so she isn't too worried.

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