Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey everyone

Hey everyone, I've been creepin around here for a few days and finally decided to join. I really like what I see. So I just wanted to introduce myself. You all can call me Draich or Vandal.

Its been a few months since I last RPed, the last one I was on kinda died. I hope to bring some good stuff to the table. Just a little fore warning; I am a career soldier, so there will be periods where I wont post for weeks at a time. I honestly hope that doesn't dissuade people from wanting to RP.

Naturally I tend to play the foot slogger as I can relate easily to that world. Hopefully Ill have a few characters up and running here soon.

A pleasure to meet you all. Hope to do some work with ya soon
Handsome. ;)

Welcome to Chaos! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)

(Tag Mrrew (using the @mention button under a name or typing @ then a name), my main account, if you do. :D)

[member="Draich Venator"]
Welcome to Chaos! If you want to do the Soldiery type, let me know. It's my favorite type of character as well, and i'm more than happy to try and find a reason for my Mandalorian to meet whatever character you'd like to whip up!

[member="Draich Venator"]

Stephanie Swail

[member="Draich Venator"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Hope you enjoy your time here and have fun - just ask any questions you have about the site, RP or SW in general!

Meh, these cookies arnt going to give me anything I havent had before.

I do have a question however. If Im wanting a droid counterpart for my character, do I need to write up a profile for it or would I just elaborate on him in my characters profile as I would for a vessel?

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