Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fires In The Skies [PM for Invite, Vitae Public Dominion]


Sheila had found a place to direct things from, with a comlink one one of the soldiers and herself under the protective armor as she squeaked from under the soldiers armor. Some of her thoughts going towards the small bit she could see out of. "Alright move forward and do what you can, take the high positions and rain down fire upon the infidels.... Purge the heretics and anyone taller then your leader.... Me." She had a few of them looking around as taller then four inches got a laugh and she was giggling "Come on lets go and rmemeber if they shoot at you, you shoot their hands. If they kill one of you we kill ten of them, if they bring a rocket launcher we bring an orbital strike."

Solan's feet dragged over the ground as he stared at it, his eyes scanning over its surface and looking for anything or anyone that might be alive. His own movements though showed a forcing of each step. As every time he had thought he found someone, it was simply just another corpse, most of the time beyond recognition and it made him sick when he had found a young girl torn apart by what he could only assume was a mad man looking to live. His eyes closed as he had to hold back losing his lunch at what he saw. He sometimes hated war but this... this was worse than even the horrors of that. It took everything for him to turn away and call for someone else to retrieve the body and run a dna print on who this person was.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
Rexus nodded his head to his wife in agreement to both of her statements, they needed to save the people inside the school from whatever was destroying these folks. Hunger did awful things to people and it was now tearing this town apart piece by piece, if they had gotten here sooner then it's possible these people Rex sensed would be dead.

Walking through the school gates Rexus walked up to the sliding doors and waved his hand against the locking mechanism. The door quickly opened up and the group of individuals walked into the abandoned halls of the school. There were a few noises coming from around the corner, probably people coming to see if the doors had been breached. Soon a young man holding a blaster pistol turned the corner and pointed the weapon at the group of marines and force users.

"We are with the Vitae Alliance, we are here to help." Rexus said softly and lifted his hand to use the force to have the man point the weapon down.

A look of panic flooded the man's face as his arm was manipulated through the force then a sense of relief flooded him knowing help had finally arrived.

"Hold on! I'll get the others!" the man said as he turned the corner and started to run to grab other survivors.

"Everyone get your nutrition bars out, these people will be very hungry." he said as he began to rustle through and grab at his suits pouches to get the food he packed for the people.
[member="Rexus Drath"]


She looked at him he was natural leader, she smiled and then said Look I will lead them out of here, you find any more okay? As she waited for a reply, she sent back message to ships to bring food and water to forward bases. This way the refugees would be fed and watered sooner, as it would take time for them get gear down. Medics would come later, once they knew the area was secure for them to work in. She stood waiting for him to say go, she did not want to leave him but it was the best choice. That one should stay, and one should lead the refugees back to the camp.

The Prince gazed over the ruins of a once thriving civilization, perched upon the remains of one building's walls. Although his eyes were no longer his own, he could still see what the city used to be; a place of greed and lies. Some would say they were innocent, but no one was truly innocent. Everyone was guilty of conforming to the material need and guile, even the little white lies told to their partners. Even Aros himself was guilty, yet he seeked redemption. On this path, he would protect what innocence he could, even if it resided in the guilty.

To do this, he had to find those who's guilt surpassed that of the norm. In such a place of ruin and death, it was disgustingly easy to find those still pumping with the need to commit themselves to guilt. Scavengers they would call themselves, but they were nothing but robbers. Thieves who took their chance to pick off the bones of the dead and the innocent.

No one is innocent.

His head flicked aside, pushing away the commanding voices. He could do this alone, he didn't need them. Aros was a hunter, and his prey approached. Several of them, dressed in scraps of metal and leather. Off-worlders, no doubt, come to take what they can and sell it wherever they could.

It can not be allowed.

They were below him now, laughing away. How could they laugh at their actions? Did they not see their guilt?
The time approached.

Yes, now is the time.

Claws, clearly Vong by nature, extended from between each knuckle on his right hand. The scavengers did not hear the sound of flesh parting, but they saw the figure dropping down towards them. Aros landed atop one, breaking his ribcage by landing straight on top of him. A swift thrust downwards sent his claws through the man's neck, a gurgling sound of death confirming his deed.

Deserving of judgement.

Pulling the claws out, he rushed for one of the others who fumbled for the rifle on his back. He was too slow, too heavy with the stench of guilt, to react in time. His stomach ripped open within seconds, none of the material protecting him able to stop the weapon the vong had gave him.

A gift, used well.

It was down to one final man, who had managed to unholster his pistol and aim it straight at the Prince. Was this it? Was this his end, so soon?
Tap. A pebble, thrown lightly at the man's back. His head turned, his eyes locking upon the child who threw it.

A mistake.

Swift as a hawkbat, Aros plunged his claws into the man's heart. One singular grunt came from the mouth, expelling his guilt-ridden lungs. When the claws retracted into skin, the body fell to the rubble.
Aros too gazed upon the child, who cowered behind part of a wall. He examined it; it seemed different from most...
It seemed innocent.

No one is innocent.

"Don't be afraid..." The rough voice of The Scarred Prince croaked, his hand beckoning it to come closer.

[member="Sabrina Kotass"] [member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Sheila"] [member="Vulpesen"]

Evania raced up behind her father and clung to his leg. She looked up at him, but there was no sign of fear in her face, though the emotion probably was assaulting his empathy. The little Vahla was doing her best to keep calm as she came to help her father. She scanned the wreckage with him, her eyes falling on the torn apart body Solan had been staring at. She had seen something similar on the streets of Nar Shadda once, but it was still hard to witness. "What can I do to help you daddy?" [member="Solan Charr"]

[member="Evania Charr"] be my posting buddy

Sheila was moving with her troopers and stopped as they got to a place that was a little warmer and she stuck her head out of the coat and spoke looking at the girl she could hear. "Don't help him... help me. I need someone to not let my wings break and these guys need someone who they won't squish." A smile though was on her face as she stood there. "I'll tell you a few secrets about special pets on my homeworld."
[member="Evania Charr"]


Solan stared still, not realizing that Evania was there at first, not even paying attention to his empathy at first until she spoke. Her words were like a jolt of electricity as they hit him in the chest and woke him up. "Huh... Evania, i thought i asked you to stay on the ship..." He knew she was going to leave it the moment he had asked her to stay there, she was a kid and curiosity was the main thing about them. After a moment he thought about her question and looked around before staring at the body again. "Lets go help give food out to the survivors... head along, ill be right there."

Evania nodded at her daddy and started walking towards a small tent in the distance with some refugees crowded around it. There were makeshift tables in front of it that groups of refugees were sitting around, eating a small meal together. The grateful looks on their faces made her smile a bit as she walked. She heard the little winged creature speaking to her and turned to look at it. "I'm sorry Miss, but my Daddy needs me to help him. I wasn't even supposed to leave the ship. Maybe you could come with us though?" [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Sheila"]
[member="Evania Charr"] [member="Sheila"]

Solan stayed behind for one reason and his eyes cast down the moment he once more looked upon the body and sighed. Reaching up he needlessly snapped his fingers as he willed the body infront of him to heat up to the point of ignition, burning it slowly and removing it from contaminating and causing any disease. The smell was the most horrendous part about burning someone, but he had gotten used to it and there was no one around to be driven sick by it. His eyes remained on it for a few more moments before turning and heading for the direction his daughter had gone in.

Evania stood off to the side of the tent, waiting patiently for her father to catch up. She saw him walking towards her in the distance and waved at him. The little girl didn't really know where to start with helping pass out food, so she was waiting for her father to come and join her. She raced up to him again and hugged him. He looked so sad and she wanted to cheer him up by being there for him. [member="Solan Charr"]

Sheila looked at the girl and got lifted up out of the pocket as she spoke. "Tinks titties it is still cold even in some thermal layer." Sheila motioned to get brought over to the girl and curled up for warmth in her hair while she was moving. "ALright then I shall go with you kid, now lead the way and later we'll get some ice cream... I know the grandmasters credit card we'll be able to swim in it."
[member="Evania Charr"]


He flinched as she grabbed onto him again and looked down at her with a sad smile. "Come on, some people need our help Evania..." He put his hand on her back as he kept walking but still seemed distant. He soon brought her to a spot where they were handing out bowls and soup, his hand waving off the two that were there. "Ok Evania, you and me are going to hand out soup to people, you give them a bowl and ill pour it for them. Ok?" He would wait for her answer, still seeming lost though in his own words as he looked off at the people waiting for a moment.

Evania giggled as the smalled winged creature curled up in her hair. She looked up at Solan and smiled though. "Okay Daddy, I understand!" she walked as calmly as she could over to the stack of bowls and grabbed a few of them. She passed on to the first person in the line. "Here you go!" she said with a small, encouraging smile. The Vahla thought that maybe if people could see her smiling even in the face of such a terrible tragedy, it might give them a bit of hope. [member="Sheila"] [member="Solan Charr"]

[member="Evania Charr"]

Sheila was looking at the little girl handing things out and she had the best seat in the house... nice and toasty, there was a chance for food and she wasn't looking out over everyone. She could actually look up.. not to just hop the grandmaster could hurry up and work his way towards the real goal of the order. Getting a dance club created so they could drop that bass. She was giggling and moves looking at the girl. "So who is your daddy and what does he do?"

[member="Evania Charr"] [member="Sheila"]

Solan poured it into the first person;s bowl and glanced at his daughter as she smiled. That was something they all neeeded and he knew it. But he could not bring himself to really smile too at the moment. Turning his head though he saw something else, the tiny fairy thing that was Sheila. Hyperactive as always and a bit of a ear hurter concerning the voice and the way the fairy thing talked. But she was not hurting anything and keeping up the spirits of others so he supposed he would not speak to her unless it required him too. Instead he helped once more and poured the soup into the next bowl.

Evania continued handing out the bowls as she talked to the fairy thing. "Solan is my daddy and he does lots of stuff! He's teaching me how to spell words and soon I get to start learning how to read! He rules Kesh and helps the Vitae. He rescues people from slavers and he saved me from living on the streets in Nar Shadda! He's my hero!" Evania explained cheerfully as she glanced over at her daddy. The little girl never once paused in handing out the bowls though. [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Sheila"]

[member="Evania Charr"]

Sheila looked at her and spoke. "Bah you don't need to learn how to read. You can go and have fun, get with an ashlan wolf for the vitae. I named mine Justin... he is on the ship." She smiled though looking at the people. "Plus you'll never get to spend time if you get through everythign with him, I spent all that time ith my father like that."
[member="Evania Charr"] [member="Sheila"]


"Who even gave you a Ashlan already, those are meant for after people's knighting..." He glanced over at the Fairy as he heard it perfectly and then poured soup into the bowl of the person infront of him. IIt was a woman, maybe 30 at least, if not more. Her face was covered in dirt and her arms and hands cut up a bit by the ruins. It made him sad but he just looked on to the next person as he listened to his daughter and the fairy talk. Certainly strange people.

"I wanna learn to read though! My mommy used to read me stories before she died. Daddy doesn't have time to read to me, so I need to learn how to do it on my own!" Evania replied as she handed a bowl to a little girl about the same age as her. She smiled at the other girl and waved a bit. The little refugee smiled back and continued on to get some soup. "Am I doing a good job, Daddy?" She asked Solan as she turned to look up at him. [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Sheila"]

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