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Approved Tech Harli's wolf armor

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  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Ion: Average
  • Energy resistance: A combination of Phrik, duraplast and duramesh give Harli's armor excellent resistance against energy weapons.
  • Advanced systems: Harli's armor contains a multitude of advanced features that let her keep track of the battle.
  • Chemical weakness: While this armor can resist most of what's thrown at it, it has a lower resistance to chemical weapons and substances.
Those who wish to be a light in the darkness and strike back the shadows need more then just a sword to do so, they require armor to protect them from their foes. The Wolf armor is Harli's personal armor as she joins the Ashlan Crusade on their assault against the Sith and anything else that revels in the darkside of the force.

The armor consists of a duramesh and thermal regulation fabric bodysuit with duraplast armor that has a layer of phrik over top. Built in to the gauntlets are both the LK-Apollo wrist mounted display and LK-Hermes communication system. The body of the armor also contains a Valkyrie-system incase of medical emergencies. The helmet is made from duraplast with a layer of Phrik over top and a Transparisteel visor while the inside has a lining of Duramesh, the helmet also contains a Minerva-hud-system for tactical displays of the area. The boots also contain Magno-grip systems and Magna-gloves that help maintain stability in both zero gravity situations and on difficult surfaces.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Harli (018-A) Harli (018-A)

Very nice armour and the art is quite good too! However I can't approve it, because of the permission. All of John's links are closed market, so you can't use them. He gave his permission to Ellie Ordo, to that character, not to Harli. So please ask for new permission from him, or delete his subs from the submission.
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