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Private Eisei supply run

Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She looked at them and well that was a good way to go about it as she had the plan... sertting the speeder so that they would be able to go back to the hanger and she spoke. "Supisy got to see most of them.. there are more in my hanger on the anshin... that one has the larger ships and then there is my private vessel docked at the palace." The Kōgō Heika was a ship few get to really see the interior of." SHe pointed and the aurdoium of it could be seen in one of the sections of the mountain and it went up with the black framework. The private entrtyway leading to the palace and the speeder circled around going towards the hanger as it was opened with the vehicles and the ships themselves. "We are back here... check them out and have some fun."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko's Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

When we arrived I looked over the hangar. Supisy was lucky that I was dealing with my hangover for her first visit and that must have been why she inisited on no questions until after their day was complete. I could go on and on asking engineering questions about the ships present.

Some of them were of designs that I had never seen before and some were some relative of legendary designs I had only seen in holovids. Since I was not able to ask questions I decided to place my vote for nostalgia. I pointed to the one resembling the Jedi Guardian freighter from the Cold War between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire. "I always wondered what one of those looked like in real life. I say we take that one."
Location: Junko's Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy had already seen all the ships in this part of the hangar. She had interest in all of them and not necessarily one over any other. When Latyuo suggested the Saotome Jedi Guardian the Twi'lek pilot was not going to argue. The fact that it was a quick choice made Supisy happy. They could now be on to her part of the compromise, the shopping, which would not go as fast.

"I don't suppose there is anyway I can fly it to the shopping destination?" Supisy wasn't very excited at looking at ships like Latyuo was, but she loved to fly them. "Are we going back to the Anshin?"
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Heading back and finding the ship that they wished for well... it was easier then she had thought it would be... it helped that they hadn't poured over the features most likely. Junko offering a smile. "We do not, the shopping district is easy enough to get to from. She said it and opened the ramp letting them go in and through the ship. THe cockpit opening up as Junko stood there and motioned. "Go ahead and take the seat... we can head out." SHe said it and placed a palm on the console to unlock it as Junko went to one of the seats behind the pilot and co-pilot seat designed for her to be able to watch and be seated a little above the others.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

While Supisy was quickly through the ship once inside headed for the cockpit. I took my time walking through. As part of our deal I was not allowed to ask questions, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t take my time. Investigate the onboard tech and mentally make notes for future questions. And there was a lot to ask about. Almost every system that I passed had something new to ask about. Or at least it looked that way. It was quite possible Atrisians just made their stuff look different so someone like me would have to take a leap of faith or inquire with the Atrisians when repairs were needed.

By the time I reached the cockpit Supisy was ready to go in the pilot’s chair. I noticed that Junko had left the co-pilot’s chair open and taken up a seat behind. I slowed as I passed Junko. “I have so many questions,” I whispered to the Princess. “But I’m not going to disrupt the day for Supisy. Another time. You can walk me through the system? Or have an engineer do it?” I then gave a smile and took the co-pilot's seat beside Supisy.
Location: Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy was quite excited to get into the pilot’s chair of a ship other than the Deviant. It wasn’t that she didn’t love their ship, but she loved trying new things. It took a moment for her to take in the display. It was different, but she figured she’d be able to wing it more or less. Especially when she heard they were not going to the Anshin, but someplace more local. Her hands found the right place to be and she started the pre launch sequence. Latty took her time making her way to the cockpit. The Twi’lek gave her Mirialan partner a glare when she finally made it, but after a short whisper to Junko Latyuo was in the co-pilot’s seat no questions asked as promised.

“Alright ladies,” Supisy said with a grin as the ship was ready for flight. “Hold on tight to something.” She leaned forward and looked as if she was going to shoot out of the hangar as if there was a battle or something urgent outside. Then she giggled. “Just kidding. I’ll fly casual. Junko can be the backseat driver and let me know where to go. I’m gonna need a new bikini I think. For that date we’re gonna win with Yorino. Are there going to be any more festivals? I wouldn’t mind finding a short skirt and skimpy top to show off at the next dance party.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"There are no festivals on the scale of last night... there might be parties... there is always something to celebrate if you go to the right places though." She said it and looked from her chair at the two of them and motioned setting the coordinates. "Take her out and well be ready, the engines might be a little faster then you would expect. We developed them with a duel slam drive so they have top acceleration much faster then other ships." She was prepared for Supisy to go fast and there was a lot of speed in their ships... more so in the fighters as they improved upon the engines and coaxium injectors so they could outpace interceptors. "Though there is also the sleg banks in it that can overcharge the engines and make the ships for faster. We have been clocking the hyperdrives at zero point zero one lightspeed. Generations faster then most blackmarket or military outside of the Commonwealth."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

I was prepared for Supisy to just punch it out of the hangar based on previous experience and her actions in the pilot’s chair. I gave a sigh of relief when she stated she was joking and that she would fly casually. That was an exaggeration. I would make a bet. Supisy rarely did anything casually. She would amp down her flying to respectable, but I doubted it would be casual.

I listened with curiosity to whether there would be any further festivals. And to my surprise I didn’t find the idea of finding a swimsuit a bad one in the least. At least if I had something to wear there wouldn’t be the pressure to skinny dip should the desire for a swim come up. I was quite glad to hear that though there were no planned festivals like the previous night there would be plenty of opportunities to celebrate.

Just as Supisy started to make her move there was a warning from Junko to expect more acceleration than usual. I took in a deep breath and prepared for the worst, pushing myself back into the co-pilot’s chair ready for the g-force of acceleration. Then Junko started talking tech and I was in absolute heaven. I may not have understood the technology, but what Junko said Atrisian tech was capable I was completely amazed. “Zero point zero one? Are you sure? I’ve never heard of a ship capable of that.”
Location: Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy looked one last time to the others in the cockpit. They both looked like they were ready for her to reach supersonic speeds with the touch of a button. Latyuo was likely doing so because Supisy was reckless from time to time with pushing their own ship. This brought a smirk to Supiy’s lips, but little true excitement. The fact that Junko was preparing for speed, that was exciting. Junko knew what the ship was capable of. She warned Supisy of the dangers. Surprisingly Supisy took the warning to heart.

She really didn’t want to have to apologize to Junko or explain to the princess’ people why she had crashed one of her ships if Supisy was not able to live up to her claims of being able to fly anything. Besides, this was just the transport portion of the mission. Once Supisy got a hang of things she could ask for another try at it and show off. Maybe get it out into space.

Gently easing the ship out of the hangar Supisy was glad she listened to the warning. The Atrisian enhancements to the engines was quite a lot more than Supisy was used to. “Latty we need to outfit the Deviant with these engines,” Supisy said with a smirk. “Now just point me in the right direction. Nothing makes my day like a fast ship and a nice shopping trip. Well almost nothing. I think I found something last night that is more interesting.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Junko sat there in the seat and was looking at Latyuo as she seemed to question it in terms of the hyperdrive. "Oh my sweet Latyuo, if you think that is the biggest surprise just wait until I show you what it can really do." She said it with a wider grin on her face as Supisy wanted to know where to go and Junko tapped her armrest bringing up the navigational display showing where to go. "Follow the course, we are going to one of the larger shopping districts in the archipelagos." Junko said it while she was looking voer more of it but... "and should you want to get some upgrades we can see about it.. the engines and hyperdrive are just the start we have developed advanced internal security measures and even ship designed fabricators."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

I giggled as Junko ensured me that her claims of hyperspace rating were accurate, and not the least of the surprises that could be expected with upgrades to Atrisian technology. I suppose that I should not have been surprised. The Deviant wasn’t the newest ship in the galaxy and though I had done some tinkering she wasn’t the most advanced either. Now with our association with the Commonwealth I was hopeful that would change.

Junko gave Supisy the proper directions and then commented that she could make some upgrades available to us. “Those fabricators are amazing,” I said in awe. “They made my elixir from nothing and piping hot too. If we could get one of them in the Deviant I think we would be most happy with that.” I pretended to give a moment’s thought to the other upgrades with a smirk that Junko would easily see, but Supisy would not. “I suppose we could go for a full upgrade. But I would insist on being present for the overhaul. Even if things fix themselves easier than what I’m used to, I like knowing what is in my ship. Just in case.”
Location: Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy followed the directions on the holomap quite easily. The controls of the Atrisian ship were quite responsive causing Supisy to adjust again how she was piloting. If their destination wasn’t to go on a shopping excursion she might have been tempted to just punch it and see what happened. But as she was just as excited for the shopping as seeing what the ship did she stuck to her casual plan from before.

Junko told Latyuo that there was a big surprise to show off. Supisy knew it would be some kind of tech, but since it was in the discussion with engines and hyperspace, the Twi’lek pilot was now interested in that as well. But she kept her focus on piloting. Supisy rolled her eyes when Latyuo insisted on being there when any upgrades were done to the Deviant. Supisy cared about the ship too, but she trusted Junko and just really wanted to have the end result, not make things take longer by asking questions and trying to do work herself.

They came pretty quickly to their destination and Supisy landed the ship with great skill and care. “Next stop shopping!” she exclaimed in excitement. “What are we going to need for our stay in Atrisia?” she asked Junko. “I have a feeling it will be a while since Latty wants to go on the Eisei mission.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She had a grin for the two of them and. "Well for starting and being on Atrisia there is a few things to start. We'll get you both the standard things like a Makie Class Droid and Kirano Interface with its built in Smart Interface Upgrade... that should surprise you for a few things." She said it and as the ship touched down she rose up tapping the armrest to bring up the collected stars as the ship formed into a zeltron. "One of the things that we can give you, our collected stars it gives an advanced system to monitor and defend the ship when you are not around but don't call her an AI." The zeltron looked at her and crossed her arms. "No we are not an AI... and the ship will be fine. The new pilot didn't mess things up to much." Junko gave a frown and well she had based it off of the sirens that Nessa had developed but these were muych more personality. "I at least was able to keep the weapons locked... but I'll wait for you to return princess." Junko offered a smile to it and motioned for the two. "They are great for managing the ship but they develop personalities quickly and usually enjoy that you need them or rather the ship to do things."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

I had to smile at the initial “needs” for our stay in Atrisia. I wasn’t familiar with the makes, but a droid and an interface system sounded very techy, which had my heart soaring. And the fact that I could almost hear Supisy’s eyes rolling to the back of her head made me giggle. I didn’t even have to look at her to know how upset the first thing their host suggested was not some fancy, or scant clothing and fancy art, or a new tattoo or something for Supisy to flaunt around on her perfect little body. I always knew that Supisy would end up taking on more client services as she grew up. She was bubbly and gorgeous and not afraid to use it. That would help us with some clients, especially since she seemed like she was so carefree. But to me she was very predictable.

The ship’s avatar was in the form of a Zeltron. This was something that I knew Supisy would appreciate. I was more interested in what it could do than the visual form it took. I gave a little giggle at the response to even suggesting AI was the proper designation. And a larger giggle when the ship suggested that she had kept Supisy from doing any damage. Though any attempt to activate weapons systems I knew would have been an accident. “Supisy will be happy to have someone else to keep me from nagging her about the ship. Even more if that is the vision that comes along with the complaint. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but she likes pretty things. We’ll follow you Princess.”
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Location: Junko’s Saotome Jedi Defender
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

The droid and miniature interface that Supisy and Latyuo were given were not exactly the type of things that got Supisy excited, but they came from Junko so they were accepted with a lovely smile and even a bit of curiosity. She’d never had a droid before. This would be interesting. As nonchalant as she took the gifts, Supisy was wide-eyed at the appearance of the shape of a Zeltron. She had heard of ships with avatars that helped in keeping everything on the up and up, but that was a little high end for her and Latyuo, at least until now it appeared.

“Ooh. Feisty,” she said with a giggle even as the avatar seemed to insult her flying. “I like a ship that can keep me on my toes. I’ll have you know I’m the best pilot around though.” After a nod to the ship’s avatar, Supisy followed Junko along with Latyuo. “Can they be put into a ‘real’ body? I have heard of that happening I think. It would be nice if the ship gets as naggy as Latty does that I can slap it around a little.” She gave Junko a wink. “The princess likes pretty things too. So let’s go find some more pretty things.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Ehhh I suppose if you wanted to you could use the medical lab to grow a biot body and have it be an extension of the ship... I haven't seen it done but I wouldn't be surprised if you could. The biots and ship intelligence were designed to work together easily." She said it and walking with them she smiled. "Pretty things are always important." So shopping would be the thing and she smiled leading the way down the ramp of the ship into the district. The first thing would be the silks laid out... dozens of colors being chosen by different people to be turned into kimono's with the bolts. Food carts and others playing music. Junko waslking with her hands in front of herself making a look of demure modesty as some noticed and bowed alerting others but she motioned them to rise quickly and not make a big deal of it. "Now where to start? Clothing is a given but there is also food and art and erll we could get you jewelry."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Of course Supisy would figure out a way to make a ship’s avatar weird. She wanted something to slap around if she got frustrated? That wasn’t going to happen. Though I will look into finding some sort of stress relief so she doesn’t take out such frustrations on the Deviant in lack of another person. It appeared even Junko didn’t think the idea was that great, though she did give a theoretic option. “You want a physical avatar for a ship. You can get your own ship. I can see the value of a ship having a voice. The Deviant already has a body. She doesn’t need another.”

For once I couldn’t tell if Supisy was serious or joking, but she didn’t seem too focused on the subject very quickly moving to talk of shopping and finding pretty things. “I like pretty things,” I grumbled under my breath. I wasn’t sure if either woman could hear. I didn’t really want them to. I did manage to look over to Junko and couldn’t help but smile. My hunger usually did not form until the middle of the day so I was ready to jump into shopping.

I had put back on my normal clothes, but the thought of the feel of Atrisian silks against my skin was very enticing. “I say we go for clothes first. Unless one of you are hungry. I still don’t really understand art so much. Maybe after becoming art myself I will understand. And jewelry seems like it should come after clothing.”
Location: Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy’s eyes widened a little when Junko said that though she hadn’t seen it, tying a ship to a droid body could probably be done. That was a very interesting idea. Especially if she could pick what the body looked like. Latyuo quickly shut down the idea. If it was terribly disappointing to Supisy she didn’t let it show. “Alright. I get to choose the image for the avatar then.”

That was not agreed to, but there was no avatar to assign an image to for the moment. So another discussion for another time. Supisy heard Latyuo mutter something, but it was too low and the Twi’lek assumed that Latty didn’t really want her to hear or she would have spoken up. Supisy’s eyes were drawn to everything in the shopping area. The smells of the food, the sound of the music and of course the sight of the fine fabrics being laid out. “I’m not hungry yet either,” Supisy responded to Latyuo’s suggestion. “I suppose clothes are the logical first stop. Though I’ve never been one to stick to logic. But I do want to look at art before we leave,” she snuck a look to Latyuo. “Only way to understand it is to experience it. And I’m not sure posing will bring understanding. The subject matter will likely even impress you though with the Princess in the middle.”

The thought of jewelry was an interesting one. Supisy chose not to wear much instead opting for tattoos to accentuate her look. Junko’s mention of piercings was interesting. Supisy didn’t care for bracelets and necklaces, but something that actually attached to her? That might be fun. “Do they have any of Jubei’s mom’s piercings here? I think Latyuo should learn about them.” She gave a giggle and wink to Junko.
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"THey do." She said it with a look and left it at that... if that was something Supisy wanted well... they could. "Though Latyuo might blush even harder." She said it as part joke and part fact but going towards the clothing as she looked at the ones who were there. They moved to get some of the people out and allow them in as Junko greeted the people and thanked them even having what they bought or wanted added to her order for well the hassle of this. A smile on her face when she stood there. "Now lets see what we could get for the two of you since you both seemed to enjoy those dresses from yesterday... now there is a chance to wear some thing less formal and get shoes to match."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

I was quite dubious of the mention of some sort of piercing when Supisy brought it up. I had traditional tattoos and five total piercings between my two ears so the needle was not the problem at all. In fact a navel piercing like Junko's was something I would certainly consider. But I also knew there were much more personal piercing that people got. My suspicions were confirmed by Junko's comment. "Maybe piercings will have to wait until the Princess and I are alone," I responded with a wink to Junko letting her know that I was aware of the teasing going on.

"I am not against learning about art," I said a little defensively. "Lots of things can be art though. Putting everything into a ship to make it perfect could be art. Art is in the eye of the beholder or something like that. But I wouldn't want to take away from your experience so after clothes art shopping it is."

My thoughts drifted to the silk dress that I wore for the festival and I smiled. "Casual would be nice something for around the palace." I gave a little giggle as if I really expected to take up residence in the palace permanently.

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