Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey there.

Just a new writer that wanted to stop by and say hello in the introduction section. I'm not very sure what faction I want to align my character with, because I'm not really sure how each is. But if you are in some type of faction I'd be happy to get information on your faction :)
Welcome to Chaos, [member="Derin Kall"]!

Here is an overview over our Major Factions, which you may find helpful. There's a ton of active minor factions about as well, but at least here's an introduction to the main players of the map.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Enjoy your stay

[member="Derin Kall"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Derin Kall"] Welcome to Chaos. Glad to have you with us - look forward to seeing you in action.

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