Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Family Matters

Alicio frowned deeply at the answer Faith provided, trying to hide the expression with another drink from his cup. He didn't like the idea of Sith sniffing around Alderaan, although it wasn't a surprise to him. Unless he was mistaken, a previous monarch of the planet was instated by the Sith after they conquered it.

"'Flesh Raider' isn't a term I've heard before," Alicio ventured, obviously confused. "What does it mean?"

Alicio turned his head towards the entrance. There was small rap at the door. Was it the city designer? Perhaps they could help him step into his role in Sanctuary City. But once the person on the other side entered, all thoughts of Sanctuary City and Flesh Raiders evaporated away.

Alicio stood up too fast, and a few droplets of his tea splattered on the table he set it down on. "Claire?"

Growing up, Alicio was not affectionate. He shied away from family gatherings, deep conversations, or even physical contact. But all of that was abandoned as he saw his sister. A few quick steps took him to to her, but he paused right before getting within arm's reach, suddenly unsure of what to do.

"It's been so long. How..." There were so many questions Alicio wanted to ask, but they all got caught in his throat before he could ask them.

- Faith Organa Faith Organa - Claire Organa Claire Organa -
Stunned her eyes just watched him, she took in the details of his face, his eyes, the way he walked so many things that made up her younger brother. oh by the goddess it really was him. Claire felt like she couldn't breathe he was walking to her.

She didn't acknowledge Faith who had stood up, she didn't here the door behind her closed by Becca, nor had she realized she was walking to him. Slowly she reached over cupping his cheek in her hand, "Alicio" Again unsure was it really him, how many times had she lived through in her mind this meeting, this reunion of family. of HER family.

She started to smile her hand moved down to the upper part of his arm, "Its really you, it has....been so long....too long" She didn't want to cry but she felt it brewing inside of her the emotions slowly rising until she couldn't stand it any longer, she wrapped both her arms around him, stepping closer to hug him.

"Are you ok?" she whispered.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Faith had stood up when Claire entered she had prepared something to say but this was better.

She realized that whatever else was needed right now Claire and Alicio needed time together. "if you two will excuse for a moment, I'll leave you alone. Alicio we can talk more later." She nodded to her cousins.

Her own heart ached for them not in sadness but in happiness watching them together it was good they had each other right now.

For a moment she wanted her own family around her but that wasn't possible was it. Faith moved around to the balcony doors, stepping outside to let Claire be alone with her broth
Alicio didn't have words. Or, he had too many? He didn't quite know which, and didn't quite know if it mattered either. As Claire touched his face, his eyes found hers, grey meeting brown. All his mental preparations, his composure, melted away in an instant.

The need for a hug overcame him at the same time it did her, as he wrapped his arms around his sister. He held her tightly, unwilling to let her go, in case she evaporated before his eyes. He blinked hard, trying his hardest not to burst into awful sobs, and only succeeding marginally.

"I'm... I'm fine. Really. I'm really fine," he managed. He barely noticed Faith's exit, although he did nod at her offer to continue their talk, but quickly returned his attention to his sister.

"How are you? Where have you been? How are you... here?"

- Claire Organa Claire Organa -
Oh my goodness he's so tall how did that happen? But he was here, goodness he was here. She held onto him even though there were in this protected place she knew in her heart that each time one of them came out of the shadows someone out there noticed.

"I live here over in Crevasse City, I have a clothing business and I try to make nice to people when Faith needs me too. What are you doing here?" Here in a place they had always been taught that would take their lives.

She didn't think he was fine even as he kept saying it, she just held him tighter. She would help him to be fine.

Faith had slipped away Claire could just hold her brother. It was all going to be ok...she hoped.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Alicio chuckled a little, feeling his eyes sting. He didn't want to ruin Claire's clothes, but he didn't have much say in the matter. "You started a clothing business? Did you make your ensemble today? If so, I apologize, I may have gotten it a little wet."

He finally pulled away from the hug, staying within reach of his sister. Alicio put his sleeve to his eyes, dabbing away the tears that managed to break his composure. "I couldn't stay hidden any longer, Claire. I... I came to Alderaan. Queen Faith was kind enough to schedule a meeting. And... here I am. And here you are."

"I had no idea you were on Alderaan!"
He wish he had known, he would have gone to Alderaan sooner. A shadow passed over his eyes. "After you left, I didn't know if I would ever see you again."

- Claire Organa Claire Organa -
After she left. How long did she suffer from the guilt of leaving but she and her parents had decided if she was going to have a life then she would need to live. They all did.

"I wasn't sure I'd see anyone again. Last I knew Tori was on Nar Shadaa but I couldn't find her and no one would say if they knew her." Claire reached over entangling her fingers with Alicio's, "Let's sit." Before she lost her balance from the weak knees that threatened to put her to the floor.

"Let's see where to start...I don't know if you remember but I did some shopping for a number of people, I liked it so I started out doing that. But as things went along I realized I wanted people to wear clothes I designed, so...I switched gears. So I transitioned Contessa from personal shopper to designer. and this" she touched her shirt, "no worries you need clothes I'll design you a few things just for you. One of kind with some spider shell silk a light armor to protect you from knives and close shots."

She finally let out the breath she had been holding. "Will you be staying here on Alderaan?"

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Alicio frowned, thinking of his other sister, Victoria. He had always been closer to Claire growing up, but Tori was often on his mind. He wondered what she was doing on the Smuggler's Moon. The Treadways, correction, Organas, were no strangers to the underbelly of the galaxy. He hoped she was well. Hoped beyond hope.

Alicio nodded as Claire suggested they sit, and he found his place again, and realized after a moment that he'd spilled his tea. He picked it back up again, guilty of the drops on Faith's poor counter, and trying to smudge them away with his glove.

"Doesn't that all seem a little... excessive?" Alicio smiled, still a little giddy at having his sister so close again. If he were being honest, he would wear anything she made for him. "I'll wear it regardless."

At her question, Alicio shrugged. "That was the idea in coming here. I wanted to help Faith make the galaxy safer. It looks like I might move into Sanctuary City soon. Step into the public eye. I'm sure Mother and Father will disapprove."

"Have you seen Mother and Father recently? How have they been?"

He'd left for his studies a long time ago.

He didn't know.

- Claire Organa Claire Organa -
"Sanctuary City is up and coming lots of people in need, tryin to figure out where they belong, like us. I think its a good fit for you because you know what it is like to be separated from family, and not know what happens next." She remembered how much she liked being alone it meant no one else could get hurt it was why even now after everything she was alone. There had been one that she thought would be the one...but no.

She could handle it, being alone.

The he asked about their parents, feth she swore under her breath he didn't know. "Nubia, Alderaan, Balmorra they've all suffered attacks from the Sith it was hard to stay away from the evil that popped up literally everywhere." She stared at the floor she was going to have to tell him. Kark.

"Alicio" her voice was soft whispering as she held his hand tighter, "I don't know how to say this without it hurting." She looked into his eyes the question was slowly turning as perhaps he knew before she uttered the words, "They are gone Alicio tried to get them to leave but Nubia had become their home. They were safe until they weren't. "

She wouldn't tell him the other thing no the reason Tori was on the smuggler's moon...drugs she was fighting it, using it, selling it and lord knew what else. But maybe between them they could find her and convince her to come home. But that was another day.

"They'd be happy to know we are together." She waited to see his reaction.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Alicio nodded solemnly at her take on Sanctuary City. That much was true. Probably better than any other royal family, his and Claire's knew what it felt like to be adrift, alone, afraid. But they had always endured.

They were survivors.

But something changed in Claire's countenance. A darkness Alicio couldn't place. Not until she started talking. She held his hand tighter, but his was slack, as his mind tried to fight against what he was hearing. It wasn't making sense, what she was telling him. Not unless...

Alicio stared off into the middle distance, processing what Claire was saying. "They're... they're dead?"

His face was still as he disassociated. All of a sudden, the world felt off, like a dream, or maybe a nightmare. The tears began again, but they were silent. Colder, somehow.

He couldn't tell how much time had passed before he could speak again.

"I don't remember my last words to them," he breathed, squeezing Claire's hand tightly. His throat was so dry.

- Claire Organa Claire Organa -
She wanted to find a way to comfort him holding hands was good. "It was probably something like, do good in school, make lots of friends, see you at break" She smiled.

"They were always supportive ya know proud of all of us for enduring. They knew we were strong because of" Well because of everything you don't leave a world with nothing to go and build a new life somewhere else. They had all done that the only reason they were able because their parents made it possible, made it a game, made it fun, made sure they knew why there were no lies.

She inched a little closer just so they could be together.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Alicio wiped his eyes with a sleeve again, feeling a little silly for crying a second time, for a very different reason. Despite the gravity of the news, he felt ashamed of weeping, for some reason. He faced away from his sister, hiding his tears, despite it being blatantly obvious he wasn't taking the news well.

He held onto her hand tightly.

Alicio managed to compose himself and look back at Claire, his eyes red, contrasting his normally-grey eyes to appear deep blue. "Because we don't give up, when everything looks bleak. We keep going." No matter what, they perservered in the face of adversity.

"Thank you for letting me know," Alicio said, trying to keep it together still, and mostly succeeding this time. "Does Victoria know?"

- Claire Organa Claire Organa -
It was a stillness in the room as if it too was holding a silent vigil for the loss of their parents. She really had not spoken of it with anyone not even her cousin. She just couldn't find comfort in it how could they possibly understand their family just because they had the same name didn't mean they automatically thought the same, shared the same views...or handled grief in the same way.

"Tori knows but she's" Claire paused why did she have to give him all the bad news in one day, why couldn't it wait be done in levels. Maybe if they 'ripped the band aid off' then it would be better. "Tori has developed a spice problem, she seemed to get away from it for a while tried getting life back on track but when our parents died it seemed to take the soul out of Tori. Her strength gone. I've tried to find her a few times but she just slips away like some whisp of smoke that's pushed between the cracks escaping."

There it was she said it.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Alicio had left his family to pursue his education. When he had left, he'd known they were broken, disjointed, pushed down by the universe they'd put so much effort into. It was tough for them, but they had always managed to survive.

Looking back on it now, that was nothing compared to the grief he was feeling now.

It was punch after punch, and Alicio felt each of them hit him hard. Not only were his parents dead, but his older sister was damaging herself in hiding somewhere on the Smuggler's Moon. He choked back a surprised, strangled sound. "No," he said, defeatedly. "She wouldn't..."

He found the middle distance again, retreating into himself, finding a bit of introspection in his moment of weakness. "We all deal with grief in our own ways. I understanding... finding something to ease the burden. Retreating away from people. I get that."

"But... I would like to see her. Maybe if she knew I were alive, she might talk to us? I don't know."
It was a long shot, but after losing half his family, Alicio had a burning need to see the other half safe.

- Claire Organa Claire Organa -
Hope it was the one thing her parents had always given her that strength to not accept defeat laying down and get up because tomorrow offered hope. She nodded, "We can go to the Moon look around for her maybe we can bring her home. Maybe you are the sign she needs that all is not lost, that we are still family"

Without their parents that bound them together the only way they would remain so was to put forth an effort to remain close. The galaxy twisted and turned each and every day with some new change. They could change, better.

He was so young to have to take on so much but it was that way every where. They either dealt with it, or sunk under the weight. She couldn't ignore it anymore, she would have to face the pain of it.

"Want to go to the moon?" A question, and up to him.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Alicio seemed to retreat further into himself as he considered, passing the back of his hand over his lips in thought. Usually, he would keep his inner monologue to himself, but not fearing any judgement from his sister, Alicio shared it out loud.

"Is that safe for us? Two nobles from the Alliance trouncing into Hutt space looking for another noble in hiding? We would have to get our names out there to find her. If the wrong people knew we were there, or if they traced our message back to Tori..."

Alicio was cautious as a rule. Painfully so, at times.

"I don't want to make things worse for her, and as I now have duties on Alderaan, it probably would not be responsible of us to try to find her. But..."

Alicio squeezed Claire's hand, eyes growing stormy. "Despite all that, I feel like it's our duty to find her. At least to make sure she's alright."

"It wouldn't be smart for us to go,"
Alicio conceded, "But it feels dumb for us not to try. Does that make sense?"

- Claire Organa Claire Organa -
She smiled he certainly did catch onto the situtation quickly, "No it's not safe, anything could go wrong, and yeah the wrong people could try tracking us and goddess knows what could happen. But Alicio the one thing I've learned in all of this we shouldn't live our lives in fear all the time. Who knows maybe Tori seeing you will bring her home"

It was a sliver of hope for certain for if they could find Tori, and could get her to talk to them maybe and it was a big maybe they could bring her home.

"I agree we should go find her. I can arrange it under my design company..who knows maybe some Hutt wants a cape." She laughed and it made her lighter inside. She sequeezed his hand, "We are family we do what we must for one another."

"When do you want to go?"

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Alicio wanted to shout out 'right now!' He needed desperately to ensure the safety of the family he had left, especially after hearing the news of their parents' deaths. He wanted to hold them all close, and never let go again.

But his better judgement got the better of him, as it often did. "A few days. That would give you time to find a buyer, and myself time to get settled here."

Alicio finally let go of Claire's hand, and cradled his cup of tea once more. "But after that, we go. And I swear we'll find her." The nobleman stared into his cup. "We have to."

- Claire Organa Claire Organa -
"A few days it is then, and yes it will give me time to make some other inquiries. I'll see if she is still at the Pink Palace with Breanna Volsh Breanna Volsh she offered to shelter her if she needed it."

Breanna was a bit of an odd Zeltron, she wore the loud colors, and had all the tendencies of one but everything else about her just didn't always add up.

She smiled at Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , "Will you take an apartment on the Sanctuary Coast near the City?" She wanted to know where he was, he was all she had left here on Alderaan. She would exercise her older sister rights. She reached again for his hand squeezing it then letting go. a sense of assurance maybe all she knew was that inside she felt recharged again. She wasn't alone.
"It sounds like a plan then."

Alicio had been alone for such a long time.

Well, nearly alone. He'd always had his bodyguard, Ivarra, and he had picked up a few long-term tutors, but he hadn't made many friends, no one close to him. Seeing his family again, however small the family had become, made him feel as if he could touch the sky.

But the family wasn't whole yet. They were missing a sister.

"Well, I must finish up my studies at the university in New Aldera first, but afterward, yes, I think I will." Alicio grinned, feeling fatigued due to the sheer number of emotions he had felt today. "Do you live nearby? Perhaps I could visit your
residence one of these days."

He wondered briefly what kind of home his sister would keep. Was it smaller, like the home they grew up in, or large in the style of an Alderaanian noble?

- Claire Organa Claire Organa -

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