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Give The Person Above You Something

Hmm lets see... a DVD training korse titled "How NOT to pull your kicks". From the vids I seen, she never folows-thru vith the kicks and knees. All of it is surface-deep. Decent puncher, but her kicks need alot more pwr in them. More momentum.
Thx! :D I love that sting-y pain in the lips! Hope its a litle more powerful then ur usual tho.

Aniway it wuld be rude not to return the favor... side-kick to the solar plexus. Pain is a gift that keeps-on giving!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Mine are all females...neutered too. They are strictly indoor cats. Bella and Lilly. The Yorkie is also female and her name is Ellie. :)
I don't know what gender the cocktail or fish are.. :p

Yes, invaluable info, I have presented you with. :)
Damn... not Keki. I like him just the vay he vas for the past 10 yers, cuddly, play-ful, energetic and fierce! I dont belive in neutering a cat, since that also takes-away alot of its agresive and hunting instinkts. Especialy male cats. And since theres a vhole lot of home-less cats around my neigborhod, lots of them female, hes got a chance to get out evry now and them, and exercize those instinkts. :D And also pick fights vith other tigers out there hehe! I'm a firm beliver in leting nature take its korse.

Next thing youl tel me is you de-clawd them :( (please tel me you didnt)...

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
No, no declawing.
Cats are domesticated. Actually it is said they domesticated themselves adapting to humans. But no, one shouldn't have a domesticated cat run wild with other wild felines. There are diseases, ticks, flees out there that they could bring into your home. The two cats were kittens that we rescued from a shelter. At different times though and the shelters required us to bring them back when old enough to be neutered. It was the agreement as per taking the kittens from the shelter facilities.
Think of the many kittens out there born in the streets that, stray dogs..hunger... little kittens don't stand much chance really out in the streets. :(

Its better to adopt a kitten from a facility than buy one from a pet store. Agreeing to having them neutered in order to save them is better than any other options following afterward if the kittens are not adopted.
There not exacly "wild" felines. They get feeded and all that, by many of my neigbors. They just dont have a perma-home. Vhat i ment vas, they spend most of there time outsyde, and there komfortable out there. Plus, I live in a prety nice neigborhod (betwen escort and fighting, i do make alot of money), lots of greenery and nature, so theres no real dangers out there for cats. No cars speeding past, noting like that. And dogs arent very comon, eiter. Those few that are, once i seen a dog run away from a cat hissing at him. So yea... most dogs are pussys vhen it comes to facing a cat! And id love to see any dog try to take on Keki and his claws - that wuld be one short fight for the dog hehe.

I didnt actualy buy Keki, or adopt him from someone. I finded him on a street (in a back yard actualy) vhen he vas a kitten. Culd barely walk. So he vas basicly a home-less cat before I given him a home. Some f-king stupid teen boys wer terorizing him, after i konfronted them and run them off i taken the cat and adopted it, close to 10 yers ago.

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