Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Episode V: Akala Strikes Back

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Galaxy Map:
Netherworld Map:

Episode IV: No Hope

Characters with an EVEN USER ID have been left behind in the Galaxy. You start in Episode IV.

Characters with an ODD USER ID have disappeared from the Galaxy. You start in Episode V.

You can find your user ID's on your profile page. It's in the URL - the number that comes before your name. Link




You sit upright. The smell of blood fills your nostrils. You taste metal on your tongue.

A thousand screams echo in the darkness.

You look up to see a green-lit sun. It barely lights your surroundings.

Are you on a planet? The atmosphere seems breathable. Gravity seems fine, as you stand.

More screaming.


It's getting closer. You try and shake the dizziness. Are people fighting? Is this a battlefield?

It's deafening. Like a thousand souls wailing in pain.

Perhaps more.

You recognize a few words in the darkness as you trek to a higher vantage point to see what is happening... they seem to be chanted in unison.

And you witness... for what stretches until the horizon...

millions... upon millions... of other lost souls

looking for answers.

The few words you recognized?



You have your weapons and your clothes.

You do not have the ability to use the Force in the Netherworld.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Ace"] @Daella Faenor

Alexandra blinked as she heard all too many voices, her mind unable to focus as something very wrong was going on. "I know i didn't drink that much last night..." Looking up at the green sun she stared, dazed and confused, her eyes then dropping to look at the area around her as she noticed the two forms she recognized. "DAELLA, ACE." She Tried to reach out with her right arm, finding it mended and healed, impossible as last night it was still as damaged as ever. "W-what is going on..."

Daella Feanor

"Hmm... Now this is a..-..Ugh...Why can't they just stop..." She outright stated, holding onto her ears and started to cry. "M-Mommieh... Mommieh... Where are you. . ." She couldn't hear Alex through the several voices that she heard around her. She would slowly start to walk forward, and sniffed. The girl was lost and scared.

The Verpine Sniper Rifle clattered to the rocky ground like a discarded plaything. The monster was gone, and so was Corrin. Just moments ago, he and his little sister, [member="Rawnie Tal'verda"], had been facing off a grotesque beast deep in the bowels of Mandalore. The heir to the Tal'verda clan had fired upon the monster in his panic, and suddenly he was here.

Wherever here was.

"Nolan?" He called instinctively for the only adult that had been nearby in the cavern. "Rawnie? Mom? Wolf man?"

Nothing. He chanced a look around, only to see legions of people that looked like they were stuck together. For a boy who had never left the snowy forests of Mandalore's north, it was disorienting.

He stumbled away from the mass of people and fell hard on his back. The boy grimaced, and caught himself with his hands. He was still draped in the heavy furs required to survive in those snowy forests, and the snow still clung to the wolf's fur he wore over his shoulders.

"The world will be covered in flames, little one. Your family will not save you."

The ghost wolf's words, as Corrin had named the specter of the north, rang true in his mind. It had wanted to warn him of... Whatever this was.

With trembling hands, the boy scooped up his Verpine, pulled back the bolt, and hastily shoved another round into the chamber. He held the weapon close in the manner a child might cling to a stuffed toy. It was his only comfort.


Force have mercy on my soul, it was but a brief thought, barely more than a flicker as the formless beast looked upon the vast plains.

No horizon, no skies. Only screams and blood and the smothering air of despair all around xem. Suddenly, Laguz feels blessed to have been a Shi'ido all his life; it was something to provide priceless experience for the hollow xe is now. No shape, no body... just an emptiness xe couldn't describe. A moment of compassion embraced whatever was left of xir being.

How must the others fell, then? Xe was prepared for this — as much as one can be prepared for Hell — but the hordes of the lost and moaning under the sick green light were bound to feel desolate.

@Anybody | [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Darkness. Wailing.

It was all that surrounded Horak for the longest time. He had no idea how much time had passed. He had no idea where he was. The Mandalorian groaned. He opened his eyes, his armor's systems and HUD awakening with him. The nav tools were going haywire. So much for that.

Verz looked at the sky. The sky was greenish black. It was an ugly, sick color. Verz stood up, then almost collapsed again. His head was pounding. His mouth tasted like beskar. Verz settled on sitting in the sand, while he gathered himself. He still had his shatter-pistol, thank the Manda. He also had a few clips of ammunition, and an empty canteen. If he found water, that would be useful.

He still had his head and his beskar'gam.

Whatever this was, he could survive this.
It was horrid. Awful. Terrible.
Chills ran down the woman's spine while the taste of metal filled her mouth.
Then came the blood. She spat it out, coughing hard, gasping for breath.
What had happened?... It was the poison in her veins. It had to be.
Drapeam Nyx forced herself to stand up.
All she could see was darkness.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Daella Feanor"]

The sounds were as deafening to her as well, her eyes trying to pierce the darkness until finally she came into contact with the small girl that was her daughter by chance, almost running her over by how blinding the utter darkness was and kneeling down to wrap her hands around the small girl as she leaned her head against the Girls. Her hands covered Dealla's ears as she looked at her and she made a quick shake of her own head as if to say dont worry, that she was here right beside the girl.
He could hear screams from all around him as he pushed himself to his feat. No matter where he stared all he could see was visions of pain in all direction. Only one thought ran through his head, 'Where am I?'

Checking over himself he could see he was wearing his usual outfit, which caused him to shed his brown cloak in the sweltering heat, and had all his weapons. After a few minuets of trying to sink into the Force to evaluate the situation, and failing, the true horror of the disaster made it's self know. Feelings of fear welled up inside of him but he crushed them before they could affect him.

In the distance he could see the figure of a man he could see and made his way, stumbling, over to [member="Nickolas Imura"].

As he walked over he pulled out his Holodisk and said, "HAELI, power up and run self-diagnostics." With a flicker the purple image of HEALI appeared.

"Error, can not access main memory banks. Error, can not access secondary memory banks. Accessing on-board memory banks. Running analysis. Power low. Running emergency protocol 7. Personality memory blocked. Shutting down, only access through voice command." Then HAELI flickered out of view.
Location: Section 1:Blood Wastes

The air was the first thing that hit her. A reeking foul stench, the stench of fire and burning flesh. Vassara opened her eyes and beheld a dark vast void above her head. The black rock below her felt uncomfortable and cut into her back. Where was she, what the hell had happened. Grunting the spacer woman rolled over, pushing off from the ground and crouching to survey the landscape.

The blood pools boiled with searing heat and spires of bone rose into the heavens for as far as the eye could see. In her vision she beheld dreaded monsters walking to and fro, moaning with their flesh itself burnt from their bones. Half ghoulish creatures of nightmare, akin to reavers.

"What happened?" Silas grumbled, stirring next to her. The orange clad spacer companion pushed himself up and crouched next to her.

Vassara gripped the stock of her shotgun, pulling into her tight.

"Don't look now Silas, but I think we just went to hell?"

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Rawnie may have been a tough little snow angel, but she was still a little girl. The second she blinked, the second she awoke somewhere new and strange, she felt tears spring to her eyes. It was easily the most emotional she had gotten in her life. No. Not really emotional. Just plain scared. Everyone looked scared. Everyone? Who was everyone?

She heard her name called. She heard it so close. That was right! Corrin! She had been with Corrin! That monster. Gone? But how? She didn't care anymore. Pushing the knife back inside her holster, she wiped her eyes on her furry white gloves and stormed ahead.

"Corry!" she called, spotting him up ahead at once. She closed the distance, half leaping half falling into him. Her brother. At least she had him. She didn't care about anything. She didn't even care how mad she had just been at him. Nothing else mattered, except that they were still together.

[member="Corrin Tal'verda"]
Hell was the only word I could describe this as.

I felt pain and rubbing my nose I felt sickly. Almost as though I had been drinking and had a hangover. I could feel a void in my chest as the force was gone from me. I could feel the pain like my soul was ripped out of my body. The light above me was eerie and deathly. I couldn't think about anything else but how I was here. Instincts kicked in first. Survive.

Drawing up myself, I could see some people all around. Nothing much in the way of friends of allies. I adjusted myself. I remember being in a fight. Training one of my men in the use of swordsmenship when suddenly I vanished. I had my armor on. It felt somewhat good to know I had something. I also had my weapons. A lightsaber, my sword, and nothing else.

I shook my head. Trying to understand all of this, I saw one person who looked familiar. [member="Laguz Vald"], I believe they were? Kind of hard to tell what gender when they could switch at the blink of an eye. Trying to stand up, I fell over. Feeling like I hadn't walked in ages. Eventually I made my way over. barely keeping myself up.

"You know what is going on?"

Daella Feanor

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

She had screamed when her mother had grabbed onto her. It was more of a scream out of fear and shock then out of surprise. Soon though, she had saw her mothers face, and went to hold and hug her. "M-Mommieh... W-What is this place.. I-I'm scared..." The girl went to cry into Alex's chest, and continues to hold onto her. Soon though, she would get used to the cries of these...(Spirits?).
Arla woke up confused unsure. Her green eyes tried to focus on what was around her the sun was like nothing she had ever seen before it provided little light. Was she on Mandalore any more?

Slowly she found enough balance to stand up, she still had her armor, her weapons, and the grenades that she had just checked out with. But there was a space in her memory she did not know what happen one moment aware the next gone.

There was a sound she tried to focus on it, oh my it was the sound of screaming moving to higher ground to get the lay of the land the view unsettled her soul, how many thousands were out there, and the words that burned themselves into her mind SAVE US.

What was this? Was anyone she knew even here?
A hundred years. Death and violence. Fear of her mother. Love for her sister. The glory of battle washed over her in wave after wave of blood. Jedi, Sith, monsters, armies...everything fell by her hand. She was a goddess among ants. Every moment of passion, every year of war played out like a beautiful symphony in the farthest recesses of her memories. A more complex life she could not have hoped for, but she had been content. Her only regret had been its end, and that end had tormented her since time immemorial.

Six hundred years. First fire, then cold emptiness. When she had awoken aeons ago, at the edge of what was left of her memories, she had been on a battlefield. The green sun scorched her eyes, there were gears hanging in the air, and everywhere within sight had been swords. Nothing but swords. Blades of every imaginable nature. She hadn't had time to take in the sights. There was something compelling her to kill everything she saw. Glorious battle was upon her. The rush of war refused to abate until she had become mad with it. Every year her mind sank deeper into the recesses of her instincts, behind a curtain of constant, maddening need. She had to kill. She had to survive.

Die. Kill. Die. Kill. Die...

Eight years.

What? No. That wasn't right. For eight years she'd been hollow. She'd been incomplete. She had died again and again, because part of her was missing. There was so much she didn't understand, but she understood loss. She had lost so much, and now it was back again. She was complete, and now she could get back to the violence. Back to the battle. The eternal war that still raged, so far away. She had to get back now. She couldn't let these new thoughts stop her.

Thoughts and feelings, though, were something she hadn't felt for centuries. Since long before she was born...and long after she had died. AGH it was too confusing. She couldn't tell what to make of it. There was too much in her head now. Memories that she had never experienced, but longed to return to. Where was her Lynn to make everything better? Where was her Fable to hold until it was alright? What were those names? Why did she know them if she had been here?

It was confusing. It was too confusing. She didn't want to think any more. She wanted to get back to the war. Where was her war? Where was her eternal damned war?!

From amid blood and stains, a figure draped in black leather struggled to her feet. She dripped viscera from every inch of her soaked flesh, her dark hair clumped and matted together by the disgusting bath she'd just awakened in. As if at odds with her body, she kicked and tripped her way to a sharp, shooting bone structure to brace herself against. She stood for several moments, sobbing quietly, before throwing back her head in a mighty, blood-curdling scream.


Kyla Foy

Serena Constatine had suddenly appeared falling softly onto the ground. The baby was crying on her place as she heard screaming from the voices around her, it made her scared, it made her terrified, tears were falling from her cheeks as she wasn't able to do anything at all.
As I rapidly stood up my body instinctively started to look around. This place was different. I could take a philosopher five-hundred cycle to figure out was going on. I stood up and spoke on my wrist com saying "Hello is anyone out there". Nothing but static filled my ears for the next few seconds. I still had my lightsaber and battle armor on but other than that nothing.

I decided to move what I assumed to be north to go find people.
Where was she?...
The darkness was to thick to tell... but this definitely was not the Ossus Academy. Nor was it any of the locations she recgonized from her escapades in the Dream World. No... this was far, far different. With a growl she tried to conjure a small fireball for light. It didn't work. Despite her lack of experience with the force, she had never failed at such a simple task before. Hell... this was something she could do without meaning to. That's how she had lit her cigarettes for years now! There had to be something bigger going on here. Something that made her neck hairs stand on end. If only she could see... Growling she fumbled with her jacket, trying to find her lighter, all the while holding in more coughs. That only lasted a few moments. Once again she was thrust into some sort of fit. Blood and saliva left her mouth in what felt like droves. Really it was only a few tablespoons. Eventually she managed to get a grasp on her beloved fire-spitter.
"At least one damn thing is going my way."
I woke up to the pungent smells of blood. Wait? I woke? I was never asleep. I watched Vulpesen to make sure nothing hurt him. Then there had been a green light and then... VULPESEN! I whirled around, yipping liek mad. Where was he? My bondmate. VULPESEN! I continued like this for minutes. Ashlans were not made to be separated. I couldn't lave him. Where was I? Where was he? What was going o- I felt a hand on my back. No, they took me, they wouldn't harm me! I turned ont he hand and bit into it. GOTCH- Alex! I released the hand, thankful I noticed before I went too deep to cause any major wounds. Oh, thank the stars you're here! I couldn't help it, I leaped onto her shoulder and nuzzled into her cheek, knowing that she wouldn't understand a word I said.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"].

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Ace"] [member="Daella Feanor"]

"Quiet, quiet, im right here..." She tried to say into Daella's ears, her eyes running around her, more screams, more people she could not see and more darkness that blinded her. What in the living hell was going on here, she could only peer at the blackness that surrounded her and she couldn't understand what had gone so wrong as to leave her and her daughter like this. Not only that but she could not hear the voice of Daeda and that worried her more.
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