Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Debaucherously Extravagant (Sith Empire)

"I intended on calling him here for you, but suit yourself."

Vaulkhar shrugged his shoulders before his gaze shifted to the swirling glass of champagne within his hand. On nights such as these, even a simple glass such as this was capable of captivating the halfbreed. He finished off the drink before motioning a servant over. Before they could speak, Vaulkhar held up a hand to signal he had no interest in anything they had to say. The glass was set upon the tray before the help was waved away with an exaggerated flick of the wrist. Kitara's words shook him from his momentary lapse in attention.

Dull blue eyes met the burning red gaze of the woman beside him. A sudden realization hit him. She appeared to misunderstand what he meant in regards to his earlier offer. For a split second he considered correcting such a miscommunication further. Thinking better of himself his shoulder rose in a feint shrug.

"I'm not trying to get rid of you. I was simply offering you what you wanted. Surely you realize I am the wrong person for the job."

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]​

Kitara Delarosa

And this is what happens, Kitaras mentions get the best of her and she loses it over a matter of misinterpretation. If she wasn’t at this function she would have probably removed herself and did something ungodly to poor unfortunate soul. Except now she had to accept the fact she has to control her emotions or this evening may go side ways real fast.

Kitara calmed herself, and thought it best to explain herself.”The more I watch these people groveling, the less I want to get involved in politics, in any other scenario I would not have a problem.” A weak apology, but coming from her It was an accomplishment. Her emotions were all over the place tonight bouncing from one to the other like a yo-yo. Most times she is just cruel and viscous in every shape or form. Tonight she is just a roller coaster.”And surely I’m more chaotic than you think”at least she comes by it honestly,if that’s possible as a sith.

Vaulkhar sat and listened to what sounded like an attempt at an apology. It was rare for Sith to take responsibility for much, even when they've been caught within rather heinous acts. Most, Vaulkhar included, sidled through the galaxy like he owned the damn place. It was an unfortunate byproduct of the varying sins and atrocities committed by the empire. For a moment, he longed for another drink. Such dark thoughts often put a damper on his mood, it's the chief reason he avoided the majority of people he came across.

But that was neither here nor there for the prince.

"Groveling is a successful tool within the Sith. You would be surprised how many Sith Lords you'll sway with just a hint of groveling," though he stated this matter-of-factly it was apparent this tool did not reside in his own arsenal. "I am a man of order. Too much chaos never did anyone any good."

Head tilted to the side, Vaulkhar eyed her once more. With each passing minute his mood grew darker.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

Kitara's point of view was very much different than Vaulkhars, as far as back as she could remember Kitara has always been chaotic and she had not intention of changing any time soon. Her childhood was a troubled one, being bullied to the point where it drove her over the edge of sanity.In her mind it was the one thing that saved her, she strived to become stronger, and more powerful than those that bullied her. Even though on more than one occasion she had almost died, she believed in her chaotic state made her stronger physically and with the force.

She believed that groveling was giving in to society and would eventually make her weaker, but Vaulkhar had a point and she only nodded in approval while she was lost for a moment in childhood memories.

“Point taken" Kitara spoke, but she was not about to go out of her way for such a thing, her thoughts about this evening drastically changed as the night progressed, she believed she did not have to grovel but she would prove her worth instead.Kitara thought very highly of herself, she had forgot about that with the idea of meeting the Emperor when she had arrived. Turning to look at the prince, Kitara sat, adjusting her long length boots.Only to sit back and make herself more comfortable.

“Why have you come, you could have sneaked out at any time.”While she ran her fingers through her hair, brushing it off to the side .
Now this, this was Irilius’s sort of place. These gatherings were a fine place to make acquaintances, find new tools, land himself into the higher graces of those ranked above him within the Imperial hierarchy.

This favoritism showed, for he was a meticulous man. He was too pristine, almost unnaturally perfect. There didn’t seem to be a blemish on his body, every hair in the perfect position, his stride oozing a calm confidence. He was a fresh one still, to some extent; his combat record all but blank save for minor engagements.

But that was what politics were for. He wore his uniform, the commodore presented all of his position. He was being humble this time, the grand act of his hunt for power. Taking quickly to finding some finer booze, he swirled a drink in his hand. Watching the gathered crowd, merely waiting to see if anyone approached the Armada Pretty Boy, or if he’d just have to find a good ally himself.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Funami Teriyaki"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Sylara Vaal"]

Vanessa smiled as she was introduced by Sylara to Joycelyn Zambrano. How intriguing - Kaine's chosen offspring. Vanessa responded appropriately. "A pleasure to see the Emperor's chosen child. I'm glad you came." Joyce had apparently been quite the ambitious sort of woman, what with her taking the Darth Vornskr name and all. Vanessa very much was curious as to whether or not she had the unyielding strength her father had when it came to ruling - when Kaine died or abandoned the Empire, she would have to step up.

Vanessa's attention was soon diverted to the small troublemaker. "You... might want to get that dealt with, Sylara."

Kitara Delarosa

The silence between her last question had gone unanswered for some time, and the both of them stared into darkness, Kitara had walked down this road before and knew the night was fading quickly. Her instincts were settling in and telling her she did not belong in this great hall that her place was elsewhere. She could think of many other things she could be doing, but what annoyed her was that she went to the effort of buying a brand knew dress which she felt fit her perfectly, and she had high expectations, as always it was a big let down.

‘I should have known’ She thought to herself.The whole night in the back of her mind she had the feeling this would be a bust.Angry with herself and the whole evening, here was pretty much nothing left for her here. The damsel was heated and needed something to quench her emotions, needless to say that would not be here.With one look at the prince, she stood, turned back once more, turned on a heel, and within a moment she was gone. Now more than ever she needed to quench her emotions.
Funami’s jaw munched on the juicy slab of meat while the group gathered about her had grown in size. A small drop of meat juice fell on her chin. While she understood her height and age were unusual for a Sith, the situation was becoming more awkward every second. Everyone’s stare wordlessly accused her of having no connection to the Force whatsoever, making little Funami feel even smaller. Having no clue what better to do, the small Sithling performed another well-practiced curtsy for everyone and offered the sweet smile of an innocent child. It usually melted everyone's heart, but right now she wasn't sure any of the attendees had a heart to begin with.

“Um, hi! Hello!” Funami waved, furrowing her brow as her eyes darted from one gargantuan figure to another. “I-I was let in by, I mean, nobody stopped me from entering?”

She shrugged, mind void of any better explanation than the obvious. Her thoughts reached out to deliver another bite into her mouth. Taking her time, she chewed on it deliberately slowly and planted her tiny fists on her hips.

“I’m Sith,” she repeated with a twinge of desperation stealing into her voice. “I am!”

She was!

[member="Vaulkhar"] | [member="Kitara Delarosa"] | [member="Sylara Vaal"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Bred"] | [member="Tehkyram"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"]​

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