Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well as the topic hints, this is my farewell to the site and it's members. At January I had quit RPing for good after I felt it more as a burden and a duty rather than a hobby and a relaxing activity, I tried RPing again here and found it fun but it seems that it turned into a burden again. I guess my time really has come with RPing, so yeah. I've got some RL stuff that need delicate caring and I will be focusing on them... Other then that Isley is also quitting the site due to his own reasons. Mandalorian vode, I've given admin to Hutuun'Kyramud and Verz Horak, they will co-lead the faction just like me and Isley did, I trust you guys and I know you can keep our faction thriving. I apologize to Halik for my sudden irresponsible action but I am sure he will understand. So brothers, remember the greatest honor is won on the battlefield. For Mandalore !!!!!

Goodbye !

Jorn Mair

it was fun while you were here. and hopefuly the things that you have to do in RL will come out smooth. Ret'urcye mhi bal K'oyacyi!
Perhaps simply role-playing without having to manage a faction would help the activity seem like a hobby, again? You should should consider just role-playing just as a member, not as someone in charge of something. That normally helps.
Oh no Zef. We haven't had our dance yet. Although on the more serious side, I am sorry to hear you are going. I wish you the best of luck and hope that one day you would come back to our community. Stay safe brother, may the stars always guide your way.
"Farewell friend. You, like Isley, are one of the Greats." The hardened Tusken embraced his friend by the arms. Once finished, he stepped back to give the more senior member a quick salute before exiting. "Good bye, Zef Halo. I am honored, to have served with you." Another friend is lost, but at least they were not claimed in d eath. That was probably the most he had ever spoken to a single person in one instance, and it was more than one sentence! He was sure that Zef was proud.
Sad to see you go, but I hope all the best for you man.
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