Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First stop

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
It was a case of trial and error and of course, a healthy degree of trust in the Force. She had been admonished too many times as a Youngling to even suggest she was trying. She was doing – with mixed results – but she was definitely doing.

But the doing was getting longer and longer and once she trusted in the Force completely and relaxed, she found her senses slowed and her body was no doubt emulating the fact by using far less air than it usually would. She also found the instinct to draw a breath abated as she continued to practice.

She was pleased that Master Ike was patient, as she took a few hours to be able to submerge and remain calm underwater but also to move about as usual. Now she could swim around the shallow pool but hold her breath as she did so. She was wary not to over exert herself, as oxygen was needed the more she exercised – but she expected that, with time and practice, she would only get better and better.

She broke the surface and looked to the Master, sitting serenely on the rocks of the cave floor. “Thank you Master, this was most enlightening.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at her when she finally surfaced and seemed done for the moment... well not really. THis was something you could use near anywhere and traveling through environments where you needed to hold your breath was beneficial. Didn't risk insulting some species who needed more then oxygen or didn't meet human standards for hygiene. "You are welcome, though there is more. Being in the water other skills might be required to keep you safe. Tapas a skill the jedi teach may also be needed and that can become tiring but we have time to teach you that. THere is more then enough to do while you rest. Maybe even find some of the masters who might interest you."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel looked slightly sad as she emerged dripping from the water. She bowed to Master Ike and attempted a smile. "I really appreciate all you've done and I have to admit, I feel slightly guilty. I have been used to being self-sufficient and I fear you are devoting too much time to me. Which makes me feel, well...uncomfortable. Happy but sad at the same time."

She looked at Matsu. "I hope I am making sense. I appreciate all you have taught me so far and would love to continue to learn - but I am worried you might be deflected from your duties and that would concern me. So I can only continue if you promise to be honest with me and if you are too busy, just let me know, OK?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at the girl as she emerged and held up the robe for her while she had it over her arm. "Well here." She presented the robe while keeping it warm to go against the chill of the water and air before she smiled. "I have plenty of time to teach.those willing to learn." It was never a waste of time and more often then naught she was learning alongside them, teaching them and herself what the force and saber skills were like. She let her smile remain on her face though. "Besides, you are very interesting padawan and I have found that you can have all the students in the galaxy but most are not great for conversation or noticing the little things. I make no promises of being the best jedi but I can teach you a great deal and teach you my mistakes so hopefully you will not make them as well."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
It didn’t matter how wet or cold she was, her face lit up at Master Ike’s words and she positively glowed from the inside out. She took the robe and pulled it tight, the setting son meant the temperature inside the cave had dropped since she’d first entered the water.

“I am truly willing to learn,” she gushed, “And you won’t regret it.” And then, as the colour returned to her cheeks, it was clear she was blushing. “I cannot promise to be the best student – but I will be the best Jedi I can be.” She was shivering now but paid it no attention. “And don’t worry, I will learn from your mistakes – but can’t promise I won’t make some of my own. But you’ll keep me right, I’m sure.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Well unless you do something really bad like blow up the universe.... Matsu thought about where she would draw the line and that was about it for a student but then she couldn't be certain cause... universe blowing up does mean she'd be dead as well. So it was a mute point as she was looking at her new padawan officially for this and smiled. Her own enjoyment of the scenario showing with interest while placing a hand on her shoulder. "Then we shall have a great time. I've always found openness to be important and honesty so ask me anything you wish to know or come to me when you are having problems and we shall handle them. For now be dressed and ready to head to the Botany Bay."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel felt the same way she did when, as a 12-year old she’d been chosen by Master Maw to be his Padawan. And in that moment she realised what she’d been searching for. Her trips to every Jedi site she could, looking for answers – even though she didn’t know the questions. And all along, it was within her. Which was something her old Master would probably have told her at the outset. The Force showed her the way, she just had to be open to what it was telling her.

For she was frightened. Her old Master had died in terrible circumstances – and she’d made a promise to him as he joined the Force. A promise and a terrible secret. And she’d eschewed relationships since that day – frightened to get close to anyone – in case they ended up letting her down like Master Maw had. But that was a false expectation. If she were to be a Jedi, she had to connect with people – it was the only way.

She realised this now and gave Master Ike a quick hug. “Thank you Master,” and she quickly put on the robes that were completely dry. She knew she needed to get new ones. To let go of the past. And as she attached her Master’s old saber to her belt, she vowed to find a crystal and craft her own saber. For she was Sorel Crieff, Jadei Padawan – not Master Maw’s former apprentice. They were one in the same – but they were different. And she understood that now.

“To the Botany Bay,” she said, smiling.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu was surprised at the hug and there was something there, the girl seemed to be thinking about something that added a lot to her mind even just those surface thoughts. She was smiling as well and leading the way out of the grotto as the sight of the temple at dusk was there but there was more things. Leading the way towards the landing pads as the block of a ship was there. Square and larger to accommodate the large garden on the ship as well as the research labs. The droids had finished loading it up in the cargo hold with the jedi master leaving her arms opened. "Welcome to the ship."

There was the large and amazing for training Harlequin class they could use but here with this as she led the way in and the long hanger bay was filled with drones and probes they could release to gather samples on worlds. The main transport and speeders aside from the droids that finished. Heading in more the transparasteel revealed the massive interior garden that stretched across the majority of the ships interior. The creatures they had been getting as jako beasts and akk dogs were roaming around, the force sensitive trees and grasses they were importing to grow for their medicinal value along with the nysillin flowers.

The jedi master though was more interested in walking down the hallway as the floors were clean and pristine with the rest of the walls and holoimages adorned them of some of her padawans from the years. Mostly ones where people had thanked them or insisting they take things. Jedi might be minimalist but sometimes it was a grave insult to people if you didn't take something. So she did and it added up for something on her own ship things could be stored on. With the creation of their converters though it did have more space and one of the rooms built up to hold things she had found, received or discovered.

"The ship is not much but there is plenty of space for you and what crew we do have, my room is just off the side of the garden." She was leading the way towards the rooms and removed her own equipment setting it in her room as the silver bodied HRD stood off to the side. "Harmony, I think we are ready to head off, there is a lot to do and I think the Sepulcher is the place to visit." The HRD gave a nod as she brought up the holo map showing the galaxy. With the cartographer drones and the seeder ships made to deploy and manufacture them to release across the galaxy it gave the jedi master a more accurate star map.

"One of the goals we have been working towards is real time mapping of the galaxy with advanced seeder ships to fill in the blank spaces of the map." She brought the hologram to her hand and within the ship the holoprojectors in all the rooms allowed for plenty o things to work on. She could observe the map and showing the planet of Vaynai as the ship was shown taking off from the temple area. A large square rising up to leave the world while she continued to zoom out with the galaxy appearing and she was setting the course towards the system and its nebula to zoom in more and show the ten planets.

"The Asobi system, a strange world but the jedi have made roots there in ancient times. We managed to wrestle from the jungle here." She pointed as the third plant came into view and the moons with one going down to a city under the jungle canopy. "An ancient temple similar in design to the main temple on Coruscant but built into the planet and below the tree tops to keep it hidden. A lattice work of criss crossing overhangs have trees growing and interlocking the roots. Below it is a massive crystal network of tunnels filled with different creatures and dangerous things. We only know the sith attacked it from the amount of sithspawn we have found on the worlds in the system."

Matsu remained there though showing where they were going and giving the girl an idea of it was all well and good but this was not just her leading the decisions. She wanted to learn what was in the girls head while providing an educational experience. "But the real question padawan is if you could go anywhere in the galaxy. If you could see anything of the wonders or horrors." She stood there and zoomed out to show it all there with a display around them. She had a smile on her face and raised her eyebrows. "Where would you like to go?" THe jedi master held her arms out looking over it all and offering the ship to travel.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was duly impressed by the ship. She’d seen larger – but not like this. This was no warship, built to destroy life. This was entirely more in keeping with what being a Jedi was all about.

And the garden was stunning. Jedi travelled the galaxy – but in her experience rarely had the opportunity to reflect on such life. Typically they spent time inside ships or in warzones. To be able to gaze upon the beauty was wonderful for the young Padawan. She made sure she did not get in the way of the droids and drones as she stood, slack-jawed at the size and variety of it all. And she saw creatures roaming around too.

But then her attention was drawn back to the hallway and she saw the images of many Jedi and wondered what the connection to Master Ike was. But they were moving at pace and there was so much to take in, she stored many questions away for later on.

“I disagree Master. The ship is wonderful.” She was aware that her own ship was functional and lacked anything personal. She had never grown attached to it and realised now, looking at this vessel, the art of the possible. So she decided to remedy her own ship at the first possible opportunity. Not frilly curtains of a wild paint job, but plants and things that meant something to her. Murals of Jedi Academies for example.

She heard the name Sepulcher and added it to the list of things to ask. “Real-time mapping? You mean it changes that fast? I mean, I expect changes over millennia, but it is faster than that?” But her interest was already taken by the mention of a Jedi temple she’d never heard of – and therefore hadn’t visited. Asobi. And Sithspawn? She shuddered involuntarily at the thought.

And like the child offered the choice of any present from the toy shop – but only one – she froze. Names flashed across her mind. Tython and Coruscant were obvious choices but discounted as easily. She could go back to Ossus? Or see Voss for the first time?

“Ashla? Ando Prime? Why are all the great places in the wrong hands.” She sighed and looked skywards. “Why don’t you take me to the one place you’ve never visited but wish you had.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at her as the jedi master thought about it. She could answer her other questions while bringing up the sections of the galaxy while she set the course. After a brief time over in the Asobi system to get the other things restocked they could head out towards crystalsong. That region of space was bare and not much but it was supposed to be beautiful to the eye. She might be able to find some things there while moving with herfindgers working the holo display all around them. "The galaxy changes slowly but mapping it and keeping a way to see it can alert for dangerous or you might be able to catch rare sights like exogorths when they leap between asteroids."

There were so many things she could think about and work with while she removed the outer robes she was wearing and set them on the bed. Her sarashi under the inner cloths while she stood there taking off her boots as she sat down. "Crystalsong is in a region of space not many go to in the galaxy and it is relatively unexplored.... Well by me." She was certain some had explored them and knew other groups that tried to supply the jedi did likely go there. Not that they shared but what could you do as the jedi master turned off the holo and sitting there while she looked at the tattoo's and scars on the majority of her body save her neck, hands and feet.

The jedi master could see the different designs from atrisian gangs and prisons she had worked to infiltrate within the jedi or cults. Dozens of scars across her body as she was working on some of the things. "Now lets get into some of the finer things of being a jedi. You have your robes, you have your past but. Do you have your lightsaber? I don't want to send you to go and find a crystal if you already have constructed one of them." One was enough for some, she had two and a special disc saber that was on the wall with the black phrik hilts interlocked and the z shape of them. The force crystals within resonating around her other two sabers.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel listened and learned. She knew of the obvious places to visit – and therefore appreciated a wiser head approaching the choice of destination. Crystalsong was not a place she would have thought of, but the more she heard of it, the more it seemed a perfect place to go. Sorel was no bookworm. She had an average Padawan’s knowledge of the Force and perhaps above average in terms of Jedi sites, but she was always keen to learn more and her new Master seemed to fit the bill perfectly.

And then she was aware her Master had removed her cloak and saw the scars – a clear Jedi occupational hazard – but also tattoos. She wasn’t sure what they were linked to – and would no doubt ask one day – just not today.

Sorel nodded as her Master spoke. She had old robes and knew she should get new ones and she had her Master’s saber of course. “I have this,” she offered, holding up the hilt. “It was my former Masters. One day I shall craft my own. When the time is right. For now, it serves me and is a reminder. I mean, not that I dwell in the past, but rather it is a connection to the one that started to train me. He died. On a mission. It was about two years ago,” she actually knew the time elapsed to the hour but preferred to generalise, to appear less focused on the death of her Master. “I have been travelling the galaxy since, until I found you and the Silver Order.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at the saber and at the girl, there was pain perhaps there but that was to be expected. That bond with a master and student was important it was what made trust and got you through those early years of training knowing that someone was pleased with what you could do. So she was more then happy to see it in action while moving with some of the things. A saber already even if not her own meant she could defend herself if need be and had at least the ground basic ideas of how best to use her saber. Matsu could work with that and hopefully where one of her old students had used her master teaching her as an excuse to not learn.... This would become interesting.

"That will do for now and don't worry, we all have things in our pasts we secretly recall or dwell on. We need it to teach us personal lessons." Speaking from experience here while she rose up a little and with her curtain of black hair trailing onto the floor it was something. Wrapping it over her shoulders as a placed a hand on the girls shoulder. "Now the course is set, we are prepped and ready to go. Soon enough you'll get to see one of the more interesting places the jedi have been to." With all of the things they had the jedi master could work with a few more of the things there. Quiet was great for accessing archives and databases if the girl wanted to learn and study jedi material.

Or there was the garden for meditation and very hard to resist jako beast puppies... they had that fur coat and it was fluffy and warm.... Real dangerous things for cuddling in your lap. Matsu herself had getting a shower in the refresher and ready her equipment pack for what they might need on the world. "There is a number of places on the ship to explore and go about doing things while you wait for us to arrive." Matsu offered a smile backing up a little and taking her saber blades she set them up on the shelf next to the disc saber. Her songsteel reverse jar'lao blades were there as well for when you didn't want to look like a jedi but needed to be able to defend.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel felt her cheeks warm. Was it so obvious she carried a secret? And did Master Ike hold it against her? She wanted to share what she knew, as a mark of respect and trust – but the vow she made two years ago was not so easily forgotten. Hopefully her Master would understand and in time come to appreciate why she kept the secret, even if she never knew what it was.

And then Sorel took the cue to explore – to be what she was very good at – self-sufficiency. She found her cabin and if she had things to unpack, she would have there and then. Instead she simply showered and retraced her steps on the ship – reminding herself of what was where. Along the way she picked up a cup of lemon tea and drank it as she explored the gardens before heading to a study area and reading up on the Silver Jedi, Crystalsong and revisiting the Code – as she did so often.

Feeling in the need for action, she practiced with her Master’s saber, simultaneously seeing how long she could practice spar without breathing. It was one thing to hold your breath when inactive – another to do it when exerting herself. But she was tireless and relentless and continued to practice, giving both her bladework in her preferred third and fifth Forms a workout – as well as improving her ability in Breath Control.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu felt her go off as she showered getting her hair clean and braided into dozens of braids that could be put into ribbons to hold it in larger tails before she finished. Getting dressed in the robes while she felt better and put on gloves to cover the hand tattoos that wrapped around her fingers. Her boots for her feet and the qel-droma robes hummed with the force while she was straightening it obscuring most of hr scars save a few on her throat, face and back of her neck. The looks of a regular jedi just with obscenely long hair was there securing her lightsabers on her hip with her sigil and she had one of the circlets.

The gold band going under the robe and into her boot but she had an extra one that could function for the padawan while she touched it. The force crystals in the heads great for the work they had to do. Matsu moved throughout the ship getting a status report of where they were and where her padawan was. The ship traveling through the nebula and passing Haven at the edge of the system The other worlds they were traveling past going towards the moon of the planet before she stood there for a moment reaching out with her senses to find the padawan. Slowly walking towards her as she looked around seeing the small pups in the garden.

She could see the padawan practicing while she came to stand there quietly. Leaving the way open for the padawant o keep working and the jedi master to work quietly on fitting the circlet for her. Bracelet. anklet or however she wanted it... If she wanted to use it. Environmental hazards like cold and heat could be dangerous and why not have something that could let you move around in standard robes on hoth or resist (so long as you don't drink it) acid rain like on Vjun and Raxus. All worked out for whatever they could like when she finally speak. "Your form is very good and I hope you have enjoyed your time. We are nearing the planet."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel had no idea how long she’d been studying and practising. Alone, she’d never had to worry about anyone else and therefore punctuality was a habit and manner she’d not grown accustomed to. But she realised instantly she needed to start to take notice of others and their needs. She was aware of her own lack of patience and knew she’d never tolerate someone else holding her up, and so accepted the converse had to be true.

“Thank you Master, and if I have delayed us, I apologise.” Her attention was drawn to the circlet her Master was holding, but she maintained the conversation. “I know the first Form but favour the third and fifth. I lack the strength still to truly use Djem So but look to compensate for now with pace for my counter-attacks. It seems to work for me.”

She clipped the saber to her belt and was acutely aware that her robes looked shabby in contrast to her Masters. It was not vanity that drew her to the fact, but an understanding that she represented the Silver Order now and a shabbily dressed Padawan might reflect poorly on the Order. “I should pick up some new robes at the first opportunity Master and to answer your question, I very much enjoyed my time but look forward to visiting the planet.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Listening to the girl as she spoke Matsu smiled. "Oh then you will be able to enjoy this." She was looking at her and leading the way through the garden up to the bridge of the ship in the main tower. Overlooking the garden with a transparasteel view one way down before she pointed. The world of Shri-Tal coming into view with its massive evacuation ship in case of infection spreading from the moon that was lined with the massive wall you could see from the surface. "The plague moon, centuries ago the plague was let loose on the moon and it has been contained as it were. Ships are kept away and any mens of escaping from the moon."

There was that but there was also the others, the jungle moon they were heading to as the view of the capital city on the world itself came into view. Surrounded by mountains and the white tower in the center was visible until she brought her attention pointing to the mountains with several dozen lakes. "The lake valley is where the silver jedi have a temple, using the underground roads and system under the surface of the planet it is as big as the main temple on Coruscant while presenting the look of a small monetary on the surface for everyone to see. The star dragons appear on the world and their followers are nearby."

But that wasn't where they were headed while there was the jungle moon coming into view with the real treat. The large moon covered in a city, a mini Coruscant almost that ships were coming and going from for trade and any number of things to bring around most attention. "The invisible market, one of the hubs few ever see or have some public knowledge. The marketplace is one of the most active in the outer rim and you can find just about anything in the galaxy including things that the black markets can't get." That was true, they had found some crazy things there while the jungle moon finally really came into view showing a thick canopy they were landing in.

She looked at the jungle from the viewport and they could just see over the top as the spires were protruding up leaving the tips looking more like watch towers as she started to lead the way. To get them down and out while she spoke presenting the circlet as she stood in the lift. "Here one of these for you, it is infused with tapas and a small shield to purify the air around you and keep you cool in deserts or safe in polluted environments." They had been working on several such force tech for jedi that they could wear in a minimalist setting over something big and bulky like an environmental suit.

Matsu was just looking over the really fun things there while she was exited the lift and leading the way towards the junjgle while down looking at the base of the trees the criss crossing of them in a lattice above the temple when it came into view partially carved itno the mountains and made to look like it was part of the large semi pit it was in. The crystals were visible where they had been excavated and the amber tinge from them radiated with life while she was feeling them. "The amberite grows within the crystals on this world and in the system, it can be an interesting being if you learn how to communicate and listen to it."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
She followed her Master up to the bridge and as wonderful as the garden was, the view of the upcoming world was breathtaking. And yet sad, for the first moon was isolated and contained.

The second was the jungle moon and was simply beautiful. There were mountains and the white tower in the centre of the capital was visible and drew the eye until her Master pointed out the mountains with several dozen lakes. There was a Silver Jedi template there and it seemed an idyllic setting, even without the underground complex that was no doubt entirely practical.

And then the sprawling city was their focus – on that was reminiscent of the former centre of the Republic and the Jedi. But they were looking at the tree canopy now and every now and then a spire protruding above the uppermost branches. She was almost oblivious when her Master handed her the bracelet she’d seen before – the one that had so intrigued her. She slipped it on her wrist and listened as Matsu explained its function. To avoid wearing something like an environmental suit – especially when climbing – would be a real boon.

She followed her Master once more, having thanked her for the gift and they were at once in the jungle and she almost struggled to take it all in. “There is so much to see and do. Your choice was excellent Master.” And she looked to the amberite and wondered if they’d have time to learn how to communicate with it.

She gave Master Ike another impromptu hug. “Thank you. Truly, thank you.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu was surprised at the hug and returned it for the girl. "You are most welcome padawan." She was looking at her while the way down into the city temple was well a large staircase but it went around and was carved stone giving that uniform and solid feel. Going down into it the sounds of the padawans and knights working while they used the irrigation systems to practice force techniques to contain the water with telekinesis or where the water came out in misters over gardens and plents with plants surge. Water basins for the animals to eat out of all of it. Matsu had more then enough to work with the padawan on but there was her lab here and gear.

THe doors off to the side opened to mostly show jedi milling about with different equipment. Artisans trained to fashion different things like lightsabers but also items for the jedi themselves. Researchers and librarians to work on the lore and make sure all of the things were accurate, Jedi aces and pilots working with designers to make ships that could utilize more and more the jedi and force energies. One of the padawans testing the amulet as he held it strapped to his arm focusing until someone slashed at him and the energy barrier to protect from the lightsaber popped up with a small burst of light radiating lightside force energies.

Some jedi working on gloves they could wear and getting the crushing effect of crushgaunts while they looked lighter channeling the lightside of the force to repel darksiders. Without real ones to test on it was theory but solari crystals like those from Rhen var functions very well for things they were doing. The loom they had made working with different weaving materials to infuse and craft clothing or jedi like the boots and bodygloves showing superior levels of protection but still maintaining flexibility. Then there was one of the main things they did here, the wall of lightsaber hilts crafted for jedi or as things that could b used as tribute when meeting delegates.

"We spend a lot of time here in the lab developing new things for the jedi when we can, new robes that can offer protection but still be jedi robes.... Just slightly stronger materials or ways to use common place gear such as our belts to aid in better more useful ways. To cut down on weight we have very lightweight materials." She was looking at the necklaces the jedi were working with and the earrings they had made from pontite crystals that channeled the force as well as shards of healing crystals of fire. For additional force healing benefits as well as the white robes they were making for jedi on Ossus with force resisting weaves.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
The sights and sounds of so many Jedi together took her back to her days on Ossus and even Coruscant – when she was much younger. Something she hadn’t experienced for a couple of years. And it was wonderful to see how nature was being used as part of the training – from moving water to working with plants.

“Does this Academy have a specific purpose? I mean there is Voss too. Do they have different focuses?” She continued to watch and listen as she walked, following her Master. She almost giggled at the amulet that produced an energy barrier, the invention so clever and so unexpected. Everywhere she looked there was a use of the Force that was intertwined with science – from weapons to armour – and yet retaining the dignity of the Jedi. It was beyond her imagination yet she was here, part of it all.

“I’d very much like Jedi robes that didn’t look like armour but that gave better protection,” Sorel added when it was mentioned. “Let’s be honest, I need new robes period.” She smiled widely. “I look a mess, right?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at her and gave a nod of her head. "The different temples serve a couple of purposes. Voss is mostly where all the ones within the Silver Sanctum meet, light, dark, in between. It is a wonderful place but it is also usually catering to everyone. Vaynai is a public temple where those wanting to learn about the force can come without having to join and interact, Zygerria's temple is a large hospital dedicated to adcanving force healing and understanding of it, Rhen Var is where artisan's can practice and learn how to work with ice and crystals to prepare them for other places."

"Malachor V has a temple as well dedicated to the jedi shadows for training them while they watch over the remains of the darkside academies, this Twilight Sepulcher however is a crossroads. The spires house force sects from across the galaxy that have lost their home or ones that wish peace, the main one being dedicated to the lightside of the force to train jedi in it. We work with research and development as well as understanding to observe, track and find ways to combat the sithspawn that are on this moon and the planet." Matsu said it while looked at her and her robes.

"Your robes are fine for now, a jedi should strive for minimalism but that is not always the case. Over time you will acquire things or have more then you know what to do with. It is why having a ship for yourself is a good thing. You can travel and store stuff just in case a problem arises." Staying there in the lab while she looked over some fo the things opening the door down to the caves. "Plus there is a lot of fun here, these little bunny mole like creatures that will try to snuggle with you... They are adorable and hard to resist."

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