Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Give Me The News!

So I plan to create a thread or blog with a daily update on the event.

I'm well across threads 1 + 2 and 1/3 of 4.

Fate of the Duels and the Light/Dark teams of Heart of Darkness I'm not keeping up with.

Please post any notable occurrences in this thread so I can use them in the news updates.

Off-topic or biased posts in this thread will be removed.
Fate of the Duels

-Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis entered the scene and are furious, Carnifex took a few hits and now they're beating down a Silver Protector called Jericho.

-A random collection of (seemingly?) unorganised people have entered the computer storage room.

-Two Sith are hanging in the ship parts room and devising a nefarious plot.

-A duel is occuring between two (temporarilly) blind men using ranged weapons in the hangar.

-The First Order squad has secured areas 5 & 2 (research and general storage) and its hallway.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


Well-Known Member
Valashu and Rylan are facing each other across a growing and shrinking distance. Valashu is all over the place, leading Rylan to keep shifting
Nef is currently trying to sneak up on Valashu and take him out, at least temporarily, without killing him. At this point, she has no idea that Rylan is actually Gherron.
Kira Vaal has deployed the Falcon; figured with three super-weapons already under its belt another wouldn't hurt.
However after aiding the initial deployment of troops to the mines Kira has switched priorities in an attempt to shut down the mines central control systems and hopefully allow a quick release of slaves...however with the immediate threat of the Omega poised above them se may find that the slaves have to wait for the sake of the galaxy.


Well-Known Member
Val, as said above, fled the battle to search the ship. He found the Droid Parts storage, which he gathered a large sack filled with what he could carry. Then he moved that to his ship before heading to the main droid storage.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Terrible things are happening in our corridor


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