Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FNRP#1 - Vacation From Hell (Open to All!)

Waking up with a metallic taste in his mouth, was hardly the best way to leave restful slumber. Not surprisingly it ranked much lower that waking up on top of pile of galactic creds or in company of several buxom and intoxicated vixens. Alas as he opened one eye, there was no sign of female companions anywhere.

Gingerly leaving the bed, he noted his naked state of affairs, mind you for this disguise he had adopted a persona ofa young Correllian bon vivant, complete with headful of bright red curls barely controlled by a pony tail. His business suit hung neatly pressed on the back of the chair, and he donned it to cover his nakedness.

Once he was properly dressed he explored the cabin and found to be a rather cozy makeshift cell, checking for air vents or any otjer possible means of egress he began to plan his escape from the gilded cage.

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
For that brief time, the moment when [member="Cinder Rose"] still hadn't seen her. Hazel felt like she was staring down Hell personified - or more like a walking beacon of fire. Either way it meant nothing good for the Hapan if the dragoness was truly enraged. Which she certainly seemed to be, even without seeing her eyes Hazel could tell she was seeking out whoever next would dare get in her way. And after opening her mouth just now, she was likely it.

When Cinder finally did turn around, her eyes slowly falling on her. Hazel gulped, and did the best not to be blatant about it. Internally, she was positively terrified of what Cinder was going to do. She had never seen this side of her before, and even as the dragoness' eyes widened, Hazel was still wary.

She stood her ground though, didn't flinch or run - even though the rational part of her mind was telling her the latter was the best option. But no, she remained where she was, eyes fixed on Cinder's as she quickly approached. Even as the coat of flame that wrapped around her dissipated, Hazel's entire body grew tense. Everything was telling her to run the moment Cinder stretched her arms out.

Then all of a sudden she was lifted into the air, into a hug.


It took a moment to fully register in the Hapan's mind. But when she realized Cinder wasn't going to incinerate her, she let out a huge sigh of relief and melted into Cinder's embrace.

Thankfully that wasn't in the literal sense.

"Yes Cinder it's me. I'm fine, it's good to see you..." There was still the language barrier there, she couldn't understand what Cinder was saying. Where was that blasted little droid when you need it. But despite that, Hazel was familiar enough with her kind's gestures that she knew the dragoness was being affectionate, happy to see her and so on. "I'm glad to find you again, but we need to get moving. We need to find..." Hazel paused a bit, rolling some of the Drava words around along her tongue, remembering what Cinder often referred to her unborn child as. "Unbra Val'lid."
When the single guard came charging by, Thalira couldn't help but chuckle with how easy Lark incapacitated him. He seemed to have great ambitions, and it was all thrown out the window when he was hit with a bolt of lightning. Which also explained why the security panel was sparking before Thalira met Lark. 'So this guy has the force. That'll definitely come in handy.' Then, what Thalira should have expected, but got a little caught off guard by, happened; Lark gave her the guards gun. She didn't think to tell him she was terrible with guns, so she just accepted it and nodded.

With the guard tied up as the first acquired soon-to-be slave, Thalira exited the room with blaster in hand, ready to shoot any villains, despite her lack of skill. Though, she did know where the switch was to set the blaster to stun, so she clicked that so she wouldn't kill any of the valuable cargo. If she even hit any of them. "You don't happen to know where the bridge to this ship is, do you?" She asked Lark. Is she knew, she couldn't recall with her hangover. "Cuz I bet the captain of this crew would get us a pretty penny." And of course her mind was on credits. That was the reason she was so excited to do this. She loved money.

After disabling the guards, Ra moved on. She should try to find either more people and group up with them to make a plan or something. With no escape pods though, they were stuck on this ship.

There were other people alive and moving on the ship. Ra struck off in the direction she had been heading and followed the sounds of fighting. She ran into a few guards and dealt with them easily enough. They were all looking rather confused. This situation was not something they had been trained for.

There were Force users here and Ra felt their power being thrown around like fire works at a celebration. She could use the Force, but to this day still relied on more mundane methods to solve situations. With her proper weapons though, she only had the bully club and a blaster from the guards she had taken down at first. None of them possessed a knife or anything she was really comfortable with.

Why wasn't she actually meeting anybody but guards?
[member="Chron Terix"]

She watched at first with interest changing slowly to horror, "oh oh now listen here walking carpet I think we need to understand something dont shoot people who aren't shooting at you. " She looked at the dead guard what was it about had guys.

She started walking just as she heard her name. "Oh" she looked back at her new furry friend, "that would be bad boy number 1. I can't leave him we have kids. "

"GARITH HERE" the high shrill voice would work like echo location. She smiled "it shouldn't take long. He's good at finding me. Especially if he's mad." Arianna crossed her arms and tapped her foot. Waiting.

[member="Garith Darkhold"]
Maleagant said:
Maleagant scowled. "Should have been brought here with my luggage."

If this cruiseliner was being hijacked and brought to Nar Shadda, chances were thin Maleagant would be seeing anything he brought with him back. Great. Vrak Nashar's lightsaber was in there and he still thought it was great fun using someone else's lightsaber as a trophy weapon. Even though Nashar had kicked his teeth in already and basically put Maleagant to work for him in exchange for his life. Whatever. No one else was privy to that, so he could still boast about the origin story without actually dropping the name of who it belonged to. Not that Maleagant spent a lot of time boasting anyway.

He looked over to find that the Blackthorne was already in the process of exercising some taboo space witchcraft on the door. His face twisted into a frown now. For someone who could shift shape at will, Maleagant was apparently limited to only negative facial expressions.

"You should wait. Ambush the guards as they pass."

Force or not, Maleagant did not like either of their odds if that door blasted open early. All the patrolling goons would have to do is peak in and spray the cabin with blaster fire. This was not a large cabin. There was not a lot of space to take cover or dodge a fully automatic rifle. Then again, maybe Blackthorne would let him hide behind her.

"No luggage."

Mal wasn't the only one missing personal affects. An annoyance, to be sure, but her own were largely less sentimental. Their value lie only in the amount of bullpoodoo endured to attain them. Her space suit would be impossible to replace. Dahl released a long, tense sigh through her nose, acidic gaze shifting over her shoulder at his next words, narrowed.

"Only baggage."

Of the striped and cantankerous variety.

She could hear the blood pumping through his veins, it was no difficult task to hear the patrol outside as it moved by.

The blackness continued to spread, the door began to flake and peel. The smell of burning filled the cabin. Somewhere down the hall a metallic roar echoed from a [member="Ra Vizsla"] experiencing an existential crisis. The dragon lady had gone quiet, not that Dahl was even aware of her presence.

Thump thump thump thump thump -

another Patrol, moving quickly.

thump thump thump thump thump...

Silence. Dahl waited a beat before drawing her nail across the molting surface of the door. It crumpled and disintegrated, dropping to the floor in a heap of decay and cinders. The stench was so incredible it burned at her eyes and nose.

"Let's go."

She stepped through the gaping hole without another word and out into the hall.

The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax nearly jumped out of his skin as a voice from beneath his feet made a remark about whether or not this was his room. "What the okay down there man?" The Rogue would offer a hand, which, if accepted, would naturally help hoist the man to his feet. No sooner had that task finished could the trio hear the sound of glass shattering in the distance and several shouts. "What now..." the man muttered as he shouldered his way past the hooded man. Oddly enough the man almost felt weightless, which earned him a quick scrutinizing glance before Dax continued to peer down the hall where a young blonde woman was running out of her room, right towards Dax...

[member="Darth Abyss"], [member="Matthew Justice"], [member="Aster Rose Baelor"]
"I guess."

The hollow eyes looked at [member="Dax Fyre"], the figure standing perfectly still. His voice was not that of an man, but an echo without a clear source, and artificial sound created by the force. Without looking down Abyss acknowledged the presence of [member="Matthew Justice"] in the room. His supernatural perception reached even further than just to the room of the floor, from the corridor behind him he could make out the sound of a patrol making their round again. Either four or five men, Abyss wasn't able to be entirely sure. Not that it mattered anyway, going by his own strength and the presence around the man in front of him they would make quick work of that problem.

"There is a patrol coming, so you should probably get armed. Or not, watching people die can also be entertaining."

There was a twisted laugh when the metal man stepped out the room again, a crimson blade coming to life in his right. Not a second the late. The first of the four guards had caught his sight, and opened fire, while @Aster Rose Balor was running towards them from the other side. Instead of blocking the single blaster bolt, he instead allows it to hit the chest of his armor. There it left some burned marks, but it waa surface damage that didn't harmed him in any significant way. As an answer he lifted his left, releasing a burst of red lightning on the man, who had been standing there with slight confusion after the attack had been ignored, only to now hit the floor twisting and turning as the electric currents mader his body cramp.

Only a moment later the other three guards followed, catching sight of their incapacitated ally. They raised their weapons, and so didr Abyss. He hoped for the other to be ready, because if not this would become a very ugly situation. Not because he couldn't kill them alone, but because observing his way of doing so would probably be more mentally damaging for them than killing them with their bare hands. They didn't called him the Mindeater for nothing.
Getting up with the help of Dax he shook his head as he walked out and ducks before a bold goes past him and hits a guard. With a slight shrug he runs over and grabs a blaster rifle and starts firing at the "bad guys" while not shooting at he thought was the good guys but everyone looked like they would potentially kill him... so he was in a pretty bad position.

He glanced at Dax and threw him a blaster to use before he continued shooting at the continuous horde of bodyguards coming down the corridors. He sighed as he had to drop the rifle and pick up another one and keep shooting killing more and more bodies piling down the corridor.

In his mind he kept thinking, "Why are we here? What's the purpose of this? Why didn't they take more precautions?" but he was sure that nothing would come of these questions, only one thought really shone through, how to survive.

[member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"]
2B was going to head in the other direction like the human had said, but instead she saw the wookie smash itself though another one of the poorly setup doors that plagued this vessel. If this vessel didnt bother to setup any of their doors to be atleast able to withstand a wookie, how did they expect it to withstand an explosive decompression. Air tight seals save lives. However, when the door was burst open she heard the wookie speaking to someone that was not the human she had appeared in the room with.

She doubled back towards the wookie to make sure everybody was okay. She entered to room to find the wookie, [member="Shorarri"], and a human woman [member="Aria Vale"]. She looked to the wookie, he was disappointed in him. She did a quick medical scan on him and found a bruised shoulder, he needed to stop ramming his way through every doorway he found. It was not good for his shoulder, and repeated blows like that would damage things beyond what she could handle at the time.

"You need to stop doing that, you are going to injure yourself, and i do not currently have the medical supplies to deal with broken bones. You are lucky you only have a bruised shoulder." She said, dispensing some NSAID painkillers dosed to wookie proportions. "Here, take these." she then turned to the woman. "Are you okay Madame? Do you require medical assistance?"

[member="Miko Hearth"]
Garith heard the high pitch shrill voice. Yes it was the voice of [member="Arianna Organa"]
‘Karking Chaos’, he muttered under his breath and ran that way.

It was a short jog and rounding a corner Garith did not just see Arianna. She was with a wookiee? [member="Chron Terix"] Well the wookie was standing to her side and he did not seem to pose a threat.

“I can’t take you anywhere”, he yelled down the hall way. “Every time I take you on a starship something karked up has to
happen”, Garith noticed something, and thus he stopped speaking.

“What happened to your eye”, he demanded to know.
Chron Terix said:
The Wookiee's raging demeanor turned into a much calmer, yet still ferocious one, as he marched over to in front of the door and by extension the woman.

"Chron Terix, Imperial Army General, whatever allegiances or sentiments you hold, be them an anti-Imperial or otherwise can be saved for later. We need to get out of here." He vocalized, speaking the wookiee's native language of shyriiwook, unsure if the woman, who looked regal in nature, understood his tongue.

Nonetheless, he gestured for her to stand aside and began to repeat his process of breaking down the door.

[member="Arianna Organa"]
On cue Garith rounded a corner and almost immediately started in on his newest tirade.

"Well the same could be said of you. I try to go some where nice calming even and you show up and all of chaos starts. " She smiled but something was off he didnt smell right.

She stepped closer "are you thirsty?" "oh how rude of me Garith this is General Wookie from the imperials. Do you know about imperials? And my eye. What it's umm well a new color palette for me shades of black and blue. Do you like it?"

She had not moved just merely stood in the hall discussing their interesting luck.

[member="Garith Darkhold"]. [member="Chron Terix"]
Chron had an exasperated look on his face, evident through all of the hair. "What do you mean don't kill if they don't shoot, you saw what that other guard did? Shot me in the shoulder!" He groaned at [member="Arianna Organa"], and it was true, a patch of singed hair now tainted his otherwise well groomed coat of fur.

Just them [member="Garith Darkhold"] appeared in the wookiee's peripherals and he raised the blaster once against, before lowering it when he realized that it was the woman's mate.

"Another person who most likely doesn't understand shyriiwook" Chron sighed "We should get to the hangar and find a ship."
Actually, I do understand”, Garith looked over to [member="Chron Terix"] .

“Yes I’m thirsty”, he growled out at [member="Arianna Organa"] .

Looking back over to Arianna he could not stop looking at her eye. “What did a Jawa paint on you with sponge?”

“Yes your right”, Garith looked back over to Chron, “We should head to the hanger!”
Images of the jawa just jumped into her mind. Goddess feth she squeezed her eyes tightly trying to make it go away far away.

Not helping was the taunting voice of Garith she wanted to say something clever. Her voice dropped an octave to indicate displeasure "no it was the makeup droid thank you very much"

She looked over at the General, "yes let's do that" a ship to go some where anywhere.

She looked at Garith shall we find a bar first? Maybe it will improve your eyesight." it wouldnt improve his mood that much was certain.

"Which way?"

[member="Chron Terix"] [member="Garith Darkhold"]
Myles woke up, not quickly though. His head was hazy and he was almost seeing double at this point, one heck of a night's rest he had.

Wait.....I don't remember....Frak

He heard the intercom make its announcement soon once he stirred around in bed. Nar Shaddaa?!
Myles could hear the thumping of boots outside...he had been duped. Could it be? Slavers? Traffickers?

After putting two and two together he bolted out of bed, to which he still had his casual attire on. To his dismay and inconvenience he was not able to bring any weapons aboard, he would have to improvise.
He stealthily crept over to the door and put his ear to it. thump.....thump.....thump. It was a slow, yet ordered guard route. He walked back to his bed and yanked one of the sheets off and ripped it into a decent size. He didn't have a weapon but he could use the sheet by wrapping the ends to each wrist, allowing him to grapple and deflect CQC maneuvers.

His instructor's teachings slowly crept into his mind, being in the military had it's own toll on him.

Assume you are being watched, assume your enemy knows you better than you. Use everything as a weapon if possible. Trust no one......however the enemy of your enemy can be your friend...if you know who that is. Remember Davorak, things aren't always the way they seem.

For now he kept the sheet wrapped around only one wrist so he could still have decent motor functions getting out. Door was sealed shut. However there was another door, which no doubt led to the next room. He clenched his fist and pounded lightly on the door

" door, are you awake? We got to get outta here fast, i feel that our hosts have dire things in store for us....hello?"

While waiting for a response he paced around in his room looking for a possible makeshift tool he could use to pry open the neighboring door...This would be an interesting series of events, that's for sure.
Erinhart opened his eyes, body protesting groggily. Where was he? Why was he here? Then, the com announcement. A detour to Nar Shadaa? Off limits areas? Something must be up. Erinhart stood up, and opened a small chest at the end of the bed. In side, his clothes, neatly folded and clean. Something was definitely wrong here. He recognized nothing in this room. Quickly dressing, he reached into his coat, and opened the hidden pocket where he always kept his pistol. Nothing but the smooth fabric that lined the pocket was inside. Pacing across the room in a single stride, he tried the door. Locked. Why?

"Hey! Is here anyone on this ship who can explain what the hell is going on?" He shouted, banging his fist on the door.

Then, a voice from next door.

"Yeah I'm awake. Who're you?"

[member="Myles Davorak"]
Ra began to clamor to his hands and feet. A tidal wave of emotions was washing over him... in all his years as a hardened warrior, even when a child... he had never felt so emotionally destroyed.


Why was his... this? Was this a dream?

The mechanical creature began to beat his iron fists against the floor. He didn't mean to appear as a bawling child on the ground. He just didn't know what to do.

Mand'alor didn't know what he was. Who he was.

Or even if he was Mand'alor.

Gears grinded as he finally found his way to his feet, his hands feeling for the door. How did he even feel? How did Ra know what this was, or how to begin controlling it?

As his entire bulk leaned against the frame of the door, Ra was suddenly started by a sudden pound. His eyes dilated, opening wide in the darkness. Fear and adrenaline raced through his heart.

He sat as still as a mouse.​

Myles Davorak said:
" door, are you awake? We got to get outta here fast, i feel that our hosts have dire things in store for us....hello?"
Ra felt for the door handle and opened the door.​
"We don't have alot of time. Myles Davorak. Soldier for hire. I take it you were fooled by this luxury trip too? Listen, do you have ANYTHING in your room that can be used as a pry bar so we can rendezvous?"

If they could close the gap and regroup they would have a better chance of getting out of their room at least. Knock out one or two guards, acquire weapons then regroup with others would be the ideal plan.
While waiting for the gentleman next door to answer, Myles rushed to the bed which was an older-fashioned bed. Keeping the mattress attached to the frame were metal slats.....perfect!

"Once you find something, we need to pry the door in the same direction so our combined force will work in our favor...oh yeah didn't grab your name...what is it?"

At this point he wasn't sure if all the cabin rooms were furnished the same. Hopefully this neighbor would be able to find something
[member="Benjamin Erinhart"]
Drai Kor wakes to the sound of a intercom and someone speaking over it, he does not hear the words that are coming through it because of his head ache.

He tried to remember what happened last night but all he could remember was that he was sitting at the bar when someone ripped off his mask and gas started to flood the room.

He gets up slowly, when he is in sitting position he checks he pockets for extra filters for his mask he brings with him, He lets out a sigh of relief as finds them because his mask might have been damaged and he wants to replace the filter just in case.

He takes a deep breath of the helium rich air , holds his breath, then takes of his mask and quickly pops out the old filters and puts in the new ones, he slides the mask back on with a suction cupping sealing noise as it starts working again.

Drai Kor then hears smashing out side of his room, he doesnt feel like leave his room and his head is still hurting, he sits on his bed and crosses his legs and starts meditating to try at connect with force and to get rid of the head ache he has.

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