Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Freedom at Last

I stood there with the rest of the slaves as we were herded from the barracks towards the mines of Kessel. The atmosphere was incredibly thin making it hard for the workers to breathe on the surface even me. I had learned to even my breathing out along with all the other slaves yet the thin atmosphere effected us all. Walking in a single file line to collect our tools I kept my head down and marched forward. Just yesterday there had been a energy spider attack that had claimed the lives of five others as well as a cave in that claimed the lives of many more. Yet that didn't bother the people putting the slaves to work as they sat back in their facility relatively at ease and dining on their fancy foods.

Looking towards the facility I shook my head, this was my final day on this planet. I had been here for over 12 years, working harder than any other slave. Last night I had a dream that someone would be coming to my rescue. Though I can't really call it a dream considering how real it felt and seemed. I knew everything that was going to happen today before it actually did. I knew that there would be a cave collapse today and that I would be one of the few survivors. On this day I would murder the slavers as well as anyone else I saw fit.

Less than a hour into working the mines just as my dream had showed me a explosion rocked the cavern we were in and large amounts of rubble started to fall and collapse. This was the biggest cave in that had happened on Kessel in years. Running as fast as I could I passed multiple other slaves and watched them fall behind before being absorbed in the wave of rubble. They were my friends, and brethren at heart. I wasn't only surviving for myself but for them, for people like them. There would be no more slaves coming to this planet. I would ensure that.

Coming to a stop at the end of a cavern I sucked between a crack in the wall and hid there as the guards, and facility medics came rushing into the cave completely bypassing me. A maniac grin over took my tan face as I walked out the cave. Rubbing my hand through my unkempt gray hair I walked towards the only guard standing at the entrance of the cave. "How did you survive that!? The guard asked in shock with marvel in his eyes as I walked past. I towered over the guard by at least a good foot and since I was packed with muscle I knew the man feared me.

"Easily, I had the will to live." I said my voice coming out gruff from years of being in the caves. Reaching out I grabbed the guard by his head and twisted with a great amount of force. The sound of the mans neck breaking could be heard as he collapsed limp to the ground. Bending down I revealed him of his blaster rifle before heading towards the facility.

Suffice to say two minutes and ten dead guards later I stood inside the office of the owner. The man was elderly with pale gray skin. It was clear he was on the final legs of his life, but his eyes held anger. "You want to kill me after all I have done for you!? I took you from those gliter-biters you call parents and gave you life! A job! This is what you give me in return?!" The elderly man yelled.
Nodding in contempt I said one word that struck fear into the man's eyes. "Yep" Pulling the trigger the blaster bolt left the barrel and pierced the man's chest. His lifeless corpse fell to the ground and inside me I felt a fire burning. I relished in the man's death! My revenge had been taken and now it was my chance to escape.

Leaving the office I ran towards the docks. Behind me blasterbolts shot by on both sides of me and the smell of burnt ozone filled my nose making me cringe. There was no way for me to do anything else but run. If I turned to combat the guards I'd be sure to loose. I was outnumber two hundred to one after all. Though I had one advantage. Any moment now a ship would land with his savoir in it. My revenge and escape would not be in vain.

@[member="Darren Shaw"]
(Yay another person who writes in First person!)

There was not alot happening in my life currently. Living as a hermit on my ship Voxie a YT-1300 that had been supped up landed down onto the tarmac of a mining facility. I was here as JamesArmor co's owner and thinking of buying their company. I had spoken to the pudgy man and realized that this place was not suitable for workers. I was a harsh person. Cold at heart. But to force children to work from the age of 13 or even lower.... that was not human. I had thought about killing the man and just letting go of the slaves. Standing there in my White Rune armor. I threw the man up against the wall. The pudgy man groaned. "You will pay for this, I know of it." With my hand around his neck he nodded his head. Letting the man go I walked out. As I was walking out of the facility, I walked past slaves as they worked. and back to the outside.

I was being escorted by guards out. Not wanting me to do anything with the slaves or the facility itself. I had smiled. I had taken a thermal detonator and set it inside the rocks near one of the slaves. I hated for the young man to die, but I was somewhat sparing his life, as well as letting others escape. I turned around and grabbed a guard by the neck, I twisted his head with my other arm and snapped his neck. The second guard went for me. Only to start randomly screaming. Using a power called Insanity. I made the man's dream a reality. The third and forth guards came at me with shock batons. Lashing my left hand out the man flew backwards to slam into a landed ship. I slapped the shock baton, that came for my head, away like it was a stick. Using my right hand I used the force to increase my punch to insane levels and literally obliterated him with a punch to the chest.

On cue, of the man blowing up, the set charge exploded sending the entire facility into chaos. Other men rushed around me trying to fix and keep the slaves handled. I had only smiled under my helm as they tried so hard. Despite the feeling of leaving. I had a twinge in my gut telling me to stay. Stay standing where I was and wait. Pulling out my lightsaber I stood there. Waiting for what seemed hours, but was really minutes. When out of the bay doors came a single man with a rifle. Clearly a slave, He ran with all that he had. Blaster fire followed him. As he ran towards me in the white armor, I walked forwards.

With me left hand Blue and purple tendrils of electricity formed around my arm. Coming as far as my shoulder My armor began to glow an Icy blue. Along the cloak were lines of runes, on my hands shoulders and shins were runes each meaning something in my life, and amplifying my powers to levels that could surpass a Star destroyers cannons. Leveling my left hand at the young man I said one word in a whisper, however it seemed to echo loud enough to shake mountains. "Move." The lightning all at once came to form a ball about the size of my head and launch like a rocket at the troops running behind the man. Coming behind them the ball of power exploded to destroy the bay doors and cause a second cave in that stopped any more troops from coming out of the facility, though I doubted that there were any left.

Igniting my lightsaber, The crimson blade snapped to life then hummed comfortably in my ears. I walked up to the young man. Using my Lightsaber as a shield for both of us. it seemed to fly around in my hand of its own accord. "Keep shooting and don't die." I told the man. I didn't wait for the man's reaction, only to walk forwards more. That's when I used my true powers. My body became a blur in an instant. I used a lot of power to launch myself at the men. Breaking the sound barrier only to stop and break out in lightsaber and hand to hand combat. A stab here, a slash there. Even a few waves of electricity taking a good five people down. My body was burning. It burned of the use of muscles and of the force. so much so that I seemed to take out people faster than the blaster bolts could fly.

@[member="Kale Xeros"]
Running for all that I was worth I came upon a man in strange armor. His very presence radiated power that I felt but had no clue how. Seeing the crimson blade activated I started to panic. Red blades usually symbolized the Sith. Every now and then a Sith would visit the planet to make business deals as well as buy a few slaves. At one point during my first year working the mines a Sith had came in a brutally beat Me to a bloody pulp because he had seen me drop a bit of the spice. I wasn't even his slave and he had done that to me. As the memory entered my mind so to did the pain from that moment.

When I saw the lightning charging through the man's arms, and the large ball of lightning started to form I dived to the right taking the mans warning for what it was, but why would a Sith help me? I had never had held the interest to any before. Rolling to my feet I stood behind the man as he deflected the incoming blaster bolts. As I was warned not to die I dived behind a cargo crate and took pot shots at the guards that had still been living and looked like they would attack the man without him noticing. Yet I marveled at the mans speed and strength. I had only met a handful of Sith but I could already tell this man could've wiped the floor with him. I was barely able to track his motions as he took out guard after guard. In less that a minute they were all dead and bodies laid strewn throughout the docks. This man was definitely My savior. Even though I felt gratitude deep inside I felt a strong emotion I associated with envy.

"That was ridiculous! Though I must thank you for finally freeing me. Though it's a shame that all the others died." I said as I looked down and shook my head.

@[member="Darren Shaw"]
Taking my strengths to new levels I smiled. I had not had a work out like that in forever. Still I looked pretty good for the age of 45. With the last of the men going down. A few I could see had blaster bolt holes in their bodies. Ether shot by the young man, or by guards shooting each other. Still, It got the job done. I flipped the switch on my saber, and with a pop sound it shut off. I placed the white hilt on my belt. Looking around I found just the right man. Picking the dead body up. I put him in a fireman's carry. And plopped him down infront of the young man as he praised me as his savior. Hanging his head for the lost.

"You have been in there a long time, probably have not changed clothes in days or weeks. Take the guards clothes, and weapons if you want." I pulled the black hood down to reveal my helmeted head. The white and black armor may have had an eerie feeling to it, as it was made by Sith Alchemy and the force. "If you would like, you may come with me so I can take you somewhere. I have the room, and might enjoy the company." Even though I had only used one lightsaber, I had another connected to my belt. And the sheath of a sword over my back. With the lightsabers and armor looking finely made and elegant. The crude grip of the Sword Despair Over my back looked out of place.

I didn't wait for the man. I simply started walking towards my ship. Getting closer the ramp opened up with a hiss of the piston system used to open and close the door. I waked up the ramp with the clang of my boots hitting it rather hard. Walking into the captain's quarters, I took off my helm and waited for the man to ether come on my ship or wait on this planet for the people to come back and make him a slave once more. However, I doubted that he wanted to stay here.

@[member="Kale Xeros"]
I hated to agree with the man, but he was right. It had been two days since the slaves had last been allowed to use the shower. Stripping the clothes off of the man I walked after my savior. Yet even though I hated Kessel so much I turned and took one final look at what I was leaving behind. All my brethren and friends were gone. They no longer walked among the living and to me this planet was now a large memorial. "Don't worry I shall not let your deaths be wasted. I shall make sure something like this never happens again." I said as I bowed and turned to board the ship.

Entering the ship I felt more comfortable than I ever had in the barracks. Not even thinking to ask the man mainly since he had gave me the clothes I decided to use the sanisteam. Standing there as the hot water washed over me my skin tingled and the aches in my bones yelled in joy. I had never been granted a hot sanisteam in my whole life. It was one of the best feelings I had ever experienced.

Exiting the sanisteam I shivered as I dressed myself in the old guards clothes. His pants fit me just fine, but his shirt was to small for my large muscular form. I scowled as I threw the shirt away and ran my hands through my gray hair to smooth it over. Exiting the bathroom I went to the cockpit where I would wait on my savior.

@[member="Darren Shaw"]
Taking my armor off was nothing. I had a simple shirt, with a few tears in it from long years of wear, and jeans that were tight on my thighs, then loosened as they came down to simple sneakers. My white hair was slightly disheveled, but I doubt that the man would care if I didn't look my best. Placing a belt around my waist. It held my two sabers, and an extra one just if I needed it. Since I had about 5 of them, Mine, My fathers Jedi saber, My fathers Sith saber, Twin white blades, and another one of an old student of mine's. I had a few to spare. On my right thigh was a holster for a GH-44 blaster pistol. Rather old for the time period of today. but still very effective. Walking into the cockpit, I had walked past the showers, and even from a few feet away could I feel the waft of a warm mist. The man must have taken a shower. Perfectly fine with me. And despite that, he needed one.

I walked into the cockpit where the man was just standing in the middle of the room. Still with four chairs sitting there, he could have sat down. I got a good look at him finally without the threat of battle. Grey damp hair, grey eyes, a nice bronze color to his skin. Many times deeper than what I had. Indicating the Co-pilot chair with a nod of my head I spoke, "Make yourself at home." I moved to the Pilot seat and pressed a few buttons, flipped a few switches, Each warming up the engines, locking the ramp, Turning on the navigation systems, and whatever else.

"My name is Darren, Darren Shaw. I came here on business for my company, JamesArmor. With a possible chance of buying the Spice mining operation that you just escaped from. Luckly for you, I have a heart." I had not looked at him once when I spoke the words. Not out of being rude, but because I was focusing on getting the ship online and lifting off. If we were to stay here too long, I put the shields up so they couldn't just blow up my ship. "May I ask for your name, or atleast something to call you by?" I could understand if he did not want to tell me his real name. Probably because of my "show off" of powers and the Red saber. Let alone, My armor had sometimes gotten me places were normally I couldn't.

@[member="Kale Xeros"]
Listening to the man I took a seat where the co-pilot would usually be. My muscles were tense, but not from working int the mines. This tensing was because how nervous I was in front of this man. I had just seen him rip apart a small army as though they were nothing but a mere nuisance. I craved that power! It isn't fair for some random person to have that strength while me the one who's been struggling for years doesn't. "You can call me Kale." I said as I leaned back in the chair. I had no intentions to give out my last name. Darren didn't have my complete trust yet.

" Do you think that killing every other slave is having a heart?! My brothers and sisters! I've been with them since I was six! And you're the one who took them from me! You could've freed them, but what should I expect from a Sith!?" I yelled at the man and jumping to my feet. The anger in my heart burned as I wanted to destroy the man, but I knew he could strike me down.

@[member="Darren Shaw"]
I smiled as the man, Kale, stood up defending his friends and family. He clearly had a very large heart. Just like I once was when I had started on my own. With a laugh I spoke. "My hands did not kill any slaves. I only killed guards. I spared your life when I could have killed you just like the guards. Hell, all I would have to do was squeeze your neck and leave here on my own." Standing up I faced the young man. Rather tall, coming near my height of almost seven foot tall. Looking him directly in the eyes, My blue eyes with yellow flecks that seemed to glow as I looked at him.

"I was once a slave. but not like you, I was a slave to my pride and family just as you are now. Standing up for them is what you do, but tell me Kale, what would you do, if you actually met and loved your mother and father, regardless of them beating you to a pulp everyday after getting home. Then for you to find a way in life, thinking everything was perfect until you realized that your choices got your mother kidnapped, and your Father dead at your feet. DONE BY YOUR ON GODDAMN HANDS BECAUSE OF A MISTAKE!" I was now yelling at the man taking a step towards him we were getting pretty close.

"Tell me Kale, If you had to then fight for your Mothers life for almost 20 years? Tell me again that I am a Sith and a heartless bastard if you please! Please oh please, Call me a Sith when I could have left you and your brothers and sisters to die there, I gave you a chance to escape. I started that cave in with a set charge. I gave all of you, a chance to survive! You, the strongest of all of them now live on for not just your memory, but theirs as well." Calming down as I spoke I had to teach him now that I was not a Sith. I may be cruel, but only as much as the cold truth.

"Kale, When you are old and a hardened veteran of a Clockwork Rebellion, Wars of the Sith and Jedi, War of Mandalorians and Sith, The Apocalypse of the undead, and former leader of an army twice, taken on Emperors and Lords, Knowing that there would never be a chance to see your family, even when they are less than a foot from you, When and if you have experienced all what I have, Then you may come back to me and call me a heartless bastard of a man." I took a step back and still staring into his grey eyes, I thought about what I had said. basically handing him a short version of my life. I told him to not call me a Sith. Even with all of this, I calmed myself down, letting my voice barely break above a whisper.

​"I have experienced things worse than you could ever imagine. And calling me a...... a Sith is calling me something that I hate about myself." I had absolutely hated my self for becoming a Sith. For even thinking that by learning the Dark Side of the force, could I help others stay away from it. So far, I had done nothing. Only to come here, and save kale's life. Maybe the fact that I had met him, was not by chance.

@[member="Kale Xeros"]
As the man stood and towered over me, I almost took a step back but didn't back down. If I showed fear to him he'd know that he could run over me. Staring at Darren with hate in my eyes. The longer I stood there listening to Darren go on about all that he had been through I somewhat empathized with him. It felt as though his pain was stabbing into me and causing me damage. When he took a step forward I held my ground not willing to back down. Darren would not strike fear into me.

When Daren admitted that he hated being a Sith I felt a small pulse of joy but it didn't show on my face. Taking my seat again only after he sat I looked at Darren in his eyes. "Who knows where I'd be if my parents hadn't sold me. Maybe I would've been in your predicament. Don't you think I know that I have to live on for them? Do you think it will actually be easy for me to make up for all their lives lost?"

@[member="Darren Shaw"]
I shook my head as the man had sat down. Realizing that I had let myself go on a rant about my life, I kind of felt stupid. Still the young man sat down. Even with that, I could feel the air change in the room. It went from so tense that you could have cut it with a butterknife. and then calmed and some understanding within the force. I nodded my head as Kale asked his question. "Yes, with how strongly you stand up for them, I believe -no I know that you can, but I will tell you, that it will not be easy."

Looking at him I spoke more. "Life will never be easy for you. I am telling you now, Life is not about how easy it can be for you. Its for you to find out who you are and how strong you are. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. "With the force, I can do just about anything you can imagine. So with my path, It was easy at times, yet nearly impossible at others. So I cannot tell you if it will be easy or hard all the way through."

@[member="Kale Xeros"]
"Nothing has ever been easy in my life. I didn't expect for it to get any easier on me now. Thank you for the vote of confidence, but I'm not as strong as you or skilled. Poodoo! I don't even know if I can use the blasted force!" I yelled as I turned torwars the wall and slammed my fists into it. The pain was nothing to me, and I had dealt with it my whole life. I turned that anger into the power I needed to survive. It had helped me escape today where the others had failed and it would eventually help me avenge them.

@[member="Darren Shaw"]
I smiled as the man thought of himself as not being as strong as I. I stood up and walked over to him. Taking his hand that was slammed against the wall, I looked at the red marks already forming. "I have had years of training. I started when I was 14. And regardless if you have the force, Think of the Mandalorians. They are a culture that is all about war. With almost no force users, they could Rival Sith Lords and Jedi Masters." Letting his hand drop I moved back over to my seat.

Flipping more switches I decided that we would have to leave soon. "Don't ever feel like you can not acomplish something, because you do not have powers of others. I had once heard from a wise old man, 'Doubt your doubts, before you doubt yourself.'" Pulling back on some levers, I pulled the ship up with the repulsorlifts and pushed on the thrusters to send up into space.

@[member="Kale Xeros"]
"The mandalorians are different. They've been raised to fight, to kill. What do I have? Twelve years of mining spice and dealing with energy spiders." I said as he took my hand. I didn't really care to much for the injury as it helped me focus. "Hmm its easy to say that when you haven't been locked away for years. Used and abused, cast aside like a worthless piece of luggage. You know my pain, and you know how I feel. I have a long road ahead of me. And I hate to admit it but I'm somewhat scared of what lies ahead." I admitted as I leaned father back in the chair and put my arm over my eyes. I usually did this whenever I wanted to black out and retreat into my mind. As I submerged myself from everything I felt a strange tingling at the back of my mind. Though all I felt was numb and my muscles screamed for rest.
@[member="Darren Shaw"]
I nodded. The man was right about Mandalorians who were literally born to fight. But soon he would learn, that not all of them were what he thought. The mandos didn't just practice until they got it right, They practiced until they were perfect. Having fought a few in my time, I had learned that lesson the hard way. I saw the man close his eyes, and decided to let him be. There was no need for me to mess with him and his way of escaping the Galaxy. I let the man have his peace.

Taking my time I set the concordance for Tatooine where I could possibly drop him off, when a green light came on the Radar. I looked at it in confusion when out of hyperspace came a Frigate. Large and very much modified. I couldn't even tell what model it was. Speaking out loud to myself, "I have a bad feeling about this." Gripping the controls tightly, I hoped that this was not what I thought it was.

@[member="Kale Xeros"]
Suddenly the Darkness around me tried to choke me. It moved around and flew down my throat as well as wrapped its cold embrace around me. IT was the signs of danger. This is what it usually like for me when something bad was coming. Breaking myself from my slumber I bolted upright cold perspiration rolling down my face and my shirt was damp. "Theres danger coming! We gotta leave!" I yelled but as I looked forward I saw a frigate and I froze. In my head my senses were screaming at me to get out of the ship, but I knew there was nowhere for me to go. Even if I made it to the escape pods I'd just end back up on Kessel which wasn't happening. "I'm guessing you can't use the force to crush that frigate?" I asked as I looked forward.

@[member="Darren Shaw"]
I looked over at Kale and laughed. "I may be strong, but not strong enough to completely crush a frigate." His question raised my spirits somewhat. He had slight understanding of it already just by seeing what I could do. Shaking my head I looked at him. "Here take this." Taking off my blaster pistol, I handed it to him. Then walking to the back of the Cockpit, there was a Vibrosword that looked like it had never seen a day in battle. "This as well."

I moved to the com link as it came on. "We are Pirates, Prepare to be taken captive." I shook my head as the line then went dead. "We are going to have to fight our way out of this. You willing to kill Pirates? "

@[member="Kale Xeros"]
Catching the pistol I examined it and tested its weight in my hand. I was used to using weapons in the mines to protect myself from energy spiders. "Well dang, I was sure I heard of force users that could do that." I said as I watching Darren walk back and retrieve the vibroblade for me. "Of course I'm willing to kill pirates. What's the point of escaping slavery just to get sold back into it. I have no intentions of being taken back. I have to many things to do" I said as I turned to the co-pilots console. I had a basic knowledge of how it worked so I pulled up the coordinates of a planet we could land on. "How about this planet? It's called Lehon and it's been claimed as a republic memorial. If they follow us there we may have to land. I don't think this ship can take on a frigate." I said going off pure survival instincts.

@[member="Darren Shaw"]
I nodded my head at the man, Thinking for himself was good. and he was willing to fight. "Force them to hunt for us. I like it." I walked to the pilot seat Sitting down I smiled. "You may want to hold onto something," Looking out of the view port, My grin widened. "Cus this is gonna be a bumpy ride."

I waited for the Frigate to come closer. Closer and closer. Still ever more. I was going to make it seem like we were staying, then at the last second, fly away into hyperspace to this planet. Getting to the point where the bay doors opened to show ships proceeding to come out. I flipped switches like a mad man. With the engines powering up, I got a voice over the com. "Do not jump, if you do we will use leth-" The man's voice was cut off from us leaving him in the orbit of the planet. "Now we will have to move fast."

@[member="Kale Xeros"]
"Of course. We're obviously outgunned and outnumbered. We need to turn the tables or at least gain a slight advantage" I said as I buckled myself into the co-pilots seat. As we sat there waiting I began to sweat even more just from imagining being enveloped by turbolaser fire. However at the last second I felt a shift in my stomach as the stars in front of us began to blur and we sped forward. The last warning from the pirates had been cut off and I relaxed in the seat. "Are we gonna split up once we reach the planet or do we stay together?" I asked as I saw that we weren't to long from exiting hyperspace.

@[member="Darren Shaw"]
WIth the man's question coming at me, I nodded my head. "Split up, but stay close. We want them going after two people in different directions. Thinning them out. If we stay together, there is a chance that they can surround us." Letting the ship run on auto pilot, I took a quick jog to the quarters. Finding what I needed. I smiled. Walking back into the cockpit, I had a sheath in my hand. With the blade covered, it didn't radiate any power, yet. I grabbed the handle with a firm grip and in an instant, my emotions flared to become rather angry and hateful. Smiling a Wicked grin, I let the grip go.

"Out of hyperspace in a minute. Now, Fight resourceful. Use the pistol as much as you can, then go for the blade if they are close enough, but don't run at them." I smiled with a shake of my head. "I don't want you to die before I can even get you out of this damned place." As if on cue, we arrived.

@[member="Kale Xeros"]

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