Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First stop

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel committed the information about the different temples to memory. She was amazed at how many there were and their different uses.

She glanced down at her robes and figured her Master was being polite. There were more darning patches than robe in places – where she’d come up against something or someone over the past couple of years and survived by quite literally the thickness of her cloak. And darning never sorted out singes – but at least they were clean. So she made a resolution to be kitted out with new robes when she could – ones without holes.

“My ship was gifted to me. It’s old but serviceable and surprisingly nimble for one so long in the tooth. And now it’s a part of me that I wouldn’t trade up. In many ways, its humble appearance allows me anonymity that a brand new ship would not. And let’s face it, it’s the last ship anyone would want to steal. But an astromech might not be a bad idea in the future. And I must shift all the gear in the cargo hold. I’ll look out for a worthy cause and pass it on.”

She smiled at the concept of snugly bunnies. She was at ease with droids and although now enjoying the company of people, had never owned a pet but wondered what it would be like. “It does sound like fun Master, most definitely.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at her with the talk of the ship as she understood wanting to keep such a thing. There was a lot that could be done with it as it was but she hoped at the least to well repair and make sure all of its parts were in working order. Maybe one of the converters for her to use so she could get things. Nothing big, nothing dangerous or powerful but it could all go together to keep the look and feel int he long run. Leading the way towards the crystal caves she let the padawan see more of it as she pulled one of the belt out. "In case you need a restock of things in your belt." Matsu was leading the way into it and the different colors were there as the crystals glowed resonating with the force while some of them were amber. The sounds of creatures down there as one of the Jun-la's were moving around with its sightless face but the star shaped nose, long tongue and claws to dig around while it was eating moss and mushrooms.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel had been independent for too long. She was selfless – a Jedi trait she had not grown out of – but found accepting help hard. Almost a failing. But deep down she knew that any offer of help was genuine and not, as she always initially feared, an indictment of her failure. Parts for her ship were to be readily accepted – not rebuffed because of her pride and arrogance. This was a facet of her personality she was working on – it was a conscious weakness – but she had a long way to go still.

She glanced at the belt. Hers was full of gaps now, she’d either run out of replacements or used second-rate alternatives. So she took what she needed and thanked her Master. And she felt the Force emanating from the crystals but did not look to take any – instead she focussed on the strange creatures – apparently without eyes and no doubt using their sense of smell to navigate and find food. “Are they useful?” she asked. “I mean, I’m not saying they have to have a use, but I’m curious. Are they good at finding anything for example?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu was looking at her while she went and the smaller creatures moved as she spoke. "The adults are, fast, nimble and quick able to carry a lot of weight on their back and still maintain speed. Also their sense of smell can extend for miles and miles to track in case of someone going missing. We've used them in emergencies to track missing children. As babies like these ones though... not so much but they are friendly." She was petting one and leading the way in further as the sounds of water and flopping came. "THose fish on the other hand, be careful they are vicious and eat anything... plus they can breathe in the mud so will follow you on land. Some of the othr creatures down here like the rock people or the mice can be interesting. Seeing a being that eats force crystals or a little mouse like creature that can run around like a hyperactive child... not a bad thing."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Being a Jedi – on the face of it – was a simple life, and you would expect a standard way of learning and living. Yet her time with Master Ike was so different to her first two years as a Padawan. Master Maw was all hustle and bustle and forever reminding her of her failings, chiding her to overcome them.

Matsu was, by contrast, day to his night. She could almost say light to his dark, but that comment was too close to her heart to even think. Her former Master was a good Jedi and one day she might understand what made him use the dark side. But for now she was enjoying learning with her new Master and the interaction with science and nature was both broadening her horizons and allowing her to grow in her own way – as opposed to a prescribed fashion as had been the case.

So she knelt down and allowed the young creatures to nuzzle her hand. She was wary of the fish her Master pointed out and couldn’t wait to see the others. “Master, I have spent two years travelling the galaxy yet on reflection all I saw was the inside of my ship. I have seen more in the past day or so than the last hundred combined. Thank you.”

“So,” she added, “What’s next?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

What is nect.... What was next? They were headed to crystal song as their main destination but there was nothing saying they had to rush there. Explore the galaxy, learn new things about yourself and the people there, all of this could be accomlished while they worked to go to the world. All of this could be what their journey was about and a thousand miles was one thing, they'd already taken the first step... this could be simply the first mile in it and still have hundreds more to take. Or well she didn't want to think like that, this was to much fun while walking through the cave and looking over some of the things.

"Well we have time and exploring down here, crystals that are much like pontite have been discovered. Calming, force sensitive and able to let your mind focus to feel the force more. We often use mephite crystals as they are common but pontite is special for a jedi to have and when they construct their saber it should be there to remind them. We've also found solari crystrals that are potent with the lightside of the force which might have been one of the things that drew the ancient jedi here. THe amberite being living gave it a more natural tie to life. All theory of course." She had never found anything to discount her idea or support it so why not.

Plus as she was walking and more things went by, some creatures but mostly it was one of the tree beings they had here, jet black eyes and skin tinged green and brown. The beings roots traveling along the tunnels as the natural cave formations gave way to the carved stone and markings to say which way they were going. The pathways to the higher points in the jungle for instance were something she could go along with and enjoy while leading the way. The light down here strong and with that shade of amber where thecrystals were growing to bighten it up.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel followed her Master into the cave. It felt as if life was at a more leisurely pace than of late and the young Padawan wondered if her constant demands for updates and itinerary might offend her Master in the end. Patience was another virtue she was not overflowing with and although just sixteen, she knew that in order to fulfil her destiny as a Jedi, she would have to curb this part of her make-up. But saying it was one of her virtues was a significant overstatement.

“Exploring is good,” she said, keen to see the different saber crystals and wondered if their different properties would be obvious to her, even if not imbued with the Force and in a saber. “I am not in a rush, Master.”

She found her attention drawn to a tree that appeared to be moving before realising it had eyes and wondered for a fleeting moment if it was a Neti – but unsure if it was capable of speech, thought better of asking it, or her Master, for fear of offending it. Then she noticed the natural caves were becoming sculpted, shaped, and were clearly excavated. And she could sense as well as see the amber light cast by the crystals. They caught her attention and she wondered if they would be suitable for a saber?

“Master, do Jedi ever used these amber crystals when crafting a lightsaber?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

"Some of them have been used, it is a very interesting reaction. My daughters use crystals with the amberite and have learned to communicate with it. Maks their connections to their blades more personal." That was one way to help things move along she had found with all of the work they had been doing while she was pushing ahead a little into the tunnels. "The species that came from this system colonized all of their worlds nearly, ten planets that they found large amounts of force crystals and materials not many saw." THe jedi master had a look on her face while she looking at things.

"In these tunnels though you can find any number of things for yourself. We have worked with the locals and learned about the large number of older force sites." There was a number of things while coming along to give them some of the better sections to explore. "We don't need to rush so practice the force here. Let your mind expand outwards to feel the life energies and that spark that is most of their lives. The different senses the jedi can use are slightly more different to use. Detecting the faintest heartbeat and pumping of blood throughout the body to that ability to hear and almost smell a lie when people speak."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel closed her eyes. She felt at peace without even trying here and wondered if it was because of all the crystals? Regardless, she listened to her Master’s words and stretched out with the Force, looking to sense all her teacher had indicated. She had never before felt so connected, both to the Force and the world around her. She knew the Force was in all living things, but she had never felt that connection so acutely.

But as she did so, there was an entirely new experience. She couldn’t just feel her surroundings, she could see them – except with the Force. It wasn’t pin-sharp but she could make out her Master – a bright white light close by – and all the creatures nearby as well as the crystals. They were varying shades of white and as she concentrated on them, she could make out detail. The walls of the cave were just walls to her however and she opened her eyes, keen to check if her vision was accurate. She turned around, only now realising that this mental image went all around her – even behind where she was standing.

“Master, I believe I have experienced Force Sight. Not knowingly, but in searching with the Force.” She closed her eyes again, keen to repeat the experience. It took a few seconds but finally the general sensation of her surroundings became a mental image once again, although the general detail was not great unless she focused on a small part of what she could see. She also noticed her range was limited, only a dozen or so feet in any direction. “Is this something that improves with practice? You see I forget the theory, it has been a few years since I learned of it as a Youngling.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

"It is like force sight, a form of it but you will be able to shift it to see and sense different things. Detecting the small electrical impulses or people and living things but also you will be able to feel droids or electronic devices." That was the real benefit of it, the ability to see and feel the droids with the force allowed you to get an idea of things going forward, or detecting the mental impulses of those concentrating to hide themselves in the force." She had worked on much of the things while going forward into some of the rooms with crates. "They have been mining in here for the run off crystals to use in training blades but they also sometimes find exotic materials people can use."

Matsu was looking through it and aurodium was there as she had fashioned a lightsaber hilt from it before and regal looking was always a nice thing for some of the jedi that were doing thing. It gave her something to do while going forward with more of her attention on how her padawan was reacting and testing her senses. "There are other skills you can learn to use with these." Matsu tagged the crates for the droids to take while she was setting the course for them to the Botany bay. "There are some ideas I can think of to use with these crystals and you might like it for traveling around the galaxy."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel listened and took notice. It was truly a long time since she’d learned of the ability and not until now had she been able to tap into it. So the theory behind the practical application was most welcome and informed her that there was a lot of scope to learn and grow in her use of it.

“I don’t want to overload my brain,” she said – hanging on her Master’s every word. “I’d rather be a Master of some than a solid performer in too many, but I think learning a little of a lot is good, as then I can see where my strengths lie. So far I know I’m good with droids and have a natural aptitude for healing – but I don’t want to be a Healer though. So any suggestions would be welcome.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu listened to her and oh there was plenty that they could do and learn. She had just the thing for trying to learn what you were good at and what path you might take... but her padawan was young. More then able to take her time and figure it out. They could spend months just experimenting with force abilities and saber skills to see where her real talents laid. "We can do that, I have taken the opposite approach compared to most. Going for a generalist perspective. It allows for more adaptability in situations and I am able to train far more people. You are young and have no need to get your life set in stone. We'll experiment and find some enjoyable ways to test your force skills."

She was just there and heading back out while watching the girl. "But there are some skills all jedi should know, they are base, instinctive and often times overlooked by masters teaching because they do not think techniques should be taught. The ability to keep yourself warm in cold weather, to purify the air of toxins around you, how to hold your breath, how to sense a lie or deception... plus a handful of others are very important to a jedi. I have made gear to compensate so as not to insult their masters but it can only go so far." A sad truth while she was walking. "Another good trait a jedi should have is the ability to blend into the area. Not by bending light or being invisible but by leaving little impact or signs they were there."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel listened and took it all in. Her former Master focused on her behaviours as opposed to her abilities and schooled her in the basics of Push, Pull, Telekinesis, Sense and Meditation – things like that,

Maybe the life of a generalist was for her? To have an ability for every situation? To be entirely flexible and adaptable? Except she was keen not to be second-rate at anything she did. To have knowledge but not be the best? There were decisions to be made all right but her Master was correct – she didn’t need to make her mind up any time soon.

“I think the abilities you speak of are ones all Jedi should possess and I am sadly lacking. Except Breath Control. But that’s only because you have taught me. So please, as and when you think I’m ready, teach me. I know every Jedi says they’re a willing and hardworking learner, but I am most definitely.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Well that was good news to hear and looking at the face of the girl as she thought about it... There was a lot on her mind for learning things plus one of the things she had seen. "And I shall, I can teach you many things and plan to the real question is what will you do with it. I might be a jedi master and you my padawan. It is my goal to teach and train you but I cannot tell you wrong from right. I cannot tell you that fire is hot. I can nly let you make the decisions for yourself. A number I have seen forget that and forcing their students makes them want to rebel, but hopefully having some freedom will give you."

Looking at the young woman while she was leading the way and stopped mostly to wrap an arm over her shoulder so they were walking together in the low light of the tunnel. Matsu noticed and pointed out some more of the crystals befoe showing the pathway up into the jungle. Leading up while it changed to the large trees overlooking where they had been in the city with the ship between them and the canopy of the jungle. "One other skill all jedi padawans should know is how to have some fun. You can see the ship ahead, before we leave I want you to drop all formality and have a race back to it. However you would like to."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel listened intently. It was a balance she had always considered – between doing her own thing and what the Jedi and the galaxy needed. But she knew she was required to play to her strengths regardless, it was just knowing what those strengths were. That was the tough part.

She appreciated the welcoming arm of her Master on her shoulder and looked at what was shown to her and was so wrapped up that she didn’t realise what her Master had said until the last moment. “A race? Really?” She was quick – very quick, but that was about close proximity. She was fit and a decent runner – but if the Force was involved, who knew how she’d fare.

“You’re on,” she said and was running before she finished the sentence and then, using the Force augmented her speed and took great leaps too. And she laughed as she travelled, in a way she hadn’t since. Well since she could remember. Since her Master died there had been no humour, and life with him was serious, deadly serious. The sound was strange to her ears but it was also intoxicating and she vowed to enjoy herself a little more. “Come on slowcoach,” she shouted back, “Last one back pays a forfeit.” She cared little if she won or lost the race. This feeling? Well, she was the winner already.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at her change, she was in her head, serious, concentrating and thinking about things.... That was still there but the girl seemed to lighten up and have her mood shift as she took off before a count. Matsu waited a moment and focused the force as she crouched down low and was setting some limits, the skills she had done with the Aing-Tii were well cheating and the training she had done with Corvus was not fair in having fun. So she could do this as she took off quickly and used her speed with inertia to clear more distance. The force ability surging her forward while she moved with parkor style with the trees and branches.

She wasn't worried about winning or losing, this was about practice when she could sense her padawan leaping and going between two trees as she turned to her side tofit through it. Coming down with a roll and twist pushing off with more force energy until she was climbing up into the canopy with her feet pushing off the trunks of the trees. She could see the girl down below and the ship in the distance. Her arms pumping with more energy until she slid down under a fallen trunk rolling backwards pushing off the ground with the force energy launching herself back up into the air before she was surging forward with a smile.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel’s focus was forwards – she was just a Padawan and multi-tasking was a challenge for her. She was channelling the Force to speed her up and had a simple awareness of what was around her. It meant she did not sense her Master catching her and was surprised – she was expecting to be caught by now. Instead her usual senses revealed what was happening. She heard her Master above her, using the trees to navigate and travel at a greater speed than she herself could. She smiled, it was not something she had thought of – her own mind had been quite linear, literally. She saw a broadly straight line and followed it on foot.

And it was too late to change tack, so instead she simply poured all the energy she could into her forward direction and speeded up slightly, although not quite enough. Yet the feeling was so exhilarating and liberating that she simply did not care that her Master got there first.

The ship grew ever closer and she made sure she did not slip or trip and albeit a few seconds behind her Master at the end, her face was beaming and she doubled over as she looked to regain her breath. “Give me time and I suspect the result might be a little different.” She looked into her Master’s eyes. “Or maybe not, who cares. It was fun – and I’d forgotten what that felt like. It was as if being a Jedi had become nothing but a duty and happiness was forbidden. Of all the lessons you’ve taught me so far, perhaps this will have the greatest impact.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Well that was the best she could want if nothing else. At least her padawan would understand the need sometimes for a tension breaker before she looked around at the ship and they were looking over some of the things. The hanger doors closing and letting them get inside as the ship was taking off for crystalsong. Resupplied and stocked up with fresh crates of supplies that the smaller droids were stocking up as well as some plants and food for a few of the creatures. Matsu was looking over most of the things they had set up for everything before starting to head out as she looked at the girl.

"That might be one of the best things, it might not be the most ideal lesson but being so serious all the time eventually you will burn yourself out and have nothing else. I tried being serious all the time and it will make you miserable." She was focused on some of the things though leading the way through different sections of the ship. "We still have plenty of things to do and you have done so much already, we shall work on some of the things within the gardens." The jedi master was looking at some of the things while she stepped into the far section of the garden going around. "Is there anything you would like to work on while we travel."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel made sure she did not get in the way of the droids as they loaded crates onto the ship and she patted one or two and spoke to others as she clearly understood the chirps and beeps that comprised their language.

And then she chatted to her Master once more, nodding her understanding and agreement to what was said. “Of late I have become a loner. Unable or unwilling to relax. But it felt so good and in no way wrong. I need to make sure I do more of it I think.”

As they headed to the gardens, an obvious thought came to Sorel’s mind. “Force Healing. I don’t mean to be a Healer but I can relieve pain and stop blood-flow, is there anything else you can show me?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu was looking at the girl and it was a hrd thing. The idea of something being wrong was a hard one to counter but there was a difference. She wasn't wrong, too much of something fun or good could be dangerous but indulging yourself every now in then when it wasn't dangerous. "It is not wrong to like something padawan, a jedi should have no attachments, not allow their emotions to cloud their minds and actions but to deny that they exist or that sometimes you just need something silly to make yourself relax and smile. That is not a bad thing, it is sometimes needed and helps. As me and the grandmaster discovered from our experiences repressing something for so long and then releasing it can become to addicting in a jedi knight or master. It is a way for the darkside to worm its way into them."

Her and Corvus had worked to understand it from an analytical standpoint when the subject of sith torturing jedi to turn them to the darkside.... well they had learned it made sense and the more restrained the jedi, the more they suppressed and kept themselves in a bubble the more dangerous and faster they could fall. It wouldn't happen for all but they had both seen plenty of jedi turn over the smallest things or flip from dark to light because they were bored and only a couple who took their vows and duty seriously enough to be endangered. While she was thinking about that the jedi master moved over looking at her and teaching force healing. "Force healing... that is always a useful skill to have, we can work on it now. Though it is harder unless you have a practical thing to work on." That could be worked on though.

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