Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Help me pick my next toon


Well-Known Member
So I just wrapped up my second character here and would like to start a new story. Whose into something fun and can pitch some ideas?

I have a Jedi and a pirate I could bring around.

Jedi Pirate.

Small edit: Sorry I couldn't resist. But on a serious note I wouldn't worry too much about anything specific, heck i tend to just come up with a joke and build a character around something I find funny.

Except with Ariealla, she just. she scares me.

So if you want some ideas I'd be happy to throw a few ideas, but they're probably not all that great unless you share my sense of humour.


[member="KitKat"] Perhaps you should try making a Crimelord or Executive character. If your Jedi & Pirate are more about 1 character instead of founding an organization, this could be a new and exciting story. If you did go that route there are multiple factions (both Major & Minor) who I imagine would like to RP with you :)


Well-Known Member
[member="Darlyn Excron"] omg I love joke characters! I'll have to pick your brain for sure.

[member="Rako Eclipse"] Oh? Tell me more about Black Sun? Is it the well known organization by the same name? Do you guys do takeover sand stuff?

[member="Jeremiah Jade"] a Jade as in a Jade Jedi or as in a member of the Jade family you are writing?

[member="Rach'ta"] I like the idea of a crime lord. How are you enjoying the Sith?


[member="KitKat"] I haven't done very much at all with Rach'ta yet but its been mostly enjoyable. He is the first Star Wars character I ever made, different RP, but he wasn't played on Chaos till extremely recently. I'm struggling with really defining his character, I'm just being fickle.

I mention Crime Lord because I'm thinking about doing something similar myself. I'm not sure. I like the idea of having a neutral character who isn't constrained by the different factions.
[member="Rach'ta"] and [member="KitKat"]

If you guys are considering a crimelord, pirate or any other criminal archetype, we are having a blast with Black Sun! Yes, it is that Black Sun.

[member="Rako Eclipse"] is right! You can find a home with us. Black Sun is made up of many organizations, syndicates, cartels, pirates, etc. all under one banner. Come check us out!

Heyo Look I noticed u said pirate well it just so seems I am A Major Factrion Admin upon which reflects on mecernirases and Pirate's to bolster their forces. Are you down?

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