Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Happy Birthday with a Twist (RHA, and guests)

Draco stood by, listening to the conversation quietly consuming what information he could about the attendees. He was of course, not the main attraction for the night and was not exactly a ‘people person’ in the first place. Happy to play second fiddle to his wife without concern for titles or influence on the galactic stage. All he cared about these days were his family and the growing prospects of grandchildren.

He smiled, his stormy grey eyes searching the room for any familiar face. Perhaps it had been too long since he last made an excursion to know anyone anymore. But that in itself was good, no old flames spread in the galaxy or long lost friends he had ignored for decades. “You exaggerate my worth, Senator Kotibana. I’m but a humble servant long past retirement, the honor is all mine. Draco is fine, no need to stand on ceremony for me. I am at your service should you need anything.” The old man had once had his adoration for pomp and circumstance in his youth, when he was young and foolish. Back when all he cared about was power, influence, and wealth. How many millions of credits had he swindled the Banking Clan out of when their exchange rates were in flux? How many times had he waged war for pride alone? How many dead lay in his wake, both friend and foe? None could tell for certain, his crimes were legion and certainly his life proved there was no such thing as karma.

The pleasure is all mine, Senator.” He said with a nodd of his head towards Auteme who curtsied respectfully, eliciting him to bow at the waist in response rather than just the simple acknowledgment he was accustomed to. “I’m glad my wife has good friends she can count on in times of need.

It’s lovely, dear.” The tall Dar’manda responded as his wife received her gift from the Jedi turned Senator. The phoenix was striking, white pinions, and elegant features. “Matches both the sender and the recipient in beauty and grace. Quite the gift, thank you again, Senator.

Faith had many friends, and it was her night, not his to pull attention away from his wife. He received a glass of emerald wine, green as the jewel itself and tasting of sweet grapes, holding it aloft to await the toast Faith had in mind.

Faith Organa Faith Organa Auteme Auteme Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix
She always smiled for whatever the reason and right now it was about friends.

She tugged on Draco's sleeve, "Drahr, is that Delila Castillon Delila Castillon there? The black goodness I think it is" For a moment she was distracted when was the last time she had seen Dells back during...hmm. yes that had to be it.

"Don't listen to him Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix , Auteme Auteme if it weren't for him I don't know how I would get through each day. Relationships when the pressure is on are sometimes the only thing of reality you have to keep you going and remind you why you do what you do." She smiled again at the bird as it sat so still upon her shoulder it was a splendid gift quite unique.

The supplies oh how they needed them.

Where had Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto and Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe gone off to. Perhaps to have a bite and grab a drink before the meeting.

Location: Faiths birthday party
Objective: Enjoy herself and network
Tags: Faith Organa Faith Organa

Walking away from Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix and Isla she had a strange smile on her face, not sure what to make of the situation and kind of glad she herself was single and unburdened by that romantic drama. She looked around and saw Faith Organa Faith Organa . She needed to wish her a happy birthday, so she approached her warmly.

"Your Majesty, Happy Birthday, I'm glad scheduling has allowed me to attend and enjoy your party. I hope the power units are as enjoyable as this beautiful little creature. Maybe for life day ill bring you and ice bird for the other other shoulder?"

She looked over at Auteme Auteme Ever the showgirl and smiled. "This is quite the gift, the famous Auteme rocking up to a party trying to grab everyone's attention." she shimmied her hips playfully making the large wings on her extravagant costume shake.

"I hope your husband has spoiled you rotten Queen Organa." Xasha looked around at the other well wishers and saw Kobitana had joined them.

Relationships when the pressure is on are sometimes the only thing of reality you have to keep you going
"I hate to disagree with the birthday girl, but in my experience they can be nothing but trouble." she had a nice tone but she meant it, it had been her boyfriend at the time that had released the extremely revealing clips of her from that party and nearly destroyed her political career. Since then she had sworn off romance entirely, only entertaining the odd one night stand, just to keep away the cobwebs. "But Draco seems like a lovely man, and I am sure Isla is sweet in her own way."


if they're watching anyways

Auteme bowed her head respectfully to the queen as she graciously accepted the gift. She bowed again to Vereen, when he addressed her."Your wife has a talent for making good friends," she said, smiling.

Aside from that she kept quiet, laughing modestly at the appropriate times, smiling, standing straight, all that. Part of her wondered if the more monotonous side of things would kick in soon -- until Callisto mentioned...

Isla Draellix. Kotibana. Hands.

There was a mix of feelings -- curiousity, fear, guilt -- but they were quashed by patience. Nothing broke through the demeanor she'd adopted for the party. Instead she moved, calm and graceful as ever, closer to the Ashlan prime minister, silently excusing herself from the queen and king-consort.

"Excuse me," she began, "you wouldn't happen to be Isla Draellix?" She already knew the answer, and was quick to turn to the nearby Senator. "Tiresh, you mustn't keep such esteemed company all to yourself."

She offered a hand for a shake. "Auteme Denko-Durren, Senator of Epoch. I find my surname a touch unwieldy, so please -- just Auteme. I was... friends with Cedric Grayson, and I'm happy to see so much prosperity returning to the Wyl sector under your government."

A glance between the two women. "Could I persuade you to go for a little walk with me? Senator Kotibana, I recall you mentioning you had something important to discuss with the queen." She gave a slight tilt of the head, reminding her colleague of the real reason they were here.

Ava squeezed Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce 's hand as his lips pecked her cheek lovingly, then she flashed him an understanding smile as any good politician's wife would when they needed to mingle before the Corellian Senator swaggered off into the sea of guests that had gathered for Faith Organa Faith Organa 's birthday celebration... As did their daughter in tow.

Gabriella was a daddy's girl and loved to follow him wherever he went. It was good to see them spend quality time together after all their time apart during his multiple combat tours with the 3rd Fleet. The young girl looked up to her father and really missed him while he was serving all those years on the frontlines of the war effort. Goldie had as well more than the ol' military man turned senator now would ever know.

The Ralltiiri had never had the honor nor privilege to meet the Queen of Alderaan, but she had heard nothing but glowing things about the long-time reigning monarch from her husband. Of course, the man had an affinity for beautiful, smart, and powerful women to be in his circle of acquaintances and colleagues; Her Majesty included.

So taking up the invitation to attend the festivities and enjoy the hospitality offered was a no-brainer. Who wouldn't want to visit a majestic planet rebuilt from past incursions over the years? Ava planned on relaxing and seeing the sights hopefully as she saw this as a family vacation rather than a pure working one. Time would only tell though on that front. Dracken seemingly was a workaholic and didn't know how to say a hard no. Case in point, Gabby going with him just now. Ava feared he'd soon be in over his head with her tagging along.

Steel blue eyes flicked over to where their son was talking with some boys around his age a few feet away. Gabriel didn't want to admit he was a momma's boy, but he was always there for her it seemed, especially when his father was away; being the man of the house. The Pryce children were beginning to diverge from each other in their personalities and paths but they still were very close as only twins could be. It would be interesting to see what their futures held for them... Who knew, the Force worked in mysterious ways it was said.

"Mom... I don't want to leave you by yourself, but can I go to the game room with the guys over there?" Gabe asked with a hopeful look upon his youthful face.

The Blonde quietly chuckled to herself. "May you please go... And yes. Just keep your comlink on and give me a sitrep every thirty minutes on how you're kicking their sixes, hmm?" she grinned softly.

"Sure thing... Thanks, Mom, you're the best!"

And then he was off and she stood alone.

Ava sighed, then grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter-droid. It was a White and a Riesling she thought from the initial floral and semi-sweet bouquet that was sniffed after giving it a quick swirl. She was fascinated by the finesse, elegance, and aroma that the Alderaanian wine exhibited. Bringing the light-colored liquid to her glossed lips, the first sip was taken. Immediately, there was a shutter felt throughout the colonel's body from the fruit explosion, and exquisite minerality tasted. It was as if the wine itself was dancing on her tongue before there was a mineral kick at the end as the sip was over.

Not bad... not bad at all. Might have to get a couple of bottles to take home with us, she mused rather enthusiastically, then the golden-haired pilot took another drink to relish the wine further just as her beloved grandfather had taught his grandaughter all those years ago on his Ralltiir estate where he had a vineyard and she spent many a summer with him by the lakeshore.

Blue orbs gazed to a wall nearby where there was a grouping of holo-graphic paintings displayed. She stepped over to get a better view of the intriguing artwork to pass the time...

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Tiresh smiled warmly, glad that Faith Organa Faith Organa liked her gift. As she mentioned a toast, the Senator nodded and raised her glass, “To Queen Organa! A true pillar of strength and grace for Alderaan and the Alliance!” She would nod in agreement with any other words that were shared for the toast, and then once everyone was ready, she would raise her glass and drink in Faith's honor.

She smiled warmly as she listened to both Faith Organa Faith Organa and Draco Vereen Draco Vereen speak. It was apparent that they truly shared something special. She laughed lightly and nodded as Faith’s remark about how it’s the relationships that keep us going, “I couldn’t agree more!” She said as she turned and smiled with love in her eyes as Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , who was still holding her hand and standing by her side. She chuckled a bit at Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto ’s rebuttal, assuming there was a subtle jab in the comment intended again as a warning towards her and Isla. “Yes, Isla is wonderful in every way.” She nodded in confirmation.

At Auteme Auteme ’s approach, Tiresh felt a lump growing in her throat as a wave of anxiety subtly eased over her. She smiled and nodded.

Auteme Auteme said:
A glance between the two women. "Could I persuade you to go for a little walk with me? Senator Kotibana, I recall you mentioning you had something important to discuss with the queen." She gave a slight tilt of the head, reminding her colleague of the real reason they were here.

She looked at Auteme for a moment, unsure of what the Senator was intending to say to Isla. But she knew that Isla could handle herself, no matter what Auteme might throw at her. So she turned and smiled at her love, squeezing her hand and then leaning in for a quick peck on the cheek before letting go and watching as the two of them ventured away from her. She felt a blend of nervousness and concern regarding the whole situation, but she turned and smiled back at the queen, pulling her focus in her direction once again.
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Location: Back on Alderaan
Objective: Be happy and enjoy
Tags: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Auteme Auteme Faith Organa Faith Organa


Isla finally got over the sight of the phoenix and quietly listened to Tiresh and the group of senators before raising her own glass to join the toast.

She spoke to Tiresh quietly while others were distracted, "I can't tell if the red head likes me or not." she laughed lightly. "I am enjoying being here with you as your girlfriend though." she gently rubbed her thumb against Tiresh hand as Auteme Auteme introduced herself.

Isla took the hand of the senator and warmly shook it, "Yes, I'm Isla, it's a pleasure to meet you Senator, a friend of Lord Grayson is a friend of the mine." It wasn't technically true, grayson had plenty of friends in the Imperial Order she wouldn't mind driving a tank over, but she could never tell them that.

As Auteme asked to walk with her privately, she was very curious, did she wish to reminisce about her time knowing Cedric, or was this going to be a grilling over her relationship with Tiresh. She didn't have long to think before Tiresh kissed cheek and allowed her to be led away. She shot her a quick 'wish me luck' glance before proceeding to walk with Auteme, there was a lovely balcony that ran alongside the hall with plants adorned on the walls. If she was in one of her romance novels, she might expect this was one of those places where the antagonist took someone to make sinister threats, or where politicians met to politely discuss a coup, she should read less of those stories, but there was nothing like a real paper book, as fantastic story and a glass of brandy by a roaring fire.

"Senator Auteme, I am very curious what you wanted to discuss away from the party, maybe a salacious story from my Lord's past perhaps?" she let out a friendly laugh as she walked along.


if they're watching anyways

Auteme laughed. "Forgive me, I never managed to get anything but seriousness and melancholy from Cedric."

She glided to the balcony railing. They were mostly alone, but it was hardly a stretch to think they might be overheard, or otherwise spied on. After all, they were important people, and the queen's court doubtless had gossips among their number. They were already going to have a riot with what'd happened today. She'd keep things light.

"No, I have no great secrets to impart. I was just... curious about you, and thought it long past time we met. I hope I'm not ruining the party for you by stealing you away." She smiled, glancing back towards where the various people of import still stood near the queen, before continuing to walk down the hall.

"But politics has a certain pace to it, as I'm sure you know, and sometimes it's best to step back a moment. It's something I found refreshing about speaking with Cedric -- he had an authenticity to him, set in his ways as he was, but it was different from everything else in my life." She paused a moment, glancing out at the view on the lake they had.

"Have you become embroiled in the tedium of political life, Prime Minister? As you've grown, I can't imagine things have stayed as quiet as Cedric."
There were chuckles all around them, "Yes Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto my husband Draco Vereen Draco Vereen has spoiled me to no end. But to you I would say perhaps you have not met the right person yet. " She could remember a time when she didn't care about love or what it would bring her until she found it and she had been fortunate enough to find it twice.

As Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix made the toast Faith blushed, she looked around to them all with their glasses lifted, she lifted her own,"Thank you please enjoy the party, Eat Drink and be Merry" In the back of her mind she heard the whisper just in case it is sometime before we can again.

She watched Auteme Auteme and Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana as they drifted together for a private converation. Faith then looked to her husband, "So how about a twirl once around the dance floor, you do remember how to dance don't you Drahar? You will all excuse us please"

she smiled teasing him.
Draco bore a roguish look upon his features, “Well, I do try to cause just enough trouble for her to keep things interesting.” The old warrior said as he spoke to Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto , “But I would have to agree with Faith. For some, we are lucky enough to find those who complete us and help make us the best version of ourselves, but not everyone is so fortunate.” Stormy grey eyes watched as Autume made her way off to speak with Isla Draellix, who was the leader of some far away government he did not know or had not heard of. They were a dime a dozen in his experience.

He couldn’t remember the number of Republics, Empires, and Imperiums that had risen up over the years and squashed down in less than a generation. Such was the state of the galaxy. Such was galactic affairs, always in flux. And not worth his energy to keep up with anymore. The old dragon had worked at it for years, played the role of the manipulator and the victim, and in the end, no one could keep up with the ever changing tides of popularity among the masses. They were fickle in that way, one moment praising a Jedi for coming to their aid, the next condemning the same warrior for acting at all. It was all wearisome games. Sith Rights activists wanted people to stand by and watch atrocities, Jedi apologists ignored the war crimes their order did commit, and Imperials were cheered for providing freedom while oppressing whole swaths of the galaxy. Same as always, just new faces.

Draco’s attention was torn away from his retrospection on the galaxy and back to his lovely wife, brunette locks tied into neat and intricate braids. “I don’t know about a twirl, but I would be happy for a dance.” His smile returned to hardened features, hand slipping into the small of his wife’s back as she led him out onto the dance floor, holding his hand out for her to place her own in his palm. Before they began the slow, rhythmic saunter across the floor, their steps in time, he placed a soft, affectionate kiss upon her forehead.

Faith Organa Faith Organa

Location: Faiths birthday party
Objective: Enjoy herself and network
Tags: Faith Organa Faith Organa Draco Vereen Draco Vereen Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Auteme Auteme

"Why do people always say that?" Xasha joked to herself as the couple walked away hand in hand to dance "its funny that they never say that about assassins do they?" she laughed and then her eyes widened as she realised it was now only Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix that could hear her. "my apologies, that was in poor taste." Xasha shook her head at herself for how often she forgot to filter herself. "I wonder what Auteme is discussing with your date? I take it she realises Isla can't vote for her right?"

Xasha listened to the music and watched all the couples dancing together, the romance did nothing for her but the dancing looked a lot of fun. She was pleased to see how much the Faith Organa Faith Organa was enjoying her birthday. Her own was coming up and she planned a big bash on Conastancia, but it would most likely just be her friends from home.

"Since your girlfriend is talking to Auteme Auteme and the couple of the night are off to dance, can i offer you this dance senator Kobitana? If its the tune I think it is, it gets quite steamy at the end, I won't make you kiss me" she gave a mock 'or will I' look "But I do recommend you let me lead, I am quite the dancer when I have the mood for it."
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Location: Back on Alderaan
Objective: Be happy and enjoy
Tags: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Auteme Auteme


"Melancholy is certainly the right word, I think your description is quiet apt, even in my early days as a relative unknown within the Crusade, I found he had a humble quality that I respected."

It was true, she thought back the the founding meeting of the Crusade when she had not long taken up her post as Grand Admiral and had been assigned responsibility for orchestrating the meeting as Salar's Rest, even then he seemed humble as a servant of Ashla, he had always seemed tired though as if the weight of his responsilities was slowly crushing him.

"Things have certainly become more complex as the Ashlan nation has grown. As much as I pray for the day we have permanent peace, my position of Grand Admiral has a place of relative simplicity compared to the rigours of politics and intergalactic diplomacy. But it is Ashla's will that I serve in this position, and i feel I am in the best place to make changes for the better"

She was still curious about what Callisto had said about someone trying to take Tiresh out, but this wasn't the time for that, she would rather try to make a friend amongst Tiresh's sphere than seem like the prying outsider. She turned around and leaned against the balcony as they stopped and she sipped from her glass.

"Tiresh and I usually prefer to avoid talking about politics" she laughed "and war to be honest. Its nice to have someone seperate from that world, but who also understands it. Your world, Epoch, have you represented it for a long time? Your knowledge of Cedric makes me feel you might have been around longer than your youthful appearance suggests?"


Slowly they moved across the a gentle sigh of contentment escaped passed her lips as Draco Vereen Draco Vereen kissed her forehead. It was not often that they appeared in public together, she looked up to Draco just as his own stormy grey orbs rested upon her. She couldn't help but smile.

"Sorry as much as I argued for boots tonight Becca insisted I wear shoes." She laughed, "I must be losing my touch to allow her to convince me shoes were best" She took in the changes in his face from when they first met, a few more winkles, some gray mixed within the dark locks of his hair. Here where no one could hear her she felt safe to tell him the thoughts that occupied her mind.

"I'm getting old Drahr, I feel it. Plus there is something I'm involved in that reminds me too much of another leader of a Republic that wanted control. I didn't react fast enough then, but I am now. I need you to be aware. I fear for the family and what might come."

She tilted her head and smiled to some of the nobles gathered at the edge of the floor. "I'd love to go to the Cabin on the planet Aldera. Should I retire and we run away?"


Tiresh burst into an authentic laugh at Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto ’s remark relating romance to assassins. She needed a good laugh. “Oh my!” She exclaimed, wiping a tear from her eye, “Seems that I have found Koda Fett Koda Fett to complete me... lucky me!” Her eyes then drifted around, realizing that it was just the two of them now. She quickly cleared her throat and took a sip of her wine so as to mitigate some of the awkward tension she sensed between them. Tiresh had rebuked Xasha for meddling in her business regarding Isla, and so now there was the fact that Xasha had been right about the two of them being more than business partners. It was slightly awkward.

Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto said:

"I wonder what Auteme is discussing with your date? I take it she realizes Isla can't vote for her right?"

Tiresh scoffed into her glass, rolling her eyes at the comment. “I honestly can’t begin to comprehend what that woman’s strategy is. But it's clear that she is in this for herself, and herself alone.” For Tiresh, the Coalition and the movement they had started had very little to do with actual politics and much more to do with real conviction and desire for change. Politics was just the vehicle they needed to use to get there. This wasn’t all some big political chess move that Tiresh was making in order to position herself into a position of power… This was about the future and prosperity of the Alliance.

The senator was a bit surprised at the offer to dance, as she was expecting more of a tongue lashing from the outspoken and unfiltered Senator of Constancia. She blinked, processed the request, then shrugged as she placed her wine down on a passing tray. “Don’t you dare kiss me.” She stated emphatically as they made their way onto the dance floor.
Draco smiled down at his wife and chuckled as they began their slow, methodical dance. “No, you were smart to wear shoes for this event. Can’t have you stomping around the dance floor, can we.” He reassured, only to listen to his wife’s concerns.

Which one? Autume or Kotibana? I can smell the desire for power on the first like ragweed, reminds me of Carnifex back in the days when he was just a Voice of the Dark Lord, Rev and I made fun of over poker, hungry for control over others. Desperate for power and influence almost. Probably says stuff like ‘someone should make the people see what is best for them’.” The quote was paraphrased from a different Jedi who thought they could lead a long, long time ago. It had not turned out well. Draco had once been a fan of the man’s history, but was lucky enough to get away from it after some time in the darkness.

The second just seems to wear her heart on her sleeves and not realize the vipers all around, but these are just the instincts of an old man who just met them both.” He was in the end, just an old man. How many Sith sleeper agents were Senators? How many were paid off by this or that empire? How few were true and faithful to democracy? Alliances came and went the same way all the time, next they’d appoint another Raaf as Grand Master of the Jedi. Again.

I would want nothing more than to retire and live on some distant star away from it all, my love.” He smiled, easing her through the motions of the dance. “But, I feel you cannot stop, even if you wanted to. People need someone to guide them, and that has always been your calling.” She was a kind soul, giving. She could vacation, but never stay away forever. And he did not want her to feel the sorrow or guilt of putting herself above the needs of others.

Faith Organa Faith Organa
"I do not think I can step away now, maybe once it is over and peace steps in for a time. I don't know though. Auteme and Tiresh are good souls Draco if you knew them better your opinion might change. " She wanted a bit more privacy for their conversation, so she switched languages on him.

Faith smiled switching to mandalorian, "Ner Drahr I may have invited trouble by joining an effort to lessen the control of the Corporatists. " She smiled again nodding to someone else who wished her Happy Birthday.

"It may be that Alderaan could be left unprotected the Mandalorians said if I could pay fee they would help us. I may need you to contact Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel if it comes to that. But again I don't know if it will. I don't know anything right now except I need to be cautious"

She waited for him to take that all in, "What do you think?"

Draco Vereen Draco Vereen
While Delila was a huge fan of dancing - it was one of her hobbies - the lack of a dance partner in this situation made for an opportunity. No, not for an opportunity to actually interact with another sentient being. The opportunity was to grab more wine while everyone was distracted. Empty glass was exchanged for a fresh on a passing tray as she picked her way through the light crowds on the sidelines.

She didn't recongize anyone besides the Queen and her husband. Proof it had been a long time since she was involved with Alderaan. Also proof her life had been in chaos lately that she hadn't even been able to keep up with galactic politics. If she had the time to tune into a HoloNet broadcast once in awhile she might not have felt so clueless.

Apologizing for getting in the way of a elderly Roderian, the redhead found a crabcake to snag as well. Well worth the trip.
I didn’t say they weren’t.” the old man said with a smile, switching over to Mando’a with his wife. “Just that they look as though they squabble over the big chair.” He was still fluent, though he may no longer have been a Mandalorian. In brutal honesty, he might never have been a real Mandalorian, having been a foundling and having never cared much for taking orders from a Mand’alor.

The galaxy is a troubled place. Do anything in it and you’ll upset someone.” He said, twirling her around slowly, taking her in his arms to dip her low. “It is how you know you are doing something worth doing. That always pisses off more people than looking out for yourself.” Throughout history those who pushed hardest for peace ended up the enemy of many who wished it were otherwise. Money was made off conflict, and people loved their money.

Do what ever it is you feel you must.

Faith Organa Faith Organa
"There is trouble every Draco and we either sit by or get involved. You and I are not ones to watch innocent people be hurt and taken advantage of. So I jumped in. quietly but in."

"I'm so glad you are on my side and you have no idea how happy I am to have you come to the party. I should have more birthdays if it is what it takes to get out. I heard someone the other day that though Alicio Organa Alicio Organa was my husband rather my cousin. He's so young how could they possible think that?" If anything it would put that rumor to sleep and confirm that yes Faith had a husband.

As she and Draco made the turn once more, she spotted Delila Castillon Delila Castillon , "it is her" Faith paused, "Should we say hi or do a few more turns around the floor?" It had been some time since she had seen the red head

Draco Vereen Draco Vereen

Location: Faiths birthday party
Objective: Enjoy herself and network
Tags: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Auteme Auteme

Xasha hadn't been lying, she was a good dancer, and she led strongly, dancing Tiresh around the floor, but it was clearly to professional colleagues dancing together, Xasha was not about that life and just wanted to have some fun on the dance floor. The tempo of the dance picked up and it was quite a passionate song, all the couples whirled each other about and spun with delight. The final act of the song had Xasha pull her in close to her chest and then lean her back down with their faces close together. There would be a brief moment where it absolutely looked like Xasha was about to kiss her collegue, but then a smile came across the Constancian's face and she allowed Tiresh to stand once again.

"That was fun, you move, ever so regally senator." she continued to dance with Tiresh, this time to less steamy music, but with her arm around her side and their hands together. They were close enough that they could speak privately, despite the room full of people. "My views on your relationship with the Ashlan are purely based on an assessment of risk, you do understand that don't you? It is not a judgement of your character, which, I must say is much more appealing to me than some of your potential rivals." she grinned, was she talking about the corporatist rivals or a certain rival within FAC, it didn't need to be said. "I have taken the time to review your voting record and while we differ on the finer details, I feel we're are aligned in a lot of ways that matter."

Xasha was not entirely sold on the Senator of Lujo, she didn't seem to have quite the temperament she would usually look for in a leader, but there was a lot of good in her, and certainly a willingness to put herself at risk for the good of her people, which garnered a lot of respect for her.

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