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Erik's Studio [CLOSED]

5. If you don't give me the feel/style you want while requesting a signature (not the colour scheme, but the emotion or feeling the signature should give off), I will reserve the right to deny your request as I don't have time to learn everything about your character and the current state they are in.
Wanted to announce a new rule. It's directed to nobody; I came up with it last night, unrelated to anybody's request. This is to ensure that I make the best signatures I could and to explore new different styles.


Padawan Fluffaluffagous!

I'm looking for a new forum sig.

The pic I like to use is this one:

& this one hopefully with out the words:


"We must face our destiny without fear, but with courage."

The feel I'm looking for is a defender of justice/guardian. If it's possible I like the sword blade turn into a lightsaber like the color to be purple. Color I'm looking for blue and light purple.

Thank you for you're time.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
[member="The Squirrely"]


Could I have a "Mutant Hybrid" Rank Title, please? Preferably one with a slightly nauseating green, veiny background. :p Something like this:


It'd be fitting, for a once-human, now plant-human monster hybrid person thing. :D

Thanks a bunch!
[member="The Squirrely"] If you have time Mr Squirrel i would love a signature.


Mood: Creepy, This character is literally supposed to be a very dark and creepy psychopath. So how ever u feel to accomplish that is very fine by me, artist are best given creative license :)

Qoute: When men become nightmares.
[member="The Squirrely"]

Hello, If it's not too much, I'd like a signature made. I want it to represent my character's past, with any kind of quote related to being a slave or assassin if you could do that. Maybe have it be a sort of underworld/slum theme with a picture of a Yevethan. If you would do that I'd be super grateful

[member="The Squirrely"]

I'm not going to further add to your load of art that you are working on, or will be working on, but I will leave this here and request that you get to it at your own leisure. It is not a necessity, and thus can wait until you have a little more time on your hands. Please don't feel overloaded with the addition of my request among the others that you have- work on it on your own time. :)

This Image will do fine by me, but if it does not work for you - let me know and I can change it! I don't have a set theme in mind right now, but Coryn is fairly light-sided with his darker aspects, so something to that effect would do nicely? I don't have any specific text in mind either, so you can just place his name in the signature if you'd like. If you'd like any other details necessary to complete this set, please let me know and I will answer any questions you may have!

Thanks in advance! And, take your time :)
[member="Kurogan"] -- I'm sorry, but your first link didn't open up for me and I am not sure if I can work with the second one you provided me. Is there any way you could link me the first one in another way (save it to your computer and upload it to any image hosting site, perhaps)?

[member="Desios Denaan"] | [member="Jak Sandrow"] | [member="Ghast Ral'Ghoul"] | [member="Omi Rin"] | [member="Javik Quar-Kai"] | [member="Coryn Raxis"]

Hope you like them. They were seriously fun to make for me, I have to note. :) If you want any changes, don't hesitate to ask!






[member="Pridon Nozadze"]

I am trying to get into making them, but at the moment it's one of the things I have not yet learned how to successfully create. But if you do wish to get one in the future, I'll let you know if and when I manage to start making animated signatures. :)

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