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Approved Location Fort Maximus

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  • City Name: Fort Maximus
  • Classification: Fortified Metropolis
  • Location: O'Reen
  • Affiliation:
  • Population: Crowded
  • Demographics:
    • 50% Near Human [O’Reenian]
    • 45% Human
    • 5% Other
    • When the Final Dawn took control over O’Reen under the Brotherhood of the Maw’s umbrella, pure human Neo-Imperials became the apex of society and local O’Reenians a close second. The human population ousted many native O’Reenians from Fort Maximus and established a dominant presence there in the capital. The remaining percentage of the populace were mere slaves brought in for forced labor.
  • Wealth: High
    • The accumulated wealth of trade between the Deep Core allies and the Unknown Regions itself passes through O’Reen. The city is a bustling hive of activity for the secret Sith sect of Neo-Imperials, all revenue from Final Dawn occupied worlds flows into it’s coffers.
    • As the center of power for the secret sect within the Brotherhood of the Maw, plunder from Gehinnom and the many raids of the Hidden Maw flow regularly into the city.
  • Stability: High
    • The Neo-Imperial FINAL DAWN citizens and soldiers are indoctrinated to have a strong sense of duty, loyalty, and obedience to the state. Programmed using scientific, psychological, and mystic methods, recruits abandon their previous lives and identities upon their induction into the Final Dawn. Citizens are educated to believe in the merits of Human High Culture and under full state oversight uses tight restrictions and censorship, often filled with pre recorded speeches to maintain it’s control of the masses with propaganda. Trade and wealth flows into the city under tight regulations but nonetheless bountiful splendor.
  • Freedom & Oppression:
    • Effectively a police state within the lawless jungle that is the MAW, the military junta regularly monitors HoloNet traffic throughout the galaxy to help identify trends and weaknesses that the Final Dawn could use to further their goals and pick out possibly free thought from internal elements for censor. There is very little freedom, if at all, and a strong sense of nationalism and patriotism is constant among the masses. Final Dawn Sith Troopers monitor intersections and important landmarks with barricades etc. Making use of the self containing military base, the Final Dawn have the city completely under their thumb. The Sith Cultists among the Final Dawn revere the power of the Dark Side and indoctrinate those brought into it’s umbrella to do the same with belief that the galaxy is theirs to rule by cosmic right. They push this religion on the populace under threat of death in most cases.
  • Description:
    • Fort Maximus is the capital city of O'reen, like most cities on the fortress world it is walled and heavily defended atop massive mesas. The city is heavily guarded as the location of the planet's primary military base and palace of the Final Dawn's High Regent. The former planetary leader, the Magnus, lived in an estate in the city before it was taken as property of the state under the reign of Derix Tirall Derix Tirall . Much of Fort Maximus's population is made up of soldiers as it had been for millenia, now only with the added benefit of Sith Cultists taking residence among the elite. Most of Fort Maximus's food comes from farms located around another city, Epsilon Garrison.

  • The Grand Palace [Grand O’Reenian Palace, Formerly: The Magnus's Estate]: The center of power on O’Reen and within the Final Dawn itself. It is here that the High Regent holds court, governing the Neo-Imperial Military Junta and it’s various peoples. Edicts, lawd, and mandates are passed into effect from the august authority that lies within. The Grand Palace is in constant contact with the Throneworld of the Supreme Ruler, Exegol, and any word passed down from the Sith Citadel immediately is received here and put into action.
  • Sanctum [Formerly: O'Reenian Prime Military Base]: Final Dawn High Command, repurposed from the primary military base of the planet O'Reen and the military garrison stationed there-in. The Supreme War Command operate from this command juncture and coordinate efforts throughout the Brotherhood of the Maw occupied space and Final Dawn affiliated worlds. Sanctum is personally overseen by Grand Overseer Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and as such is in constant communication with the CETCOM CETCOM and various entities affiliated with the Grand Overseer personally.
  • Camp Locphet: A Neo-Imperial gulag created for political dissidents to expire over extensive periods of time via torture sessions and re-programming attempts. Those unfortunate souls who are sent here a no better off than the bowels of Gehinnom, tortured day in and day out by the cruelest devices science can muster and the mystic methods of the Sith Loyalists who take them in under their care.
  • Maximum
As a result of the social system employed by O’Reen before and after the Final Dawn occupation, every citizen on O'reen is a capable combatant if not an overzealous nationalist. Their discipline, combined with the Final Dawn’s brutally efficient training programs and heavily fortified military garrisons, allow O'reen to continue consideration as a fortress world comparable with those of the Galactic Empire back in it’s hey day.

Under Neo-Imperial rule, O’Reen has become one of the most heavily fortified worlds in the galaxy with hyperwave transceivers designed to monitor and control traffic in and out of the system. The capital city of Fort Maximus hosts a powerful planetary shield that protects the planet from orbital bombardment and hostile rogue elements. In the streets, surveillance and propaganda were commonplace with Final Dawn Sith Troopers stationed at every street corner, each landing pad was guarded by a TIE/fd and TIE/fd advanced, AT-RW patrols, and Politorate agents lurked around most public areas with eyes and ears open for any words of sedition or treasonous acts.

Sanctum, the Final Dawn High Command located inside Fort Maximus held fighter bases and military barracks large enough to host an entire standing army. Anti-air emplacements, turbolasers and shock fields kept security at an all time high, fortifying the world for the continued reign of the Final Dawn.


The planet was colonized after the Great Hyperspace War by the ancient Galactic Republic, based on a self-sufficient military garrison that formed the foundation of Fort Maximus. Eventually, the colonists were stranded and isolated from the rest of galaxy as the Galactic Republic all but forgot about them. A political coup led by Magnus, the colony's military leader, O'reenian society transformed itself into a caste-based military dictatorship devoted to the planet's military buildup as a fortress world. A quarantine with the rest of the galaxy was made, one that held strong for millennia; only sparingly coming into contact through the Old Republic Era, the Clone Wars, and the Age of the Empire.

After the Gulag Plague, over the centuries the planet would host varying galactic bodies as the political climate of the galaxy fell into turmoil. With the return and rise of the One Sith, O’Reen became a secret haven for Sith Cultists and Sith-Imperial sympathizers as the empire expanded. Even after it’s collapse, Fort Maximus hosted a considerable human population that revered the power of the Sith. Eventually, culminating in the Final Dawn’s silent overthrow of the Magnus in 864ABY and installation of Derix Tirall Derix Tirall as ruler over O’Reen and High Regent of the Final Dawn.

Immediately after the Final Dawn rooted itself down it began subversion of the religious, economical, and political ideals of the O’Reenians. Pure human Neo-Imperials became the apex socialites of society and local O’Reenians a close second. The human population ousted many native O’Reenians from Fort Maximus and established a dominant presence there in the capital. The remaining percentage of the populace were mere slaves brought in for forced labor. Monuments were constructed in honor of the Final Dawn and the ancient Sith, and enormous civic projects began undergoing construction to transform the capital city into a worthy domain of the Neo-Imperial vision.

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