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Discussion How do you make money as a Jedi?

I've always written Quill as getting by on salvage, donations, and found things. He collected a basic stipend from the Republic for a couple decades, so he's got a little squirrelled away for rainy days, but not much.
Honestly, if you are part of an Order then I feel it would operate much like many of the Militaries of the world do.

You get an allowance of money in which you can use to live off base. While its typically reserved for those who are Officers of the military, a Jedi who is a Padawan would either live with their master, thus more allowance being given to the mentor to pay for their expenses akin to a dependent/Spouse, or the padawan would live on temple grounds which would act like On base barracks where you don't really pay much at all for them.

Now if you are a hermit, then I assume whatever money you can get through various means. Or if you own a temple, then donations can be used as a form of "payment" where these donations help keep the Temple in order and shape, and also pay for those who take care of said temple/live on temple grounds.

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