Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hate on Judah Dashiell


[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Other than drinking a bit too much kelp juice straight up for my liking, Judah has been a great character for Hutch to play off of; first as rivals for a certain mermaid's heart, and now friends. Love it when he is Mr. Mom. Too funny and endearing.
[member="Dirks Hutchinson"] -- Excellent! I hope Hutch and Judah can continue to play off one another. Maybe we can do another thread soon, lots in the works for the character, so I'm sure there will be some great opportunities.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] -- Well I'm glad I can be better than Dells for you :p

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] -- A compliment about my humor from the King of Humor? I'm truly honored.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] -- Its sad we haven't been able to RP more, Coci is one of my favorites to read.

Thanks for the feedback so far everyone :)
[member="Thessa Kai"]

I think you were looking for this :p


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