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Approved Tech Fellsong | The Blade that Hungers

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  • | Intent | To submit a sentient blade.
  • | Image Source | Source
  • | Canon Link | N/A
  • | Permissions | Courtesy of Vaulkhar Vaulkhar for allowing me to take up this submission.
  • | Primary Source | [ x ] / [ x ] / [ x ]


  • | Classification | Sith Sword
  • | Size | Large
  • | Weight | Extremely Heavy

  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
  • Levitation
  • Aura of Insanity
  • Aura of Life Drain
  • Soul Devouring Gem
  • Lightsaber Resistant
  • Sentient
  • Force Portal
  • Absorbs Force Light
  • Forcelayer
  • Grants Wielder Superhuman Strength
  • Immortal
  • | Sith Lord | Fellsong was once a powerful Sith Lord from ages past. In an attempt to forge a Force Nexus into this blade, he ended up binding his soul to the blade, thus granting the weapon powers associated with him, and by extension powers, he can grant the wielder. Fellsong is able to speak through telepathy if they are in direct contact with the wielder as well as the minds of anyone that might be linked to the wielder. As Fellsong is bound to the crystal, he is essentially immortal so long as the crystal remains intact, something that can be repaired through consuming the essence of those that have been stored within it.
  • | Soul Devouring Gem | The nature of Fellsong allows for it to disrupt the passing of one's soul or spirit into another realm by consuming their essence to empower both itself and its wielder for a short time. The more it consumes, the stronger its abilities become as it stores their essence within the corrupted Kyber crystal located in its hilt. Those slain by Fellsong with an attunement to the force grant even greater power.
  • | Force Portal | Fellsong is capable of tearing open rifts within time and space, allowing for it to be summoned anywhere in the galaxy as well as granting passage to its wielder so long as the entry/endpoint is not hindered by the effects of Force Nullification fields.
  • | Lighteater | Though most Dark-side artifacts are typically harmed severely by the effects of Force Light, Fellsong corrupts it and consumes it.
  • | Force Strength | Those Fellsong deems worthy of wielding it are granted enhanced strength to allow them to wield the blade with greater proficiency.
  • | Aura of Insanity | Fellsong constantly exudes an aura of madness upon its wearer. Weak-minded individuals who wield Fellsong as well as those in close proximity to it will easily have their minds broken due to prolonged exposure/contact.
  • | Aura of Life Drain | A double-edged sword that can be of detriment to the wielder if held for extended periods of time, Fellsong will start to sap strength from its wielder if their hunger and bloodlust is not sated by those of its victims and enemies.
  • | Sentience | Fellsong remains sentient and of its own desire despite centuries of time passing by. Those who are unable to bear its essence and desires will fall to its corruption and become enslaved by it.
  • | Entity of the Force | Like any entity/artifact of the Force, its abilities will cease to function under the influence of Force Nullification fields.
  • | Hunger | For Fellsong to retain its abilities and function in its full capacity it must be fed, otherwise, it will not be able to perform at full strength.

Fellsong - The spirit of a Sith Lord from ages past who tampered with alchemy and unwittingly bound his very spirit to the blade he forged. Thus was the birth of a bloodthirst blade born, filled with a gnawing hunger whose been passed down through time, moving from wielder to wielder, driving the weak into a suicidal frenzy of madness and subsequently consuming them. Fellsong chooses those he deems worthy enough to wield him with great scrutiny, allowing his boons to be granted to those he believes will further empower him. Only those who have possessed a hunger even greater than his own have been able to wield his blade to any degree of effectiveness, and even then time would atrophy them to the point where they can no longer withstand his hunger or will; that is to say, until the likes of ever hungering, undead Darth Bellum came into possession of his blade.
Shortly after the death of Kor Vexen [Darth Bellum] during the events of Operation Kyber Dark and shortly after when Vexen's corpse had been incinerated and his lightsabers destroyed, the ensuing wave of hunger that came from the destruction of three embodiments of hunger in a single spot had brought forth Fellsong, like a moth to a flame after having ripped open a portal to find its next wielder. The spirit of Kor Vexen having manifested itself as an avatar of war in the form of Darth Bellum soon came upon Fellsong, sensing its intentions and bringing it under his command. Since his acquisition of Fellsong, the corrupt blade had slain many foes that stood in the Lord of Eternal Conflict's warpath, and thus continued to feed both of their unquenchable thirst for blood and hunger.
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