Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Group Lesson, Series I

Braxant Sector, Bastion, Ravelin
Sith Temple

It had legitimately been a long time since Taeli had actually taught a room of Sith acolytes and other interested beings for an actual Empire. Her Order of Shadows, yes, but for the Sith Empire she had not been teaching acolytes. But now, she was finally ready to get back into the old Raaf tradition of teaching a class or a few on different subjects within and about the Sith. She had honestly been unsure of what anyone might want to learn so she was prepared for a few different subjects the students might want to learn about.

Sitting on the desk, she actually had to fight hard to stop herself from smiling at the familiarity such a room held for her. She had specifically chosen a place that reminded her of an old lecture hall from the University of Lorrd, but she had left enough space for students for... a more hands-on lesson she had in mind. She was also expecting her co-teacher to show up at some point, and she thought it might be interesting having [member="Kaalia Pavanos"] take that role. Different perspectives and all that.

She was hoping to see a decent turnout, not often the Lady of Secrets gave a lecture series, and who knows... depending on how well a student did, she just might be looking for an actual apprentice.

Below are the people who expressed interest, but the thread is by no means limited to them. Feel free to hop in!

[member="Elline Adasca"] [member="Ithnan Cryo"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] [member="Micah"] [member="Xevek Rakama"]
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.
Moving down the large halls of the temple Ithnans pace left a strong rhythmic echo around him as he carried himself towards his classroom for the day. When it had been announced that a special teacher would be teaching a class his curiosity was peaked, more so to the mystery than the person. It wasn't until word got out to who exactly it was that his curiosity was burnt away for a refined sense of excitement. The Lady of Secrets was a name that garnered both praise and fearsome allure. He had heard whispers during his time at the academy but never did he expect to actually receive a lesson from them himself. It was this opportunity that he could never let pass and the main reason he had skipped personal practice for the day.

Ghosting through the familiar halls, trying his best not to spark conversation with a passerby, he eventually caught sight of his room. He was sure he had seen inside of it once but the temple was so large that he still had the pleasure of exploring it all. His rhythmic pace coming to a dead halt he stopped in front of the door waiting for it to open. What was the proper greeting the Lady would prefer? Some teachers were more insouciant about monikers and just demanded respect by sheer presence alone. Internally he settled on Professor and would take the flak if it came his way. While disappointing wasn't his goal at least he would know for the future.

With the door sliding open the mystery of the Lady Of Secrets diminished a little as he put a face to the name. " Hello, Professor." He gave a small bow and forced himself not to stare and instead find himself a seat. The corner of the front row was usually his preferred choice so with rhythmic pace picking up again he took his seat and set down the books he assumed he might need. Being the quiet watcher he was he would silently inspect whoever came through the door after him, judging them deeply.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] , [member="Adrian Vandiir"] , [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] , [member="Micah"] , [member="Xevek Rakama"] , @Eline Adasca , @Kaalina Pavanos
Teaching was an important thing. Carrying over everything one had learned to the next generation so they could expand even further, that was how every generation of Sith became greater than the one that came before. Today would be about exactly that. Although Darth Avacyn had never committed to taking up the sheer amount of students like her own teacher Krest did, in a way she still looked to carry on his work. She may have been the one to end his life and in the time leading up to that moment decided he was too much of a threat to her, there was also, begrudgingly, a lot of respect for him. It was the least she could've done to repay him for the lessons learned.

Today marked another effort in paying forward the knowledge she had accrued. Taeli Raaf had invited Avacyn to lend a hand in giving a lecture series, but the way it was worded to her created the heavy implication that it wouldn't be kept to just that. The woman saw no reason to turn it down, and so she walked through the halls of the Sith temple in which it would be taking place. Her presence in the Force preceded her arrival at the hall and when she did a curt nod was sent her fellow Sith Lady's way in greeting. "It is good to see you again," she said while she made her approach to the desk, "thank you for the invitation." She then reached out her hand to offer a handshake before taking a seat next to her on the desk.

One of the students of today had already made his arrival, it seemed. A young man sat ready, a definite eagerness etched not only onto his face, but also carried over into his aura. Avacyn found him to be a curious one, but perhaps she would learn more about him and the other students who would be learning today as things progressed. For now, there was little more to do than patiently wait for more arrivals.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Elline Adasca"] | [member="Ithnan Cryo"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] | [member="Micah"] | [member="Xevek Rakama"]​

The cat-eared youngling drifted down the hallway.

Literally, in this case. The hem of the black robe ghosted an inch off the floor, the soles of the repulsor-heelys only occasionally visible as the boy glided in a playful slide right past the door.

Wait, was that it?

Spinning around, the Sith kitten back-tracked to the entry that he'd passed by. The boy's head poked inside of the doorway, his ears folded back in a mixture of both apprehension and curiosity. Behind him, back of his robe seemed to shift and jump around as his tail flicked from side to side. The lecture hall was very different from the youngling classrooms at the Sith Academy on Bastion. Amber eyes prowled the inside of the room, studying the occupants as the boy fidgeted with the book in his hands.

There were three human-ish people there. And all of them seemed scary old. From the youngling perspective anyway.

Finally, the child slid inside of the room. Gliding with his repulsor-shoes over toward where a woman seemed to be at the head of the classroom, the boy spoke up and asked, "Are you Darth Arcanix, ma'am?"

His usual teacher at the Sith Academy had told him to find Darth Arcanix, the Lady of Secrets. Micah didn't know what kind of secrets that she had. What were lady secrets anyway? Was it like Victoria's Secret? Because that didn't seem very secret to him.

He hoped that it was a secret related to Sith magic, because that was his favorite subject in school.

[member="Kaalia Pavanos"] | [member="Ithnan Cryo"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Back to the Sith Academy on Bastion, back to where it all started.

It had been quite a while now, quite a while since he had last walked through these (un)hallowed halls. Fond memories crossed his mind, of all but living in the library and eagerly attending every lecture and demonstration available to him. Less fond memories also made their presence known, but were quickly pushed away. This, he was sure, would come to join the former.

It was not every day that the Lady of Secrets herself saw fit to hold a lesson, which was why he had immediately rescheduled when he had learned of this opportunity. Her mastery of deception was obviously remarkable, him having seen the end result of her handiwork on Coruscant, but he was far more interested in the arcane knowledge she possessed. In the Alchemy and Sorcery she was known to practice.

Perhaps he would learn something new, or perhaps the lesson would be kept on simpler matters for the Acolytes in attendance. Either way, he was confident merely observing her particular technique would be a interesting experience in and of itself.

Striding into the room after a somewhat nervous looking Cathar, Adrian's blue eyes slid across the faces in attendance, quick mind pulling up names and titles he had long since memorised. "My Ladies of Secrets and Defiance, it is an honour and a pleasure."

Presence reeking of the vile sorceries with which he experimented upon others and even himself, the young Knight found himself a seat towards the side, leaning casually backwards even as alert eyes observed the Acolytes and Initiate in attendance. It would be interesting to evaluate firsthand some of the Sith-in-training currently attending the Academy; to see who had the potential to rise above and who would likely wallow in mediocrity.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Ithnan Cryo"] | [member="Kaalia Pavanos"] | [member="Micah"]

Tabigarashu Madara

Good things come in smol packages
At one point the door opened and then closed again. To someone not paying attention, it looked like a malfunction. No one had come it, it seemed- no one could have activated the door. Maybe it was the wind, or someone had walked past in the hall.

In truth, someone had come in, they were just very, very small.

Tabigarashu Madara, known better as 'Hirou', had signed up (with the help of [member="Darth Saarai"]) to take this class. A non-Force user, it wasn't perhaps who the subject was geared toward, but there was nothing saying they weren't welcome, so Hirou had come. Traipsing down the isle on their hind legs, Hirou carried a small data pad for taking notes clutched in their front paws. Ears swiveled this way and that, tail curled (perhaps a bit nervously) around their middle and out of the way in case of errant feet.

Reaching one of the desks, Hirou looked it up and down for a moment. Tucking the datapad into their belt, the Nezumi scampered up the desk leg, paused at the chair, then continued up to the top. Once there, they settled in, plopping down with legs splayed out. Hopefully, no one tall would sit in front of them.

Hmmm, Hirou wondered, craning their neck. Maybe they should have taken a seat in the front row.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] [member="Micah"] [member="Ithnan Cryo"] [member="Kaalia Pavanos"]
Silent interest was an easy way to describe Elline’s feelings on it all

For a student was stayed in a remarkable amount of isolation for much of her time within the Sith Empire, burying herself in her lab for days on end simply designing and preparing monsters of all kinds and sorts to earn her some favor. Of course with the added notion of “For science” as well, for what good “scientist” (the word can be applied quite loosely) wouldn’t think so?

Elline had taken a seat further back, fitting with the themes of isolation she was quite a shy thing, until the need to speak arose of course. Regardless of anything else all this was a heavily foreign environment to her.

[member="Tabigarashu Madara"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] @Micah @Kaalia Pavanos [member="Ithnan Cryo"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
The Sith Academy. An unusual place, not unlike the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but in a way felt familiar. It made sense given the Sith had their origins within the Jedi, but still, the dark side was as if a wellspring in this place. Countless future Sith was trained, and while Kell Jerrex now known as Darth Interitus, had received some training in the dark side from a Sith Master. He needed to finish his training, and if lucky find a teacher who would teach him what it meant to be a Sith. To find his place as a Sith Lord. He couldn't help but feel excited at the thought, especially knowing that since given his reports of once infiltrating the Commenor Senate. He was given a special task that would see him transported to the now Sith Occupied space within the week. He needed to be up to the task and to further his worth to the Sith Emperor and the immortal empire they had all created. Stepping inside he saw the lady herself. Darth Arcanix. Upon his return, he read the histories of the current Great Galactic War. How in a single day, the Galactic Alliance was destroyed, in the Core by the Sith Empire, and to the Outer Rim by the battle-hardened First Order.

But with Darth Arcanix, the Sith Empire's victory was truly unique. Unlike the War that had waged between the Alliance and the First Order, to which brought slow economic collapse and brought low morale. Darth Arcanix had managed to infiltrate the New Jedi Order, for years operating from within following the collapse of the One Sith, and working from the shadows on behalf of the Sith Empire. She had managed to bring many Sith to infiltrate the government, and when the time was right her plan worked beautifully. Even better with the combined assault of the Imperial Superpowers. The end result which had left both the Alliance crushed and the New Jedi Order purged. With the survivors hiding in the Outer Rim, nothing more than a band of rebels and war criminals. All thanks to patience, cunning, and careful planning. Some of which Jerrex could only aspire to have such qualities.

He looked at her with a sense of awe and respect and offered a bow to her, and the adjoining Sith Lady that had entered the class. Moving slowly, eyeing his fellow classmates, with whom he could only assume must have been fellow acolytes. One was a rodent humanoid, another a feline humanoid. To which he could almost mentally laugh to himself considering the irony, but he dare not say anything and moved on. His saber dangling below his belt. Next came a silver-haired grey human. To which neither spoke a word to each other. Which led him to the back, taking a seat beside a human female. A slight smile on his face, filled with excitement. Wondering what broad subjects they will cover, and if luck would smile on him today. Perhaps a Master to take interest in him. He hungered for knowledge, craved it, and only wished to learn all that he could. So that he himself could become strong, and perhaps even feared one day, but time would only tell as well as his dedication. Nonetheless, his eyes were kept on the teacher. Patiently waiting what would come of this class.

[member="Elline Adasca"] [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] @Micah @Kaalia Pavanos [member="Ithnan Cryo"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Students: [member="Ithnan Cryo"] [member="Micah"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] [member="Elline Adasca"] [member="Darth Interitus"]
Fellow Teacher: [member="Kaalia Pavanos"]

A decent turnout so far, and she gave a welcoming smile to each student as they arrived and took their seats. It would be an odd contrast to the stories that circulated about her, this welcoming face and relaxed pose. She didn't really recognize any of those present, except for Hirou. The Nezumi was famous with the Empire, the right wing of Darth Saarai, and hero of numerous campaigns. Odd that he would be here, but she figured that curiosity about the abilities of those the mouse worked for brought him here. And for that, she would never fault anyone for wanting to know more.

Kaalia, of course, was much more formal and Taeli accepted the handshake, saying, "I'm glad you accepted. Always good to have more than one teacher for such a lesson."

Turning to address the class, a small application of the Force closing the door. If someone else arrived, she would consider them late and mark it down accordingly. After all, as a Sith Lord, she was constantly evaluating the acolytes for talent and potential.

"It's so nice to see such a turnout for a first lesson," she began, her purple eyes sweeping across the class and meeting the eyes of each person there. "I doubt introductions are in order for myself and my colleague here, but for those new, I am Darth Arcanix, the Lady of Secrets. This is Darth Avacyn, the Lady of Defiance. And today, we will be your instructors. Before we get into the subject matters of today, we're going to do a little meet and greet activity. Please state your name, your homeworld, and your interpretations of the Sith Code for the class."

As she spoke, the Sith Code would appear on the board behind her. For those who knew it already, that was good and it would serve as a reminder. For those who hadn't learned it yet, now was the perfect opportunity to write it down, internalize it... and then answer her question. For even this small request had parts of a hidden agenda, probing the knowledge and beliefs of the students here.
If Elline had deemed it appropriate with her current, company, she would’ve sighed: but she kept herself in check for these Sith, they still had things to teach her. A gross amount of things to teach her, but in time she would learn and expand on the abilities she was finally using.

”Meet and Greets”, what was this? Some school on Arkania? Such a waste of time, she could care less about almost all the students, except those who served a purpose in her great delves for knowledge and ability of course.

Adasca broke her silence quickly, despite her annoyance. She was rather cold when she spoke, call it uncaring but she obviously just wanted to get to the lesson. For once this was something she thought she could learn.

Elline Adasca, Arkania. The code, as a basic definition, is a mere philosophical guideline for potential Sith. Though in my own eyes is nothing more than a gateway into understanding such a still foreign group, as well as the guideline on how to act and approach a situation on the most basic of levels. Oh, and of course it exists as a fine beacon of “kill the competition.””

Lengthy and comparitvely dull, she just wanted to spill out some answer and just go to listening. Expecting a lecture one way or another, she’d been barely taught yet either way.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Darth Interitus"] [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] @Micah @Kaalia Pavanos [member="Ithnan Cryo"]
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.
The plethora of unique beings that came through the door were thoroughly scanned by Ithnan for the few seconds they were within his eyesight. It was as to be expected, people of all shapes and sizes were in attendance, he wondered if it was the allure of being taught by the lady of Shadows herself or simply having another class on their belt. Regardless his concern was better placed elsewhere than with the motives of his classmates. Though the strange mouse that had scurried into the room did draw his eyes for more than a few seconds. It wasn't every day a person had a mouse for a classmate.

When it appeared that all the students were here Ithnan eyes were more focused on the front of the class where both the Lady of secrets and Lady of Defiance were beginning their introduction to the class. To be taught by two rather notable individuals only made the stock of this class go up more and he was somewhat in shock that the room wasn't packed before the door closed shut and Darth Arcanix words entirely pulled his focus, not wanting to miss anything.

Hearing her question he was rapidly sent into a train of thoughts so that he could properly answer her question as truthfully as possible. While it sounded like a simple question it bared the weight of worlds on its back. To proclaim your interpretation of the code was to reveal not only what you sought from the Sith but your view on many things in the universe. Answering quickly seemed ill-advised by his conscious, and so he remained silent long enough for another to answer first.

Listening to this Elline Adasca he questioned if she even wanted to be here. He had met many Acolytes who believed themselves above certain things, whether it be practice or direction. He suffered from it greatly when he was in the academy but it was quickly beaten out of him to now his disdain and distaste were better concealed in the recesses of his mind and not projected out onto the world. Based on the tone of this girl it seemed she hadn't been taught that yet.

Realizing he was wasting time objecting to the girl's demeanor he had drawn away from his original task. Taking a few more seconds he would speak after Elline was done.

" My name is Ithnan Cryo, and Bastion is my home now. As for the code I view it as the rightful position in a debate of survival. If peace means to stay static then the Code tells us that that is not survival but regression. To truly survive the code tells us of adaptation and evolution. By not fleeing from our goals and desires we open ourselves up to new possibilities. By having these goals we pursue the means to reach them. By gaining the means to reach them we are allowed to become better than we once were. In the end, we are free from the burden of regression and stagnation."

That about summed up his view. He had the Code drilled into his head word for word and when he first started down this path the words held no meaning. It was only with what little time he had spent living with it that they melded more and more to his being.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] @Micah @Kaalia Pavanos [member="Darth Interitus"] [member="Tabigarashu Madara"]
Although Avacyn tended to have an air of formality around her when such a thing was in place, that didn't mean she couldn't pair that with a certain kind of looseness in her demeanor. "I was afraid the spirit of my old master would haunt me if I declined," she responded to Taeli's words with a bit of a chuckle, "I basically took on his teaching responsibilities when he, well, passed." She took a level of pride in teaching because of the one who had trained her, in fact. As the Lord of Trials, Krest was infamous for the many apprentices he trained. Perhaps he had taken on too many in his lifetime, however, as she knew she was only one of two who had learned from him to ascend to the rank of lord or lady. Who the other was he never said, but it bothered her little to not at all.

One by one, the students would make their way into the hall. Some greeted the two who would be teaching today while others wasted no time taking their seat. Those who were among the former would be given a greeting nod in return. Eventually most had found their seat and as Avacyn looked around, she noticed one familiar face. It was the arkanian she had ran into previously in another class she had taught, but her arrogance was still as present as before. The lesson would be learned one day, or it would be too late to learn. It was simply a matter of time, and the redhead herself saw no reason to invest effort into teaching that in particular to someone who wasn't her apprentice.

Eventually the doors would close and the class would begin with Taeli introducing herself and Avacyn. "Greetings," she simply stated at the mentioning of her name, nodding while doing so. The rest of the introduction was left to her colleague, the woman seeing no reason to add anything more. In fact, she was paying close attention to the students as they made their own introductions. The slightest things were of importance to her here, even beyond their interpretation of the code that in many ways influenced every being in this hall. From the way they explained their view to how quickly they were to take their turn, they were important details much like the actual things they said were.

Elline's name was now finally matched to her face, and her interpretation of the Sith code was one that hardly surprised Avacyn. Knowing the way she had handled things previously, her reaction was kept to herself.

A man by the name of Ithnan Cryo followed up, and he wasted little time presenting an interpretation that clearly had thought put into it. The view was not an unpopular one, but there was little to disagree on from Avacyn's perspective. It ellicited another nod from her, although this one was barely noticable. Words didn't paint the full picture of someone, but he had made a fine first impression.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Elline Adasca"] | [member="Darth Interitus"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Micah"] | [member="Ithnan Cryo"]
An interesting assortment of attendees had gathered, most of them Acolytes, though he was surprised to see a familiar looking Nezumi. Having never met the smol being himself, however, he was quite frankly a bit unsure about his observation; after all, it wasn't all that easy to tell one tiny Nezumi apart from another, at least to an untrained eye.

So they would start simple, then. Or perhaps not. It was one thing to be aware of the Code, to know its words and established meaning, but it was quite another to form a coherent interpretation of one's own. There were, after all, a great many ways in which the Code could be interpreted. A great many views which often conflicted, and which had at varying times been the dominant ideological foundation of various orders of the Sith and offshoots thereof.

Perhaps it would have been better to wait for the Acolytes to take their turns first, but none of those that had yet to speak seemed all that eager to take the word. Then again, he could hardly blame them. It was not, after all, an everyday occurrence to be asked to explain one's underlying philosophy to a Lady of the Sith.

"Adrian Vandiir, Corellia-born. In my eyes, the Code described a journey. Even the most primitive primate can act in accordance with its emotions, and even the simplest droid can cast aside all emotion in favour of blind servitude. A Sith that falls flat on that journey is all too often like the former, and a Jedi, with their blind allegiance to dogma, is much like the latter." A slight pause, as if to let that statement hang in the air. "The culmination of that journey, of course, is freedom. True freedom. A kind of freedom that cannot be had if one does not possess the power to prevent external coercion, nor if one lacks the will to control oneself, to avoid becoming a slave to the petty whims of a flawed biological form. In the Force, there is the potential for transcendence, and in the Dark Side there is the possibility to retain the self even in that moment of triumph. To impose one's own will upon the Force, rather than be swept away by its currents. To achieve a perfection all of one's own."

Catching himself, he leaned back in his chair, smiling wryly. Perhaps that had been a bit too intense for a meet and greet, but Sith Philosophy had long been a passion of his.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Ithnan Cryo"] | [member="Kaalia Pavanos"] | [member="Micah"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] | [member="Elline Adasca"] | [member="Darth Interitus"]
She was late this much was true, But by how much she could not tell. When Nixia entered the classroom there were instantly several things her eyes got caught on. First was the board with the Sith Code written on it. This along with a known sith who went by [member="Adrian Vandiir"] speaking his mind about said topic alerted the Icarii about the subject matter currently in process. After examining the room her eyes rolled away from Adrian. His words were all too much, it was like he stopped speaking basic for a brief period.

She was sure the other students might have felt something similar... Or maybe it was just her. Sith philosophy was a delightful waste. Nothing more than mythology compared to this Era. There had been much time since a younger lost girl came to the Sith Empire ignorant of what they were or stood for. No. That girl had grown wiser no thanks to the wisdom and knowledge the sith had within their grasp. The Icarii acolyte waited patiently for Adrian to finish.

Then she spoke aloud.

" My apologizes for being late. I am Nixia Amabilia." She bowed slightly and brushed her bangs from her face. " If I may, The Sith code to me means little. A code for improvement and the progression of achievement for self or for the "greater good" and whatever that means. It never really ends. I believe we can say there is indeed an end goal but by the time we get there will that be enough? Are we really going to be satisfied? Honestly is it ever enough? Once Freedom, immortality, power, knowledge or order is obtained then what?" Nixia turned to the side, adjusted her corellian furred jacket and took a seat joining the class with a smile that reflected a innocences of sorts.

[member="Kaalia Pavanos"]
[member="Ithnan Cryo"]
[member="Elline Adasca"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Darth Interitus"]
[member="Tabigarashu Madara"]
Taking a seat at the front of the classroom, it was possible that Micah's furry head was blocking the view for the mouse behind him.

Still nervous at being in a room full of adults, at least two of whom were Darths, the boy's tail anxiously fidgeted behind him as Darth Arcanix introduced herself and the other instructor. Then it seemed it was their turn.

There was going to be a quiz on the Sith Code as well?

The child's eyes darted from side to side. Laying the Book of Blood Magic out in front of him, the boy leafed through for the page where he'd made a few notations on the Qotsisajak. His ears seemed to turn and twitch, as the Cathar kitten looked up with each new voice. There was Elline. She was Arkanian. Ithnan was from Bastion. Adrian was Corellian. And Nixia was next, though Micah didn't catch where she was from.

Glancing around for a moment, as though uncertain it was his turn to speak, the boy's cat-like ears flipped forward as he piped up and said, "Uh, I'm Micah. I'm, uh, from... from Bastion."

His tail flitted behind him for a moment. Swallowing against the sensation of his throat going dry, the boy looked down for a moment as he took a breath. When he looked up a moment later, he said, "The... the Code of the Sith teaches us that... that conflict is the element of change. By avoiding conflict, the Jedi become agents of men... mendacity," the kitten said, struggling for a moment with the last word. It was a word that one of his usual instructors had made him look up.

"Ban wrote that conflict forces change. Change forces growth. Growth forces evolution or death."

[member="Nixia Amabilia"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Kaalia Pavanos"] | [member="Ithnan Cryo"]​
[member="Elline Adasca"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Darth Interitus"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"]​

Tabigarashu Madara

Good things come in smol packages
Hirou sat comfortably (on top of the desk), little feet bopping this way and that out in front of them while they opened up a document to take notes into. When Taeli started talking, they looked up, ears flicking and dark eyes glittering with interest.

They knew [member="Taeli Raaf"] of course. The same with [member="Kaalia Pavanos"]. Not personally no, but part of Hirou's job was to know prominent (and less prominent) individuals within the Empire. Hirou didn't consider themself to be a prominent individual. Which was why it was always so perplexing when other people took their actions and made them so. As far as Hirou was concerned, they were just doing their very best. That was all.

There were other familiar names or faces, as the discussion circled slowly around those gathered. [member="Adrian Vandiir"], who had won the last Sith Tournament against incredible odds as an Acolyte. [member="Micah"] - not familiar by deeds, but by face- it was difficult for Hirou to forget cats, after all, even if this one seemed very polite. The Nezumi was not familiar with the others- [member="Nixia Amabilia"], [member="Ithnan Cryo"], [member="Darth Interitus"], [member="Elline Adasca"]. Names committed to faces. Time would tell what roles they would play in the Sith Empire.

When there was a lull in the answers, Hirou flicked their ears and stood up. Cleared their throat because it was fairly obvious they weren't noticed right away, before speaking up. They were used to it, they were, after all, very small.

"My name is Tabigarashu Madara, called Hirou," the little voice squeaked. "I was born on a Nezumi nestship, rather than a planet, but now call Yavin IV my home." Absently, they reached up, scratching behind their ear with their back foot.

"I have only studied the Sith Code as an outsider- I am not a Force User, or a Sith, after all. So I will for now refrain from giving my own views on it for now, as I consider my studies as yet to be incomplete, and any answer I could give now will invariably change with a better understanding than what I currently possess."

The Nezumi gave a small bow in Taeli's direction before sitting down again.
Students: [member="Ithnan Cryo"] [member="Micah"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] [member="Elline Adasca"] [member="Darth Interitus"] [member="Nixia Amabilia"]
Fellow Teacher: [member="Kaalia Pavanos"]

As the exercise began, she had to fight hard to keep the exasperation from showing as Acolyte Adasca gave her very brief and wholly inadequate answer. Such a base definition, not anything of substance about her own beliefs on what she had read on the Code. Acolyte Cryo had a much more interesting answer, more in line with what she had been hoping for when she asked the question to begin with. It allowed her to know a little more about him and his beliefs, and why he had started on the path to become Sith. Knight Vandiir's answer was more fleshed out, and she would certainly hope so as he had reached the rank of Knight. Whether she agreed with him, she kept to herself. The late arrival had figured out what was going on and answered adequately enough for being late that Taeli did not mark it down. Acolyte Micah was definitely a product of Kainism, and that was fine for a Sith acolyte beginning their studies, and Hirou's answer was unsurprising as well.

Her tongue clicked as one of the students remained silent, not bothering to give a name, a homeworld, or their definition of the Sith Code. Disappointing. How very disappointing. She would make a note on her datapad, and set it on the desk beside her.

"Well now that we are... mostly acquainted, I'm not going to bore you with a lecture on the Sith code or philosophy. If you want to discuss that with me, or with Darth Avacyn, you may see us after this lesson. Today, I'm going to be lecturing you on some of the basics and processes of Sith alchemy and magic. We're going to start with alchemy."

She would tap a finger to her datapad and the Sith Code would disappear from the board behind her, and a quote from Naga Sadow would take its place.

"Sith alchemy is the process through which we, the Sith, can manipulate the material world, twisting and enhancing it to our desires. Generally, Sith alchemy is used to alter and strengthen weapons, mutate and create Sithspawn and other such creatures of the dark side, or create substances such as Sith poisons and bioweapons. Some of you may already be familiar with this process, in one way or another. For this portion of this class, we're going to be working on something that I require every beginning alchemist within my power base learn how to create."

She would give a sharp whistle, and from the shadow of one of the students, the one that had not answered her question, a shadowy bird-like creature would appear and swoop right past him to land on her shoulder.

"This is a Sith familiar," she continued. "They are useful as they can act as an extension of a Sith's senses, acting as eyes and ears for the Sith that created it. They can also project the Sith's own Force powers through it, such as an attack of Lightning or an application of Drain Knowledge. Many Sith do not see the use of such a creature as their creation can be time-consuming due to the potions needed to animate it and the materials to be expensive. Fortunately for you all, I will be providing what you need to create your own familiar."

Another button press and neophytes of the Sith would file into the room, placing different bones, vials of potions that were red as blood, pale yellow like marrow, bright green and blue that looked out of place among the dark instruments and black as shadow, and other materials on the desk. On the board, the instructions or so they would seem to be on how to create it would appear. The bones had to be assembled in the right anatomy shape of the creature, each one soaked in a certain potion, a drop of the creator's blood would be used to bond the creature with the Sith while runes, also in blood, were to be painted onto the bones. A simple incantation in the Sith language and using the dark side on the blood runes would reanimate the creature. What the instructions did not say was which potion was for which bones. That part was a logic riddle for the students to figure out if they paid attention to where the potions were sitting and what colors they were.

"You each will come down, take the materials you need, and create a familiar," she instructed. "High Inquisitor Hirou, as you do not have the Force and therefore cannot participate in this project, you will take this datapad and read about Naga Sadow. Expect questions. Now... impress me."
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.
Ithnan did as he had before and remained quiet while the other classmates took their turns explaining their personal take on the Sith Code. The man directly after him seemed rather knowledgeable of his opinion, a strange thing to think. He carried a confidence in it that showed he had thought of this question before and answered it enough times for it to be an easy thing to respond to. Ithnan could also detect a tinge of satisfaction coming from the man as he finished as if the smile hadn't given it away.

Next was...a late arrival. It was a strange innervation for him seeing her walk in and answer the question. On the one hand, he hated latecomers and those who weren't tactful on the task they set out for themselves. If one was going to be lazy for the things, they wanted to do then why even want them? While that controlled one half of his thought process the other was filled by a decent respect for how quickly she picked up the scenario in the room and answered. In the end, the latter won but he wasn't sure why.

This Nixia girl had a rather pretty face so maybe his brain was pushing for him to like her more than he should have afforded genuinely. Though that only raised the question in his head on why those thoughts hadn't occurred with either the Lady of Defiance nor the Lady of Secrets? Maybe it was because of their title? Or maybe his mind mentally knew it was better for his survival to keep those opinions of the two women unformed. Besides Nixia's appearance, he saw no other boon that could've edged the battle that had taken place. Her view on the Sith Code was her own. It seemed there was more behind its formation then she could give in a quick response and so her answer only left him wanting to understand where her view upon the code had formed from.

Realizing he was spending far to much time worrying about the late arrival Ithnan refocused to listen to the small child who was in attendance. They were stuttering, and their answer was tailored rather well. Ithnan couldn't say much besides the child had done what he was asked and in a way that he could appreciate if they truly were new to the Sith philosophy. Plus he couldn't but feel biased due to the connection he could draw with his personal response. Next came...the mouse. Still, a rather pleasant endowment he listened to what they had to say wondering more about its path to this point then the actual answer he would give. However, he received neither when they spoke, it had only presented its inability to answer promptly and returned to silence. Nevertheless, the name Hirou was locked away in the mental catacombs of his head.

Lastly was the one who didn't speak. It was immediate distaste that filled his mouth as Ithnan couldn't understand how one could have the audacity to disrespect their teacher especially one who so far had been far more formal and gracious then what the academy usually dealt out to them for instructors. Was their name so sacred they wouldn't say, or maybe it was truly just the lack of an answer? Regardless Ithnan felt an explanation was owed just out of pure decency, but his instructors thought differently as the lesson continued anyway.

When the second task was laid out, he couldn't believe it. Ithnan had heard of Sith familiars and only seen them through artistic expression in books. The idea of him owning one had never even crossed his mind as it was a luxury few Sith could afford. The fact that they were being presented the opportunity plastered him with a close-mouthed smile before his face simmered back to a focus while the instructions appeared on the board. Looking them over and saw the gap in instruction and was immediately prepared to bring it up.

Idiot! His mind cried at him. This was the same women who infiltrated and took down an Empire, making a lapse in instruction seemed impractical. Instead, as the neophyte placed the items down, he looked watched them closely to see if there was any glaring step necessary. First were the bones, they seemed small with nothing apparent. Second, was the potions to which they would be soaked. These were much more intriguing. If there were to be a lapse in instruction, it would certainly be in the mystical element of it all. Red, Yellow, a Blue and Green color, and finally Black were the hues they came in, neatly ordered. Having no other hope than to try he stared at the potion for a few minutes before finally moving to take his materials.

"Thank You" Ithnan would give a small bow of appreciation to both instructors before moving back to his section.

It wouldn't be too strange for some birds he thought. Each color reminded him of a person physical being. Red, the lifeblood of humans spilled this color and his nature of being one immediately made him think of that. Yellow reminded him of bones, the frame a person inhabited was strategically based around them. Next were the Bluish green one, veins, they appeared green and sometimes blue to others. It was something anyone could learn in a medical book. Lastly was black, the outlier. The only thing that would connect black to this was the bird adorning the Lady of Secrets shoulder, its appearance black as night.

After his thoughts were on board, he set upon soaking them. Placing the biggest bones in the black potion, he gradually worked his way down the list with the gradually smaller pieces being placed in the potion before the previous in the initial listing of Red, Yellow, Blue/Green, and black. Once they were soaked he set about placing them in what he believed was the anatomy of the creature. Hoping the hard part was over and the instructors had no more tricks to play he followed along with the rest of the instructions. Pulling a small knife from his boot, he slit his finger and traced the runes onto the bones, giving a final drop as the instructions said. Finally came the flashy part, instilling the bones with the dark side he recited the sith words and prayed that his life didn't wrongfully end trying to bring back a bird.

And to think all Hirou had to do was read....No horrible death involved.

[member="Adrian Vandiir"]
[member="Tabigarashu Madara"]
[member="Elline Adasca"]
[member="Darth Interitus"]
[member="Nixia Amabilia"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Kaalia Pavanos"]
The kitten gave a sigh of relief as the attention of the room moved from off of him to the next participant.

He didn't even notice who was talking. It was a voice behind him, though the kitten didn't recall noticing anyone occupying that seat. Strange. Maybe they'd come in after he had and he hadn't noticed?

The summoning of the familiar immediately captured the boy's attention. Enthralled, the kitten was wide-eyed in open-mouth awe, tail flickering behind him, as the familiar flew to the woman at the front of the room.

Eagerly, the boy's fur was standing on end with excitement as the instructions for this next part of the course were laid out. Amber eyes prowled over the items that were brought into the room.

So, they would be inscribing runes on the bones? Taking out his spellbook, the youngling flipped to the back of the book, and the notations there on Sith runes. As he did, his tail flicked again. The kitten's ears twitched. A feeling of dread washed over him.

It was a moment before realization had fully sunk in. Looking over the top of his spellbook, the boy looked at the bones. And then he looked at the potions. Again, the tail flicked.

Something was... missing.

Flipping in his spellbook to a page that was mostly empty, intended for student notations, the boy began to copy the instructions she had given them. It was only after he had, looking at them in his own handwriting, that the boy was certain.

She wasn't telling them everything.

In retrospect, he should have suspected that. Adults rarely told them everything. But it raised the difficulty of the task significantly, as now the Cathar's mind was working to try and decipher just what the missing pieces were. And how did they fit together?

Getting up, the boy went to collect the bones and the potions.

From there, he started trying to assemble the puzzle.

[member="Nixia Amabilia"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Kaalia Pavanos"] | [member="Ithnan Cryo"]
[member="Elline Adasca"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Darth Interitus"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"]

Tabigarashu Madara

Good things come in smol packages
Hirou nodded of course, but their ears drooped.

To sit and read was something they could very easily do any time they liked. Yes, it would be a text [member="Taeli Raaf"] thought to be specifically worth reading, but that was..... in truth not what Hirou had hoped to experience in taking a class. They understood of course the why- with a hands on project that required the Force, it was not something the Nezumi could actively participate in. They were not upset at that choice, and accepted it.

But it was disappointing.

Climbing down from the desk, they traipsed up to the front, retrieving the data pad in question. It was smallish, but not Nezumi sized. Fortunately, Nezumi were very good at picking up and carrying things too big for them. With a little bit of help, Hirou hoisted it over their head, offered a quick nod of thanks, and went traipsing back to their desk with the data pad held aloft.



Hirou looked up.

Okay yeah that was not going to happen. It would be impossible to lug the data pad to the top of the desk. Hirou looked around.

Pat pat pat pat.

Little feet brought them to the nearest desk. It was the cat, [member="Micah"], and honestly, it took a little bravery for Hirou to do it. One could hardly blame them. It was one thing to see the feline acolyte from the safety of Vulgrim's shoulder, but this was something else entirely. Carefully, Hirou reached out, knocking on the chair leg.

"Excuse me," they squeaked. "Would you be willing to give me a hand up? The data pad is too large to climb up with."

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