Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Family Feud | GA Dominion of Thracior

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
Location: Thracior
Escort: 78th Company of the Galactic Alliance Marines
Objective: Achieve lasting peace on Thracior
Theme: Dominion Over Thracior
Focus: Auteme Auteme ll Astraea Tagge Astraea Tagge ll Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto ll Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
The elder noted the two dark hooded figures who joined Yug'Dab in the tent. Adhira had been accompanied only by Auteme Auteme , a few nameless diplomats, and two marine soldiers from the contingent. The rest of her escort remained outside. The presence of the two cloaked women was confirmation enough that something not quite right was afoot on Thracior. The Alliance had received intel that a tribe of witches had been responsible for the crippling illness that had befallen Iola Ecin, the previous warlord of the Tantt. However, it was not until a marine discreetly leaned forward and whispered confirmation in her ear that the Senator knew for certain.​
She smiled politely at Auteme and held out her hand for the datapad that contained the terms of the "treaty agreement" she and the Alliance had drawn up for the Tantt and Hsni tribes. "Chieftainess Ydal... Warlord Yug'Dab... on behalf of the Alliance, I thank you both for agreeing to meet here today in the interest of peace," she began, pretending to read from the pad, "as mediators of this... difficult situation, we have outlined a few terms that we believe are necessary for putting the tensions on the planet to rest."
While Ydal seemed pleased at the opening statement, Yug'Dab shifted uncomfortably in his seat while his witches shifted behind him. Adhira noted the tension from the Tantt side of the large hut before proceeding.
"Esteemed Warlord, Yug'Dab... will be given dominion over Thracior,"
She began, to the audible surprise of everyone in the room.
"Provided he severs ties with the Witches of Thracior and restores Iola Ecin to her rightful place as leader of the Tannt." Her dark eyes had a coldness in them when her gaze fell on the warlord. The Hsni representatives jumped to their feet, seemingly more outraged at the allegation of witchcraft than the imaginary terms of the treaty. Yug'Dab, on the other hand, had a mixture of delight and horror on his face that could only be described as 'waaaaaaah.' He seemed to struggle for a moment, but when it looked like he was going to speak, an arc of green lightning paralyzed the lanky figure and gripped hold of almost everyone else in the room.​
The two witches had uncloaked their pale bald heads and were screeching horribly as they electrocuted the interlopers. Adhira forced Auteme's head under the table and followed quickly after her while the marines and other diplomats along with the Hsni were hit with the full power of the lightning.​
"Get the KARK in here, Lieutenant!" Adhira wheezed into her comm.​

Location: Thracior
Objective: Peacekeepers - Protect the GA Diplomats
Focus: Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra ll Auteme Auteme ll Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs ll Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto
Astraea watched skeptically as Aston returned to his place and seemed to strike up a conversation with the Alliance Admiral that had decided to join the mission at the last minute. Her entire career in the Galactic Alliance Defense Force had been plagued by wannabe Skywalkers and hot-headed flyboys. They always knew everything and wanted more. She'd put more than a few rank-and-file soldiers in their places with a swift, well-aimed kick. Any delusion she wouldn't do the same now was foolhardy. Yet, still it seemed her patients would be tested.

Once more, Aston approached the stony-faced Lieutenant, hand in hand, apparently desperate to earn her favor. Every marine who'd accompanied the detachment to the hut fell silent and watched in awe at the gall of the man who approached her for the third time. She was going to have to break something of his. She just knew it.

Luckily, before that became a necessity, her comm crackled to life. The Senator was calling for help from inside the hut. Astraea could hear the crackle of what sounded like electricity and the screams from inside. In her official uniform, Astraea had nothing but a blaster as her sidearm, but that was all she would need. As the other marines hustled to her position she burst through the flaps of the hut to witness two apparent force users electrocuting the rest of the room. As the two witches attempted to turn their ire toward her, she ducked forward and sprung up in front of the first.

With all of her might, Astraea placed a well-aimed punch directly into the right side of the chest of the first cloaked figure. While some of the residual lightning did crackle into her body, the witch's eyes grew wide in horror before she dropped to the floor, her heart stopping entirely as a result of the punch. The marine drew her sidearm and began to fire on the second witch but she had just enough time to turn her bright green arcs toward the soldier.

Astraea felt her body seize and her blaster dropped to the ground as she took the full force of the lightning.
Objective: Peacekeeping
Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto

Aston glanced to the side for a moment as he got a sense of uneasiness within the hut and it wasn't just a few seconds later that he heard a cackling sound and the order coming from the Senator. Aston didn't immediately follow behind the Lieutenant as he gave a shout towards the troops. "Defensive position around the Hut, NOW!" Aston wasn't sure what was going on and he didn't know what else was in store for them. He knew that the Senator needed to be secured at all costs. If there was any incoming interference from beyond the marines that were here they would be able to defend this position as the remaining party secured the target. In this case Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

Aston entered the hut just as Astraea Tagge Astraea Tagge was hit with force lightning. The man's hand immediately shot up as he sent a force push towards the witch blasting her into the back of the hut. Aston wasn't a much for a force user of that caliber, so he had to utilize other methods. "Senator Chandra?!" Aston shouted as he glanced around the room as calmly as he could amidst all the carnage that was before him.

A few more Alliance Marines entered the hut and it was just then that he could see the senator and the Padawan Auteme Auteme under the table. "Come on!" Aston said quickly as he held both this hands out towards the two to help them up. "It's best that we vacate you from this area immediately Senator." Aston took a deep breath as he then turned his attention to Lieutenant Astraea. "Come on Lieutenant. On your feet, we need you." Aston summoned the blaster pistol that she lost to his hand and with his other he held it to her to help her up. Fully intending on placing the blaster back in her hand. Apart from all of his flirts, he could sense that she was strong and proud. He had a feeling she wasn't going down without a fight.
if they're watching anyways

How quickly hopes for peace could turn to ash. She hadn't entirely been sure what Senator Chandra had hoped to spur in the Tantt and the Hnsi delegations. Mentioning cutting off the witches, while they were in the room? Perhaps not the best move. Perhaps spending more time buttering them up, easing them into it would've been best... but as soon as the thin wahlord slumped in his seat Auteme realized that he'd never held any power to begin with.

The senator pushed her under the table as a green lightning filled the room, striking the Hnsi and the GA entourage. They screamed out in pain as the electricity slammed into them. Moments later the marines entered the hut, the lieutenant managing to strike and knock down one of the witches before she was in turn the target of a cascade of lightning.

Time seemed to slow as Auteme searched for a course of action. She was a Jedi. It was her duty to protect these people. She had to stand up and take down the witch.

Fighting violence with violence.

She watched as the Hnsi chieftain screamed out in pain, her body shaking as the stream of electricity burned her. Auteme couldn't bring herself to cause pain to, much less kill another person. She'd be no better than the witch there. But she just didn't know what to do.

She felt a gust of wind pass through the entrance to the hut, and with it came a simple thought.

Trust the Force and it will answer your call.
The padawan closed her eyes, but in a moment of clarity she realized that she could now see more clearly. There was always another way. The Force... it didn't want her to end anything, because life was part of the Force. Her mind fell quiet and calm, and she heard the call clearly. Auteme stood and turned to face the witch, slowly raising her hand. A look of rage and fear crossed the witch's face as she aimed her hands at the padawan, intending to destroy her with whatever evil magicks she possessed.

In an instant the hut was flooded with a blinding light emanating from Auteme's hand. The witch screamed, her focus broken and connection severing. The marines and Hnsi were freed from the witch's attacks, though most were unconscious from the constant stream of lightning.

"Cause no more pain," Auteme said calmly. The light intensified, then vanished, and Auteme opened her eyes. The witch was crying from the initial strain on her eyes, but aside from that she had no wounds to speak of. She tried to raise her hands and use the Force, but nothing came of it. Her connection had been severed.

Auteme then turned to those who had suffered injuries from the Force lightning. She focused energy into her hands, which began to glow a soft green as she began to heal the minor burns and other injuries of the Hnsi and marines. Force lightning was meant primarily to cause intense pain rather than lasting damage; soon enough the injured had been healed and Auteme began to help them to their feet.

With the ordeal seemingly over, Auteme felt a calming warmth in her heart -- her soul, even, if such a thing truly existed. The power she'd held for even a moment had been terrifying yet comforting. It was as if a close friend had lent her a helping hand in a trying time. There was a familiarity, yet a feeling of something beyond. In truth she felt as if she'd done nothing at all. The padawan didn't feel tired from the healing or the Force light. She simply felt fulfilled and at peace.

//: L U C K Y //:
//: S T A Y C A T I O N //:
//: C O R U S C A N T //:
//: P R A Y E R //:


The moment I wake up before I put on my makeup, I say a little prayer for you.

Sun cut through the apartment's windows, cascading over a bed that was far too big for one person. A woman laid still passed out holding onto a pillow too tightly, most likely dreaming that it was someone other than the pillow. The sun continued to rise, working its way up to blind the woman as she slept. Allyson Locke wasn't the prettiest sleeper, especially if she had been working non-stop. The bed was a mess, her leg twisted in such a way the sheets looked more like a rope that threatened to strangle her. In all her glory, a small spot of moisture collected just under her open, slightly snoring mouth. The light blinded her, causing eyes to flutter open and limbs to stretch each way till toes and fingers curled. ​

Allyson Locke laid starfish in the bed as she stared up at the ceiling that had become familiar. It had been quite the whirlwind of her life ever since she had returned to the Core. Each moment she was starting to feel human again, her walls crashing down, and because of him. Reaching up, Allyson grabbed hold of the pillow that he usually rested his head-on. Her face was soon buried into it, just reminding herself that she missed him. ​

Another thirty minutes passed as the Corellian fought off another bout of sleep. It had been some time since she had found herself with some off duty hours. Being forced to take time off after her insertion into the Zweihander Union was a quality of life change that the SIA did better than the SIS. There had been many times that the woman had to look at herself and remind herself of who she was. It was easy to lose yourself in work, forgetting where you started, and the alias ended. Being able to have a moment to feel like Allyson again was healthy for her mind, especially after what had occurred on Ilum. It was lucky that Ryv had been with her. ​

Moving out of the bed, she made a quick beeline to the closet, his side specifically. The man had some really comfy t-shirts, and she was going to take advantage of having free reign over them since he was gone. Fingers moved along dress shirts and other articles of clothing as she searched for the one she wanted. Her humming echoed through the apartment, a light song, classic from an era long gone. Allyson remembered her mother would hum while she cleaned and moved about the house early in the morning. As the Jedi found herself becoming happier with her life, fond memories of her childhood were remembered. She felt better remembering them now, no longer feeling the devastation of the guilt she felt over their deaths. There were good memories, and Allyson needed to always remember them. ​

Finding the white shirt, she grabbed in and slipped into it along with a pair of his comfortable sweats. His body type was much larger than hers, so the clothing usually hung off her lean frame. It didn't matter much; Allyson preferred this. It meant that she could curl up comfortably and lose herself in the loose clothing. In the room, a full-body mirror caught the woman's attention. Swaying back and forth, she modeled the casual outfit and smirked, until the sweat pants were no longer wanting to hang off her hips. As if there was a pesky ghost, the sweats dropped to her ankles, and Allyson scrambled to catch them. Even though she was alone, panic set in as the sweats fell. "Karkin, hell." She pulled them back up, tied the drawstring as tight as she needed to, and then wandered into the living room. ​

Hunger was the enemy, and she needed to quell it if her day off was to continue without any issues. Grabbing eggs and some bantha bacon, she quickly began to whip up something simple for breakfast. The song still in her head as she decided to start singing, "I say a little prayer for you, at work, I just take tiiime, all through my coffee break tiiiime...Oh! Caf!" Pausing the Corellian remembered Caf and started to make a pot using the Force and her command of electronics. "Forever and ever, you'll stay in my heart." She continued to sing as she scrambled the eggs and fried the bacon. It seemed the universe worked out for her, and Bait woke up and started to play the song she had been singing. ​

Allyson lost herself in the moment and danced. She used the spatula as a makeshift microphone. "Darling, believe me! For me, there's NO OH OH OHHH ONE BUT YOOOUUUUU, please love me tooo! This is my prayer! Answer my prayer!" As she finished and flipped the eggs, she plated them and the bacon. Bait had used his little torch to wave back and forth as she finished. ​

Sitting at the table, she noticed a game system in the distance. A grin spread across her face and wondered how many games she could get through (while demolishing his high scores) before he came home. ​
Nar Shaddaa
Isaiah’s Dwelling

Standing over his bed Isaiah packed what few belongings he had. His entire life able to be fit into a single duffle. Was it the warrior ways of a Mandalorian that caused him to be that way? No. Was it the minimalistic lifestyle of the Jedi? No. Those would’ve been reasons for a younger Isaiah. No, the reason was because in a way his entire life had been stolen from him too many times. He just couldn’t risk building a new one and starting over again. The pain, immense. The sorrow, overwhelming.

Reaching to one of the lower drawers on the nightstand, the exile slid it open. Inside an ornate case. One that bore a mixed mark, a combination of two symbols. One side bearing the mark of the Mandalorians. The other possessing half a symbol of the Jedi. The wood was inlaid with golden designs.

Lifting the box, one of Isaiah’s hands coasted over it. The sensation of his fingers grazing over the inlays brought back memories. Memories that felt as if they took place a lifetime long ago. Of a youthful Jedi, a naive one. One who thought they Jedi could do no wrong, who fought much as any other did. Who had been nothing but a soldier since his induction into the order.

Head bowing, Isaiah placed the box in his duffel. Its contents known to the man, yet it was not the time to retrieve them. It was not his place to do so. He hadn’t earned it, he didn’t deserve it.

Hefting the bag up and across his back, the one-time Jedi made his way to the door, his hand seizing the handle and opening it. The sounds of Nar Shaddaa welcomed him. The beginnings of a new life awaited. A new cause, a mission to set things right. In the name of a friend.

Casting a final glance to what he’d called home for the past few years, Isaiah felt an odd sense of relief and something else. Something he hadn’t felt in a long long time… Excitement. Without saying a word, without leaving a note he exited the home starting his new adventure.
Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
Location: Thracior
Escort: 78th Company of the Galactic Alliance Marines
Objective: Achieve lasting peace on Thracior
Theme: Dominion Over Thracior
Focus: Auteme Auteme ll Astraea Tagge Astraea Tagge ll Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto ll Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
The screeching of the witches was absolutely blood-curdling, but the almost harmonizing effect it had with the pained screams of the others. Adhira could see flashes of bright green light from under the table and the legs of other diplomatic staff and Hsni faithful convulsing as the lightning undoubtedly pulsed through their bodies. It was not long after her call for help that the doors to the hut burst open and the powerful legs of an Alliance Marine in full uniform came bounding inside.​
She watched warily as the lighting changed direction before one of the witches collapsed to the floor, her cold dead eyes staring blankly in Adhira's direction. The Senator watched expectantly as the legs of the marine set in the direction of the second witch, but the moment never came. As the Hsni and the diplomatic envoys were released, Adhira's own personal escort was lifted into the air by the force of the lightning. It was not long though before another entered, a Jedi and the cloaked woman was sent soaring across the room. Adhira took the opportunity to get out from under the table, urged by the Jedi rescuer. "Release me!" Adhira shook the billows of her robes as she escaped the grasp of Aston and others who urged her to leave.​
"We are not finished here yet," the diplomat hissed as she approached Yug'Dab to ensure he was still alive. As she did the second witch lept to her feet again, but it was not long as Auteme Auteme met her with a blast of blinding light that made Adhira shield her face with her cloak. She heard another thud and when she looked again the witch had collapsed to the ground, dazed by the light. "Well done, padawan," she smiled at Auteme.​
"Arrest her... and Warlord Yug'Dab for conspiring with dark forces," she commanded as more marines and Hsni entered the tent. The surviving witch had her hands bound and her mouth gagged while Yug'Dab was simply gripped firmly by two Hsni soldiers. "Chieftainess Ydal, I believe we've finally found the true culprits for Warlady Ecin's disappearance." The native Hsni leader seemed injured but relieved to hear the news.​
"And now, thanks to the brave efforts of our Jedi, our soldiers, and the steadfast members of the Hsni and Tantt Clans, for the first time in centuries, peace has come to Thracior," once more Adhira stood on the ramp leading to the Alliance transport ship, but this time she was joined by Chieftainess Ydal and reinvigorated looking Warlady Ecin. "The witches of Thracior have been thwarted and taken into custody and the rightful leader of the Tantt has been restored." Applause erupted from the native clansmen and clanswomen at the base of the ramp.​
Adhira nodded to Iola who stepped forward to the leader of the Hsni and presented a bright green jewel as a symbol of the peace between the two clans. In return, Hem presented the leader of the Tantt with a sparkling sword of silver. The two spoke in their native tongue for a moment, but the GA diplomats understood perfectly what had happened. "May this peace... and Thracior's membership in the Alliance last until the end of time and may we all grow stronger from this union!" Adhira smiled at both leaders and basked in the adoration of the crowd below. Not only had the Alliance settled an ancient dispute on the Core word, but once more, Thracior felt itself embraced in democracy.​
Mission accomplished, she thought proudly, winking at Auteme.​
Location - Thracior
Objective - Peacekeepers
Tags - Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Astraea Tagge Astraea Tagge Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs

The Admiral was taken by surprise by the random appearance of witches. He had to admit, he was skeptical of the warlord but...conspiring with witches? The galaxy never ceased to amaze.

"Warlord Yug'Dab, by the authority vested in me by the Galactic Defense Force I hereby place you under arrest for conspiracy to assault a diplomatic delegation. You have the right to remain silent but anything you say can and will be held against you. You have the right to an attorney, if needed one shall be appointed to you." It was an instant response to seeing the purple clad warlord being escorted away in chains. They never learn, he quietly thought to himself.


"Senator Chandra, I didn't get a chance to meet you. I'm Admiral Lord Myneto. I'm Lord Arthur of Balmorras son." The Admiral was very curious of the Senator. She was good, really good and honestly speaking he wanted to learn from the best.

Or at least meet the best. Either was good for him.
Objective: Peacekeeping
Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto Auteme Auteme Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Astraea Tagge Astraea Tagge

The flash of light caught Aston off guard for a moment as it did the job necessary to secure whomever else wasn't dealt with already. He couldn't help but smile and nod his head towards the Padawan. "Nicely done." Aston voiced giving a big nod of approval. The senator clearly wasn't going anywhere as the had stated with just a few short words. Aston did't know much about her, but from this brief time he learned a few things that he was impressed by as well.

The senator didn't play.

Conspiring with the forces of darkness was a risky business and it came with a heavy cost. Aston knew this above all else, he had those that he cared about and even knew some that were shrouded in darkness at one point and perhaps still where. Aston glanced to a step back as the Admiral stepped forward to formally charge the with and Warlord Yug'dub for their conspiracies. But this ensure what was probably going on for a long time. They did a good job, they should be proud.

Aston stood near the back as he watched the exchange and he couldn't help but smile. If the rest of his days were like this, he felt he would die a happy man. It brought a warmth to his heart, and to that end he just stood with his arms behind his back and enjoyed the nice breeze.
Objective: BYOO

Theo looked at the basket it was filled with Alderaan artisan foods. Something in him just knew that this wasn't the gift you gave a warlord. He might even be insulted by it. Theo stared at it a bit longer, yep it's decided it is not going out of the ship.

Can you imagine the headlines, Theo Vereen loses his head over a basket of baked good...that's embarassing.

What was he going to say? And to who was he going to say it?

"There's a settlement coming up." Theo looked out the view from the co-pilots seat. "Ok...well....let's start here and see....what happens next"

What was going to happen? What was going to be his bright idea for this? He needed it now be ready and speak plainly.

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