Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Getting a character started

Cody Schayll

Hello all. I am looking to get this character started, so need some help surrounding him with adventure. The possibilities are vast. I see him as a Force pilgrim of sort. Seeking out more knowledge, not an Order to follow. He would be lightside intended but naive to the dark side. So possible groups would be Jedi to learn from, dark Force users to try to corrupt him.

There is even the role of his mother that can be filled at some point. Downside to this role is Cody’s father is sorta a selfish lowlife prick so you would have had to be involved with him at some point. You also would think Cody is dead.

Cody Schayll

I think the Elysium Empire and the Order of the Lion will be a bit of a fun culture shock for Cody. He's spend the last 10 - 15 years tagging along in the underworld as his father hunts down bounties.

Cody Schayll

As I said he's been traveling the galaxy as his dad's been picking up bounties for a while. He locked himself into a room with a holocron so he knows basic technique and philosophies of old time Jedi. Got tired of things, obtained a run down U-Wing and was off to find his own way. He is naive so any type of character would be welcomed, but he is of light side intent so I don't see him happening upon a Sith Lord in an area of the galaxy that is know to favor the dark side. Other than that locale limitation I'm completely open.

Cody Schayll

Cool. Can get something up tomorrow. I think something as easy as having to stop in the Empire for repairs and then doing a little investigation on the Force situation locally while waiting on some parts.

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