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Private Eisei supply run

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

The Princess explained what Bo-Dun were, another interesting new species for us to discover. Then Junko mentioned Mirialans and Togruta had sought refuge in the Commonwealth. This brought some mixed feelings. Togruta were an interesting people. I liked them, but my own people. I wonder what sort would come to Atrisia. Would they mind that I rebelled against my family and left Mirial instead of living by the wishes of the Cosmic Force? Or would they be a more awakened group. The latter seemed like it would fit the Commonwealth better, so I was a bit hopeful to make contact with a community of my people.

I gave a bit of a smile when Junko hinted that the next festival was more of a casual family affair than the party dedicated to wine that had just completed. Even though I left my family when I was young it was always something I was looking for. Possibly why I took Supisy under my wing instead of finding a better place for her in the galaxy. She was my family until we arrived here. It seemed like my chosen family was growing. “A kimono sounds like a wonderful choice for some time with family. I don’t need anything too flashy, just a nice soft feel and airy comfort.” When she mentioned the shoes that Supisy was currently modeling I went a bit pale. “Do you give lessons on how to walk in heels that high?” I asked a little embarrassed.
Location: Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

The Bo-Dun sounded quite interesting to Supisy. And the additions of Togruta, Mirialan and Melodies too. Supisy had only ever heard of Melodies before. They seemed so beautiful and now she really wanted to see one. “Ok. I really think we need to plan a trip to Hōrai,” She spoke up and giggled. “Whenever it is convenient of course,” she added meekly. She seemed to get ahead of herself sometimes.

“Kimonos cover too much,” Supisy complained. “Would it be insulting if I left it open and wore very little beneath?” she asked, giving Junko a wink. The family festival did sound like something Supisy would enjoy however. Playing with other youngsters enjoy just a good old fashioned good time. If that meant covering up it would be a small price to pay. “I hope your asking for lessons for yourself,” Supisy responded to the question about walking in heels. “I’m quite capable.” She took a step forward with another slight stumble.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

She nodded to the two of them and well she knew how to walk in heels.. it was one of the few things that could make small atrisians stand tall with many in the galaxy.. though some of them she had seen go overboard and have almost eight inch heels or ones that basically had them balancing on the tips of their toes the entire time. "It wouldn't be unheard of but for a festival involving children and family not always appropriate... relations like that are considered rare these days." In truth the old traditions were practiced only by a few, she knew the Umanushi were ones to practice old ways and the tiantai priests but here they usually went fairly standard and middle of the road. "But we'll have some of the best looking shoes for you." A smirk on her face.... "But there is more, if you are going to be here into the next festival then you are going to get to enjoy yourself. We'll see about some of the best things here... oh so many sights to show you."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

I for one was glad that for once Supisy wasn’t going to be prancing around a party half-dressed. She wasn’t the jealous type. I could be. Probably not in the way people would think. I mean I didn’t worry over her time with Junko taking away from me. Or her possibly flirting with Lord Sota after I had been conversing with them. I was jealous of the way she acted, and the attention she got in general. To hear that she was going to have to tone it down and be a little more normal was a relief for once.

With the mention of there being more to see I took my opportunity. I wasn’t sure if Junko meant in the future, but I had picked out enough shoes to be happy for some time. “I think seeing new things would be good now,” I said subtly. “Supisy wanted to look at art. I am dumb about that sort of thing, but it would be interesting to see.”
Location: Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy sighed but gave a nod when told that her way of wearing a kimono would not work at a family friendly festival. It made sense for most cultures, but Atrisia seemed a bit more open and so Supisy had hoped it would be ok. “I promise I will wear something you deem appropriate,” Supisy said with a smirk. “With children and families there will probably be fun games. I wouldn’t want to take away from that with some embarrassing nudity.” She gave a laugh when Junko said they would have the best shoes. They would indeed. And Supisy would have a huge selection if she had her way.

Of course Latyuo grew tired of shopping first. Supisy didn’t think to argue a change of venue though. She had ordered more shoes and clothes that she probably should have. It would likely earn a short scolding from Latyuo when they weren’t in the company of the Princess. But Supisy convinced herself that they could take it out of her earnings if these weren’t supposed to be free and clear gifts. “Yes. Art shopping sounds wonderful. I got a few things last time out, but I want to make my quarters more me. And I’m assuming we’ll need someplace to stay that isn’t our ship if we really are to be Junko’s lady smugglers.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Perfect... well almost she was looking at the two of them and if they were going to have plenty to tide them over then she was going to have a fun day of it. "Well more things for your quaerters is important... art if good and who knows what else here you might find... that holo of me was one thing... the Twins could pose for you to take a few images I am certain." She said it and was walking as they would have plenty of shoes... clothing, art, even if she could manage it... headpieces... broaches for Latyuo and her hair and for Supisy there is a chance of headdress to protect her lekku. THey still had plenty to do in the garden so if they wanted to have a necklace or earrings or something on them for display. "Now do we want anything like accessories for the statue?"

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Junko brought up a holo of herself. I hadn’t seen it. Something that Supisy was keeping for herself I could only assume. That was alright. A sexy holo of the Princess would be something I might enjoy looking at, but not something I think I could display openly. She expressed that the twins might be willing to pose for holos. That brought a chuckle from my lips. Maybe photography would be a good hobby for Supisy. If it started with a photoshoot with the twins that might build the interest quickly.

It seemed that there was one more piece to accentuate our look that Junko had in mind. She had mentioned jewelry early and as she mentioned this might be for the statue jewelry was about all she could be talking about. Well maybe a hairpiece. “How detailed will the statue be? I am a girl. And a girl always likes a little bling, but I’m not sure what would add to the statue and what would just be there. I suppose we could try to do something with my hair. I usually just go with these rings,” I grabbed one of the rings that held a small bit of hair on each side of my head. “Sometimes I pull it back, if I think it’ll get in the way. But I’m open to suggestions that might make your statue more…I don’t know what?”
Location: Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy was happy at the possibility of new quarters on solid ground. She had been living on the Deviant for years now and before that she did not live well. Having a place of her own, even if it was just a room would be something totally new. If she was going to have a new spot of her own to stay in she would want it to be more flashy. She gave a giggle when the holo of Junko came up. She had hidden that from Latyuo, guess she will have to share now. “The twins would pose for art for me?” She questioned in excitement. “I mean I would have all four walls as different poses of you princess, but I think people would accuse me of being obsessed.”

Supisy was also interested in the talk of accessories. Latyuo questioned what would be seen on a statue. Which meant she was thinking small. “I think I would look awesome with a nice big jewel hanging in the middle of my chest don’t you?” she asked Junko with a wink. “Not that I need you to buy a really big gem. Can just borrow something for the posing maybe? I wouldn’t mind some body chains or something else. What do you think Junko?”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Junko looked at both of them in the terms of accessories and well. "I don't know about a large gem... I don't have one here at least you could use but a necklace or earrings is one thing. I like to have a fair amount of detail with them and the scans will work quite well for forming the base of it." SHe said it with a smile on her face though and the scanner would give her plenty of information for herself and them and she could spend the next few days working on it and shaping the clay into. "I will be able to get plenty of detail and with some dyes will be able to make the tattoos and skin tone as well. So that the true beauty can come through... though might have a little fun. Add a little butt and chest." She looked down at her own. "It is meant to be a little fantastical."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

I was a lot relieved when the idea of a giant gemstone hanging between Supisy’s breasts was not one that caught on. Sometimes I think Supisy would just throw out the most outrageous things that she could think of to see if someone would let her do it. The idea of getting dolled out with a few jewels. Supisy’s suggestion of body chains was actually something that I thought would look good for her. “If I get a couple clips for my hair, a nice pair of earrings and a tasteful necklace would be a good way to accessorize my look.” I gave a mock pout with an exaggerated lower lip extending out. “You would make changes to my boobs or ass?” I asked with a giggle.
Location: Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Suipsy was not surprised and didn’t show any disappointment that her idea about a big gemstone was not one that was realistic. But being immortalized in a statue with something so very flashy on her person. But her suggestion of body chains to go along with her tattoos and natural coloring. The Twi’lek cocked her head to the side, imagining Latyuo with nice jewels for accents.

She had to laugh when Latyuo pouted about having her assets accentuated. “I wouldn’t say anything will change on your chest Latty. Either that or boobalicious means something else. I wouldn’t mind if I had a little more in both departments if it’s going to become a statue I want to look like a goddess.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

She just looked at them as the debate about enhancing their attributes was discussed and. "Well I don't have to, It can give a little fun though but if you don't want me to. I shall make you to scale... or in Supisy case with boobs the size of small moons." She said it for a laugh and waas looking at them but prepared for it and anything really. She looked at some fo the chains and nodded with a look at them. "BUt hmmm something like these to give a little mystery maybe or wearing them around your waist and just a little off the hip.... Oh the possibilities." She said it and was presenting some of them as well as bracelets. "I could see something like this for you maybe." She said it and held the golden chains for Supisy. "Most Atrisian women would use it to accentuate your hair but with it for you it could look like it. Or be wrapped around your lekku and encrusted with gemstones." She offered a smile while holding another up. "And for Latyuo.... this. Maybe a little more risque but you can have the gemss and crystals you add to it provide the additional coverage."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

I blushed a little when Junko made sure to tell me that she did not have to enhance my features any. And then laughed when she said Supisy's breasts could be made the size of small moons. "I am pretty happy with my breasts, as is. Besides if I happen to walk by the statue with another guest I wouldn't want them to be asking what happened to them and staring the rest of their visit." I giggled.

She discussed the possible things for Supisy before suggesting something for me. "That looks quite glamorous," I commented with a smile. "I agree maybe let a little more green show through. I don't want people thinking I am trying to hide. I like some glitter so gemstones of some sort would be nice."
Location: Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

“No moons. Maybe space stations?” Supisy responded to the comment about the size she wanted her chest to appear. She then gave a giggle. “Seriously though, what’s the harm in giving a little more umph?” she continued with a smirk. “If someone questions why they look bigger in the statue I’ll just let them play with ‘em for a bit. I’m sure they won’t mind the difference then.”

Joking stopped when Junko showed Supisy the headpiece that she had in mind. It was glittery gold and wonderful. “With more bling? And present it like hair? I’m all about that. Definitely want to do that. You can drape whatever chains, wherever your heart desires princess. I’ve always wondered what I’d look like with hair like other beings. And gold to boot! Oh that’s just awesome.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

She was glad that they were enjoying the choices. "Good good, now shoes, dresses, accessories... what else is needed.... oh I know." She said it and was letting the people working in the store collect what she was picking out for herself.. they would and could adjust it easily enough so size wasn't the issue or what they were getting. SHe was going and. "We have twi'lek baths... for healing massages, pedicures, manicures and in general make sure everything looks good. Best way to prepare for posing for a couple of hours as the imaging and sculpting initially starts." She would then have to spend a few days working on the clay... mostly while Latyuo was at Eisei so that would be a thing and when they got back it should be done... but needed to make sure that they looked pretty to stand around.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Junko seemed happy with all the choices that were made. I had to admit I was having a good time even though my purchases didn’t seem to add up to as many as Supisy. But she was the shopper and she was the one that did not understand the word moderation. Junko had another idea. I had no idea what more we could need, but I wasn’t minding being pampered a little by the princess.

“Twi’lek baths?” I asked with a smirk. I remembered the bath from the night before. It was nice and relaxing and once I got through a couple glasses of wine I was ready to do almost anything. If a Twi’lek bath was anything like that it would be a perfect lead in to posing for our statue. “I can’t wait to see what makes a bath Twi’lek.”
Location: Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy was still looking through the styles of jewelry even though everything she needed for the statue was already decided upon. She was always on the lookout for that next thing to have. The strange thing that was happening was not the shopping, it was the fact that she was actually getting some of the stuff she wanted. More than some she was getting a lot. Supisy was wondering why Latyuo didn’t just get a job from a princess a long time ago. Then maybe all princesses weren’t like Junko.

“Massages and mani/pedis? I can’t imagine anything that would get me more ready to stand still for a while and get imaged and sculpted,” she gave a bit of a smile. “I assure you though other than my nails and maybe some tense muscles I am completely ready.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Twi'lek healing baths, they are quite enjoyable and they do the full body everything." Junko said it and motioned with her hand for them to come and retrieve what they had. Payment being made and set up easily enough when she was leading the way. "The oils are one thing and the muds they use can be quite amazing. The matron is also lovely." She said it and walking through the street the building came up. Partitions out front as the twi'leks danced. Well the half twi'leks, the distinctively Atrisian features on them along with the lekku were there like with Min and their skin was in in more colors like gold and jade with a few who were pale or even with skin like darrk honey and tanned. "Welcome back princess." They seemed to all giggle seeing her and came over to greet them. "Come in come in."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia
Location: Atrisia system | Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

The Twi’lek baths sounded, well not like the bath we had taken before. Oils felt nice, and I knew mug had qualities that would help to “cleanse” one’s skin. But mud didn’t sound like it belonged in with the word bath. Maybe I was just limited in my experience. And that was about to change, because whatever my problem with the wording. The described treatment sounded quite enjoyable. We found the building with the bath not far away. Twi’lek’s were dancing outside causing me to blush a little as I looked at them. I noticed that some of these Twi’lek had a unique look about them, but I’m not rude enough to ask about that at the moment.

“So oils and muds,” I asked as the Twi’lek bid us in. “There will be water as well in some point of this bath? Although the right mud with my skin tone and some might not even notice it was there at all.”
Location: Shopping District
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Mud, oil, or water the nature of the baths didn’t distract from Supisy’s excitement. Even enough to give up on shopping, there was always time for that later. The bath was enticing enough, but the added excitement was that they likely wouldn’t go through all the baths and then undo the work before posing. Supisy was excited to be immortalized in Junko’s collection of statues. After a bit of pampering they would be ready to start.

As they walked in the Twi’lek dancers gained Supisy’s attention as well. They looked like Atrisians in the face and such and their colorings were different than what the Twi’lek was used to growing up. “Are these..” she stopped herself before just blurting out her question. She stepped closer to Junko. “These dancers aren’t entirely Twi’lek are they?” she asked in a whisper with curiosity. “We are…compatible?” she finished another question about the Atrisian and Twi’lek biology.

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