Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"His Legacy Is Now Mine"

| [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Deneve Verd"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"] |

"As you wish."

Complying with Siobhan's request, Alicia turned away and headed out of the bridge to her quarters, to tend to private business whilst the Indispensable brought the group to Chandrila. Minutes later, the ship was engulfed in hyperspace.

Alicia was waited for everyone in the hangar bay. With the Indispensable arriving in the Chandrila system an hour ago, she had made sure that she, Siobhan Kerrigan, Deneve Verd and Charlyra Araano were checked in through Chandrila customs. Taylor Lornas, the man she had spoken with, had once stayed on Sojourn for a summer on Alicia's invitation several years ago, after gaining a grant from Chandrila DataTech to fund his education. The favour had not been forgotten, and so Alicia had decided to collect her investment years later. It wouldn't be the last time either.

Leaning up against the hull of the Initium, the Chandrilian folded her arms across her chest, waiting for everyone to gather. She assumed that Siobhan's ship had cloaked technology, as hers did, and that Charlyra would be flying with her, seeing as she was one of Siobhan's acolytes. But she wasn't entirely sure about Deneve. If push came to shove, Alicia would offer the daughter of Mand'alor to join her on the Initium.
Oh feth. Charlyra instantly thought, they weren't just going to be dealing with the atmosphere here, above Taris. They were going to karkin' Tython, and bloody karkin' Chandrila. All she could do was try her best to be 'stoic,' and 'enigmatic.' All the while reeling from not one, not two but three bombshells about this assignment. She wanted to scream, to hit, to do something as all senses internally were hitting the panic buttons.

Charlyra gave this Alicia Drey a nod of acknowledgment and turned her attention to their late arrival. Deneve Verd, and now she was certain this entire job was just going to taunt her very being. Stupid karking Tython, stupid fething homeworld and bloody chit to this entire sector of space. Uncomfortable was an understatement right now, Verd at least was easy on her eyes, the dark Jedi padawan made a note to keep herself focused. She had a job to do and was not here for any other purpose. Well - she had to face her past, yes, and it would seem that fate had a plan in mind for her to face all of it.

She was glad that her master saw to their own accommodations, this meant that the two could speak in private and away from prying ears. Charlyra felt Siobhan's telepathic link and was grateful for it. Once the arrangement was agreed upon, this native Chandrilian followed her master out as the ship made the jump into hyperspace.

On the Firemane Corvette, Charlyra felt that she could finally breathe. A heavy sigh was released as she did away with her heavy robe, neatly folding it over a chair. Not noticing that someone whisked it away to a more appropriate place, like a closet. Her hair was down and she kept her back to the main holoterminal onboard. Echoes of her past flooded into her heart - her mind, she'd been a child the last she saw Chandrila. All she could recall were the faces of her mother and her father, forever haunted by their sacrifice. A rural family with nothing to give but their daughter, their force sensitive daughter. Who they pinned the hopes and dreams on. We love you Lyrie! Be good for mummy! You'll make your ol' man proud, eh? You're a good girl Charls, a good girl, yeah? I love you.

The Jedi Master who fetched her and arrived with her padawan. One was Kiffar and the other had been a Cathar. She was so young, so small and she recalled now the scent of that Jedi Master. You'll be alright, little one. You'll be alright. Charlyra just recalls crying, looking out of the transport with tears in her eyes. Why can't I see my mummy and daddy? She had asked the woman with the funny paint on her face. Because you, my dear, are a Jedi. It is hard for you, I know, but we abide by a code and that code does not allow us to have emotion. One day you will learn what this means, and understand the gift you have. All Charlyra knew was that she didn't want her gift, she didn't want what everyone said was special, she didn't want to be a Jedi. She didn't want to be part of the force. I don't want it. Can I give it back? Please? I just want to go home.

The padawan turned to the young girl. No child, you cannot for the force has bestowed to you, a great power. You must learn to control it, hone it and in time at the Academy you will.

Her lips quivered and she looked down to her little hands, her fingers. Squeezing them into a fist as she shut her eyes, her small aura had grown. Here is your first lesson, child. There is no Emotion, there is Peace. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge. There is no Passion, there is Serenity. There is no Chaos, there is Harmony. There is no Death, there is the Force. Can you repeat that for me, Charlyra? The toddler gazed up at the older woman, with long, sad eyes.

The padawan wasn't nearly as cold, he took her into his arm and held her. She is just a child master, she'll learn the code soon enough...

It is better that she learn now, Zhau. We've all gone through her pain, though some of us were older...

Zhau soothed Charlyra on the way to Coruscant, but where he was now she didn't know. At twenty-nine years old, Charlyra had realized that she had not seen her family in twenty-six years. Her body was heavy with sorrow, shoulders slumped and all she could hear, all she could feel was the pain of a three-year-old. A girl who just wanted to go home, who just wanted to be with her parents and did not understand why she had to leave.

She'd been so engulfed in her own grief that she hadn't noticed just who was holding her. Siobhan at some point had come to hold her, had allowed Charlyra the room to grieve. She wrapped her arms around her master and just stood there clutching just as she once had clutched to Zhau. On that ride from Chandrila to Coruscant, the fading view of her family's farm, of her mother and father holding each other. She bit on her bottom lip to keep from quivering further but it was a futile effort. Her body became overcome with emotion, and she sobbed, she sobbed in Siobhan's arms. Soaking the Dark Jedi Master's shoulder in tears.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Alicia Drey"]

After all the formalities had been dealt with on Chandrila, Siobhan and Lyra had boarded their own small ship. It had all the fancy stealth technology you needed to slip in and out undetected. It was not designed for slug fests, but ideally it would not come to that. Message had been sent to Alicia, and so they were on their way to Tython. Presumably they'd been given coordinates for a meeting place.

At some point Siobhan had come to hold Charlyra. She did not need to be an empath to comprehend the extent of Charlyra's grief, for she felt it deeply. Viscerally. It was like the stab of a hot knife to the gut. The girl seemed trapped in a pit of sorrow and loss, desperately trying to reach for a lifeline to pull her out of the abyss. I'm so sorry, dear. The words felt hollow to Siobhan. Truly, she felt like a fool for not having considered this.

We're so much alike, you and I. Siobhan had lost her family, though the circumstances had been very different. Hers had been lost to blood and war. It had not even been the best family...but at least she'd had them. Charlyra had been taken from hers by the Jedi and not seen them since.

"It's ok, dear. I'm here. Big sister's here," she said softly in what she hoped was a soothing tone. It was probably odd to the see ruthless Butcher, whose hands were coated in blood and whose road to glory had been paved with corpses to be so gentle, yet here she was, focusing on the younger woman as if nothing else mattered.

She knew that time was of the essence. but she would be failing in her duty if she just ignored Lyra. More to the point, she would be failing as someone who considered Charlyra not just an apprentice, but a family member.

"I understand if you don't feel the same way...but I want you to know, Lyra, that you're family to me. We're not blood relations, but family is more than blood. I cannot undo what you lost, but you're not alone. I'm sorry for putting you through this."
"Thank you." Charlyra managed through heavy sobs, her breathing became a little erratic due to the tears she had been pouring out. They were the only two words that needed to be said at the moment, it was not Siobhan's fault. The padawan had not been exactly forthcoming when it came to her past. Although, neither of one could have foreseen just exactly how they were getting to Tython in the first place, or that they were even going there. All they were told was Taris, and that had been enough for Charlyra to cringe.

She pulled back, one arm falling to her side whilst the other moved to wipe the tears from her eyes. Cold metal against her warm flesh. "It means more to me than you can imagine." Or perhaps, she could - because somehow whether it was by the Force's doing or another's. Charlyra had managed to connect with the one person whose story aligned so much with hers, it was almost terrifying, and yet it was also a comfort.

"I should have been more forthcoming." The padawan confesses, "but it didn't seem to matter before." She walked through the corridor, her hands moving her lush hair to one shoulder. Playing with the loose strands as she spoke. "You see I come from a poor family, farmers." A laugh, "perhaps one of the typical Jedi stories, yeah? Farmers, having this incredibly powerful child."

The smile she wore was sad, and warm at the same time. "There was no point in trying to hide a child of my making..." Her voice trails as she lifts her gaze from the floor to look straight ahead. "I had just turned three years of age when the Jedi took me." She stops as they've reached an observation lounge. Overlooking the stars as they zipped by. Sucking in the physicality of her emotional outpouring. "I am glad to have met you, Mistress." Mentally making the correction. "I am, and for what its worth."

"It's lovely to think that I could have a family again." Her eyes go distant, the tears threaten to fall again but she blinks them away as a big of positivity bubbles up. "After all these years, I hadn't thought myself worthy of one, not after Wulfsmaw. The way I left them, how I left them." She shook her head hands still busying themselves with tresses of hair. "So thank you, I mean it." Her eyes were clear now, perhaps for the first time in years, she was finally seeing everything in a different light. Charlyra's hands fell to her side before coming up, midway across her abdomen. Metal holding metal. "You know, I've never had an older sibling, I had been my parents' only child at the time I was taken." A more positive smile now rested on her lips.

She rested her head against Siobhan's shoulder. "So does this mean that I'll have to bring my girlfriends home to meet you, then?" This of course, brought up another question, "home... I haven't had a home in years, either. Come to think of it."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
| [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Deneve Verd"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] |

The journey between Chandrila and Tython was relatively short in comparison to the Indispensable's route from Mandalorian space. It was one of the other reasons why Alicia had selected her homeworld as the place in which she had set up the lie that would cover her tracks. Since she had been a child, Alicia had enjoyed the pseudonym two birds, but with one stone and had applied that logic to mostly everything she had done since beginning her journey to becoming the Dark Lord of the Sith. Not only had she set up the lie that covered their activities on Tython, but she had also managed to save time. She was in a rush to get the translations of the Jal Shey for Draco Vereen as soon as possible, before the Mandalorian warlord decided to sell the holocron that- ultimately- belonged to her in the first place.

As the Initium flew through one of the three realms of known space, Alicia thought about Vereen and her objectives on Tython. It was an eerily familiar feeling of doing the bidding of another, as it had been beneath Darth Pandeima. When she had murdered her master and finally realized her path to power, she had been certain that she would serve no other man or woman again. Instead, she would make others enter service to her. She was the Sith Master now of the fabled Rule of Two, walking in the footsteps of Bane and all that he had accomplished through the Order of the Sith Lords. If she was fulfill the promise of the Sith and bring about the end of the Jedi, then it made no sense that someone like her would ever do the bidding of an egomaniac such as Vereen. And yet here she was, sitting in the cockpit of her prototype shuttle, en route to Tython to fetch translations for him. Combined with the parasites that were gnawing away at her flesh and power, Alicia had never felt more angry, blurring the tapestry that kept the lives of Darth Ayra and Alicia Drey separated.

Appeasing Vereen's self interest made logical sense. In return for the Jal Shey translations, Vereen would pass along Darth Vectivus' holocron, whose creator she now knew to be one of the Sith Lords that had followed Darth Bane and his Rule of Two. On top of returning the holocron to it's rightful owner- the Sith Lord that had inherited the teachings of Bane and had once again brought them to fruition in the galaxy- Alicia would also gain her own translation of the Jal Shey. Who or whatever the Jal Shey had been, Alicia could deduce this much: that if Vereen was willing to part ways with a Sith holocron in return for Jal Shey knowledge, then it either meant that what the Jal Shey knew was on par or surpassed what Vectivus had stored on in his holocron. Before she would give Vereen his translation, Alicia would keep her own version for herself, meaning that at the end of their business, she would be leaving with both in hand.

On the other hand, it placed Alicia at a disadvantageous position. Having dealt with varying businessmen and women in the past twenty years, she knew that went entering a negotiation, it was always the aim to be entering one with all the cards. But that hadn't been the case with Vereen. When the two had met on Taris, it appeared that it was Vereen who held all the cards. If Alicia did not comply to his demands in return for the holocron, then she would not get it, regardless of how many credits or other offers that had come to her mind. Furthermore, the deliberate threat that the Mandalorian had made against her life was obvious. I could kill you right here, right now if I wanted to. That was what Alicia had actually heard in between the lines, as Vereen elaborated on what he wanted in return for Vectivus's greatest creation.

Knowing her own powers in the dark side, Alicia was certain that if it had come down to a confrontation like that between her and Vereen, she would have come out of that tower with his head, or at the very least, escaped it and Taris with her life. Alicia doubted that any man or woman could kill her today, irregardless of their beliefs, affiliations or species. It was only because there were other Sith alive in the galaxy, such as the One Sith or the whispers of a triumvirate on Ruusan, that meant she was not the true Dark Lord of the Sith. As Bane had done before her, she knew that in the end the Old were replaced by the New, and as the Sith had done during Bane's time, they had done the same in hers. That whilst there were Sith who claimed to own an Empire and raised militarizes to serve them in their conquests, then there was no-way that the Rule of Two could fully be realized until all the two were destroyed save two: a master and an apprentice, as it should have always been.

As the scenario of her and Vereen battling each other on Taris played out, Alicia was sure that such a confrontation would have revealed that she was in-fact a Sith Lord. It was ultimately because of the subtly and secrecy required for her work that Alicia had chosen to retrieve the Jal Shey teachings for Vereen. She would have murdered him, the subordinate he had with him in the room and every single soul in that tower with her very hands if not for the subtly required for the Grand Plan. Darth Ayra was many things- scholar, teacher, murderer, politician, businesswoman, architect- but not a conqueror, warrior or fool, who in one foolish move, revealed the existence of a Sith Order that had long since been lost during the Four-Hundred Year Darkness. No, it was better to venture to Tython, navigate the silent desert and follow the coordinates she had procured from her contacts in the Black Tie Syndicate to retrieve the Jal Shey teachings, so as to maintain her identity, story and image to her allies, affiliates and enemies.

When the time came, Alicia would kill Vereen because a man like that was too dangerous to be left alive. The likelihood that he had learned from Darth Vectivus' holocron was so high that it was near certain that he knew it's contents. He was also a man who had recently liberated an entire world from the Galactic Republic, and if she was right in believing some of the whispers that had filtered through, was keeping the One Sith from annexing the Alderaan system, as they had done to the dozen or so Republic systems that had fallen in the past seven years of war. It was also likely that Vereen would be a direct rival for Mand'alor the Reclaimer, and whilst she understood the necessity for the element of challenge as a Sith Lord, Alicia would never allow someone like Vereen to oppose and possibly kill Isley Verd before his Empire came about. After all, Darth Ayra would need the means to which she would see the Jedi and Sith die. The war that she envisioned, resulting in the death of all Jedi and Sith, would span the entire galaxy, and a culture bred for war for the exact tools that the Sith Lord would require to see it done. Draco Vereen's days were truly numbered now, and after the Jal Shey manuscripts were conferred for the Vectivus holocron, Darth Ayra would begin to see through to the fall of the Dragon, once and for all.

Head bowed in her left hand, Alicia sat in the confines of her chair in a state of semi-consciousness. She was there and then... She was not. It had been several months- close to a year- since the Orbalisks had attack her and Justiciara on Dxun. When the infestation begun, her body had been limited to three of the creatures, who had managed to find a way past her Lightsaber and onto her body, sinking their teeth into her skin and never ceasing their insatiable appetite since. Now, almost a year later, the infestation now covered most of her body. Her skin and flesh had given way to the rock hard, granite surface of the parasites. Alicia had observed that as they fed on her daily, the creatures had been undergoing a type of metamorphosis that was being fueled by her powers in the dark side of the Force. Their quest to consume her, relentless in their machinations, was almost admirable to the Sith, if not for the obvious risk that they posed. She wondered how long she had left until they completely consumed her body, and when sleep- so rare now, under the confines of constant, agonizing pain- claimed her, Alicia had been played nightmares of the creatures finally climbing off her, leaving only behind a husk of what had been her body.

Sleep deprivation showed itself during these times of lull. When Alicia was not meeting with her allies, affiliates and enemies or seeing to the training of her Sith Apprentice, she found herself slipping in and out consciousness, as she was now en route to Tython. She was aware that she was sat inside the Initium's cockpit; and that it was on auto-pilot, on course to the Tython system. But then she felt like she was asleep at the same time. It was closest thing to sleep she could get beside the times the pain became too much to bear and she collapsed, only to eventually regain consciousness. The Human body was not built for this type of torture, she knew. The answers to her plight laid in the hands of a certain Jedi Master, who she had felt in the tomb of Freedon Nadd on the eve of her greatest suffering. Suddenly, thoughts of murdering Draco Vereen gave away to a more prevalent and obvious target. No, [member="Taeli Raaf"] was the real enemy. She had taken Freedon Nadd's holocron before Alicia had- perhaps days or weeks before her arrival on Dxun- and as a consequence, the Jedi now held Alicia's only lead to saving herself from being devoured completely by Freedon Nadd's most terrifying trap.

Despite the parasites feeding on her body and powers, Alicia had noted that there were some curious side-effects of the infestation. During her training exercise with Justiciara inside Sojourn's forest, Alicia had felt herself exhilarated by battle on a level that she had never experienced before. She had fought the Galactic Republic's forces on Kashyyyk, in the heat of battle against Jedi and soldiers alike, yet, during a simple spar with her own apprentice, Alicia had felt the blows and swings of her Lightsaber fueled by a unadulterated hate and rage that not even she had felt before. It came to a point during the exercise that Alicia had to literally physically force herself to stop attacking Justiciara, less she destroy her prodigy before the time was right. But the physical augments of the Orbalisks were not the only side-effect she had noted. During the spar, none of Justiciara's blows had managed to make any impact on Alicia's body. She could attribute this to the fact that they were using a training Lightsaber at the time, but even so, the pelko bug spores that lined the blade should have injected her with a toxin that would leave her body in agony for several hours, during which the parts that had been hit becoming paralyzed and useless until the toxin had been exercised from her body. It seemed that the Orbalisk's outer shells could not be penetrated. Did this leave Alicia invulnerable to attack?

Beep, beep, beep. The sound of the navigational computer's alarm brought Alicia out of her slumber. Lifting her brow out of her manicured fingers and up out of the shade of her palm into the light, she was met with the sight of an astronomical object that had baffled the Sith for centuries. The Tython system was filled with varying black holes and other objects that made it and the other systems in the Deep Core perilous to travel at best. The navigational computer was telling Alicia that it had brought the Initium out of hyperspace before her and the ship were caught in the hole's gravitational pull. Alicia had read once that when someone or something was caught in a black hole, then time for that person and everyone else changed. She imagined being caught in the hole for mere minutes, only to somehow escape it and find that the galaxy had aged years since. There was only the gravity well of the hole that would tear the Initium into tiny fragments, taking Alicia with it. Leaning over, Alicia shut the computer's alarm off and then reclined back in her seat to think.

By no means was she a Jorus Merrill, who was said to be able to navigate a ship through the Force alone. She had once seen Rave Merrill perform a maneuver with her personal ship- the Bullet Time- that had allowed her to elude a Star Destroyer's sensors above Eclipstica, as she and Alicia searched for the long lost Bogan's Beauty. Despite this, Alicia was left with no other alternatives. Technology had only gotten her this far, and now, it was up to her abilities in the Force to successful guide herself and the Initium to Tython. Grabbing hold of the controls, Alicia concentrated on the Force, and as she did, she felt the Orbalisk's on her body respond in kind, hastening their bites and in-turn fueling Alicia and her powers in the dark side. Bringing her ship beyond the black hole, Alicia begun to navigate the other astronomical objects in the Tython system, setting herself on course for the planet's surface.
[member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Alicia Drey"]

Charlyra's words warmed the Dark Jedi Master's heart. "Yep, it totally means that. And naturally I'll have to grill them to make sure they're good enough for you! I'll probably embarrass you a lot in the process," Siobhan declared jovially.

"Seriously, if there's anything, never hesitate to come to me. I've got an open door policy and you are family. Never think for even a moment that you're not worthy. Because you are." She spoke with the voice of someone who'd walked the same road. She knew survivor's guilt all too well.

She slowly got up. "My family was poor, too. I had an older sister once. How I came to the Jedi is quite a bit different from you though. I was a lot older. I can tell you the story when we've completed our little quest," she gave Charlyra an affectionate pat on the shoulder.

At this point the stealth vessel exited hyperspace and emerged in the orbit of Tython. The planet was still beautiful, but bore the scars of having been put under the booted heel of the One Sith, whose tentacles had spread from Coruscant to engulf so much of the Core and beyond in their iron grip. Siobhan could only imagine how painful visiting this world again under such conditions could be for Charlyra.

"I spent a little bit of my training here. That was a long time ago though. It's...changed," she spoke softly when she glanced out of the viewing port. Truth be told, she scarcely remembered that time. The sleek vessel descended gracefully through the atmosphere of Tython, setting itself on a course for the planet's surface and, to be precise, the Silent Desert, far away from any centres of civilisation. Landing would commence soon.
Charlyra had smiled at Siobhan's comments. "I suspect we'll have a lot to discuss once this is over." She held a tight smile, the girl had a lot of emotions running through her and as they watched Tython come into view her heart rate increased. Even with Siobhan's presence, it was hard to imagine coming back here. Let alone coming back to see it like this, perhaps if a Dark Lord held any sentiment to Korriban then the feeling of watching your home be ripped away might be similar. Though perhaps this stereotype is brought about from her experiences with Dark Lords.

"I was a teenager when I came to Tython." It didn't even seem all that long ago, "it was bright, beautiful and filled with warmth." She felt as if this was the time to feel some sort of grief over the planet's current state. If so, she didn't feel it, instead, she felt the hand of vengeance strike into her heart. "This was where Ammee and I first held onto each other, this is where I built my lightsabre."

"And here it is, perverted by the Sith." There was an underlying rage that built within her voice. Looking away from it and she knew this would be her fight, not now anyway. "One day we shall reclaim it, one day it shall be a home again." Her hand resting on her lightsabre for comfort while the other balled into a fist. Her fury began to stack, her aura began to grow and her eyes fluttered into a lavender shade.

The dark padawan watched as the Silent Desert began to form ahead, and soon it became more than just a view. "I am ready, Master." Spoken like a student who was eager to show her new talents to opponents she felt would rightly deserve it.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"] |

The silent desert lived up to it's name. Standing in the desert sand, a few yards from the open mouth of the Initium, Alicia heard nothing. If she wasn't physically aware of it, she wouldn't even know she was breathing. It was a disconcerting sensation to lose one of your key senses. She was confident that she had landed the vessel properly, and that it's engines had powered down by now, but one of the reasons she had known this in the past was with thanks to her hearing. She could normally hear the whir and groan of the hyperdrive or impulse engines powering down when she had put in the command, except for this one time. She decided to check if she had done it properly. Better to be safe than sorry.

When Alicia confirmed that she had indeed completed the landing procedures properly, she brought up the Initium's scanners. She searched for ships, on the look out for Siobhan an Charlyra, as well as any other traffic in the system. It was possible that Vereen could have used the meeting on Taris as a means to simply follow Alicia as she did all the hard work of finding the Jal Shey manuscripts and then taking them before she could, thus retaining the holocron and the Jal Shey knowledge for himself. Paranoid, Alicia waited for her new associates to arrive before continuing the journey.
Things Charlyra would have rathered not remembered from her days on Tython. Thankfully it seemed her new master [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] was particularly skilled in non-verbal communication. Still, it was beyond unnerving to hear nothing and have nothing from your voice. A smirk aligned on her face recalling little jokes she'd pull on her comrades and the jokes they'd pull on her. Almost always as they returned from the Silent Desert. It wasn't the ideal place, but if a padawan needed a reminder of what it felt like to hear nothing and to hear with the force alone, then some masters sought to teach that here.

Although it never really worked, well in her experience anyway. Charlyra didn't stray too far from her master, in fact, the younger woman walked alongside her. Robes and armor brushing against one another. The padawan gestured toward their acquaintance, [member="Alicia Drey"]. The brunette squinted keeping the sun from her eyes as they moved closer. Eventually, they linked back up with Alicia following her toward their destination. Charlyra looked to her master every so often, if for anything, just for reassurance. The energy on Tython felt wrong, perverse it had been tainted by the dark side for so long. She wondered if it would ever look and feel as it did before. When there was light, and not an overwhelming urge of darkness, which - she supposed, would now be a good thing considering her who her new masters were and who she was allowing herself to become.
[member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Alicia Drey"]

So here they were. On Tython. How long had it been since Siobhan set foot upon this planet? A long time. As a matter of fact, she could scarcely remember it. She recalled a trip to the Silent Desert once with Adril. However, the planet had been tainted by the Sith. The energies swirling across it felt wrong and corrupted. Fortunately, Siobhan was not a Jedi, so the darkness that permeated the world did not feel oppressive to her.

[member="Caerys Argente"], her pet HRD, had been given orders to watch the ship. The bot had plenty of firepower with her. "Come on, sweetie," she said softly to Charlyra, when the ship descended. The Countess was clad in full beskar'gam and had all her gear with her. A sonic shotgun rested on her hip.

There was a soft, hopefully reassuring brush of telepathy against Charlyra's mind. It could be essentially summed up as: I'm here for you, sweetie. You can do this. Bit like a caress. Siobhan did not want to hover, but she was feeling rather protective of the younger woman. "Ms. Drey, we're here," Siobhan spoke into her comm device thingie. Presumably they'd been given an encrypted frequency to communicate over. Presumably they linked up with the businesswoman at her vessel, so that they could go on their quest.

It was only then that Siobhan realised that there was no sound in the Silent Desert. Hence the name. This was slightly annoying, but she dealt by using sign language with Charlyra. Good thing she'd learned how to do that. So they made their way out of the ship to catch up with Alicia.
| [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"] |

Alicia didn't hear Siobhan. The Silent Desert blocked all sound, whence it's name. However, she did feel her comlink vibrate on her hip, indicating that someone was trying to get in touch. When she opened the device to check who was trying to contact her, Alicia saw that it was Siobhan. Maintaining the transponder frequency for her and Charlyra to follow, Alicia lowered herself to sit on the landing ramp of her vessel, escaping Tython's sun in the shade of the Initium whilst she waited for them to catch up.
Charlyra and her master hadn't need to walk much farther. She could see [member="Alicia Drey"] in the distance, and wrapped part of her robe's vestments around her face to provide some cover from the sand. She had little in the way of fond memories of the desert itself. She had more than pleasant memories of things such as waterfalls, classrooms, and little places along the main route to the temple where she and Ammee would run off and do the naughty things that padawans were not supposed to do. Looking ahead, she was partially relieved to note the shade that Ms. Drey's vessel would provide.

Not that Tython's sun was all that bothersome, at least not nearly as troublesome as the binary furnace that is Tatooine. Still, it was hot and while there was some wind - it was also hot. Reaching the ramp of Ms. Drey's vessel the dark jedi padawan let her vestments down and sighed a little while waving herself with her hand. Next time they volunteered for a job she wanted to know exactly where they were going and would prefer if it were in civilization itself. With lots and lots of air cooling. With her master [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] right beside her, the padawan hoped that the could now continue their journey.
[member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Alicia Drey"]

The inability to communicate verbally was a tad disconcerting. Well, it was mostly annoying. Fortunately, Omega Pyre had taught Siobhan useful skills. Such as using a bolter to blow people up, small-unit tactical leadership and sign language! There were also other things, but these probably weren't family-friendly. By contrast, blowing people up or maiming them would not harm an innocent child's mind, but this writer digresses. Anyhow, our two Dark Jedi heroines reached Ms. Drey's ship.

The sun of Tython shined down upon them. It was less of an bother than on Tatooine since Siobhan did not feel like she was a snowflake melting inside a blast furnace, but it was rather hot and not in a pleasant way. Fortunately her beskar'gam had self-cooling systems and she had minored in tapas. By tapas, we mean the fancy space magic skill that allows a wizard to draw upon the power of the Force to make their body temperature less oppressive, not the Dahomian delicacy.

The wind was blowing across the desert and throwing up an ungodly amount of sand. Gently holding her Padawan's hand, Siobhan reached the landing ramp of Ms. Drey's ship. Suffice to say her thoughts about any future missions echoed Charlyra's. Regardless, the businesswoman's comm would probably vibrate when Siobhan gave it a ping, notifying her that they were there.
| [member="Charlyra Araano"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] |

Alicia felt the vibration of her comlink. Taking the device out of her pocket, she saw that Siobhan was trying to make contact. Standing back up, Alicia disembarked the Initium and walked out to see where her quarry was. She first saw Charlyra, then her Master behind her. Raising a hand, Alicia tried to say hello but felt that no sound came out of her lips. A strange sensation, to be sure.

When Charlyra and Siobhan were close, Alicia decided on a new method of communication. Typing into her comlink, she showed both women a text message: We're close. It's a five mile walk from here. I can't hear you and I don't think you can hear me. Sorry.

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