Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Dust and Decay [OTF/DA]


Unknown Region - Csilla System
Aboard the Sun Furnace

Irus kept looking around the area. The rather large room we would be using as the meeting spot was barely 200 meters from the open docking bays of the derelict station. From what Vora could gather of this marvel of a station, was that it was once used and shaped very similarly to that of the Star Forge. A Massive factory in space that had been used by the Rakata, and later the Sith under the rule of Revan, Malak, and even much more later, other Sith lords wishing to build ships for their fleet. Not only as much, the droids were impressive. Here? It seemed everything was offline.

Dead, or at the very least, offline droid types that hadn't seen the galaxy before resided within the halls before reaching some kind of terminal room. One in which the convening Sith would be using today. The place was older and far different from the Rakata tech Vora was used too. Forcesabers, completely useless teleportation devices, and even underground AI's were something they knew about. However, these models? All of this infrastructure was much older and more... retro than what he was used too. Making him believe, this was a prototype for the once powerful Starforge.

However, this station showed no real signs of massive weaponry. So too was the functionality of this station, seemingly gone. An idea was that the prototype was so profitable, that the Rakata stripped the Sun Furnace and used it to create the Star Forge. It made sense with all of their technological advances.


Retrieving the crossguard saber at his belt, Vora ignited the crimson blade. Feeling his power strengthen within himself as the bloodied glow was cast along the entirety of the space. Moving to the main controls, a couple button presses here, some fumbling here with random switches turned on the lights and generators of the station.

Looking up, the hood slid down the domed helmet of the onyx clad man.

"Irus, see that the Sith channels are activated on here. And send word to any surviving Keepers, or even Ascendancy that we are here. I know of some who wish to see this."
"That may invite some of the Empire?"
"Keep away from all Imperial Channels. Including the New Imperials. Kyber Dark is... still fresh."
"Missing your friends?'
"Allies that would have been useful in taking down the Emperor? Yes. Friends? You think too much of me."
"Yeah, they were your friends."
"You are lucky I like you."
"Aww, I love you too Kaar."
"Just send the signals."

"Yes sir."
The astromech she had "inherited" along with the slaver ship came to her, all beeping and booping. She looked to it, then nodded.

Prepare the ship for departure.

The droid beebooped once more then turned and wheeled itself away, back towards the ship. She went in search of her Master, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Master, a transmission has come through, on old, forgotten channels. It is....A call. A call to gather. I want to go. See who is behind this and their intent.

She awaited either his permission or denial. Either way, she would accept his decision.



Nox Aeternum.
Somewhere in the Outer Rim...

A light flickered on the console, underneath a layer of plasteel vigorously upbeat with disinfectant. The pungent, acrid flavor of various cleaners hung heavy. Faintly, an alarm reverberated through the otherwise dead silence. Xenro's eyes snapped open, focused, and fixated on the signal.

::An older code,:: the AI informed him, aware of his sudden vitality. He kept his bodily functions largely in suspension, both a routine test of skill and a necessity to keep the area stable in subzero temperatures. ::Secure, from all precursory scans. Someone using a very specific encryption.::

He rotated his jaw with a few subtle movements and clamped down tight, stretching a body fatigued and atrophied by disuse. After a moment, the Sith made to speak. A raspy sound croaked from his throat.

Then, he formed words.

"Csilla," Xenro appraised as he glanced over the navicomputer. "An odd position, given the standard Sith proclivity toward the Eastern fringes."

::By my estimate, the origin of this transmission does not wish to be gleaned by Zambrano or his minions.::

"A calculated risk. There are greater threats than the bloated Sith Empire."

::It comes dangerously close to New Imperial Space. There is the chance that it might be associated with their Kyber Dark protocol.::

"Irrelevant. The operations of the greater galaxy do not concern me, least of all the genocidal tendencies of men playing Imperial or Confederate. Discern the source and inform me again when you have a more sustainable signal."

Xenro shivered, his body still chilled from the extreme temperature. He glanced over at the nearby workstation. "And the status of the project?" he inquired.

::On schedule, as projected. Code VITAE is moving forward in a timely manner.::

He nodded curtly. "Excellent."

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
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D A R T H _ B E L L U M
Somewhere amongst the plane of existence that lay between the known physical realm and the unknown ether of the Force, something stirred; a foreign but somewhat familiar, primal presence that began to coalesce from seemingly nothing into an entity of shadows and conflict. The late Kor Vexen that had been presumably slain and listed as one of many Sith casualties caught 'off-guard' by Operation Kyber Dark during the New Imperial Order's siege on Bastion, had been one of the more prominent figures to be claimed by that conflict.
Yet he never truly died that day - instead he was reborn anew, casting aside his mortal body and having become an avatar of war, adopting the new title of Darth Bellum - Lord of Eternal Conflict.
It was at this point in time, many cycles after the fall of Bastion did this reborn entity of the Force decide it be time to make his presence known to a select few - those that he had monitored and observed behind veiled planes that would share a common goal, and make for excellent tools to continue to feed his hunger for conflict. The time of wolves was once more falling upon the Galaxy, and Bellum would be there to set them free.
Just as he had sensed that something was brewing on the horizon so to was his presence made known by those who shared in his interest; a dark, spine chilling wave that was familiar to those who served for any time within the last decade of the Sith Empire or the New Imperial Order. Aboard the abandoned Star Furnace, the shadows coalesced, twisting and molding into a towering figure that was the physical manifestation of Bellum's ethereal form, visible to those who were strong in the Force, silently observing.
Though he was unrecognizable by appearance alone, there was no mistaking the hungering presence laced with a burning desire for conflict that dwelled within the Force Ghost as that of Kor Vexen, seeming to have become even more powerful in death.

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"The time has come."

His terrible gaze set upon her, a black cloak covered his form with a hood to conceal his face. Only his sulfuric eyes illuminated in the darkened corner of the chamber, his voice beckoned. "It would seem the Keepers survived. Plot a course, it is time to reveal ourselves to our fellow Sith.." His voice trailed off as he thought of the days of the One Sith, the days of Mephirium, the days he last walked out in the open. "Yes. Let us see who is behind this orchestration, be mindful."

The Sith Master shifted away from the Apprentice, his orders made clear. The Elder returned to the shadow, his attention drawn elsewhere. His eyes closed, and his breathing steadied softly. He fell into a deep meditative state as he opened himself to the current that washed over him, the Force guided him. He prepared himself to leave his physical shell behind as he delved deep into the many waves that flowed against the current, the what-shoulds and what-coulds mysteries of the Force. It was this gift he used in an attempt to find the source of the call, and watch for potential approaching shatterpoints that could be used or avoided. Such was the gifts of Farsight.

The Lord of the Sith remained motionless, locked in a physical stasis, even as his mind and spirit immersed in the great river of the Force. There was much to do and little time to do it. Their sojourn here was at an end for now, her training would have to be set aside in order to investigate this matter firsthand.

By the time Master and apprentice reached the ship, the astromech had it humming. Once she saw her Master take his place, she headed for the cockpit. Going over last minute checks, she input the coordinates into the nav-computer.

With a steady practiced hand, the liftoff was gentle. Well, gentle as a decent sized slaver's ship could be. She pointed it towards the night sky. Not long after, they were surrounded by the stars. She did not dawdle to gape at the sight. No, she went to hyper at first opportunity.

The auto pilot engaged
, she stood giving the droid a nod. Turned and left the cockpit. Striding confidently through her ship, she returned to her Master. No words were needed. She down opposite him, and closed her eyes.

She let her senses unfold. She let them drift past the confines of the ship. She stretched them, using her strength in the Force to reach out. She was not on par with her Master. One day, she aspired to be. And in order to do that, she must practice. So she forced her sense to expand ever further.

As they sped through space, she felt glimpses....Snippets. She felt bursts of the Force. She saw peaks of thoughts. Actions. Feelings. It was almost overwhelming, but she pushed on. The more time she spent enduring, the stronger she would become.

Then began the bleeping and booping from the astromech. With an exasperated sigh, she opened her eyes and stood. Moving quickly to the cockpit, she settles into her captain's chair. She gives the astromech a glare as it beeps and bops.

She slows the ship, until eventually the place known as the Sun Forge appears in the distance.

Master, we are here.


The Sith had fallen.

It didn’t matter that the Sith Empire still stood, that the Zambrano Regime reigned from Agamar to Korriban, it didn’t matter that the Legions were strong and held their line. What mattered was the New Imperials, they broke that foundation, the unassailable reality that the Rule of One was shattered at blaster point. Stormtroopers rushed over world over world, a storm of grey, white, and blasterblack. The Sith Empire was shown to be vulnerable, and again and again, the New Imperials spat in the face of the idea of Sith supremacy. Not that Mlow ever properly believed in that, not that he was ever given the old rhetoric that other Sith had been raised on, he was raised in the propaganda machine of the Empire.

His patriotism was the catalyst of his disillusionment.

He had been dancing between the Unknown Regions and the Outer Rim, in uncharted worlds and backwater cantinas, running odd jobs for whoever needed his specific set of skills. None of the fancy acts one would expect, of course there was a manchase or two, run ins with Sith Imperial bounty hunters, but much of it was much, much tamer. Odd jobs, here and there. Helping to raise a new building, contracting, just trying to formulate some form of life in the dust and ash of burning Imperium. With the death of his master, fallen far before his death, there was no guiding force. No understanding hand to guide him through the various dictates of the Creed of the Sith, no one to help him walk the path he needed, no one to help him understand the inherit contradiction of his existence.

He kept in contact with some of the various groups within the Sith Empire that claimed separation from the Rule of One, the Sith Keepers, the Dread Ascendants, whoever he could, wherever he could. Sending safe travel routes, sending credits, and occasionally intercepting headhunters on the warpath.

Then the news came funneling in, from the Holonet, from the deep, burning pain that struck him upon the sands of some lost world.

Kyber Dark.

The fear that he felt waft over him, the screams and confusion, the hate, filled his being during the Great Slaying. The Sith were the prey, they were on the run, and they were shattered. More divisions then had ever existed before, since the One Sith came back to the galactic scene.

He had been away from others of his kind for some time however, and with good reason.

When the transmission overcame the comms of his vessel, the Annihilator filling to the brim with signals read out from an automated voice, his better side said that it had to be some trick, some lure. The New Imperials perhaps, they had dealings this far out, it wouldn’t be out of the norm for their operations to reach in to this stretch of the Galaxy. Regardless…

Dearest Mlow, reach out, feel. Allow the Force to move through you once again, your Kind is out there. Take the leap…

He couldn’t fight the urge as he plugged in the coordinates and leaned back in his chair as the stars began to bleed into streaks.


When the starfighter broke out of hyperspace, and the Kudon snapped out of the momentary rest he allowed himself to slip into during the jump, he knew, instantly, this was no New Imperial setup.

The construct hung in the empty space, in the void. Like a grand period hanging at the end of a sentence that had changed the world. The darkness played off of its angles and shapes, casting long shadows as the minimal light in this section of dark space bounded around it. It was all consuming, the call of the void, the allure of the depths. Something Mlow would give anything for to simply lose himself inside, wandering the halls and seeing what there was to see. Perhaps that was the calling, perhaps that was the reading.

The Dark Side was strong here, it dominated the space. He could nearly make out the sins of the machination from inside his starfighter. Though, there was something else, something that as just beyond the ancient madness of the station. Newer, fresh scars in the Force. His kin, gathering in a tomb of their energy.

For the Light had guided him here, and had held his hand through all journeys and transgressions that the Galaxy had thrown at him, he prayed it did the same during this test. There was a chance that he would be cut down simply because of the sense that his fellows could gain from him. He was pure, unfiltered Light brought to the shadow.

He was Sith still, however.

He pulled the starfighter into what he could best make out as a hanger, allowing the craft to settle inside of the locale. The ancient metal creaking and groaning around the junker Annihilator. Securing the gunmetal grey Sith Legionnaire helmet around his head, assuring pressurization, the Kudon left his vessel. Throwing himself over the side of the wing as the cockpit slit open. The end of his vibrolance clanging off of the floor as he began to walk to the bulk of the energy source, using the weapon more akin to a walking stick.

Here goes nothing.

// Vora Kaar Vora Kaar | Maestus Maestus | Darth Bellum Darth Bellum | Xenro Xenro \\
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The Sith Master sat in the darkened corner of the room, his attention elsewhere. There would be no sign of recognition or acknowledgement given to the Apprentice when she arrived at his side, only silence, only darkness. She had accustomed herself by now to his actions, his will. She joined him in deep meditation, and so it was the two Sith were frozen in time as the hours and minutes passed by like a fleeting shadow. The Force sustained them on their fast, their long voyage would take days, days locked in deep communion with the Force.

Such was the way of things, if one truly wished to master the Force they must master themselves as well. The Sith Lord was not one to believe in destiny, to plunge one's hands into the forbidden arts and master the ways of the Dark Side of the Force was to deny such a concept and it's grip over one's own fate. No, the being that called itself Darth Solipsis did not subjugate himself to any being or force of nature, he would bend fate to his whim. He would deny the tyrannical stars.

Visions passed by, scenes of what have, are, and could be flashed before his very eyes. There was a great disturbance in the Force, they veered on the precipice of a shatterpoint. Something truly noteworthy was about to transpire, he could not see what though. A mash of ancient metal, an assembly of blackened hearts, and a miasma of darkness gathering in the midst of it all. How fortuitous.

Her words dragged him from the depths of his psyche, pulled away from the clouded visions that filled his mind. His eyes opened slowly, his face remained emotionless as he glanced in the direction of his student. He leaned inward, his face taking shape as he crossed the threshold of shadow into the pale ambient lighting.

"Good.. good indeed.." The Elder hissed, "..bring us in."

Maestus Maestus Vora Kaar Vora Kaar Darth Bellum Darth Bellum Xenro Xenro Mlow Eman'outther Mlow Eman'outther

From her Master's lips to her ears. He commanded and she obeyed. Her eyes moved slowly over the decrepit looking construct, figuring out what was the closest resemblance to a hanger, or landing pad.

She found a hanger. With a practiced hand, she slid the ship right in with nary a bump. A glance to the astromech droid, as she flipped switches, rotated dials and pushed buttons. The ship powered down with a gentle buzz. She stood, striding towards the ramp. A push of the button and the ramp hummed as it opened. Walking down, she allowed herself a chance to really take in their new surroundings.

In total disarray. Needing extensive repairs. Her head moved up and down, and side to side as she took the hanger in from top to bottom. Yes, this would do nicely.

She stepped to one side, so as to allow her Master to begin their trek and lead the way. She wore plain black robes that dusted the top of the ground and belted around the waist. On said belt, hung a lightsaber on her right side.

As her Master made his way down the ramp and chose their direction, she fell into step beside him. She felt a slight chill in the air, as if it were sapping strength from her. Back on Mustafar, she had pulled the fire and lava within her. Now to be in a cooler atmosphere was a system shock.

The saving grace was that the Dark Side of the Force was strong here. It was strong, a vibration she felt around and within herself. It was the Force, pulled by her command. She fed off of it, replenishing her energy. She tapped into the rage with, letting that mingle with the Force flowing. Together, that combination heated her, to the point her eyes went from smoldering yellow to a blazing red.

Perhaps calling that much raw, primal energy into herself wasn't the right thing to do. Coupled with the barely restrained rage that dwell within. Her eyes narrowed. Her hands slid to the small of her back and the fingers laced. Her strong yet feminine jaw was set. Firm. Determined. And just a touch of rage made it shiver every so often.

She glanced at her Master, then face forward.

This place. it emanates with the Dark Side. The location is ideal. I wonder who sent the messages. How long they've been here. Why make their presence known now.

She mused softly to herself as they walked.

I will remain vigilant, Master. We don't know what we're stepping into. I, for reasons, am looking forward to what.....Usefulness may lie ahead.

The past...
Aboard "The Talon"
[NIO Frigate]
Location: Morgue

Lights within the New Imperial Frigate flashed on and off from the canopy above. Medical droids, doctors and who ever else adjacent to my body delighted in cutting and tearing my flesh. An open Di-section see what the cause of death truly was. As if twenty-eight blaster wounds to the chest wasn't a clue. The frigate launched from Anison and it was my only chance off the planet without being trapped in a never ending hell.

Stripped of everything I owned, I let my thoughts drift about in an attempt to find ...comfort.

It never came, Even as I slept.

" Who do you think this guy was?" A nurse asked examining the wounds.

" Most likely some darkside cultist, After Kyber Dark it became a common occurrence." The doctor responded and paused. " Cultists brought in dead...what i mean." He sighed and shook his head. Eyes darted to the data console screen checking for any faint life signs. There were none. " One hell of a way to go. Death by fire squad. This man was executed and by the looks of it he put up a fight too." The doctor shivered looking at the body. A cold seemed to grip him in a strange way. The morgue was already set to be cold, the the sake of preserving the dead but the temperature felt lower than normal. Colder than space intended. " When was the recorded time of death?" he asked trying to see if his estimations of the decaying, carbon scored body was correct or not.

" Gimmie a second. Ummm, Says Recorded time of death was.. No that cant be right." The nurse double checked the system. Then triple checked. " Seventeen hours ago?" He looked back to the doctor to gauge his reaction.

" What?!" The doctor left the table to check for himself. " Thats not right. This body show cases active decay along the rectus femoris, pectoralis major and some dry remains in patches along the cranium. Time of death should be around-" The doctor seemed to stop as if he was searching for words. His eyes fell on a single detail in the room. His breath. He could see his breath. For whatever reason the chill in the room has expanded. Come to life. It started as a shiver, then the breath and now the tools on the metal desk. Iced over.

" Doc? Hey doc?" The nurse furrowed his brow observing his teacher frozen with primal instincts of sudden dread.

" Burn the body." The doc said to himself lowly, then got louder. " Burn the body. Now."

" What? We have orders from the Moff Navollius to preserve the corpse and several aliens as well. Why would we...

A cold synapse flashed hot white into my vision before a twitch shook my body where it lay. A burning memory of my life long past still ripe with emotion. More fuel for my fire. I could feel frantic hands grab me and set my body onto another table. My blank gaze fell past a warning sign. Extreme heat it read. I was to be put into the incinerator or so they thought. Sealed inside I began to crack a smile. A faint grin. The view ports in the module frosted over obscuring the vision. Doctor nor Nurse could see what was going on inside. Next came the panic and shouting. The doctor was acting on his gut feeling and rightfully so but when his hand hit the execute button. It all was wrong. The hatch was frosted half shut and the incinerator could not simply bypass its safe guards.

Hatch not sealed.

" Sithspit!" The doc cursed attempting to seal the module shut himself and when he tried I was there. Head raised staring at him. " Whats wrong Doc? Never seen this before?" I cracked dryly before delivering a kick to his mid-rib. A clean crack sounded out loud from the force of it. Music to my ears. Gasps and screams erupted from then on and the panic that was confined to the Morgue soon extended across the entire Frigate.

The Present.
Aboard "The Talon"
Location: Communications & Control room

It didnt take long to clean out the New Imperial Frigate of its crew. All that were left now was droids and they had uses. Droids served the living and I guess i was the only one left alive to serve " Master there is a incoming signal." I turned to the piloting droid and inspected the new comm channels I knew of. Most of them sith related. " Take us to those coordinates and issue back a message.

" This is Kizash of the Dread Ascendancy. I see you."

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Maestus Maestus
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
Xenro Xenro
Darth Bellum Darth Bellum
Mlow Eman'outther Mlow Eman'outther

"We have incoming vessels."
"Of course we do Irus. He just made the call out for people to get here."

The snarky attitude of Vora's adopted daughter came out of the darkness of the halls. She had left the ship where she had been posted in order to see what was going on here. Vora simply set his gaze upon her. The rage that this man was, seemed to be directed at her for a mere moment. The force lifting the Lethan Twi'lek off of the ground and slamming her back down.

"Your orders were to stay at the ship. I wished to keep you in hidden as is your job."
"When you leave me out of the fun, I need to join... Father."

The last word of Father was spat at the Sith lord. Her skin darkening in the light due to bruising from the Sith Lords rather abusive take on domestic affairs. Ever since he had adopted this child, he has trained her in the ways of the Sith. To be a weapon for Vora to use, as well as to be the heir of his possible legacy. However, there were some days when this child, and her insolence was too much for the Lord.

"Fine. Have your fun."

The harsh screams of the woman rang out through the halls. The Lethan fell to the floor. Agonizing pain searing through her body as though an unseen force was causing massive pain to the entirety of her frame. Vora was very much a man who enjoyed seeing others in pain, but while the person was his own daughter, it was just another test for her to pass. to withstand the pain and still stand.


Her screams continued as she did everything within her power to stand up against the infliction of pain upon her frame. Hands reaching up to her Lekku as though they were being held onto with an iron grip. Once she was finally able to stand up against the force presented upon her, Vora released his actions from her. She stood there. Blood deep crimson dripping from her mouth and nose and ears. Damage had been done to her. Looking over to Irus, the lord nodded his head.

"Make her presentable before people get here."

The Cathar Jedi turned Sith walked to close the distance between herself and her rival. Smug look upon her as she healed the woman from her wounds with the force. However, doing so painfully. Yet not as painful as the Lord Kaar had been. She did wince and groan in pain, but not the cursed nail on chalkboard screams she had released earlier.

Turning to the new transmission of a Sith who Vora had met before, a smile was heard upon his voice as he answered.

"As do I. May the Keepers still live through you Kizash."

A man who had barely been with the Keepers for a very short time, but seemed to now be allied with the Dread Ascendency. A good start to a possible ally with other Sith in the galaxy who were not of the imperial persuasion.

"Move to docking bay 3. Should be enough room for The Talon."

However, despite the actions currently taken by the lord, The onyx clad man turned towards the personage who had manifested within the station. Looking to the individual, something was familiar about this individual. A presence that felt like they had met before? Unsure of this, Vora simply nodded to the apparition. Feeling them through the force, while seeing them as they were. An entity of the force. Living beyond the death of what they once were. Forever being a hunger of what they left behind.

"Visitors from the chaos of Nether? Color me impressed. What is it you seek of me?"

Lord Kizash Lord Kizash Mlow Eman'outther Mlow Eman'outther Darth Bellum Darth Bellum Xenro Xenro Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Maestus Maestus


Nox Aeternum.
::Opening secure channel now.::

The AI echoed around him, and Xenro leaned forward toward the terminal. Instead of a holographic projection, only his voice shared across the wavelength. "I have received your hail," he spoke, not certain of who he spoke to. His voice was scrambled by a distortion protocol, and his own IFF scrambled. "What business have you with those who call themselves Sith?"

The implications would fall where they might; but the fact remained, Xenro had no cause to trust anyone, let alone show his face. If there was something compelling enough to draw him from the shadows, perhaps he might be persuaded.

For the moment, he let his body temperature normalize- as much as it could.

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar

D A R T H _ B E L L U M

There was a ripple in the Dark Side, a subtle murmur as whispers of vengeance and wrath permeated the known Galaxy, a calling forth of those that had lurked in the shadows of the once former glorious Sith Empire and the looming New Imperial Order, and even those who merely lurked the shadows searching for blood in the water. It did not take any measure of genius to understand that things have changed.​
The Sith Empire had become weak and fat with their pride and lethargy, while the rising threat of Imperials shook the very core of the Sith that served under the Empire with their offensives into their territory without fear or hesitation to eradicate.​
Pride was a fickle and brutal mistress, and if one were not careful it would turn and tear them apart as it had done with the Sith, and as it would inevitably do with the New Imperial Order. But such pride and resentment made it so easy to blind and make use of people to satisfy one's own goals. His plan to purge the Sith Empire of the weak had been executed beautifully by the Imperator.​
All it took was simple motivation on his part to bring that hatred against all Sith to a boil when he designated a civilian target for destruction when he held authority over Tavlar or bringing him to sit in at the meetings of the Sith to see how truly decrepit and weak they were.​
Darth Bellum stared at the man before him in silence for a time, as he was greeted and asked his purpose. Darth Bellum's voice rumbled from within his dark visage, echoing in hushed tones as he spoke.​
" I have come for the same reason that has drawn the Sith who are capable of thinking beyond mere leashed dogs from the shadows. To cull the weak so that the strong may thrive. As for my purpose? I seek only to serve my own interests and those capable of fulfilling them. Our shadowed kin have much to do. "​
The Lethan Twi'Lek Strode through the derelict station. She could hear the ships coming in and the echo of boots off durasteel. A glance to Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis before continuing to move.

She let unfurl her senses. Seeking out for Force signatures to better guide their way. Awash in the Force, she veers to the right and finally steps into the room with Vora Kaar Vora Kaar and Darth Bellum Darth Bellum .

Her steps slow beside her Master. She takes the slower pace and uses it to assess the others here with them. For now, she would remain silent. But she would study the other two. Intrigued by them both, she turned smoldering yellow eyes to the task of reading body language, such as could be seen.

She waited until her Master moved towards Vora Kaar Vora Kaar and Darth Bellum Darth Bellum before she approached herself. When she heard Darth Bellum speak, she gave a mental nod of approval. Rule of the Strong. As it should be. Perhaps this was not a wasted journey after all. Perhaps there was more here than meets the eye.

Lord Kizash Lord Kizash Xenro Xenro Mlow Eman'outther Mlow Eman'outther

Darth Acharon received the transmission during his return trip to Ailara. He departure from the world had been heralded by the completion of the Advent, the first Neo-Iskra Class Frigate fielded by the Empire of Ailara. Acharon had overseen the design and production of the vessel from the beginning, and the first starship the world of Ailara had produced for itself in centuries had performed admirably during its shakedown cruise through the Tingle Arm. Celebrations were already underway back on Ailara from what Acharon understood, and he had been preparing to end the expedition when the message was received.

The information held within was coded, which was not all that surprising Acharon supposed. Turning his head away from the terminal, Acharon locked eyes with the Captain of the Advent. "Do you think the crew would mind a slight detour on the way home, Captain?" The words brought a small smile to the weathered officers lips, and he shook his head slowly.

"No, Emperor. The crew would be more than happy to continue in their duty and service to their Emperor. Personally, I have always wanted to visit the other side of the galaxy." Nodding his head at the mans words, Acharon turned and made his way off the bridge, briefly hearing the Captain issuing new orders to his bridge crew before the doors to the bridge slid closed behind Acharon.

When the Advent finally arrived at the meeting location, it was plainly evident that they were not the first arrivals. Several different vessels were also present in the system, and even from this distance Acharon could feel the overlapping radiance of several powerful individuals. Boarding a small transport in the frigates hangar, Acharon departed the Ailaran vessel and traveled to the Sun Furnace alone, bringing the transport to rest in the hangar alongside the other craft present.

"Why must it be that everywhere I go, everyone is stronger than me..." The words were a barely heard whispers on Acharon's lips as he disembarked the transport and was ushered to the gathering of individuals, the feed in his helmet scanning and marking down small notes for him to look into later. It seemed he was one of the last to arrive to this little gathering, and he knew none of those present. Still, he had come all this way, it would not hurt to see what would come of it.

Bowing his head slightly in greeting to those present before speaking. "A meeting of minds, and a meeting of power. What more could a Sith ask for..."

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar Maestus Maestus Darth Bellum Darth Bellum Xenro Xenro Lord Kizash Lord Kizash Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Mlow Eman'outther Mlow Eman'outther

The Elder strode alongside his apprentice as they traversed the hallowed chambers of the Rakatan station, his thoughts remained fix on finding the source of the call that reached them. He assumed that this meeting place, this space station, was the source of the disturbance he had felt in the Force, the approaching shatterpoint was centered here. That much he could feel. His sulfuric eyes honed down on the nearby doorway and in the distance he could faintly hear the sound of another vessel touching down. Intriguing, he mused to himself how many were to come, how many were to assemble in the depths of this uncharted corner of space.

The doors slid open with a sudden vroosh, parting before the forms of the two Sith as they entered the turbolift and spun around to face the direction from whence they came. Within moments of entry, the turbolift doors came together to a close and the mobile chamber suddenly took off in the direction of the source of his feeling, the source of what he determined what was to reside here in this dark place. Little noice came before the two Sith as they approached, silence filled the room and the Elder turned to his apprentice with a snarl as his lip curled, "Be mindful my apprentice, we know not what lies behind this threshold."

Opening forth, the turbolift doors slid aside as the Sith Master breached the ancient chamber with his foul presence. He scoured the chamber adjoining the meeting place in search as he felt the nearby stains of other Sith presences lingering in the darkness. Making himself known, the Elder slowly emerged from the obscuring shadow that hugged his form. His dreaded gaze cast onto those assembled as he studied them for weakness, for fear. His walking stick came down onto the floor with a loud thud, drawing at the attention of his fellow Sith, "Who among you made the call?" Leaving few words for imagination as he called out to his fellow Sith, seeking the source of the call.

And like that I managed the heavy lifting to the now skeleton crew of this stolen frigate. The droids were more than capable of doing it and that only left me with a minor job of actually steering the vessel into a position suitable to dock. There was one thing I hated and it was flying. I was never good at it. My Parents, as conceded as they were, practically forced me to take on lessons and lean myself into the ship I piloted as a kid. As if I was ever them. I wasnt. It was a way to relive their own successes and it was the essence of their failure.

Reliving. Even now the memory of those days struck a torch within, A fire growing ever so hot. On the Outside I was cold as Ice though. There were times to get emotional and now was not one of them.

Least not yet.

Shortly I found my way through the complex after the docking sequence had initiated. Two lightsabers adorned my hips, strapped to my belt, below that was only black trousers and black combat boots. From mid rib up was nothing but my own corrupted flesh. various micro fissures etched across my pale form. Up my back. Across my chest. Along side my skull. The body of a man that was held together by nothing but willpower alone. Walking into the room I nodded my head toward Vora Kaar Vora Kaar and squinted at the phantasm like being that was Darth Bellum Darth Bellum .

I said nothing but im sure the expression on my face was saying everything. What the feth? Then came the others. A Twi'lek Maestus Maestus , an apprentice by her demeanor and this very old looking fellow, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . Despite knowing that I myself looked almost like a walking corpse, I couldn't help but raise a brow. What was this meeting exactly about?

After hearing the Elder speak I sighed aloud and rolled my eyes. " Dont act like you have places to be, Old man." A finger rose accusingly at the Elder before I shifted the point toward Vora himself. " Lend your ears and show some respect." I could hear my deep tone echo throughout the derelict station. It was only after that i realized there were more sith on their way and even in the room itself.

Darth Acharon Darth Acharon
Xenro Xenro
Mlow Eman'outther Mlow Eman'outther
This ghost of a man, even while feeling familiar, evaded Vora's mind at the moment. Unable to place if they had met or if it was just someone else he confused them with. Despite this, the answer given to the lord seemed to please him for the time being. Culling the weak, and bringing those within the shadows, out to fight under the shade of the Sith. The onyx helmet nodded in response.

"There is much for many Sith to do. Some to rise, some to learn, and some to perish under the blade. That, we agree with O'Spirit."

After uttering the words, footfalls could be heard drawing closer. A turn of the head towards the others who joined us, Vora crossed his arms and stood as others entered. Another Twilek, a man hidden and kept underneath a wealth of cloaks, Another man who had enough scars and wounds to kill many men over, and another lightly armored individual who came alone.

The robed one slamming down his glorified walking stick to grab attention, while almost demanding that the person who made the call answer. If you couldn't see the eye-roll beneath Vora's helmet, you could most easily hear it in his voice after the bare-chested man responded in kind.

"I am here to gather strength, and possible allies for the coming war. I assume the Twi'lek apprentice and yourself came here to see of what call I made."

A release of the folded arms given way to a left-handed raise. The Stations controls were rapidly pressed and operated on a scale that could only mean Vora had extensive knowledge of the Station. Lights became brighter, systems began running. Even a voice of an alien language started up from a growl into a louder tone. Mere small words spoken before it silenced.

"This, is the Sun Furnace. A smaller prototype of a weapon used by the Sith Long ago. It would behoove one such as yourself to hear the rest of my call out."

A couple more flips when a projected image of the station came up. Indications of systems missing or outright destroyed beyond repair. Vora took steps through the projected Holo-map of the station towards the others who had just walked in. Directly facing a member who seemed... almost upset. Another helmeted individual.

"You come seeing power, strength, rights, or just for the eternal effects of war. All of you came here for your personal reasons. I am seeing to it that we use them as a collective, and focus ourselves into performing an ethic cleansing of the Sith Empire, and other Imperial loyal Sith under the Rule of Order. What comes of it, will be the opportunity for you as individuals, or us as a group, and Order of the Few to stand, to reach our desires, or to bring a stronger age of Sith Lords, Warriors, Blades, so that we will not pass into the night."

Turning to the Spirit,

"We have multiple walks of life, or un-life, in which seek the end of the Empire and its supposed Eternal Rule. I want to bring them down. And this Station, once a derelict of minds past, can be our start."

Darth Bellum Darth Bellum Darth Acharon Darth Acharon Lord Kizash Lord Kizash Xenro Xenro Mlow Eman'outther Mlow Eman'outther Maestus Maestus Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Darth Immortuos

A call was never to be ignored.

Within the vacuum of dead space, something stirred and grew in size. Space held a average temperature of negative four hundred forty five degrees Fahrenheit and yet around this derelict station there was change. Geomagnetic storms ruptured from lone stars, firing off waves of protons to ride solar winds. In such a facility as this station, there was nothing to worry about but a difference could be noticed if one looked hard enough. A rift in the fabric of reality came to a shift. A transparent warp hidden midst the shadows in a hallway nearby. On a more esoteric plane the difference was appalling to behold. Slowly the shape and form of large being came to shape and like a chameleon it lurked ever more forward toward the group.

There was no telling how long such a entity had been in such a location but one thing was known above all. Its presence could be felt stronger than it could be physically seen. From this invisible void a voice spoke out in question. Each word sounded out came from a hollowness within a defiled soul.

Corruption incarnate.

" The few?" There was a pause. " Overflowing with agendas and cloaked in conspiracies. Sith corridors clot with the blood of those who dare raise opposition to oppressive regimes. Your words a sweet to my eyes and but dust to my tongue. Rife with discrepancies. Despite this, I ask you one question, Why call apon the sith now?"

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Darth Bellum Darth Bellum
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
Maestus Maestus
Darth Acharon Darth Acharon
Mlow Eman'outther Mlow Eman'outther
Xenro Xenro

The Sith Master chuckled under his breath, amused at the one who pointed in his direction. He reminded the Elder of a conversation he had with Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr on Pillio over the current 'Sith' and how they resembled children with lightsabers. The Sith before him who acted as if he knew who or what he was, well, he only further validated his viewpoint with his adolescent attitude and idle demands of respect. The Elder clapped his hands together softly before spreading them outward, drifting to his respective sides as his lip curled upward into a snarl, "Respect is not given, it is earned. Be a good lad and be silent, your incessant voice pains me."

His sulfuric eyes drifted from one body to the next as Vora Kaar Vora Kaar began speaking next in response to his query. The Elder listened as the masked male explained it was he who had sent the signal out to gather Sith to him, and his assumption to why they had arrived at his doorstep in the first place. He remained silent, ready to take in what the Sith had to say and offer. The demonstration of Vora's knowledge of the 'Sun Furnace' and his control over it's systems was quite the spectacle, he listened as the Sith gave his pitch to him and those assembled. An image of the station appeared, broken with fragments needing of repairs and some outright unsalvageable, an intriguing sight to be sure, but nothing awe inspiring. He could feel the presence of the spirit in the dark, one saturated in the cold chill of death, the piercing glare of unnatural eyes always watching, perhaps this thing held a clue to the importance of the approaching shatterpoint and it's connection to this meeting. Or perhaps, it was only the beginning of something bigger than he could imagine, something that could change the galaxy.

Laevus, the Elder, Solipsis, regardless of the alias or title was a Sith Lord. He was defined by this truth and the Sith Code he followed, as such he could not deny the words and opportunity he saw before him as he listened to Kaar speak. He wholeheartedly agreed, the Sith Empire needed cleansing, hell the Sith Order needed cleansing. There were far too many Sith who were more Dark Jedi paying lip service to their order and code, far too many trained from the remnants of the One Sith and their misguided teachings. They held to beliefs of order over ambition, blindly serving the will of a Dark Lord and Empress alike who shared power at the behest of a former Emperor who bestowed their titles upon them. Heresy, and weakness. The Sith were forged in the fires of adversity and continually tampered by the challenges they faced, to be given something that had not been earned, to blindly live the life of a sheep instead of a wolf, this was not the Sith way.

Another arrival infected his senses with it's presence. who knew how long it had been there before but there was no denying it's lingering form any longer. His dreaded gaze moved to the recent arrival and studied his words, finding them to be wiser than most, he was correct in his statements and now he would find out what manner of response the host would give.


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