Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First stop

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
It was new for Sorel to discus the dark side and the potential to fall in such a frank and honest manner. Her previous view was that simply being steadfast and resolute would be enough. It wasn’t the subject was previously taboo – but it certainly put a new inflection on it through the discussion with Master Ike. She was historically arrogant but she knew her limitations and guarding against falling to the dark side was something she took seriously and also intended to work more on as she progressed as a Jedi.

“I’d like to work on Force Healing and if we have to wait for a subject to work with, I understand but I wondered if you’d have something here on the ship we could work with, or even from the planet’s surface?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

"Oh we have things to work with it is just, well most masters when they explain healing... do just they they explain it and tell you what you have to do." SHe looked at the padawan so she could get the idea. "But they explain it wonderfully and it is very informataive compared to many things but." She looked at the girl while they were head into hyperspace. "It doesn't help if I tell you how I feel or what I focus on while healing. You'd be limiting your skills in the technique by only trying to do it my way when it is something you need to focus on." Though she had agreed with Cathbodua in being practical in the ways to teach it.

Her hands came out as the jedi master was focusing and spoke. "Harmony bring me one of the smaller blades." She had a couple of ideas while standign there and stood looking at Sorel before removing the robe and letting the HRD arrive with a small knife as she took it. "One of the better ways, much like practicing breath control is to experience it and focus your abilities on it." Matsu stood there in her pants and sarashi letting her shoulders and arms remain bare for the moment before she slid the blade over one of the scars and tattoo's on her forearm to let the padawan practice. "Now focus on yourself first. Feel the force in your body and then push it outwards to mend and repair the damage to mine."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel listened and nodded. It all made perfect sense, learning about the Force was all about experiencing and Healing would be no different – although working with a willing test subject might be risky. So when she realised what her Master had in store, she was a little apprehensive. It was a practical solution – albeit a little awkward initially. Her smile was one of nervousness, but she straightened her face and focused on the task in hand.

She closed her eyes and initially entered into a meditative state, drawing the Force close to her. She sensed the small amount of pain her Master had endured but focused on her own body and remained calm. Then she opened her eyes and reached out an arm. She imagined the Force flowing along the arm and into her hand and to the very end of her finger-tips. Once she was comfortable, she placed the end of her fingers on her Master’s skin – where she had cut herself. She first focused on the healthy skin andf allowed the Force to wash over it and then she moved her attention to the damaged tissue and simply informed the Force of her intention, to repair the damage.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu remained there while she was letting the force energy wash over her and Sorel was getting it... in the better way. Experiencing it as a way to use it and work with most of the abilities before her attention went to some of the parts. Slowly helping the body mend the small cut while she relaxed there with her mind focused on the energy. A nice meditative stance for herself reaching out into the garden meditating on the force coursing through the area for both of them. "Very good, once you have an idea of how the cells are normally you will be able to help the damaged ones repair and heal. Accelerating the processes of the body."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel relaxed as best she could. It was too easy to become so focused that she forgeot to remain in as calm a state as possible, so she ensured she was deeply connected to the Force and allowed it to guide her to investigate and penetrate the body’s healthy tissues – on an almost microscopic level. Once she was relaxed and completely in tune with the Force she began to understand how the healthy skin was and direct the Force to the cut and guide it to replicate the healthy cells. It felt alien yet familiar at the same time. She wasn’t sure that after the Healing, she’d remember exactly how it was done – as a doctor would – but she knew she’d be able to replicate the Force Healing. So she pulled more of the Force to her and poured it into Matsu’s arm, where the cut was.

There were no words at this stage - she was too involved in the healing to speak.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu remained quiet and focused on the energies there feeling her wound closing, granted compared to some of the others she had gotten this wasn't that bad. The memories and thoughts of some of them like being kicked through a window into a green house at the one temple was there and experimenting with pyrospray or fireball belch but that was what you did with the force to learn and try to understand. She could work on some of the things with most of her attention on them while some fo the little jako pups were around. She rather liked the fluff balls and their aura in the force was always soothing... plus it was hard when they licked to tickle you to be upset.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was aware that Matsu was a model patient, standing patiently whilst Sorel worked on her, never asking any questions and holding what seemed to be an entirely positive disposition.

Confident she could now finish the Healing and talk, Sorel spoke. “Master, are there any tips if a patient won’t lie still? Or is full of negativity? I mean, does this impact the healing at all? Like Sith, for example. Would the dark side in them slow or stop the healing process?” She knew practice was key, as with any Force ability, but she would pick up tips if they were offered.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

The practical side of her brain was combating with the side of her brain that knew what was right... On the one hand she if needed tried to heal sith last if possible and said to fo it. A fully healed sith usually tried to attack the one healing to let the injured die both jedi and rivals. THey became a threat and danger again to more people... but medicine and healing couldn't tell the difference and shouldn't be able to tell the difference. It should be impartial which is where the real conflict came in. Experience and history combating the purpose of such. "There are ways to immobilize patients so they will remain still and depending on where the technique is being used restraints might be implemented."

She remained there and thought about it for a heartbeat. "As for sith it is a tricky thing, on the one hand you should always have the compassion to heal those who would try and kill you but on the other once healed they will likely try and come after you to prevent others from being healed. It is generally in their nature so you need to be careful of such things... but your healing will not be altered by the darkness inside of them. it is when they try to heal that the healing becomes different." She remained there and looked at her arm with a nod of her head in approval. "You are doing good work, you might not be a master healer but good for a first time."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was innocent in many ways. Yes, she’d been a Jedi for over a decade and in the past four years had seen a lot – but she was only sixteen and had nowhere near the experience of her Master. And despite her arrogance, she knew when to listen.

She nodded as she was praised, she always liked positive affirmation but was a hard taskmaster and knew she had so much more to learn. She examined her Master’s arm. “The Force is truly a wonderful thing,” she said, marvelling at the healing process. “And I shall be wary with Sith, except–“ she paused for a second. “What about Dark Jedi. Should I trust them?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Dark jedi were a different story at times... at times she had meant some who were strangely decent people but just liked their emotions... and she had met others were were sith in all but name preferring that everyone be like them because their way was stronger then the jedi. Truthfully it was at times like battling up hill while more and more she saw others come in with the same mindset of emotions and rage empowering them as jedi... Which was sad. "They are tricky, some are people who might embrace all of their emotions and have a sense of honor... others will try and tempt you wih the darkside because they believe they are the first to discover the true power of the force like many before them. It will be up to you whether you trust them or not but I try to not associate with them as much. Too many speeches from them about the power of their emotions and if you disagree then you just aren't enlightened enough to understand and accept the concept. No real middle ground."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel looked perplexed. “If I am honest, Master, I have never seen a middle ground myself. I am not going to say one does not exist but I will say that I have yet to see it. To experience, understand and agree with it. I see the light side and I see the dark side. I am a Jedi, which means following the Code and honouring the light. Anyone who does not do that is not a Jedi. I will not go so far as to say that makes them bad, but they are simply not Jedi. I have heard about Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn but these are exceptions and I dare say exceptional men. And therefore not the norm. Once in a generation kind of people, or maybe two.” She wasn’t entirely sure if their timelines overlapped or not. “Perhaps that makes me old-fashioned? I don’t know to be sure. But I am strict when it comes to the Code, and I find it impossible to find any need to justify that position.”

She took a deep breath. “That’s just me, Master. Perhaps keeping away from those that use the dark side is best for all concerned?” She attempted a smile. “Sorry if I have darkened the mood. Anyway, your wound is healed. I will of course need to practice. A surface scratch is not a major injury, so I’ll look for opportunities to heal and read whatever is available on the subject too.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at her padawan she bowed her head in agreement. THe exception was just that an exception to the general rule. There were plenty who were trying and failing. "There isn't, I will say there can be different jedi... but not a middle ground at times. Jedi can and should feel emotions. None of us are robots able to turn those off. THey are a part of you but you should be taught how to handle the emotions above all else. Not getting angry and easily frustrated over thing all the time but acknowledge something upset you and work through it. Maybe bring it up and fix it. Or do as I do and have them in private but when in the field be controlled and careful."

She was looking at Sorel though and agreed with her padawan. It was nice to find someone who was dedicated to the lightside of the force and could be willing to learn... Also helped that within the silver sanctum having more lightsided jedi instead of them all being at best beutral to dark would prove invaluable. Now if only she could keep her from joining the silver shadows were were silly with their codenames and secret clubhouse instead of like being jedi with a cause. "We will serve the light and after seeing my master's fate I know where I firmly stand at all times within the force."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel nodded as she listened. Her Master spoke so much sense. Sorel knew she could keep her anger in check, but there were other emotions she allowed to spill out from time to time – like frustration, and she had to work hard to remain calm and serene when it came to using the Force.

“I accept I have emotions, we all do I believe. An I think suppressing them is wrong. All I endeavour to do is not to act upon them. I think that’s as much as I can. So I shall honour you and continue to serve the light as you do. If I may speak freely, I feel as though I am a Jedi first. A Silver Jedi second and a member of the Coalition third. I will never neglect the second or the third priority, but I will never let them contradict my first. Never. And regardless of how others see me and my approach, I know that I am being true to what it means to be a Jedi. That’s OK, isn’t is Master?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She was listening and could accept that. She was a jedi a mother a servant of the lightside and at times often at odds with others for how things seemed to be based on who you knew rather than what you did. Healers often found themselves stonewalled, or others pushed out of things they did because a friend wanted that position. Internal politics od the Sanctum aside though and looking at her padawan while Matsu ran a finger over where the wound was focusing on it. "THat is more than acceptable, you are skilled as a jedi and a servant of the light. Everything to look for in a padawan and teaching you some things along the way will be rather fun. For now I would suggest you rest up and prepare, crystalsong is in a region of space where a number of strange things exist so you want to be on your guard."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was feeling a little weary. It had been some time since she’d had any formal training and she’d been using the Force in new ways as well as more than she had for some time. So she bade her Master farewell and, grabbing a snack along the way, returned to her cabin and ate her food, showered and finally took a well-earned rest.

Initially her brain was too active to sleep, despite her body demanding it, so she briefly meditated and in this calmed state she was quickly able to slip into unconsciousness.

Awoken by her alarm, she revered her latest efforts, showing and grabbing a snack before presenting herself to her Master in her new robes. Still traditional, but the tattered threads and oft-sewn cloak was replaced by new robes. Still in muted browns although the tabard was slightly different in that it was hide as opposed to a fibre. But she liked it and so embraced the change.

“Good morning Master,” she said brightly. “Did you sleep well?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

As her padawan went off the jedi master did the same, thy had been going through a lot and more then that she had been learning a whole lot more while pushing what she knew how to do in the force. That would tire many out so resting and a little relaxing in time as they traveled. It also gave the jedi master time to work on her own training as she was working with what she had learned traveling with Corvus and Kay. Letting the force energies expand when she felt four a couple of hours the rift and nall of its special properties. They had to drop out to navigate it and the sensation the force sect there had opened her mind to let her breathe in a different light.

For a time but once they were out of it she was feeling the force normally again and not protesting. There was just something about an expanded consciousness and when the ability to mnipulate the energies within a single area of space, time and the force are there.. You can't believe all of it just returnign to normal. She stood up in the morning and jjoining her padawan smiled wearing a fresh set of the protective robes. "I slept well, passing through the rift made things for a short time clear and it was fun." She didn't get to explore often enough there so any chance to go back while Crystalsong was fast approaching.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
"Master, some aspects of history and Jedi lore I am quite familiar with. Others I am less so. And I must admit Crystalsong is a planet I am not familiar with, nor the Jedi link. Before we arrive, could you enlighten me?"

Sorel was confident to the point of arrogant but she could never be accused of being a liar. If she did not understand something, she would never bluff but instead ensure she found out the truth, albeit she would always prefer to do it in the confines of a one to one meeting. Like now.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

"There is none... mostly." Some jedi had been there and some jedi set up shop for their companies to basically sell crystals and harvest things but for the most part... it wasn't a jedi world. It was kind of like Tatooine there was a lot of jedi stuff there but the jedi weren't actually. That was pretty much all she got and besides for the most part the jedi companies that went to crystal song were part of major governments and corporations that wanted to expand and make credits. their self interests. She had Sasori andonly took what the ones who bought frm her could spare to continue to provide a service... Plus thanks to Domino soup kitchens and hospital ships.

"However that does not mean it can't hold signifigance, the world is just an interesting place to see. The force is strong and the crystal beautiful." She had some ideas of things that could be there but finding force crystals was a tricky thing and since Ilum was slightly harder for the jedi to access well.... they didn't have much going on. In truth she was looking forward to really setting foot down there and seeing if some of the rumors were true. A small thing she wanted to do with the crystals if she could get a large enough ne to go with the framework and hypergem would be to channel it into a device the jedi could use.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel felt slightly better that her ignorance wasn’t entirely due to a lack of listening in the past. It seemed the world was like many – home to some Jedi but not a Jedi homeworld in the way Tython was. But she perked up when she heard the Force was strong there. She’d visited at least a couple of dark side nexuses and the prospect of a light sided one was a welcome change.

“Master, your work with technology does interest me, so if I can help with any experiments or even just observe some work in progress, I would be honoured. I have a leaning to mechanical and electronic things. I’m no inventor but I have an aptitude for droids and ships and things. It’s a side of my development that is self-taught, so any help would really be appreciated.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She was looking at her and listening. A nod of her head to the apitude for droids and such as Matsu was working on some of the things. "That can be done, I like tinkering and learning about the different things. I can teach you some but I am still learning it as well. Helps to follow some of the instruction guides people have made and thengo off from there." She said that with a grin though and thinking over some of the things a few ideas passed thrugh her mind. "There will be plenty of time though for that and learning. Right now make sure you have everything ready and we'll be on the planet soon. The ship just dropped out of hyperspace." She could feel it and the world as it came into view on one of the holograms to show the outside. A strange looking world and Matsu was standing there while she rolled her shoulders ready for anything.

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