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Approved Tech Gauntlet of Emberslight

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: Arm for Elpsis.
Image Source: Here.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

: Nyssa Vykaris, Firemane Industries.
Affiliation: Elpsis
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: N/A.
Modularity: Wrist weapons and other attachments such as scanners, grappling hook launchers and the like can be added or removed as desired. Prothesis can be covered with synthflesh.
Production: Unique
Material: Frasium, Durasteel, kyber crystals, electronics.

: Arm
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy
Resistances (Optional):
  • Energy: Very High
  • Kinetic: High
  • Lightsabers: Very High
  • EMP/ION: Very High
  • Elemental: Very High
  • Sonic: Average
  • Ysalamir: None
  • Alchemised.
  • Lightsabre resistant.
  • Blood Trail. Elpsis is unaware of this feature.
  • Made with materials that possess a high melting point and Force imbued, the hand has a mechanism to make fist burning hot for the purposes of striking or grabbing an opponent. Imbued with Elpsis' power, it can absorb heat and energy. Elpsis can use this stolen energy to turn the arm very hot or conversely employ it to fuel Force attacks. Elpsis is a pyromancer with a strong connection to fire, so the heat that results from the raise in temperature does not bother her.
  • The Force imbuement provides a power source for the arm. As a result, it does not need a battery or similar because it runs on Elpsis' power, more or less. This means that it is very well-protected against ionic and EMP attacks. These can still upset its inner electronics, but are noticeably less dangerous than with a conventional cybernetic.
  • Along with being very durable, the arm significantly enhances Elpsis' strength. While stronger than natural, it is limited by the fact that the user has an organic shoulder and spine. Thus the prothesis is still anchored in flesh and bone.
  • Nyssa decided to put her personal spin on the arm. Thus the design takes advantage of Elpsis' high tolerance for pain - and, depending on one's point of view, dumb stubbornness and self-destructive tendencies. Physical pain and injuries Elpsis suffers amp up the arm's strength and power. To be clear, this does not remove said injuries at all. But as the saying goes, a wounded, cornered beast is the fiercest.
  • With focus and concentration, Elpsis can channel her essence in the Force through the arm so that it can harm spirits and similar Force related apparitions. This is comparable in functionality to a Force-Imbued Blade. In short, she can punch wraiths.
  • Punching a ghost requires Elpsis to focus on channeling her presence through the crystals in order to harness the Force through the arm. This requires some time and concentration, rather than being a passive ability that is always instantly available.
  • Force null zones. Naturally anything imbued by the Force can be affected by things that negate the mystical energy field. The most prominent example are Ysalamiri. The arm cannot function in a Force nullification field.
  • Force beacon. The same enchantment also means that the arm radiates Force energy, giving it an aura in the Force. As a result, it is more difficult for the host to hide from other Force-Users, unless other measures are taken to conceal her Force presence.
  • Heavier and bulkier than Elpsis' organic arm.
  • Energy absorption has its limitations. The arm can absorb a lot, but will eventually reach its limits and the user will have to release the energy or get hurt. Technically it is possible to stop a direct lightsabre strike by grabbing the blade Satele Shan style...but this will likely still result in losing a finger or more or some other form of significant damage, and thus should not be employed unless there's no better option available.
  • Furthermore, energy absorption functions in a manner similar to tutaminis. This means it covers heat, electricity and so on, but not kinetic energy. For instance, if someone tries to hit Elpsis with a telekinetic wall or if she is caught in the shockwave of a bomb explosion, she cannot use the arm to siphon the energy behind it and will have to use other ways to protect herself. The same obviously applies if someone say hits the arm with a hammer. The arm is sturdy and tough, but the kinetic force will still transfer and could damage the internal components.
  • Using pain for power can exercise a corrupting effect on Elpsis' usage of the Force if it is used a lot. Moreover, there is a feedback loop. The more Elpsis draws upon this technique, the shorter the benefits persist and the longer her recovery time after the high has passed.

During the course of the Battle of Ziost, Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori and her squad answered a distress call from the ASV Profundity, a Galactic Alliance warship that had been overrun by a horde of aggressive Sithspawn. Shortly after boarding the vessel, the squad was attacked by hordes of ferocious beasts. Among them was a creature called Shursia, who had once been known as Loske Treicolt before being turned into a Sithspawn.

Shursia engaged Elpsis, who chose to stay behind and secure the rear of her team while they fought their way to the command centre, where a motley band of surviving crew members had barricaded themselves. After using her fire powers to clear a path through the horde, Elpsis engaged Shursia in a brutal duel. Elpsis' fire powers were able to inflict severe injuries on her foe, but the Sithspawn crushed the pyromancer's hand with debris.

The fight ended when the carnage both had caused in the hangar caused the two combatants to be spaced. Both clung to the outsides of the vessel. Elpsis was able to hurl her foe into the void, but then followed herself when she was bombarded by debris as the warship made a jump, for her team had decided to send it on collision course with a wreck to cleanse it of Sithspawn.

Moreover, her air tank had been compromised. Fortunately, two of her squadmates were able to sense her through the Force and she was caught with a tractor beam before she could suffocate. However, her hand had been crushed and her armour was damaged. She had lost some flesh to the decompression and suffered frostbite. In addition, she had not fully healed from her brutal duel with Darth Aurum during the Battle of Bastion. Among other things, a roof had dropped on her during that fight and the Sith's transmutation powers had messed up limbs. Getting into another fight so soon had not helped the recovery process. All in all, this necessitated amputating her left arm.

Her companion and more than occasional lover, a Pureblood called Nyssa Vykaris, had led the squad in her absence - and made the decision to crash the ship. In the aftermath of the battle, she took it upon herself to design a replacement for the limb Elpsis had lost, aided by some Firemane alchemists. Nyssa was no mechanic, but had a talent for forging and alchemy. Because she could not accomplish it all on her own, she sought out a Firemane alchemist called Alaerni Samasarth, a Master of the Order of Fire and an expert in metallurgical alchemy and imbuement. The Eldorai was always down for fusing machinery and sorcery.

Nyssa presented the design to Elpsis with characteristic bluntness: "You're an idiot, but you're my idiot. So I made this for you. Don't you dare make me look bad by losing it."

Elpsis is a pyromancer and so the arm makes use of materials with a high melting point. Moreover, under Nyssa's guidance, Elpsis imbued it, bonding the arm to her. Aside from making it resistant to heat and various forms of energy, this also gives it the ability to make the fist at least burning hot for the purpose of striking or grabbing an opponent. Normally channelling intense heat would risk damaging the organic shoulder area, but Elpsis is a pyromancer. Moreover, she can hit wraiths with it. Elpsis is particularly pleased about this because it would allow her to punch her evil father's Sith spirit if he manages to get out of hell. She called it the Gauntlet of Emberslight. Nyssa also channelled the Force into the arm to add some extras she believed could be beneficial. Unbeknownst to Elpsis, Nyssa has imbued the arm with the equivalent to a Nightsister blood trail. Elpsis would be rather annoyed if she found out.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

I'll be your judge today. I hope she manages to hit her father’s spirit one day. This is a great and detailed submission. I found only one small "problem":
  • What you wrote for the model falls under modularity. Could you copy the description under the modularity to avoid later misunderstandings?

Please let me know if you edited this.
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