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Debaucherously Extravagant (Sith Empire)

Kitara Delarosa


Kitara could relate, there was a point in her life where small talk seemed like a chore, but that was years ago.Now she could just care less of what people thought of her, although she tends to speak her mind and comes across as rude. She has been told numerous times its hard to gauge if she is serious or not. At the end of the day she is manipulative and chaotic you never know just when she may loose control. Her major flaw she has yet to master controlling her emotions.

Although he had yet to introduce himself, she let it go after he stated he wasn’t a people person, so she decided to throw a comment his way”How long are you going to keep me waiting before I get your name, you must have caught me on a good day. I’m not usually this nice.” Which was true she didn’t like a lot of people unless they had something she wanted, Kitara wasn’t too sure about him yet. But one could never be to careful.

She followed his gaze about the room, she knew absolutely no one here, the blonde sith had not been to any of these functions within the empire. She came tonight to get noticed and make a name for herself.”I suppose you could, and what If I told you that I am dying to force choke someone.”The comment wasn’t directed at him, but a generalization. Kitara wasn’t ready to deluge that kind of information.
Funami Teriyaki, daughter of a billionaire, had arrived in style and hoped to impress. The Echoing Giggle’s chromium plating shined so brightly one would think the H-type Nubian yacht carried a queen. Out came not an elegant woman of noble birth but a little girl. Sitting atop her head was pink hair, adorned with two red ribbons that formed two small pigtails. Wearing a pretty dress and surrounded by the sweet fragrance reminiscent of strawberries, she had the appearance of an oversized doll. As she started into the grand hall, she noted the excess wealth. Although born in luxury, she had never enjoyed this form of opulence. Pursing her lips, she allowed her eyes to trail over the attendees. All wealthy, powerful people.

Papa’s parties back on Atrisia had been the same. Fat gangsters shook hands with corrupt politicians and discussed the importance of looking after one another. Leeches and parasites, all of them, trying to suck her papa’s fortune. How effortless it would be, she always thought, to squeeze the life out of their fragile bodies and end their worthless existence.

And now she was just like them now. A disturbing thought, but after sparing it a bit of consideration she came to realize she actually liked it. No, she wasn’t like those old fools back home; Funami thought herself better than even the most powerful figures on Atrisia for they lacked the power to manipulate the world with a thought. Rank be damned – she intended to rub shoulders with masters of life and death and her Force sensitive blood alone was the ticket in.

Her stomach grumbled. A wolfish grin tugged at her lips and she sauntered toward the food, only to fully realize how incredibly tall everyone was as she strolled by. Despite adopting a calm expression, sparks of irritation nevertheless twinkled in her violet gaze and she shot envious glances toward the guests here and there. With a flip of her small hand, she summoned a servant with a wine glass, if only to make her look more important and refined. Giving the dark liquid a swirl, the small-statured Sithling traced the rim of her glass with her finger and turned to the tables loaded with opulent dishes once more. Hunger had always been her greatest enemy and she could not miss the opportunity to stuff her tummy with good food. A grabby little hand reached up and found the task of seizing the Nerf tenderloin with Jogan fruit and Roosha difficult.

“Oh poo!” Funami exclaimed.

Damnation! She was small and weak. The plate was heavy and big, enough food to feed a small village of Ewoks! It continued to mock her from its pedestal! The Sithling knitted her brow in concentration. With just a gesture, negligent as a flick of her wrist, she commanded the plate to levitate closer and deliver itself to her. Mentally anchoring it to hover around her head, she finally took a juicy bite and relished the sweet taste of victory.

Mmm. Nerf tenderloin.

She could get used to this lifestyle.
"It's not that I caught you on a good day," Vaulkhar began before taking another sip. "You're just wise enough not to attack another Sith at such an event."

The half-breed allowed the statement to hang for as long as it took to down the rest of his strange, fruity concoction. He set it atop the bar once more and rapped his knuckles across the surface again, signaling for another. As he waited his gaze shifted back towards Kitara. Her comment in regards to choking another could be taken in two ways, which left him with a raised brow in question. His new drink was delivered to him with haste.

"Thank you," he murmured towards the bartender, though his gaze hadn't left the woman beside him yet. "I am Vaulkhar Zambrano."

It was easily noticed the man's mannerisms were not built for social interaction on such a scale. His hardened gaze and squared shoulders spoke a veteran warrior sizing up those around him. His sentences were short and gruff, not flowery or soft.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

Vaulkhar was not far off, it would have been rather unwise for her to randomly force choke unsuspecting prey, especially here. There were much more powerful lords than she;also half expecting Vaulkhar was more than he would portray. His name would speak for himself by reputation alone. Kira would do well befriending her new found friend.Kitara kept his gaze as long as Vaulkhar kept hers, watching his demeanor change while she may have touched a nerve.

Casually she sipped her drink watching his hardened stare feeding off the impression he was trying to intimidate.“Its always a pleasure to meet royalty Mr Zombrano, your name is well respected.”Kitara knew his surname all to wellThe great hall was beginning to fill up quite nicely, unlike like before the conversations around them could be heard over their own conversation .Kitara leaned in closer breaking free from his hardened gaze.”I don’t bite you know”She said mischievously.
"Oh poo!"

The mere noise, sharp and nearly caustic to their ears, caused the Sith to almost choke on the delicious, divine, delectable, dulcet, delicacy that was Merenzane Gold, the bottle half empty and the need for a new one building. Looking around, the Sith Lord failed to locate the source of the noise, whatever said source was, was either invisible, a play on their mind from the delicacy, or was to small in the crowd for even the giant to notice.

And then, after five minutes of stationary searching, the brackish words replaying in their mind every second for reasons they could not quite identify beyond a singular annoyance at the tone of the voice, the Sith Lord saw it. Floating plates, levitating food, all disappearing several feet below the tables they belonged to.

"What in the hell?" escaped their lips like a broken note of a flute and the Sith Lord marched through the crowd.

Perhaps it was some slave hiding under the tables, using a stolen tractor beam device or the like. It had to be this. What else would serve as plausible explanation? That is why the voice sounded the way it, the Sith told themselves. A shape near the tables began to form, gorging on the food they should have prepared for the guests to eat, not the slaves. They were impetuous for thinking they had this right, ungrateful for the kindness they had been given for serving their Emperor directly, and absolutely, unequivocally...small and beyond pink.

"I'm confused," the Sith Lord snorted upon seeing the short pink haired creature. "Who are you? What are you? And why are you stealing so much food?"

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]
"Vaulkhar is fine. My family is known for a wealth of charisma and strength. I lack in the former, therefore titles are wholly irrelevant outside of my father's presence."

Aside from the occasional reaction to his drink, the Sith before Kitara appeared entirely apathetic. His eyes lacked the telltale glow and color of the dark side. It appeared the concept of emotion was outside the realm of understanding or care. Who knew? As she neared, he raised a brow in question. The eccentric behavior was not misunderstood, simply brushed away in the moment. Once upon a time, the desensitized man chased a woman through the galaxy, making a habit of rescuing her from various gangs and organizations. Once upon a time, the hardened man loved another. With time it was washed away in the blood soaked rain that is war.

Another sip of his drink was drained by the half-breed as his gaze remained on the Sith before him.

"I imagine you aren't above such an action, though your statement puts me at ease," a hint of sarcasm caressed his tone.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

Emotions burned with in the firery blonde, his hint of sarcasm lit a fire deep within her soul. “A man at ease is a women’s victim” Her eyes never left as she sipped another drink.”No Vaulkhar I am not.”and just like that one emotion turned from one to another; she had to gain control or the bartender would find himself dangling mid air choking to death. Often she would indulge herself, but the repercussions were to great here. There would be no way she would leave out of here alive, Kitara reacted she didn’t take sarcasm so well and it was staring to show. Clutching a fist, she gathered herself, keeping herself from erupting into a maelstrom, Kitara had another sip of her drink calming herself down. ”Who are you Vaulkhar if titles are irrelevant?" She spoke after she had calmed down.

Kitara indeed resembled a spark plug, once ignited she could explode and who knows what would happen next, but Kitara knew she could not explode expectantly and had to keep herself in check. The alcohol helped numbing the sensation to go insane for no apparent reason. Luckily she had found reason before setting her eyes on the sith next to her”Whats your dark side secret my dear”

"A Prince to both the people of Panatha and Iridonia. A Sith Lord within the confines of our empire. A bodyguard to the Dark Lord; my father... not that he really requires it."

As the fire burned within her, the faintest smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Vaulkhar he didn't find enjoyment in these interactions. Most of the time, he found the idea of intentionally pissing others off annoying. What he found so funny was the lack of control. In his early years with the dark side he wore his emotions on his sleeve. Anyone with a hint of practice could read him like a book. But things have changed. He has changed.

"A secret? Hmm.." he appeared outwardly stoic. His thoughts momentarily raced as he considered the question. "I don't think I have a secret. Never really have." The idea of a Sith lacking in any secrets was likely unheard of until now.

"What of you? Any secrets?"

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]​

Kitara Delarosa

Now everything was staring to make sense so Vaulkhar was the Dark Lords bastard, there was no doubt she had heard of him, but her knowledge of the sith empire was slim to say the least. She had only recently become involved, she did not have the luxuries as Vaulkhar so her knowledge of the history of the Sith Empire was lacking. Her former master did not belong to any particular order and she was trained outside of the Sith Empire.

Kitara had not yet made a name for herself to be noticed among any of the sith lords, considering she was still young with dark side. As Vaulkhar had witnessed first hand how she lacks controls of her own emotions and lays them bare for all to see. This has proved to be very dangerous if she is not careful.”Well my Prince, I have just one.I have a twin somewhere in this galaxy and she doesn’t even know I exist.”Only after a short pause”And I never expected to dine with a prince"

"A twin, interesting."

By her statement alone it was safe to assume her sister did not quite throw in with the Sith Empire, or at least that was the assumption he quickly arrived to. His plethora of siblings mostly threw in their lot with his father, though rumors circulated some of their bloodline slipped into the clutches of the Jedi. Unfortunate really. He managed to keep his head low and avoid the majority of his family, but honor alone dictated he slaughter those who fell to Jedi corruption.

If you could even call the twisted sense of morality the half-breed honor. At least he did.

"I don't know if I would call this dinner. Though we are certainly having drinks."

Her attempts at gaining favor did not go unnoticed. Unfortunately for Kitara, she was attempting to curry favor with the wrong Zambrano. Surely she'd realize that in time. If not, it wasn't his problem.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]​


Troublemaking Firestarter
Location: Bastion, Grand Reception Hall, Palace of the Dark Lord

So this was where the action was at. Strange he expected something a bit more... ominous. Nevertheless, the amount of Darksiders gathering in one place was something to see. Bred hadn't been with the Sith Empire very long, so he figured the best place to introduce himself. Standing among a crowd, one would find Bred a bit out of place. He wore no elegant clothing and wasn't one for mannerisms. Though he did like a good party.

Bred ran a hand through his hair. Apparently the Emperor was to show up. Bred took the time to survey the area. They pulled out all the stops for the party, awesome food, and great entertainment.

"Hello...did you hear what I said?" A guest drew Bred out of his thoughts. Bred brought his gaze down to the guest. A frilly noble. "Something about the Emperor?" Bred asked with disinterest. Though the the though of seeing the Emperor himself intrigued the boy. He wondered what the man looked like.

"Yes, he's set to appear sometime." The man said. Bred tilted his head. "Do you think he's twenty feet tall and shoots lasers out of his eyes?" Bred asked with a smirk. The man was about to answer when Bred cut him off. "Wait, I think I heard he could breathe fire! Woah that'd be so cool, like a dragon!" Bred said, his voice full of wonder.

The man rolled his eyes, clearly disgusted. "You dare disrespect the-" Bred held his hand up as he began to walk away. His interest suddenly drawn to something else. "No way! Sorry baldo, found something more interesting than your constant yammering." Bred said. The teen made his way over to the tables of food. So much options, so many colors!

"Wow! Interesting..." He said with wonder. He jabbed his finger at the strange meat with interest. The boy looked around for a second, seemingly dropping the facade. ''

Bred sighed as he looked around. 'How could I make this more interesting?' Bred thought as he stared off into the distance.
Being so small, she had not considered the possibility of being noticed so soon, let alone approached. Funami Teriyaki, eyes full of surprise and curiosity, swallowed another bite and sent it down the miniature black hole that was her stomach. Hearing the voice most definitely addressed to her, she turned around and gazed up. The Sith had to be about ten feet tall, at least from her point of view. She guessed him to be a Sith lord of some importance. Born with a ridiculously underdeveloped ability to sense others through the Force, Funami had to guess and make assumptions. Better to accidentally treat a lowly acolyte like the emperor himself than the other way around and risk drawing their ire.

“My lord!” The small child gasped and hastily regained her composure.

The plate continued to hover and defy the law of gravity, now followed by the glass full of wine to empty her hands. Funami put on the sweetest of smiles, bowed her head, bent the knees outward and swept her right foot behind her while holding her skirt out ever so slightly. The curtsy was elegant and effortless, indicating she had practiced it many times beforehand.

“I am Funami Teriyaki, Sith acolyte and the greatest psychokinetic of all time~!” She simpered and reached for the glass, curling her delicate fingers around its stem.

“As for what I am, well, I’m half-human, half-Zeltron,” the Sithling grinned and pointed at her fluffy pink crown. “See? Half-Zeltron. I’m on a mission to prevent Funami from going completely extinct. If I don’t eat, I starve. If I starve, I die! There will be no more Funami in the galaxy!”

Considering herself a particularly endangered specimen, she psychokinetically moved another piece of Jogan in her mouth, chewing vigorously and still wearing that smug grin of hers.

She raised the wine. “Please, allow me to toast to your good health,” she cheered. “May you live forever and ever!”

Rather than gulp it down, she let go of the glass. At least physically – her thoughts continued to hold it, moving it toward the Sith.

“Um, here! Have my Crème D'Infame, pleeeaseee~! I can’t touch it, for legal reasons.”

[member="Lorale Farmar"]​
[member="Sylara Vaal"]

Joycelyn had barely entered when she was approached by the hostess. The glass Joyce had been handed was bigger than most, just to feel comfortable in her hand. The reddish liquid bubbled lazily as Joycelyn put on a courteous smile in greeting of the concubine.

"Miss Vaal. Your event appears to be a grand success"

She gestured to everything around them with a sweep of her left hand, the right one keeping the drink safe and close.

"I see my father has granted you many favours for your service. You must be very proud."

Joycelyn touched one of the fine pieces of jewellery, causing an orange jewel to spark in the light as she lifted it with her finger and turned it carefully with her thumb. It was a fine piece, exquisitely crafted. Her motion was in no way aggressive, but it was more than simple admiration. Joycelyn looked at Sylara the way one would inspect a prised pet. It was not her pet, of course, but a pet none the less.

She did not linger on it long enough to draw outside attention on it, but casually moved on to other topics, releasing the jewellery from between her fingers as she took a sip from her glass. Her eyes squinted a little as she thought she saw one of the plates disappear over the side of the table.

"Please, introduce me to your guests."

Sylara Vaal

Sylara smiled widely as her jewellry was admired by Jocelyn, before politely nodding her head in response. "Of course, my lady. I would be delighted to!", she said, courteously wrapping her arm around Jocelyn's to guide her through the hustle and bustle of the partygoers. Her gaze came upon Vaulkhar briefly, which she mentioned to the crown princess. "Ahh, it seems your brother managed to sneak in during your own arrival.", she said with a light giggle. She sympathized with him wanting to avoid a grand official entrance.

They soon approached Lorale and Funami, though before they did so, Sylara brought up an important matter. "I wanted to ask. Has there been any word of your father arriving? All the guests are excited to see their Emperor, and I'd feel like an awful host if I disappointed them, though, might I say, they seem overjoyed to see their crown princess in attendance. Your beauty has captured their attention, no doubt.", she said with a smile, her cheeks reddening in a shy blush. She then regained her composure, coughing slightly before she introduced the group to Jocelyn. "I'd like to present Darth Raptious and Vanessa Ventai, my lady. And this is.....", she said, blinking upon spotting the child helping herself to the buffet. "......Who let a child in here?"

[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
[member="Funami Teriyaki"]
[member="Kitara Delarosa"]
[member="Lorale Farmar"]
[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Tehkyram shook his head at the offer. "Don't have the mouth for it." He pulled open his lips and flashed his teeth, a verified set of cig-cutters. "Tabac snaps too easily, even the pipes. Shame, it seems like a habit worth getting into." Burning dead and dessicated leaves in one's mouth? Oh yes, that was certainly up Tehkyram's alley. The carcinogenic nature was a bit of a downside though, cancer was lethal but it was still living. A tumor was still a living organism, just as repulsive as any other. Actually, in many ways the tumor was the perfect embodiment of life: pointless in its existence and malignant in its nature. That was good, he should use that later.

"Tehkyram," he introduced himself to Hakai. Of course, the man's attention was already drawn elsewhere, presumably to the princess. A far cry from how he had last seen her, but she still looked just as Imperial as her father. "You've noticed Darth Vornskyr," he explained. "Daughter of the Emperor and Designated Imperial Heiress. I served under her at Csilla, and she's a formidable leader to be sure. Should her father ever abandon that silly immortality ambition of his, the Empire would be left in good hands." A dangerous thing to say, but Tehkyram felt politically secure enough to dismiss the Emperor's ambitions of conquering the grave. It was a fool's game, one that Vitiate and Sidious and Krayt all had failed at. What hope did Carnifex have? Better to make peace with one's mortality than perpetually deny it.

[member="Hakai Shizukana"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]

Kitara Delarosa

This would be the first time Kitara would see the emperor and the princess herself. This would be the first time she had ever been in the presence of royalty, if you asked her even five years ago if this was even possible she would have thought it insane. She grew up on the opposite side of the galaxy nearly an orphan who worked her way out of an undesirable life., and now sharing drinks with a prince she soon found out wished to go unnoticed by his sister at least.

Now was as good as time as any, her feet were getting cramped and needed to go for a stretch. Kitara was not about to let him refuse, she locked her arm around his.”Prince, take your drink” She didn’t care she led them away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd getting the sense he did not want to be noticed.They passed through a crowd ignoring anything or anyone, to a spot out of the way, where you would really have to look to spot them. A serving droid passed and Kitara took another drink before sitting down on a elegant bench. She sat cross-legged and motioned for him to do the same.

Vaulkhar's eyes narrowed as his attention settled on the arm looped around his own. The sudden contact momentarily took him by surprise, though he didn't pull away. He narrowly managed to grab his drink before being dragged off. The woman's action sent a tinge of annoyance through him, but he didn't complain either. As others took notice of him the risk of increased social interaction grew with time. Having to choose between one long conversation with a less than informed Sith or dozens of randoms posturing for power was a no brainer. The halfbreed downed the remainder of the second drink before setting it atop one servants tray. His hand deftly plucked another glass of champagne as the duo crossed the room.

Arriving at the fine bench, Vaulkhar leaned against it as he sat. One leg gently rest over his knee while he set his chin in his palm and his elbow propped him up against the bench's armrest. His gaze watched the various guests move through the crowds, a slight scowl tugged at his lips. Vaulkhar's head shook as if those before him were not worth the attention he offered them.

"What brought you to this party?"

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]​

Kitara Delarosa

Well at first Kitara anticipated meeting influential people in hopes to further herself within the empire, and she was beginning to understand what she thought of Vaulkhar was quite the opposite he wanted nothing to do with any of what was going on around them or even his family. She had come to terms with it, and settled for whatever would happen next. She really didn’t care at this point, she needed to sit down anyways, all that standing was giving her aches and pains, and thought she could use the company.”Influential people, yet I don’t think I have met one yet, but the night is still young”Taking another sip of her drink, now she was becoming more comfortable speaking her mind as she usually does, knowing full well she probably was getting under his skin.

"Influential people, huh?"

Vaulkhar took a sip of his champagne before gently swirling the contents within the glass. Kitara's assumption was completely correct. He had zero patience for thr political grandeur and intrigue that comes with these events. He often came for a few good drinks, perhaps a companion for the evening, or as a member of his father's entourage. Unfortunately, the Dark Lord was rather busy plotting and planning for the soon-to-come execution of Mandalore. So here he sat, his attention on a complete stranger and his drink in hand.

One wouldn't get the idea the prince was annoyed by his company. Kitara would likely realize there was a rather thick wall of apathy between himself and all others around him. He appeared almost entirely withdrawn on that level.

"You may be interested in meeting my brother, if you seek influence."

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]​

Kitara Delarosa

At any other moment she would have taken the time to meet her brother, but now there were too many other Siths seeking his attention, she wasn’t about to make the mistake of being one of those women groveling at his feet, to be honest she hated those people and she found it disgusting. Although she wanted to meet influential people earlier, she never intended to get caught up in the politics she would rather prove herself out in the battlefield rather than here. Kitara was quite aggravated with herself that she nearly fell into that pit.

“'Id rather not, not here” Kitara spoke coldly.
A server droid took her empty glass and Kitara motioned for another one, she had already a few and the night was still young, if she was not a chiss hyrbrid she would probably be on the floor also it did help that she had more weight to her than most women her height. Needless to say She could hold her own and probably keep up to most people.“Hmm trying to get rid me so soon are we?”She just turned and looked at him with her fiery red eyes.


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