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Approved Location Hanamachi Village

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  • City Name: Hanamachi
  • Classification: Rural Town
  • Location: Atrisia codex Atrisia wookiee
  • Affiliation: Atrisian Commonwealth
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics: Atrisian Keisei
  • Wealth: High: Thousand of years selling their skills and artwork has created an economy of mystery as buying a day pass into the village can run into the hundreds of thousands of credits.
  • Stability: High
  • Freedom & Oppression: Ordered, the Keisei are staunchly traditional in their positions with the chiildren learning the different art forms that have been adopted and taught from music both playing and singing, artwork, sculpting, theater. The teenagers within the village are largely there as apprentices until they are sent on jobs for the village or as hostesses to the people who are chosen for a day in the village. The adults in the village work the different businesses while the elderly teach and pass o their knowledge and stories.
  • Description: The ancient streets and waterways of the Hanamachi, the home of the Keisei that has been nestled in the mountains for tens of thousands of years preserving the ancient knowledge and traditions of Atrisia. Not much is known about it from the outside with the narrow road leading to it and the mists within the mountains that provide much in the way of covering. The main gate is massive, stretching up and across the pass it blocks with gilded golden emblems. The village itself has been set up modified and rebuilt for the building to have Living Module's and Pathway Module's that are made to be covered with wooden panels. To create an illusion of rural and rustic but below it is the latest in power management and efficient living. With a Sleg - Quintessence reactor that uses a series of Tobal Lens to have power generation for the entire village as well as some of the defensive measures o the walls. The Commonwealth has worked with them and minorly to upgrade many cases and give them what they require.
Somin's Tomb: One of the first Keisei with a grand tomb where the Keisei themselves are interred. Within smaller alcoves and marked only with their names. It has been worked on and maintained with more alcoves being made for the other sisters.

Tatsu's Garden: One of the stranger tales surrounding the Keisei of devotion and love but also obsession. Tatsu was an artist who fell in love with a keisei and she became obsessed with her following the keisei back to the village where she taught and made paintings, sculptures, ballads about the beauty of the one who had sought but she never found her among the sisters. Her works were brought together and the statues preserved in ttheir own garden by the Keisei who had led her there and served as her house maid to see if the love was for the person or the idea. Tatsu died never realizing who was by her side for the three decades she was in the village.

Entry Gate: High and within the main narrow passage that leads to them. The gate is defended and where those who wish to come into the village line up from commoner to noble... all who have saved a lifetime for a chance to have a day of worry free living within the village.

Dance Stage: Ornate boards designed with soft lanterns where initiates practice their dancing and fan works. Biwe players work the music and for entertainment shows can be put on showcasing ancient plays and ballads from Atrisian history.


Isolated locations and high defensive walls.
Defensive planetary shield covering the area projected from the Waru Tower
Recently upgraded with additional security provisions.

The beautiful and mysterious village of the Keisei, there is an air to it as a secluded village in the mountains that is hard to reach and filled with women who are said to be some of the most beautiful on Atrisia. The origins of it are more things of legends from them being created by the ancient Atrisian emperors who were driven underground into Chitei. The women who were there were his concubines that left to their own devices formed asociety and then the first Keisei but there is nothing to supstantiate those stories and while they are considered by many as unrivaled for their beauty and grace it is in many ways sinister. Dogmatic doctrine about behavior is key and another origin points towards the original idea of it being a nunnery that was created by Tanaski the emperor of pearls who sent his sisters there because of their impure actions.

That origin isn't true either it is more humble then that as the one who created the village was named Somin Kazue and she was the emperors sister but a thousand years after Tanaski died. She created it when there was talks about civil war between the two. With her being considered the more popular of the two and the favored of their father she had support and so she abandoned it all. Her brother seeing her off in the middle of the night and accepting what they said about him for the rest of his days but she took her handmaidens into the mountains and to protect who she was they disguised her. Painting her face and finding a woman Kokiden who was fleeing. She led them through the mountains to the location of a falling star which turned out to be a massive station and would one day become the Waru towers base and the floating world.

Kokiden was fleeing her father because of her abilities with that would come to be known as the force... Somin was fleeing to protect her brother and the two banded together creating the village which eventually drew the attention of others. Those with abilities that were considered dangerous or tainted found solace in the village and it grew slightly from around the tower which was built, rebuilt and destroy only to be rebuilt a thousand times over. The village slowly became a haven and security was an important aspect against raiders.. the falling star had upturned the earth and exposed gemstones, crystals, riches that were in abundance. There was obsidian and metals that could be sold and used as exotics to hire bodyguards and supplies. The first miners that they did sealed most of the entrances into the area where they were.

The founders of the village Kokiden and Somin perished eventually with Somiin having a tomb that many could see and the villagers who were there. The one who came was an exiled and hunted woman from the Horselords. Kalantus was big and what she lacked in grace she made up for in raw power that trained the villagers in physical strength. They were athletic and able to move around, they could defend themselves but they still followed many of the things from Somin in terms of beauty and refinement. The village started to go to the nearest towns to sell their wares and a trading system was made that started to fund more while defensive measures were being brought in. Hundreds of years later what was considered prized pieces of art and performances were paid for by the masses.

The Keisei refined more of the village though as time went on and built within the area they had. Dividing the village into two sides on either side of a river that flowed and water falls that had been created. The buildings were larger and made more like homes bringing much in the way of Atrisian sensibilities with food stalls and others digging down into smaller under ground areas that were near the river and able to filter it. To clean it and use it in stronger irrigation and sanitation systems. The Keisei worked to ensure that their village was setting about a few areas for dancing practice, sewing and theaters. They had the main stage and developed a sort of theater with masks and black bodysuits to move puppets as off screen others narrated the stories of Atrisia. A sort of tourist and wish fulfillment came from those who paid to enter the village.

The entrance to the village and selling their skills, their beauty and their talents with the arts was key to the economy of the Hanamachi and the Keisei. They took in gemstones, gold, precious metals, silks, spices, thousands of different riches. There were stars on Atrisia who came, others who wished to hire them to be in their courts from far off lands and even more strangeness. The Keisei were in demand and the emperors and empress took notice allowing them to have their village and their autonomy throughout the centuries. With their riches they bought the lates in improvements and from time to time there would be one or two who came to like Tatsu. An artist of renowned on Atrisia who followed the object of her obsession a young Keisei initiate. She stayed int he village and was give one of the mansions that had been constructed for visiting emperors/empresses.

From there she was given servants, access to the village and a chance to find who she called her love, her muse but she didn't know that the young keisei was her assigned handmaiden. in different make up, with her hair worn differently but to see if she was being truthful they wanted to see.. Tatsu never noticed thinking a mere servant couldn't compare and so spent thirty years in the village trying to find the one who she obsessed over. Passing away and learning the truth in the end as a small mercy. Other tales like the exiled empress who sought refuge among them and became a Keisei after her children launched a coup against her. The dangers and tithes extracted by the Onyx empress and more dangerous elements. Theplagues, netherworld rifts andd wars that were spread by offworlders were isolated from them.

Since the Jishi era was ushered in the Hanamachi has been improved upon with living modules and self sustaining features, new power supplies and defenses around it. Their planetary shield from the tower as well as their meager but trained force of warriors with skills int he force for illusions. They serve the emperor and the empress on the world seeking to help many of the others who come to their gates and buy a day pass for the village. Practicing the ancient festivals and ceremonies, giving lessons in dance and painting. Music can be heard as well as flower arraignments, tree trimming and meditation.
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