Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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He Arrives in a Cloud of Awesome


Contact me for your GFX needs!

Something, something, something, nice comment, something something something, like to rp, something, something, something.

See you around.
Hey, welcome to Chaos! I love new faces, and I hope you enjoy your stay! Any questions you have, ask them, and we'll be glad to answer them to the best of our ability.

Now, tell me a little something about yourself, in terms of what you'd like to accomplish, here, where you're coming from on the Internet (if anywhere)... things like that. :D


Contact me for your GFX needs!
If anyone here has heard of or was on SWD (A formerly thriving Star Wars Forum RP Site) I was a moderator for a very long time on there. So I'm seasoned in Forum RP. I've been looking for a forum rp for a while, but I have the age old problem of being incredibly busy rather a lot of the time. Fingers crossed I'll be able to stick it out for a while... but not promising anything.

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